< Psalms 119 >

1 (Yahweh is pleased with/Happy are) those about whom no one can say truthfully that they have done things that are wrong, those who always obey the laws of Yahweh.
Alef. Blagor poštenim na potu, kateri hodijo po postavi Gospodovi.
2 Yahweh is pleased with those who (obey his requirements/do what he has instructed them to do), those who request him with their entire inner beings to help them [to do that].
Blagor njim, ki hranijo pričanja njegova, ki ga iščejo iz vsega srca.
3 They do not do things that are wrong; they behave like Yahweh wants them to.
Kateri tudi ne delajo krivice, ampak hodijo po potih njegovih.
4 Yahweh, you have given [us] (your principles of behavior/all the things that you have declared that we should do), [and you told us] to obey them carefully.
Ti si zapovedal ukaze svoje, da naj se spolnjujejo pridno.
5 I desire that I will faithfully/always obey all (your statutes/that you have said that [we] should do).
O da bi bila pota moja obernena spolnjevat postave tvoje!
6 If I continually (heed/pay attention to) all (your commands/that you have commanded), I will not be disgraced/ashamed.
Tedaj se ne osramotim, ko bodem gledal vse zapovedi tvoje.
7 When I learn [all of] (your regulations/the rules that you have given [to us)], I will praise you with a pure inner being [IDM].
Slavil te bodem s pravim srcem; učil se sodbâ pravice tvoje.
8 I will obey all (your statutes/that you have decreed that [we] should do); do not desert/abandon me!
Postave tvoje bodem spolnjeval, ne zapusti me tako!
9 [I know] [RHQ] how a youth can (keep his life pure/avoid sinning); it is by obeying what you have told us to do.
Bet. Kako bode deček čistil stezo svojo? Držeč se je poleg besede tvoje.
10 I try to serve you with my entire inner being; do not allow me to (wander away from obeying/disobey) (your commands/what you have commanded).
Iz vsega srca svojega te iščem, ne daj, da izgrešim zapovedi tvoje.
11 I have (memorized/stored in my mind) [many of] (your words/what you have promised) in order that I will not sin against you.
V srci svojem hranim govor tvoj, da ne grešim zoper tebe.
12 Yahweh, I praise you; teach me (your statutes/what you have declared).
Ti blagoslavljeni Gospod, uči me postave svoje.
13 I [MTY] tell others (the regulations/the rules that you have given [to us)].
Z ustnami svojimi preštevam vse pravice tvojih ust,
14 I like to obey (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do)]; I enjoy that more than being very rich.
Veselim se pota pričanj tvojih, kakor vseh zakladov.
15 I will (study/think about) (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and I will pay attention to what you have showed [me].
Zapovedi tvoje premišljujem in gledam steze tvoje.
16 I will be happy [to obey] (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do), and I will not forget your words.
V postavah tvojih se razveseljujem, besede tvoje ne zabim.
17 Do good things for me, who serve you, in order that I may continue to live and obey (your words/what you have told us to do) during all my life.
Gimel. Dobroto podéli hlapcu svojemu, dokler živim spolnjujem naj besedo tvojo.
18 Open my mind in order that I may know the wonderful things that [are written] in your laws.
Odgrni oči moje, da gledam čuda po zakonu tvojem.
19 I am living [here] on the earth for only a short time; (do not prevent me from [understanding]/help me to understand) [LIT] (your commands/what you have commanded).
Tujec sem na tej zemlji, ne skrivaj mi zapovedi svojih.
20 In my inner being I strongly desire to know (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) all the time.
Ginem od hrepenenja po pravicah tvojih vsak čas.
21 You rebuke those who are proud; cursed are those who disobey (your commands/what you have commanded).
Ti pogubljaš prevzetne, proklete, kateri izgrešajo zapovedi tvoje.
22 Do not allow them to continue to insult and scorn me; [I request this] because I have obeyed what you have instructed us to do.
Odvali od mene sramoto in zaničevanje, ker hranim pričanja tvoja.
23 Rulers gather together and plan ways to harm me, but I will (meditate on/study) (your statutes/what you have decreed).
