< Psalms 128 >

1 (Happy are/Yahweh is pleased with) those of you who revere him and do what he wants you to do [IDM].
Ein Lied im höhern Chor. Wohl dem, der den HERRN fürchtet und auf seinen Wegen geht!
2 You will [be able to earn the money] that you [MTY] need to buy food; you will be happy and you will be prosperous.
Du wirst dich nähren deiner Hände arbeit; wohl dir, du hast es gut.
3 Your wife will be like a grapevine that bears many grapes [SIM]; she will give birth to many children. Your children who sit around your table will be like a strong olive [tree that has many] shoots [growing up around it] [SIM].
Dein Weib wird sein wie ein fruchtbarer Weinstock drinnen in deinem Hause, deine Kinder wie Ölzweige um deinen Tisch her.
4 Every man who reveres Yahweh will be blessed like that.
Siehe, also wird gesegnet der Mann, der den HERRN fürchtet.
5 I wish/hope that Yahweh will bless all of you from [where he dwells] (on Zion [Hill]/[in Jerusalem]) and that you will see [the people of] Jerusalem prospering every day that you live!
Der HERR wird dich segnen aus Zion, daß du sehest das Glück Jerusalems dein Leben lang
6 I desire that you will live many years, long enough to see your grandchildren. I desire/hope that things will go well for [the people in] Israel!
und sehest deiner Kinder Kinder. Friede über Israel!

< Psalms 128 >