< Psalms 76 >

1 People in Judah know God; the Israeli people honor him [MTY].
परमेश्‍वरले आफैलाई यहूदामा प्रकट गर्नुभएको छ । इस्राएलमा उहाँको नाउँ महान् छ ।
2 His home is in Jerusalem; he lives on Zion [Hill].
उहाँको पाल शालेममा छ । उहाँको बासस्‍थान सियोनमा छ ।
3 There he broke the flaming arrows [that his enemies shot], [and he also broke] their shields and swords and other weapons that they used in battles.
त्यहाँ उहाँले धनुको काँड, तरवार, ढाल र युद्धका अन्य हतियारहरू नष्‍ट गर्नुभयो । सेला
4 God, you are glorious! You are like a king [as you return from] the mountains [where you defeated your enemies].
पर्वतहरूमाथि तपाईंले आफ्‍ना शिकारहरू मारेर ओर्लनुहुँदा तपाईं चम्‍किनुहुन्‍छ र आफ्‍नो माहिमा प्रकट गर्नुहुन्छ ।
5 Their brave soldiers [were killed, and then those who killed them] took away everything that those soldiers had. Those enemies died [EUP], [so] they were unable to use their weapons [any more]!
साहसी हृदय भएकाहरू लुटिएका थिए । तिनीहरू मस्त निद्रमा परे । सबै योद्धाहरू असहाय थिए ।
6 When you, the God whom Jacob [worshiped], rebuked [your enemies], [the result was that their] horses and their riders fell down dead.
हे याकूबको परमेश्‍वर, तपाईंले हप्काउनुहुँदा घोडाचढी र घोडा दुवै मस्त निद्रामा परे ।
7 But you cause everyone to be afraid. When you are angry [and you punish people], no one can [RHQ] endure it.
तपाईंको, हो तपाईंकै भय मानिन्छ । तपाईं रिसाउनुहुँदा तपाईंको सामु को खडा हुन सक्छ र?
8 From heaven you proclaimed that you would judge people, [and then everyone on] the earth was afraid and did not say [anything more],
स्वर्गबाट तपाईंले आफ्नो न्याय सुनाउनुभयो । पृथ्वी भयभीत र चूपचाप थियो ।
9 when you arose to declare that you would punish [wicked people] and rescue all those whom they had oppressed.
हे परमेश्‍वर, जति बेला तपाईं न्याय गर्न र पृथ्वीका सबै थिचोमिचोमा परेकाहरूलाई बचाउन उठ्नुभयो । सेला
10 When [you punish those] with whom you are angry, your people will praise you, and [your enemies] who (survive/are not killed) will worship you on your festival days.
निश्‍चय नै, मानवजातिको विरुद्धमा तपाईंको क्रोधपूर्ण न्यायले तपाईंलाई प्रशंसा ल्याउनेछ । तपाईंको क्रोधबाट बाँकी रहेकाहरूले तपाईंले आफूलाई घेर्नुहोस् ।
11 [So] give to Yahweh the offerings that you promised to give to him; all the people of nearby people-groups should also bring gifts to him, the one who is awesome.
परमप्रभु आफ्‍ना परमेश्‍वरसँग भाकल गर र ती पुरा गर । उहाँको वरिपरि भएका सबै जनाले उहाँलाई उपहारहरू ल्याऊन् जसको भय मान्‍नुपर्छ ।
12 He humbles [IDM] princes, and [even] causes [great] kings to be terrified.
उहाँले शासकहरूका आत्मा नाश पार्नुहुन्छ । पृथ्वीका राजाहरूले उहाँको भय मान्छन् ।

< Psalms 76 >