Tedaj prvaki sedé in govoré zoper mene, hlapec tvoj premišlja postave tvoje.
24 I am delighted with (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do)]; [it is as though] they are my advisors.
Tedaj so pričanja tvoja razveseljevanja moja, svetovalci moji.
25 [I think that] I will soon die [IDM]; revive/heal me, as you have told me that you would.
Dalet. V prahu tiči življenje moje, živega me ohrani po besedi svoji.
26 When I told you about my behavior, you answered me; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
Pota svoja sem prešteval, in ti si me uslišal; úči me postave svoje.
27 Help me to understand (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and [then] I will (meditate on/think about) the wonderful things that you [have done].
Daj, da umem pot zapovedi tvojih, da premišljam čuda tvoja.
28 I am very sad/sorrowful [IDM], with the result that I have no strength; enable me to be strong [again], like you promised me that you would do.
Od otožnosti solzi duša moja, dvigni me po besedi svoji.
29 Prevent me from doing what is wrong, and be kind to me by teaching me your laws.
Krivičnosti pot odvrni od mene, in zakon svoj mi podéli milostno.
30 I have decided that I will faithfully/always [obey you]; I have (paid attention to/heeded) (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
Resnice pot volim, sodbe tvoje imam pred očmi.
31 Yahweh, I try to carefully hold fast to what you have instructed [us to do]; do not [abandon me, with the result that] I would become disgraced.
Držim se pričanj tvojih, Gospod; ne daj, da se osramotim.
32 I will eagerly obey [IDM] (your commands/what you have commanded), because you have enabled me to understand more [what you want me to do].
Po potih zapovedi tvojih bodem tekal, ko bodeš razširil srce moje.
33 Yahweh, teach me the meaning of (your statutes/the things that you have decreed that we should do), and [then] I will obey them, every one of them.
He. Uči me, Gospod, postav tvojih pót, katero bodem hranil do konca.
34 Help me to understand your laws in order that I may obey them with all my inner being.
Daj, da umem, da hranim zakon tvoj, in da ga spolnjujem iz vsega srca.
35 I am happy with (your commands/what you have commanded), so (lead me along the paths/enable me to walk on the road) that you [have chosen for me].
Daj, da hodim po zapovedi tvojih poti, ker tá me razveseljuje.
36 Cause me to want to obey your rules and not to want to become rich.
Nagni srce moje k postavam svojim, in ne k dobičku.
37 Do not allow me to look at things that are worthless, and allow me to continue to live, like you promised that you would do.
Odvrni oči moje, da ne gledajo ničemurnosti; po potih tvojih daj da živim.
38 [Because] I serve you, do what you promised to do for me, which is what you also promise to do for [all] those who revere you.
Stóri govor svoj hlapcu svojemu, kateri je vdan strahu pred teboj.
39 [People] insult me; protect me from those insults, [because] I hate them. The (regulations/rules that you have given [to us]) are [very] good!
Odvrni sramoto mojo, katere se bojim, ker dobre so pravice tvoje.
40 I very much desire [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do); because you are righteous, allow me to continue to live (OR, be good to me).
Glej, ukazov tvojih želim, v pravici tvoji daj mi živeti.
41 Yahweh, show me that you faithfully love me, and rescue/save me, like you have said/promised that you would.
Vav. Ko mi bodejo prišle milosti tvoje, Gospod; blaginja tvoja po govoru tvojem,
42 After you do that, I will be able to reply to those who insult me, because I trust in (your word/what you have promised that you would do).
Odgovoril bodem njemu, ki me sramoti, kakor je; ker zaupanje imam v besedo tvojo.
43 Always enable me to [LIT] speak your truth, because I have confidence in (your regulations/the rules that you have given us).
Ali od ust mojih ne odvzemi besede svoje resnične; ker pravic tvojih čakam.
44 I will always obey your laws, forever.
In spolnjeval bodem zakon tvoj vedno, vekomaj in vekomaj.
45 I will be free [from (affliction/my enemies’ attacks)], because I have tried [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
In neprestano bodem hodil po sami širjavi, ker povelj tvojih iščem.
