< Psalms 56 >

1 God, be merciful to me because men have harassed me; all day my enemies pursue me.
Pou chèf sanba yo. Se pou yo chante sou lè chante ki di: Pijon ki sou pye terebent byen lwen yo. Se yon chante David te ekri lè moun Filisti yo te mete men sou li nan lavil Gat. Bondye papa mwen! Gen pitye pou mwen, paske mwen gen anpil moun k'ap pousib mwen. Tout lajounen y'ap fè m' lagè, y'ap toumante mwen.
2 My enemies harass me all day long; there are many of them who proudly attack me.
Tout lajounen lènmi m' yo ap pousib mwen. Se pa ti anpil yo anpil, moun k'ap fè m' lagè yo.
3 But whenever I am afraid, I trust in you.
Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la, lè mwen pè, se nan ou mwen mete tout konfyans mwen.
4 God, I praise/thank you because you do what you have promised; I trust in you, and then I am not afraid. Ordinary humans certainly cannot [RHQ] harm me!
Mwen gen konfyans nan Bondye. M'ap fè lwanj pawòl li. Mwen pa pè anyen. Kisa lèzòm ka fè m'?
5 All day long my enemies claim that I said things that I did not say (OR, try to destroy what I am doing); they are always thinking of ways to harm me.
Tout lajounen y'ap manke m' dega. Se yon sèl lide yo gen nan tèt yo: se fè mwen mal!
6 In order to cause trouble for me, they hide and watch everything that I do, waiting for [an opportunity] to kill me [MTY].
Yo mete tèt yo ansanm, yo kache kò yo, y'ap veye tout vire tounen mwen. Y'ap tann okazyon konsa pou yo touye m'.
7 So, God, punish them for the wicked things that they are doing; show that you are angry by defeating those people!
Pa gen sove pou yo, paske yo fè twòp. Lè ou an kòlè, Bondye, fè pèp yo vin ba devan ou.
8 You have counted [all] the times that I have been wandering alone/distressed; [it is as though] you have put [all] my tears in a bottle [in order that you can see how much I have cried]. [You have counted my tears and written] the number in your book.
Ou konnen tout kouri kache mwen yo. Ou konnen jan dlo koule nan je m'. Eske tout sa pa ekri nan liv ou a?
9 When I call out to you, [my] God, my enemies will be defeated; I know that will happen, because you are fighting for me.
Se poutèt sa lènmi m' yo gen pou kouri ale lè m' rele ou. Mwen konnen Bondye pou mwen.
10 I praise/thank you that you do what you have promised; Yahweh, I [will always] praise you for that [DOU].
M'ap fè lwanj pawòl Bondye. Wi, m'ap fè lwanj pawòl Seyè a.
11 I trust in you, and as a result, I will not be afraid. I know that humans cannot really [RHQ] harm me!
Mwen gen konfyans nan Bondye, mwen pa pè anyen. Kisa lèzòm ka fè mwen?
12 I will bring to you the offering that I promised; I will bring an offering to you to thank you,
O Bondye, m'ap ofri ou sa mwen te pwomèt ou yo, m'ap ofri bèt pou yo touye pou ou pou m' di ou mèsi.
13 because you have rescued me from being killed; you have kept me from stumbling. As a result, I will continue to live in your presence in the light that [shines on those who are still] alive (OR, in the light that [enables people to] live).
Paske ou pa kite m' mouri, ou pa kite m' bite, pou m' kapab mache devan ou nan mitan bèl limyè k'ap klere moun k'ap viv pou ou yo.

< Psalms 56 >