< Psalms 42 >

1 Deer pant, desiring to drink water from a stream [when there is a drought] (OR, [when they are being pursued by hunters].) In the same way [SIM], God, I need you very much.
伶長にうたはしめたるコラの子のをしへの歌 ああ神よしかの渓水をしたひ喘ぐがごとく わが霊魂もなんぢをしたひあえぐなり
2 I desire to have fellowship with [MET] you, the all-powerful God. [I wonder], “When will I be able to go [back to the temple in Israel] and worship in your presence again?”
わがたましひは渇けるごとくに神をしたふ 活神をぞしたふ 何れのときにか我ゆきて神のみまへにいでん
3 Every day and every night I cry; [it is as though] the only thing I have to drink is my tears; and while I do that, my enemies are continually asking me, “Why does your god not [help you]?”
かれらが終日われにむかひて なんぢの神はいづくにありやとののしる間はただわが涙のみ昼夜そそぎてわが糧なりき
4 I am very distressed [IDM] as I remember when I went with the crowd of people to the temple [in Jerusalem], leading them as we walked along; we were all shouting joyfully and singing to thank God [for what he had done]; we were a large group who were celebrating.
われむかし群をなして祭日をまもる衆人とともにゆき歓喜と讃美のこゑをあげてかれらを神の家にともなへり 今これらのことを追想してわが衷よりたましひを注ぎいだすなり
5 So [I say to] myself, “(Why am I sad and discouraged?/I should not be sad and discouraged!) [RHQ] I confidently expect God [to help me], and again I will praise him, my God, the one who saves me.”
ああわが霊魂よ なんぢ何ぞうなたるるや なんぞわが衷におもひみだるるや なんぢ神をまちのぞめ われに聖顔のたすけありて我なほわが神をめたたふべければなり
6 [But now, Yahweh], I am very discouraged [IDM], so I think about you, even from where the Jordan [River] gushes out from the bottom of Hermon [Mountain] and from Mizar Mountain.
わが神よわがたましひはわが衷にうなたる 然ばわれヨルダンの地よりヘルモンよりミザルの山より汝をおもひいづ
7 But here, the great sorrow that I feel is like water that you send down [MET]; [it is like] a waterfall that tumbles down and floods over me.
なんぢの大瀑のひびきによりて淵々よびこたへ なんぢの波なんぢの猛浪ことごとくわが上をこえゆけり
8 Yahweh shows me each day that he faithfully loves me, and each night I sing to him and pray to him, the God who causes me to live.
然はあれど昼はヱホバその憐憫をほどこしたまふ 夜はその歌われとともにあり 此うたはわがいのちの神にささぐる祈なり
9 I say to God, [who is like] an [overhanging] rock [under which I can hide] [MET], “It seems that you have forgotten me. I (mourn/cry) constantly because my enemies act cruelly toward me” [RHQ].
われわが磐なる神にいはん なんぞわれを忘れたまひしや なんぞわれは仇のしへたげによりて悲しみありくや
10 They make fun of me constantly; they continually ask, “Why does your god not help you?” [RHQ] And when they insult me [like that], [it is like] wounds that I feel even in my bones.
わが骨もくだくるぼかりにわがてきはひねもす我にむかひて なんぢの神はいづくに心りやといひののしりつつ我をそしれり
11 But [I think, ] “(Why am I sad and discouraged?/I should not be sad and discouraged!) [RHQ] I will confidently expect God [to help me], and I will praise him again, my God, the one who saves me.”
ああわがたましひよ 汝なんぞうなたるるや 何ぞわがうちに思ひみだるるや なんぢ神をまちのぞめ われ尚わがかほの助なるわが神をほめたたふべければなり

< Psalms 42 >