46 I will tell to kings (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do); and [because I did not abandon you], those kings will not cause me to be ashamed.
In govoril bodem o pričanjih tvojih pred kralji, in ne bode me sram.
47 I am delighted to [obey] (your commands/what you have commanded), and I love them.
In razveseljujoč se v zapovedih tvojih, katere ljubim,
48 I respect/revere [IDM] (your commands/what you have commanded), and I love them, and I will (meditate on/think about) (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
Dvignil bodem roke svoje do povelj tvojih, katera ljubim, in premišljeval postave tvoje.
49 Do not forget what you said/promised to do for me, who serve you, [because] what you have said has caused me to confidently expect [good things from you].
Zajin. Spomni se besede svoje s hlapcem svojim, o kateri si mi dal upanje.
50 When I have been suffering, you comforted me; you did what you promised me, and that [PRS] revived me.
To je tolažilo moje v bridkosti moji; da me govor tvoj oživlja.
51 Proud people are always making fun of me, but I do not (turn away from/stop) [obeying] your laws.
Prevzetniki se mi posmehujejo silno, od postave tvoje ne zavijem.
52 Yahweh, when I think about (your regulations/the rules) that you gave to us long ago, I am comforted/encouraged.
Spominjam so sodbà tvojih od vekomaj, Gospod, in samega sebe tolažim.
53 When [I see that] wicked people have disregarded your laws, I become very angry.
Vihar me grabi od krivičnih, ki zapuščajo zakon tvoj.
54 While I have been living here for a short time on the earth, I have written songs about (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
Prepevanju predmet so mi postave tvoje v kraji popotovanj mojih.
55 Yahweh, during the night I think about you [MTY], and [so] I obey your laws.
Ponoči se spominjam imena tvojega, Gospod; in zakon tvoj spolnjujem.
56 What I have always done is to obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
To je tolažba meni, da hranim zapovedi tvoje.
57 Yahweh, you are the one whom I have chosen, and I promise to (obey your words/do what you have told us to do).
Het. Delež moj si, Gospod, pravim, da spolnjujem besede tvoje.
58 With all my inner being I plead with you to be good to me; be kind to me, like you promised/said that you would do.
Obličje tvoje molim iz vsega srca svojega; milost mi izkaži po govoru svojem.
59 I have thought about my behavior, and I [have decided to] return to [obeying] (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
Pota svoja premišljam, da obračam noge svoje po pričanjih tvojih.
60 I hurry to obey (your commands/what you have commanded); I do not delay [at all].
Hitim in se ne mudim spolnjevat zapovedi tvoje.
61 Wicked people have [tried to] seize me, [like a hunter tries to catch an animal] with a net [MET], but I do not forget your laws.
Krdela krivičnih me plenijo, a postave tvoje ne zabim.
62 In the middle of the night I wake up, and I praise you for (your commands/the rules that you have given us to do); they are fair/just.
O polunoči vstajam slavit te, zavoljo zapovedi tvojih pravičnih.
63 I am a friend of all those who revere you, those who obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
Tovariš sem vsem, kateri te česté in spolnjujejo povelja tvoja.
64 Yahweh, you faithfully/always love [people] all over the earth; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
Milosti tvoje, o Gospod, polna je zemlja; postave svoje me úči.
65 Yahweh, you have done good things for me, like you promised/said that you would do.
Tet. Dobro si storil hlapcu svojemu, Gospod; po besedi svoji.
66 Teach me to think carefully before I decide what to do, and [teach me other things that I need to] know, because I believe [that it is good for us to obey] (your commands/what you have commanded).
Izvrstnost pameti in vednosti me úči; ker zapovedim tvojim verujem.
67 Before you afflicted/punished me, I did things that were wrong, but now I obey (your words/what you have told us to do).
Ko nisem še govoril, motil sem se; sedaj pa spolnjujem govor tvoj.
68 You are [very] good, and what you do is good; teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
Dober si in dobrotljiv, úči me postave svoje.
69 Proud people have told many lies about me, but [the truth is that] with all my inner being I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
Ko zvijačo napravljajo zoper mene prevzetniki, jaz iz vsega srca hranim povelja tvoja.
