< Psalms 89 >

1 Yahweh, I will sing forever about the ways you faithfully love me; people not yet born will hear that you faithfully [do all that you have promised].
BAE jucanta y minaase Jeova para taejinecog: ya y pachotto nae junamatungo y minagajetmo gui todo y generasion.
2 I will tell people that you will faithfully love us forever, and that your being faithful [to do what you have promised] is as permanent as the sky.
Sa ileco: Y minaase umanacajulo para taejinecog: ya y minagajetmo unnafitme todo gui langet.
3 Yahweh said, “I have made an agreement with David, whom I chose [to serve me]. I have made this solemn (agreement with/promise to) him:
Ya jufatinas y trato gui inayegco, yan manjulayo gui as David ni y tentagojo.
4 ‘I will enable various ones of your descendants to always be kings; the line of kings descended from you [MTY] will never end.’”
Ya y semiyamo junafitme para taejinecog: ya jufatinas julo y tronumo gui todo y generasion. (Sila)
5 Yahweh, I desire that all [those beings who are in] [MTY] heaven will praise you for the wonderful things that you do, and that all your holy angels will sing about how you faithfully [do what you promise].
Ya y langet sija ufanmanalaba ni y ninamanmanmo, O Jeova: y minagajetmo locue gui inetnon y mañantos.
6 There is no one [RHQ] in heaven who can be compared with you, Yahweh. There are no angels [RHQ] in heaven who are equal to you.
Sa jaye gui langet sija siña parejuña si Jeova? Jaye gui lajin y gaeninasiña uparejuña si Jeova?
7 When your holy angels gather together, they declare that you must be revered; they say that you are more awesome than all the angels that surround your throne!
Si Yuus, gosnamaañao gui pinagat y mañantos, yan umamaanaogüe güe mas qui todo ni ayo sija y mangaegue gui oriyaña.
8 O Yahweh, God Almighty, there is no one [RHQ] who is powerful like you are; your faithfully doing [all that you promise] is [like a cloak that] [MET] [always] surrounds you.
O Jeova, Yuus y inetnon sendalo, jaye matatnga parejo yan jago, O YAH? ya y minagajetmo ni y gaegue gui oriyamo?
9 You rule over the powerful seas; when their waves rise up, you calm them.
Jago umaregla y sobetbian tase: anae y napo mangajulo, jago pumoca sija.
10 You are the one who crushed [and killed the great sea monster named] Rahab. You [defeated and] scattered your enemies with your great power [MTY].
Jago yumamag iya Rahab ya unfapidaso taegüije y uno ni y mapuno; jago chumalapon y enimigumo ni y canae y minetgotmo.
11 The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; and everything on the earth is yours, because you created it all.
Y langet sija iyomo, yan yo tano locue iyomo: y tano yan y binilan sinajguanña ni y plinantamo sija.
12 You created [everything from] the north to the south. Tabor [Mountain] and Hermon [Mountain] joyfully praise you [MTY].
Y sanlago yan y sanjaya, jago fumatinas sija: Tabor yan Hermon manmagof ni y naanmo.
13 (You/Your arms) are very powerful; (you/your hands) are extremely strong.
Gaegue guiya jago y canae ni y matatnga: sa y canaemo metgot, ya taquilo y agapa na canaemo.
14 (Your rule [MTY] over us is based on/As you rule over us, you are always) treating people fairly and justly, and on/are always faithfully loving us and doing [what you promised].
Y tininas yan y juisio y plinantan tronumo: minaase yan minagajet manjajanao gui menan metamo.
15 Yahweh, happy are the people who worship you with joyful shouts, who live knowing that you are always watching over them.
Mandichoso ayo na taotao y tumungo y magof na inagang: sa manmamocat gui mananan y matamo, O Jeova.
16 Every day, throughout the day, they rejoice in what you [MTY] [have done], and they praise you for being very good [to them].
Sa y naanmo nae manmamagof todot dia: yan y tininasmo nae munafangajulo.
17 You give us your glorious strength; because you act in our favor, we defeat [MET] [our enemies].
Sa jago y minalag y minetgotñija: yan pot y finaboresimo na injatsajulo y canggelonmame.
18 Yahweh, you gave us [the one who] protects us [MET]; you, the holy God whom we Israelis worship, chose a king for us.
Sa iyon Jeova y patangta: yan y rayta iyon Ayo na Santos guiya Israel.
19 Long ago you spoke in a vision to one of your servants/prophets, saying, “I have helped a famous soldier; I chose him from among all the people to be a king.
Ayonae unsangan gui guinigüife gui mañantosmo, ya ilegmo: guajo jupolo y inayuda gui jilo y uno ni y matatnga: yan junacajulo y uno na y maayeg gui taotao.
20 That man is David, the one who will serve me [faithfully], and I anointed him with sacred olive oil [to make him king].
Jusoda si David na tentagojo; ya jupalae güe nu y santos na lañajo.
21 I [MTY] will always strengthen him; with my power [MTY] I will make him strong.
Guiya y canaejo munafitme: yan y canaejoja locue munametgot güe:
22 His enemies will never find ways to defeat him, and wicked people will never defeat him.
Ya y enimigo taeinamot guiya güiya: ni y lajin y manaelaye ti umanalamen güe.
23 I will crush his enemies in front of him and get rid of those who hate him.
Sa bae juyute papa y contrarioña gui menaña yan jucastiga ayo sija y chumatlie güe.
24 I will always be loyal to him and faithfully love him and enable him to defeat [MET] [his enemies].
Lao y minagajetto yan y minaasejo usaga guiya güiya: yan pot y naanjo na umanacajulo y canggelonña.
