< Psalms 86 >

1 Yahweh, listen [IDM] to what I say and answer me, because I am weak and needy.
Prière de David. Éternel, prête l'oreille, exauce-moi! car je suis misérable et pauvre.
2 Prevent me from dying now, because I (am loyal to/continue to believe in) you; save/rescue me, because I serve you and I trust in you, my God.
Garde mon âme, car je suis fidèle! Sois en aide, toi, mon Dieu, à ton serviteur qui se confie en toi!
3 Lord, be kind to me, because I cry out to you all during the day.
Prends pitié de moi, Seigneur, car je t'implore tous les jours!
4 Lord, cause me to be glad, because I (pray to/worship) [IDM] you.
Réjouis l'âme de ton serviteur, car à toi, Seigneur, j'élève mon âme.
5 Lord, you are good [to us], and you forgive [us]; you faithfully love very much all those who (pray/call out) to you.
Car, Seigneur, tu es bon et clément, et riche en amour pour tous ceux qui t'invoquent.
6 Lord, listen to my prayer; hear me when I cry out to you to help me.
Éternel, prête l'oreille à ma prière, sois attentif à mes supplications.
7 When I have troubles, I call out to you, because you answer me.
Dans mon jour de détresse, je t'implore, parce que tu m'exauces.
8 Lord, among all the gods [whom the heathen nations worship], there is no one like you; not one of them has done [the great things] that you have done.
Entre les dieux nul n'est pareil à toi, Seigneur, et rien n'égale tes œuvres.
9 Lord, [some day, people from] all the nations that you have established will come and bow down in front of you and they will praise you [MTY].
Que tous les peuples que tu as faits, viennent se prosterner devant toi, Seigneur, et honorer ton nom!
10 You are great, and you do wonderful/marvelous things; only you are God.
Car tu es grand, tu opères des miracles, seul tu es Dieu.
11 Yahweh, teach me what you want me to do in order that I may conduct my life according to what you say, which is true. Cause/Teach me to revere you.
Éternel, montre-moi ta voie, pour que je marche dans ta vérité! Concentre mon cœur dans la crainte de ton nom!
12 Lord, my God, I [will] thank you with all my inner being, and I will praise you forever.
Je veux te louer, Seigneur, mon Dieu, de tout mon cœur, et honorer éternellement ton nom!
13 You faithfully love me very much; you have prevented me from [dying and going to] the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
car ta miséricorde est grande envers moi; tu arraches mon âme du fond des Enfers. (Sheol h7585)
14 But God, proud men are [trying to] attack me; a gang/group of cruel men are wanting to kill me; they are men who do not have any (respect for/interest in) you.
O Dieu! des superbes s'élèvent contre moi, et une bande de furieux attente à ma vie; et ils n'ont pas les yeux tournés vers toi.
15 But Lord, you always are mercifully and kind; you do not become angry quickly, you faithfully love us very much and always do for us what you have promised to do.
Cependant, Seigneur, tu es un Dieu miséricordieux et bon lent à t'irriter, et riche en grâce et en fidélité.
16 Look down toward me and be merciful to me; cause me to be strong and save/rescue me who serves you [faithfully] like my mother did.
Tourne tes regards vers moi, et prends pitié de moi! Accorde ta protection à ton serviteur, et sois en aide au fils de ta servante.
17 Yahweh, do something to show me that you are being good to me in order that those who hate me will see that you have encouraged me and helped me, and as a result they will be ashamed.
Opère en ma faveur un signe pour me sauver! Que mes ennemis le voient, et soient confondus! car, Éternel, tu m'assistes et me consoles.

< Psalms 86 >