< Psalms 24 >

1 The earth and everything in it belongs to Yahweh; all the people in the world belong to him, too,
The song of Dauid. The erthe and the fulnesse therof is `the Lordis; the world, and alle that dwellen therynne `is the Lordis.
2 because he caused the ground to be above the water, above the water that was deep below the surface of the earth.
For he foundide it on the sees; and made it redi on floodis.
3 Who will be allowed to go up on Zion Hill [in Jerusalem], in order to stand [and worship] in Yahweh’s holy temple?
Who schal stie in to the hil of the Lord; ethir who schal stonde in the hooli place of hym?
4 [Only] those whose actions [MTY] and thoughts are pure, who have not worshiped idols, and who do not tell lies when they have solemnly promised [to tell the truth].
The innocent in hondis, and in cleene herte; whiche took not his soule in veyn, nether swoor in gile to his neiybore.
5 (They will be blessed by Yahweh/Yahweh will bless them). When God [judges them], he, who has saved them, will say that they (have done nothing wrong/are without fault).
`This man schal take blessyng of the Lord; and mercy of God his helthe.
6 They are the ones who approach God, they are the ones who may worship God, the one [we] Israelis worship.
This is the generacioun of men sekynge hym; of men sekynge the face of God of Jacob.
7 Open up [APO] the [temple] gates in order that our glorious king may enter!
Ye princes, take vp youre yatis, and ye euerelastynge yatis, be reisid; and the kyng of glorie schal entre.
8 [Do you know] who the glorious king is? He is Yahweh, the one who is very strong [DOU]; He is Yahweh, who conquers [all his enemies] in battles!
Who is this kyng of glorie? the Lord strong and myyti, the Lord myyti in batel.
9 Open up the [temple] gates in order that our glorious king may enter!
Ye princes, take vp youre yatis, and ye euerlastynge yatis, be reisid; and the kyng of glorie schal entre.
10 [Do you know] who the glorious king is? He is Yahweh almighty; he is our glorious king!
Who is this kyng of glorie? the Lord of vertues, he is the kyng of glorie.

< Psalms 24 >