< Psalms 42 >

1 Deer pant, desiring to drink water from a stream [when there is a drought] (OR, [when they are being pursued by hunters].) In the same way [SIM], God, I need you very much.
Untuk pemimpin kor. Nyanyian pengajaran kaum Korah. Seperti rusa merindukan air sungai, demikian jiwaku merindukan Engkau, ya Allah.
2 I desire to have fellowship with [MET] you, the all-powerful God. [I wonder], “When will I be able to go [back to the temple in Israel] and worship in your presence again?”
Aku merindukan Allah yang hidup, kapan aku boleh pergi beribadat di Rumah-Nya?
3 Every day and every night I cry; [it is as though] the only thing I have to drink is my tears; and while I do that, my enemies are continually asking me, “Why does your god not [help you]?”
Siang malam aku menangis, hanya air mata makananku. Sepanjang hari musuhku bertanya, "Di mana Allahmu?"
4 I am very distressed [IDM] as I remember when I went with the crowd of people to the temple [in Jerusalem], leading them as we walked along; we were all shouting joyfully and singing to thank God [for what he had done]; we were a large group who were celebrating.
Hatiku sedih kalau teringat waktu dahulu, ketika aku menuju ke Rumah TUHAN bersama orang banyak yang mengadakan perayaan. Aku berjalan di depan perarakan dengan sorak-sorai dan lagu pujian.
5 So [I say to] myself, “(Why am I sad and discouraged?/I should not be sad and discouraged!) [RHQ] I confidently expect God [to help me], and again I will praise him, my God, the one who saves me.”
Mengapa hatiku sedih dan gelisah? Aku berharap kepada Allah. Maka aku akan bersyukur lagi kepada-Nya, kepada Allahku dan penyelamatku.
6 [But now, Yahweh], I am very discouraged [IDM], so I think about you, even from where the Jordan [River] gushes out from the bottom of Hermon [Mountain] and from Mizar Mountain.
Di tanah pembuangan ini hatiku remuk redam, sebab itu aku ingat kepada TUHAN. Jiwaku hanyut dalam arus kesedihan, aku dilanda banjir kekacauan; seperti deru air terjun Sungai Yordan dari Gunung Hermon dan Gunung Mizar.
7 But here, the great sorrow that I feel is like water that you send down [MET]; [it is like] a waterfall that tumbles down and floods over me.
8 Yahweh shows me each day that he faithfully loves me, and each night I sing to him and pray to him, the God who causes me to live.
Semoga TUHAN menunjukkan kasih-Nya di waktu siang, agar di waktu malam aku dapat bernyanyi, dan berdoa kepada Allah sumber hidupku.
9 I say to God, [who is like] an [overhanging] rock [under which I can hide] [MET], “It seems that you have forgotten me. I (mourn/cry) constantly because my enemies act cruelly toward me” [RHQ].
Aku berkata kepada Allah, pembelaku, "Mengapa Engkau melupakan daku? Mengapa aku harus terus menderita, karena ditindas oleh musuh-musuhku?"
10 They make fun of me constantly; they continually ask, “Why does your god not help you?” [RHQ] And when they insult me [like that], [it is like] wounds that I feel even in my bones.
Hatiku hancur luluh karena ejekan musuh. Mereka terus bertanya, "Di mana Allahmu?"
11 But [I think, ] “(Why am I sad and discouraged?/I should not be sad and discouraged!) [RHQ] I will confidently expect God [to help me], and I will praise him again, my God, the one who saves me.”
Mengapa hatiku sedih dan gelisah? Aku berharap kepada Allah. Maka aku akan bersyukur lagi kepada-Nya, kepada Allahku dan penyelamatku.

< Psalms 42 >