25 I will cause (his kingdom/the area that he rules) to include all the land from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Euphrates] River.
Ya bae jupolo y canaeña locue gui jalom tase, yan y agapa na canaeña gui jalom sadog.
26 He will say to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, the one who protects [MET] and saves me.’
Sa güiya umalog ni guajo: Jago y tatajo, Yuusso, yan y acho gui satbasionjo.
27 I will give him [the rights/privileges that a man’s] firstborn son has [MET]; he will be the greatest king on the earth.
Bae jupolo güe locue pot finenana na finañagujo, mas taquiloña qui y ray sija gui tano.
28 I will always be loyal to him, and my agreement [to bless] him will last forever.
Y minaasejo bae juadaje pot güiya para taejinecog, yan y tratujo ufitme guiya güiya.
29 I will establish a line of his descendants that will never end, various ones of his descendants will always be kings.
Y semiyaña locue junasaga para ugaegue taejinecog, yan y tronuña taegüije y jaanen y langet.
30 But, if [some of] his descendants disobey my laws, and do not not behave like my commands say that they should,
Yaguin famaguonña dumingo y tinagojo, yan ti manmamomocat gui juisioco,
31 if they disregard my requirements and do not do the right things that I have told them to do,
Yaguin maquebranta y layjo yan ti maadaje y tinagojo;
32 I will punish them severely [MTY] and cause them to suffer for doing wrong.
Ayo nae jufatoegüe gui inaguaguatñija yan y bara, ya jusaulag gui tinaelayeñija.
33 But I will not stop faithfully loving [David], and I will always do what I promised him.
Lao y minaasejo ti junajanao todo guiya güiya: ya ti jupolo na ufatta y minagajetto.
34 I will not break the agreement that I made with him; I will not change even one word that I spoke [to him].
Y tratujo ti juquebranta ni jutolaeca y sinanganjo ni jumuyong gui labiosso.
35 Once I made a solemn promise to David, and that will never change, and because I am God, I will never lie to David.
Un biajeja jufanjula pot y sinantosso ya ti judague si David.
36 [I promised that] the line of kings descended from him will go on forever; it will last as long as the sun [shines].
Y semiyaña gagaegue para taejinecog, yan y tronuña taegüijeja y atdao gui menajo.
37 That line will (be as permanent/last as long) as the moon that is always watching everything from the sky.
Ya maplanta para taejinecog taegüije y pilan, ya taegüije y gosmagajet na testigo gui langet. (Sila)
38 But [Yahweh], now you have rejected [DOU] David! You are very angry with the king whom you appointed.
Lao jago jagasja unyute yan unrechasa, jago jagasja lalalojao ni y pinalaemo.
39 [It seems that] you have broken the agreement that you made with your servant, [David]; it seems as though you [have signaled that he is no longer the king by] throwing his crown into the dust/dirt.
Sa unchatlie y traton y tentagomo; ya unnaale y coronaña asta papa gui jilo oda.
40 You have torn down the walls [that protect] his [city], and allowed all his forts to become ruins.
Unyamag papa todo y quelatña; yan unyulang y minetgot na castiyaña.
41 All those who pass by plunder/steal his possessions; his neighbors (laugh at/ridicule) him.
Ya todo y manmalolofan gui ayo na chalan mayuteñaeñaejon: güiya manamamamajlao ni y tiguangña.
42 You have enabled his enemies to defeat him; you have made them all happy.
Jago jumatsa julo y agapa na canae y contrariuña sija; yan jago munafanmagof todo y enimiguña.
43 You have caused his sword to become useless, and you have not helped him in his battles.
Magajet na jago locue bumira y filon y espadaña, ya ti unnafitme güe gui guera.
44 You have caused his splendor to end (OR, You have taken away his power by knocking his throne to the ground.
Jago jagasja munabasta y minalagña, yan unyute y tronuña papa gui jilo oda.
45 You have caused him to look old when he is still young and caused him to be very shamed/disgraced.
Ya y jaanen y pinatgonña jago jagasja munacadada: jago jagasja tumampe güe ni y minamajlao. (Sila)
46 O Yahweh, how long [will this continue]? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your anger burn like a fire?
Asta ngaean, O Jeova, ada unatogjao para taejinecog? Asta ngaean ufañila y binibumo taagüije y guafe?
47 Do not forget that life is very short; have you created all us people in vain?
O, jaso na quinadada y tiempoco esta: pot jafa na taesetbe jagas unfatinas todo y famaguan taotao?
48 No one can [RHQ] keep on living and never die; (No one can [RHQ] avoid going/Everyone will go) to the place of the dead. (Sheol h7585)
Jaye na taotao enao y lalâlâ ya ti ulie finatae, ni y ujanalibre y antiña gui ninasiñan y naftan? (Sila) (Sheol h7585)
49 Yahweh, you promised long ago that you would faithfully love us; why are you not doing that? You solemnly promised that to David!
Jeova, mangue y minaasemo sija ni y ampmam, ni y jinilamo as David gui minagajetmo?
50 Yahweh, do not forget that people insult me! (Heathen people/People who do not know you) curse me!
Jaso, Jeova, y minamajlao y tentagomo sija: ni y jucatgaja gui jalom pechoco, y minamamajlao y taotao todo ni y matatnga:
51 Yahweh, your enemies insult your chosen king! They insult/ridicule him wherever he goes.
Ni y enimigumo mannanamamajlao, O Jeova: ni y enimigumo munamamajlao y pinecat y pinalaemo.
52 I hope/desire that Yahweh will be praised forever! Amen! May it be so!
Bendito si Jeova para taejinecog: Amen yan Amen.

< Psalms 89 >