< Psalms 147 >

1 Praise Yahweh! It is good to sing to praise our God. It is a delightful thing to do and the right thing to do.
2 [Jerusalem was destroyed, but] Yahweh is [enabling us to] build Jerusalem again. He is bringing back the people who were taken [to Babylonia].
Bâtissant Jérusalem, le Seigneur rassemblera les dispersions d’Israël.
3 He enables those who were very discouraged to be encouraged again; [it is as though] they have wounds and he bandages them.
C’est lui qui guérit ceux qui ont le cœur brisé, et qui bande leurs plaies.
4 He has determined how many stars there will be, and he gives names to all of them.
Qui compte la multitude des étoiles, et à elles toutes donne des noms.
5 Yahweh is great and very powerful, and no one can measure how much he understands.
Grand est notre Dieu, et grande est sa force; et à sa sagesse il n’y a point de borne.
6 Yahweh lifts up those who have been oppressed, and he throws the wicked down to the ground.
Le Seigneur prend sous sa protection les hommes doux; mais il humilie les pécheurs jusqu’à terre.
7 Thank Yahweh while you are singing to him to praise him; on the harps, play music to our God.
Entonnez au Seigneur une louange: chantez notre Dieu sur la harpe.
8 He covers the sky with clouds, [and then] he sends rain to the earth and causes grass to grow on the hills.
C’est lui qui couvre le ciel de nuages, et prépare à la terre de la pluie. Qui produit sur les montagnes du foin, et de l’herbe à l’usage des hommes.
9 He gives to animals the food that they [need], and gives food to young crows/birds when they cry out [because they are hungry].
Qui donne aux bêtes leur nourriture, et aux petits des corbeaux qui l’invoquent.
10 He is not pleased with strong horses or with men who can run [MTY] fast.
Ce n’est pas dans la force du cheval qu’il mettra son désir, ni dans les jambes de l’homme qu’il se complaira.
11 Instead, what pleases him are those who revere him, those who confidently expect him to continue to faithfully love them.
Le Seigneur a mis sa complaisance dans ceux qui le craignent, et dans ceux qui espèrent en sa miséricorde.
12 [You people of] [APO] Jerusalem, praise Yahweh! Praise your God!
Jérusalem, loue le Seigneur: loue ton Dieu, ô Sion.
13 He [guards your city] by keeping its gates strong. He blesses the people who live there.
Parce qu’il a affermi les serrures de tes portes: il a béni tes fils au milieu de toi.
14 He protects the borders [of your country, so that enemies from other countries cannot attack you]. He gives you plenty of very good wheat/grain to eat.
C’est lui qui a établi sur tes confins la paix, et qui te rassasie de moelle de froment.
15 He commands what he wants to be done on the earth, and his words quickly come to the place to which he sends them.
C’est lui qui envoie sa parole à la terre: avec vitesse court sa parole.
16 He sends snow which [covers the ground] like a white wool blanket [SIM], and he scatters frost [on the ground] like [wind scatters] ashes [SIM].
C’est lui qui donne de la neige comme de la laine, répand le brouillard comme de la cendre.
17 He sends hail down like (pebbles/tiny stones); [when that happens], (it is very difficult to endure because the air becomes very cold./who can endure because the air becomes very cold?) [RHQ]
Il envoie sa glace comme des petits morceaux de pain: à la face de son froid qui tiendra?
18 [But] he commands the wind to blow, and it blows. [Then the hail] melts and [the water] flows [into the streams].
Il enverra sa parole, et il les fera fondre: son vent soufflera, et les eaux couleront.
19 He sent his message to [the descendants of] Jacob; [he tells to his] Israeli people the laws and regulations that he had decreed.
C’est lui qui annonce sa parole à Jacob; ses justices et ses jugements à Israël.
20 He has not done that for any other nation; the other nations do not know his laws. Praise Yahweh!
Il n’a pas fait ainsi pour toute nation: et ses jugements, il ne les leur a pas manifestés. Alléluia.

< Psalms 147 >