< Psalms 5 >

1 Yahweh, listen to me while I pray! Pay attention to me when I am groaning [because I am suffering very much].
Untuk pemimpin biduan. Dengan permainan suling. Mazmur Daud. Berilah telinga kepada perkataanku, ya TUHAN, indahkanlah keluh kesahku.
2 You are my King and my God. When I call to you to ask you to help me, listen to me, because you are the one to whom I pray.
Perhatikanlah teriakku minta tolong, ya Rajaku dan Allahku, sebab kepada-Mulah aku berdoa.
3 Listen to me when I pray to you [each] morning, and I wait for you to reply.
TUHAN, pada waktu pagi Engkau mendengar seruanku, pada waktu pagi aku mengatur persembahan bagi-Mu, dan aku menunggu-nunggu.
4 You are not a god who is pleased with wicked people; you do not (associate with/invite into your house) [those who do what is] evil.
Sebab Engkau bukanlah Allah yang berkenan kepada kefasikan; orang jahat takkan menumpang pada-Mu.
5 You do not allow those who are very proud to come to you to worship you. You hate all those who do evil things.
Pembual tidak akan tahan di depan mata-Mu; Engkau membenci semua orang yang melakukan kejahatan.
6 You get rid of liars, and you despise those who murder [others] and those who deceive [others].
Engkau membinasakan orang-orang yang berkata bohong, TUHAN jijik melihat penumpah darah dan penipu.
7 Yahweh, because you love me so much and so faithfully, I come into your temple. I revere you greatly, and I bow down to worship you at your sacred temple.
Tetapi aku, berkat kasih setia-Mu yang besar, aku akan masuk ke dalam rumah-Mu, sujud menyembah ke arah bait-Mu yang kudus dengan takut akan Engkau.
8 Yahweh, because you act righteously toward me, show me what is right for me to do. Because I have many enemies, show me clearly what you want me to do.
TUHAN, tuntunlah aku dalam keadilan-Mu karena seteruku; ratakanlah jalan-Mu di depanku.
9 My enemies never say what is true; they just want to destroy [others]. The things that they say [MTY] are [as foul as] an open grave [where a corpse is decaying]. They use their tongues to tell lies.
Sebab perkataan mereka tidak ada yang jujur, batin mereka penuh kebusukan, kerongkongan mereka seperti kubur ternganga, lidah mereka merayu-rayu.
10 O God, declare that they are guilty [MTY] [and punish them]. Cause them to experience the same disasters/troubles that they plan to cause to happen to others. Get rid of them because they have committed many sins, and they have rebelled against you.
Biarlah mereka menanggung kesalahan mereka, ya Allah, biarlah mereka jatuh karena rancangannya sendiri; buanglah mereka karena banyaknya pelanggaran mereka, sebab mereka memberontak terhadap Engkau.
11 But cause that all those who go to you to be protected will rejoice; cause them to sing joyfully to you forever. Protect those who love you [MTY]; they are truly happy because (of what you [do for them/they belong to] you).
Tetapi semua orang yang berlindung pada-Mu akan bersukacita, mereka akan bersorak-sorai selama-lamanya, karena Engkau menaungi mereka; dan karena Engkau akan bersukaria orang-orang yang mengasihi nama-Mu.
12 Yahweh, you always bless those who act righteously; you protect them like a [soldier is protected by his] shield [SIM].
Sebab Engkaulah yang memberkati orang benar, ya TUHAN; Engkau memagari dia dengan anugerah-Mu seperti perisai.

< Psalms 5 >