< Psalms 36 >

1 [Wicked people continually desire to] sin. They consider [IDM] that they do not need to revere God.
伶長にうたはしめたるヱホバの僕ダビデのうた あしきものの愆はわが心のうちにかたりて その目のまへに神をおそるるの畏あることなしといふ
2 Because they are very proud, they do not think that God will discover their sins and condemn them (OR, they do not think about their sins and hate themselves for it).
3 [Everything] that they say is deceitful and full of lies; they no longer do what is good and are no longer wise.
4 While they are lying on their beds, they plan to do things to harm [others]; they are determined to do things that are not good, and they never refuse [to do what is] evil.
かつその寝床にてよこしまなる事をはかり よからぬ途にたちとまりて惡をきらはず
5 Yahweh, your faithful love for us reaches as high as the heavens, you faithfully [do what you have promised]; [it is as though your doing that] extends up to the clouds.
ヱホバよなんぢの仁慈は天にあり なんぢの眞實は雲にまでおよぶ
6 Your righteous behavior is [as permanent as] the highest mountains [MET], your acting justly [will continue as long as] the deepest oceans [exist]. You take care of people and you take care of animals.
汝のただしきは神の山のごとく なんぢの審判はおほいなる淵なり ヱホバよなんぢは人とけものとを護りたまふ
7 God, your faithful love for us is very precious. You protect us like birds protect their baby birds under their wings [MET].
神よなんぢの仁慈はたふときかな 人の子はなんぢの翼の蔭にさけどころを得
8 You provide for us plenty of food from the abundant supply [IDM] that you have; your great blessings for us [flow] like a river.
なんぢの屋のゆたかなるによりてことごとく飽ことをえん なんぢはその歓樂のかはの水をかれらに飮しめたまはん
9 You are the one who causes everything to live; your light is what enables us to see.
そはいのちの泉はなんぢに在り われらはなんぢの光によりて光をみん
10 Continue to faithfully love those who have experienced a relationship with you, and bless those who act righteously/justly.
11 Do not allow proud people [SYN] to attack me, or allow wicked people to chase me away.
12 Look where evil people have fallen on the ground, defeated; they were thrown down, and they will never rise again.
邪曲をおこなふ者はかしこに仆れたり かれら打伏られてまた起ことあたはざるべし

< Psalms 36 >