< Psalms 35 >

1 Yahweh, fight against those who fight against me! Fight against [my enemies] when they fight me!
`To Dauid. Lord, deme thou hem, that anoien me; ouercome thou hem, that fiyten ayens me.
2 Be [like] a shield [DOU] to protect me and come to help me!
Take thou armeris and scheeld; and rise vp into help to me.
3 Lift up your spear [DOU] and [throw it] at those who pursue me! Promise me that you will enable me to defeat [my enemies].
Schede out the swerd, and close togidere ayens hem that pursuen me; seie thou to my soule, Y am thin helthe.
4 Cause those who are trying to kill me to be defeated and disgraced! Cause those who are planning to do evil things to me to be pushed back and become confused!
Thei that seken my lijf; be schent, and aschamed. Thei that thenken yuels to me; be turned awei bacward, and be schent.
5 Send your angel to pursue them, and as a result cause them to disappear like chaff/straw blown away by the wind!
Be thei maad as dust bifor the face of the wynd; and the aungel of the Lord make hem streit.
6 Cause the path on which they run to be dark and slippery as your angel pursues them!
Her weie be maad derknesse, and slydirnesse; and the aungel of the Lord pursue hem.
7 Although I did not do anything wrong to them, they concealed a deep pit for me to fall into; they hid a net in which they would catch me.
For with out cause thei hidden to me the deth of her snare; in veyn thei dispisiden my soule.
8 Cause them to suddenly experience disaster! Cause them to be trapped in their own nets! Cause them to fall into the pits that they have dug for me and disappear!
The snare which he knoweth not come to hym, and the takyng which he hidde take hym; and fall he in to the snare in that thing.
9 Then I will be joyful about what you, Yahweh, have done for me, I will be glad that you have rescued me.
But my soule schal fulli haue ioye in the Lord; and schal delite on his helthe.
10 With my whole inner being [SYN] I will say, “There is no one like Yahweh [RHQ]! No one else can rescue helpless people from powerful people [RHQ]. No one else can rescue weak and needy people from those who want to rob them.”
Alle my boonys schulen seie, Lord, who is lijk thee? Thou delyuerist a pore man fro the hond of his strengere; a nedi man and pore fro hem that diuersely rauischen hym.
11 People who tell lies stand in court and falsely accuse me of doing things that I do not know [anything] about.
Wickid witnessis risynge axiden me thingis, whiche Y knewe not.
12 In return for my doing good things for them, they do evil things to me, with the result that I feel that I am alone.
Thei yeldiden to me yuels for goodis; bareynnesse to my soule.
13 When they were ill, I showed that I was sad. I did not eat any food, and I bowed my head as I prayed [for them].
But whanne thei weren diseseful to me; Y was clothid in an heire. I mekide my soule in fastyng; and my preier schal be turned `with ynne my bosum.
14 I mourned and bowed my head as I prayed as though it was a friend or my mother for whom I was grieving.
I pleside so as oure neiybore, as oure brother; Y was `maad meke so as morenynge and sorewful.
15 But when I had troubles, they were all happy about it. They gathered around to make fun of me. Strangers struck me, and they would not stop.
And thei weren glad, and camen togidere ayens me; turmentis weren gaderid on me, and Y knew not.
16 Worthless people ridicule me and snarl at me.
Thei weren scaterid, and not compunct, thei temptiden me, thei scornyden me with mowyng; thei gnastiden on me with her teeth.
17 Yahweh, how long will you only watch them doing this? Rescue me from their attacking me; Save me from being killed by these men who are attacking me like [MET] lions [that are attacking other animals]
Lord, whanne thou schalt biholde, restore thou my soule fro the wickidnesse of hem; `restore thou myn oon aloone fro liouns.
18 Then, when many of your people gather, I will praise you and I will thank you in front of all of them.
I schal knowleche to thee in a greet chirche; Y schal herie thee in a sad puple.
19 Do not allow my enemies, who tell lies about me, defeat me and then rejoice! Do not allow those who hate me when there in no reason to hate me to (smirk/smile happily)!
Thei that ben aduersaries wickidli to me, haue not ioye on me; that haten me with out cause, and bikenen with iyen.
20 They do not talk peacefully to people; instead, they seek ways to tell lies about people who are peaceful.
For sotheli thei spaken pesibli to me; and thei spekynge in wrathfulnesse of erthe thouyten giles.
21 They shout at me, to accuse me, saying, “We saw the wrong things that you did!”
And thei maden large her mouth on me; thei seiden, Wel, wel! oure iyen han sien.
22 Yahweh, you have seen these things, so do not be silent! Do not stay far from me!
Lord, thou hast seen, be thou not stille; Lord, departe thou not fro me.
23 Arise, my God, and plead my case in court, and successfully defend me!
Rise vp, and yyue tent to my doom; my God and my Lord, biholde in to my cause.
24 Yahweh, my God, because you are righteous, prove that I am innocent in order that my enemies will not be able to gloat [that I was judged to be guilty].
Mi Lord God, deme thou me bi thi riytfulnesse; and haue thei not ioye on me.
25 Do not allow them to be able to say to themselves, “Yes, we have gotten rid of him [IDM] just like we desired!”
Seie thei not in her hertis, Wel, wel, to oure soule; nether seie thei, We schulen deuoure hym.
26 Cause those who rejoice about my misfortunes to be completely defeated and disgraced; cause those who boast that they are much greater than me to be disgraced and dishonored!
Shame thei, and drede thei togidere; that thanken for myn yuels. Be thei clothid with schame and drede; that speken yuele thingis on me.
27 But cause those who desire that I be acquitted to be happy and shout joyfully, and cause them to continually say, “Yahweh is great! He is delighted to cause things to go well for those who serve him.”
Haue thei ful ioie, and be thei glad that wolen my riytfulnesse; and seie thei euere, The Lord be magnyfied, whiche wolen the pees of his seruaunt.
28 Then I will proclaim that you act righteously, and I will praise you all day long.
And my tunge schal bithenke thi riytfulnesse; al day thin heriyng.

< Psalms 35 >