< Psalms 53 >

1 [Only] foolish people say to themselves, “There is no God!” People who say that are corrupt; they commit terrible sins; there is not one of them who does what is good/right.
To the ouercomer bi the quere, the lernyng of Dauid. The vnwise man seide in his herte; God is not. Thei ben `corrupt, and maad abhomynable in her wickidnessis; noon is that doith good.
2 God looks down from heaven and sees humans; he looks to see if anyone is [very] wise, with the result that he seeks [to know] God.
God bihelde fro heuene on the sones of men; that he se, if `ony is vndurstondynge, ether sekynge God.
3 [But] they are all morally corrupt; no one does what is good/right.
Alle boweden awei, thei ben maad vnprofitable togidre; noon is that doith good, ther is not til to oon.
4 Will all these evil people never learn [what God will do to them]? They act violently toward Yahweh’s people while eating the food that he provides, and they never pray to Yahweh.
Whether alle men, that worchen wickidnesse, schulen not wite; whiche deuouren my puple as the mete of breed?
5 But [some day] those people will become terrified, like they have never been terrified before, because God will cause those who are separated from him to die, and he will [disrespect them by] scattering their bones. They have rejected God, so he will cause them to be [defeated and] completely disgraced.
Thei clepiden not God; there thei trembliden for drede, where no drede was. For God hath scaterid the boones of hem, that plesen men; thei ben schent, for God hath forsake hem.
6 I wish/desire that someone from Jerusalem [MTY] would come and rescue the Israeli [people]! God, when you bless your people again, [all] the Israeli [people, all the descendants of] Jacob, will rejoice.
Who schal yyue fro Syon helthe to Israel? whanne the Lord hath turned the caitifte of his puple, Jacob schal `ful out make ioie, and Israel schal be glad.

< Psalms 53 >