< Psalms 76 >

1 People in Judah know God; the Israeli people honor him [MTY].
Pou chèf sanba yo. Se sou enstriman akòd pou yo jwe mizik la. Sòm Asaf sa a, se yon chante li ye. Yo konnen ki moun Bondye ye nan tout peyi Jida. Se tout moun k'ap nonmen non l' nan peyi Izrayèl.
2 His home is in Jerusalem; he lives on Zion [Hill].
Li gen kay li lavil Salèm, li rete sou mòn Siyon.
3 There he broke the flaming arrows [that his enemies shot], [and he also broke] their shields and swords and other weapons that they used in battles.
Se la li te kase flèch yo, se la li te kase zam yo gen pou defann yo, ak zam yo gen pou atake. Wi, li kase tout zam moun sèvi pou fè lagè.
4 God, you are glorious! You are like a king [as you return from] the mountains [where you defeated your enemies].
Gade jan ou gen pouvwa, Bondye! Gade jan w'ap mache tèt wo, lè w'ap desann soti nan mòn kote ou te kraze lènmi ou yo!
5 Their brave soldiers [were killed, and then those who killed them] took away everything that those soldiers had. Those enemies died [EUP], [so] they were unable to use their weapons [any more]!
Sòlda ki te gen anpil kouraj nan lagè pèdi tout zafè yo. Koulye a y'ap dòmi nèt, yo mouri. Pa gen yonn nan vanyan gason sa yo ki te ka defann tèt yo.
6 When you, the God whom Jacob [worshiped], rebuked [your enemies], [the result was that their] horses and their riders fell down dead.
Aa, Bondye Jakòb! Depi ou fè va sou yo, ni kavalye ni chwal, yo tout yo tonbe, yo mouri frèt.
7 But you cause everyone to be afraid. When you are angry [and you punish people], no one can [RHQ] endure it.
Men ou menm, ou fè moun respekte ou! Kilès ki ka rete kanpe devan ou lè ou an kòlè?
8 From heaven you proclaimed that you would judge people, [and then everyone on] the earth was afraid and did not say [anything more],
Ou rete nan syèl la, ou fè konnen jan w'ap jije. Tout moun ki sou latè rete dousman tèlman yo pè,
9 when you arose to declare that you would punish [wicked people] and rescue all those whom they had oppressed.
lè Bondye leve pou bay santans li, pou l' delivre tout malere y'ap peze sou tè a.
10 When [you punish those] with whom you are angry, your people will praise you, and [your enemies] who (survive/are not killed) will worship you on your festival days.
Menm lè lèzòm an kòlè, sa sèvi yon lwanj pou ou. Moun ou sove anba lanmò va fè fèt pou ou.
11 [So] give to Yahweh the offerings that you promised to give to him; all the people of nearby people-groups should also bring gifts to him, the one who is awesome.
Fè pwomès ou bay Seyè a ki Bondye, epi kenbe pawòl ou. Nou menm, tout nasyon ki bò kote l' yo, pote kado bay Bondye ki fè moun respekte l' la.
12 He humbles [IDM] princes, and [even] causes [great] kings to be terrified.
Li kraze lògèy chèf yo, li fè wa latè yo respekte l'.

< Psalms 76 >