< Psalms 17 >

1 Yahweh, listen to me while I plead with you to act justly toward me. Hear me while I call out to you to help me. Pay attention to what I say while I pray because I am speaking [MTY] honestly/truthfully.
Prière de David. Éternel, écoute ma juste cause! Sois attentif à mon cri! Prête l'oreille à ma prière: elle sort de lèvres sans fraude!
2 You are the one who is able to declare that I (am innocent/have not done anything that was wrong) because you see/know that I am telling the truth.
Que ta présence fasse éclater mon droit; Que tes yeux reconnaissent mon intégrité!
3 You know what I think, [even] at night; you have examined what I say and do, and you know that I have determined to never tell any lies.
Tu as sondé mon coeur, tu m'as visité pendant la nuit; Tu m'as éprouvé, tu ne trouves rien; Ma parole ne va pas au-delà de ma pensée.
4 I have not done like others do; I have always done what is right [IDM], and I have not acted cruelly toward others.
J'ai vu les actions des hommes; Mais, pour obéir à la parole de ta bouche. Je me suis éloigné des voies de l'homme violent.
5 I have always done what you told me to do [IDM], I have (never failed to do/always done) [LIT] those things.
Affermis mes pas dans tes sentiers, Afin que mes pieds ne chancellent point.
6 O God, I pray to you because you answer me; please listen [MTY] to what I am saying.
Je t'invoque; car tu m'exauces, ô Dieu! Incline ton oreille vers moi; écoute ma prière!
7 Show me that you faithfully love me. By your great power [MTY] rescue those who (run to/trust in) you to protect them from their enemies.
Fais-nous admirer tes bontés, Toi qui sauves ceux qui cherchent leur refuge Auprès de toi, contre leurs adversaires!
8 Protect me as people carefully protect their own eyes; protect me like [birds] protect [their babies] under their wings [MET].
Garde-moi comme la prunelle de l'oeil! Cache-moi à l'ombre de tes ailes,
9 Do not allow wicked people to attack me; my enemies surround me, wanting to kill me.
Loin de ces méchants qui m'oppriment, De mes ennemis acharnés qui m'enveloppent!
10 They never pity [IDM] anyone, and they are always boasting.
Ils ferment leur coeur à la pitié; Leur bouche tient des discours hautains.
11 They have hunted/searched for me and found me. They surround me, watching for an opportunity to throw me to the ground.
A chaque pas, ils nous circonviennent; Ils nous épient pour nous terrasser.
12 They are like lions [SIM] that are ready to tear apart the animals that they capture; they are like young lions that are hiding, waiting to pounce [on their prey].
Ils ressemblent au lion avide de déchirer. Au lionceau qui se tient aux aguets dans son repaire.
13 Yahweh, come and (oppose/fight against) my enemies and defeat them! Use your sword to save me from those wicked people!
Lève-toi, ô Éternel! Marche à la rencontre du méchant; renverse-le! Que ton épée me délivre de lui!
14 Yahweh, by your power [MTY] rescue me from those people who are interested [only] in things here in this world. But you provide plenty of food for those whom you love dearly; their children also have many things that their grandchildren will inherit.
Que ta main, ô Éternel, me délivre de ces hommes, Des hommes de ce siècle, Dont tout le bonheur est dans cette vie, Et dont le ventre est gorgé de tes biens: Leurs enfants ont tout à satiété, Et ils laissent encore leur superflu à leurs petits-enfants.
15 Yahweh, because I act righteously, I will [some day] see you [SYN]. When I awake, I will see you face-to-face, and then I will be happy.
Mais moi, grâce à ma droiture, je pourrai voir ta face. A mon réveil, je me rassasierai de ta vue.

< Psalms 17 >