< Psalms 81 >

1 Sing [songs] to praise God, who enables us to be strong [when we fight our enemies]; shout joyfully to God, whom we (descendants of Jacob/Israeli people) [worship]!
Auf der Githith vorzusingen: Assaph. Singet fröhlich Gott, der unsere Stärke ist; jauchzet dem Gott Jakobs!
2 Start [playing] the music, and beat the tambourines, and play nice music on the harps and (lyres/other stringed instruments).
Nehmet die Psalmen und gebet her die Pauken, liebliche Harfen mit Psalter.
3 Blow the trumpets [during the festival to celebrate] each new moon and each time the moon is full and during our [other] festivals.
Blaset im Neumonden die Posaunen, in unserm Fest der Laubrüste.
4 [Do that] because that is a law for [us] Israeli [people]; God commanded it for us descendants of Jacob.
Denn solches ist eine Weise in Israel und ein Recht des Gottes Jakobs.
5 He commanded us Israeli [people to obey it] when he punished [the people of] Egypt. I heard someone [MTY] whose voice I did not recognize, saying,
Solches hat er zum Zeugnis gesetzt unter Joseph, da sie aus Ägyptenland zogen, und fremde Sprache gehöret hatten,
6 “[After the rulers of Egypt forced you Israelis to work as slaves], I took those [heavy] burdens off your backs, and I enabled you to lay down those [heavy] baskets [of bricks that you were carrying].
da ich ihre Schulter von der Last entlediget hatte, und ihre Hände der Töpfe los wurden.
7 When you were [greatly] distressed, you called [out to me], and I rescued you; I answered you out of a thundercloud. [Later] I tested [whether you would trust me to give you] water [when you were in the desert] at Meribah.
Da du mich in der Not anriefest, half ich dir aus; und erhörete dich, da dich das Wetter überfiel, und versuchte dich am Haderwasser. (Sela)
8 [You who are] my people, listen while I warn you! I wish that you Israeli [people] would pay attention to what I [say to you]!
Höre, mein Volk, ich will unter dir zeugen; Israel, du sollst mich hören,
9 You must not have any idols of other gods among you; you must never bow to worship any of them!
daß unter dir kein anderer Gott sei, und du keinen fremden Gott anbetest.
10 I am Yahweh, your God; It was [not any of those other gods] who brought you out of Egypt, I am the one who did it! [So] ask me what you want me to do for you [MTY], and I will do it.
Ich bin der HERR, dein Gott, der dich aus Ägyptenland geführet hat. Tue deinen Mund weit auf, laß mich ihn füllen!
11 But my people would not listen to me [SYN]; they would not obey me.
Aber mein Volk gehorcht nicht meiner Stimme, und Israel will mein nicht.
12 So even though they were very stubborn, I allowed them to do whatever they wanted to do.
So hab ich sie gelassen in ihres Herzens Dünkel, daß sie wandeln nach ihrem Rat.
13 I wish that my people would listen to me, that the Israeli [people] would behave as I want them to do.
Wollte mein Volk mir gehorsam sein und Israel auf meinem Wege gehen,
14 [If they did that], I would quickly defeat their enemies; I would strike/punish [all of] them [DOU].
so wollte ich ihre Feinde bald dämpfen und meine Hand über ihre Widerwärtigen wenden;
15 [Then all] those who hate me would (cringe before/bow down to) me, and [then I] would punish them [MTY] forever.
und die den HERRN hassen, müßten an ihm fehlen; ihre Zeit aber würde ewiglich währen.
16 [But] I would give you [Israelis] very good wheat/grain, and I would fill your stomachs with wild honey.”

< Psalms 81 >