70 Those proud people (are stupid/do not understand your laws) [IDM], but [as for me], I am delighted with your laws.
Debelí se kakor z mastjo njih srce; jaz se zakona tvojega radujem.
71 It was good for me that [you] afflicted/punished me, because the result was that I learned (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
Na dobro mi je bila bridkost, da bi se učil postav tvojih.
72 The laws that you [MTY] gave/told [to us] are [worth] more to me than gold, more than thousands of pieces of gold and silver.
Boljši mi je zakon tvojih ust nego mnogo tisoč zlatnikov in srebernikov.
73 You created me and formed my body (OR, kept me safe); help me to be wise in order that I may learn (your commands/what you have commanded).
Jod. Roke tvoje so me naredile in napravile me; storí me razumnega, da se učim povelj tvojih.
74 Those who have an awesome respect for you will see [what you have done for] me, and they will rejoice, because [they will see that] I have trusted in (your words/what you told us).
Boječi se tebe naj me vidijo ter se veselé, ker imam v besedi tvoji nado svojo.
75 Yahweh, I know that (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) are right/fair and that you have afflicted/punished me because you faithfully do [what you have promised].
Spoznavam, Gospod, da so pravične sodbe tvoje; in da si me v zvestobi ponižal.
76 Cause me to be comforted/encouraged by [knowing that] you faithfully love [me], like you said to me that you would do.
Pridi skoraj milost tvoja, da me tolaži, po govoru tvojem s tvojim hlapcem.
77 Be merciful to me in order that I may [continue to] live, because I am delighted with your laws.
Dojdejo naj mi usmiljenja tvoja, da živim; ker zakon je vse razveseljevanje moje.
78 Cause the proud people who falsely accuse me to be ashamed, [but] as for me, I will [continue] (meditating on/thinking about) (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
Osramoté se naj prevzetniki, ker mi hudo delajo po krivem, ko premišljujem povelja tvoja.
79 Cause those who revere you to come [back] to me in order that they may (OR, specifically, those who) know (your requirements/what you have instructed [us to do]).
Povrnejo se naj k meni boječi se tebe in poznajoči pričanja tvoja.
80 Enable me to perfectly [obey] (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do) in order that I may not be ashamed [because of not doing that].
Srce moje bode pošteno v postavah tvojih, da se ne osramotim.
81 I am very tired/exhausted while I wait for you to save [me from my enemies]; [but] I confidently expect that you will tell [me what you will do].
Kaf. Duša moja koperni po blaginji tvoji; v besedi tvoji imam nado.
82 My eyes are tired from waiting a long time for you to do what you promised/said that you would do, and I ask, “When will you help/encourage me?”
Oči moje koperné po govoru tvojem, ko govorim: Kedaj me bodeš potolažil?
83 I have become [as useless as] [MET] a wineskin that is [shriveled from hanging a long time] in the smoke [inside a house], but I have not forgotten (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
Dasì sem podoben mehu v dimu, postav tvojih nisem pozabil.
84 How long must I wait? When will you punish those who (persecute/cause trouble for) me?
Koliko bode dnî hlapca tvojega? Kedaj bodeš sodil nje, ki me preganjajo?
85 [It is as though] proud people have dug deep pits for me [to fall into], people who do not obey your laws.
Jame mi kopljejo prevzetniki, kateri se ne ravnajo po zakonu tvojem.
86 All (your commands are/what you have commanded is) trustworthy; [but] people are (persecuting/causing trouble for) me by telling lies [about me, so please] help me!
Vsa povelja tvoja zgolj resnica; po krivem me preganjajo, pomagaj mi.
87 Those people have almost killed me, but I have not stopped [obeying] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
Skoraj so me uničili vrženega na tla; jaz pa se nísem izneveril postavam tvojim.
88 Because you faithfully love [me], allow me [to continue] to live in order that I may [continue to] obey (your rules/what you have instructed [us to do]).
Po milosti svoji ohrani me živega, da spolnjujem pričanja tvojih ust.
89 Yahweh, your words will last forever; they will last as long as heaven lasts.
Lamed. Vekomaj, o Gospod, biva beseda tvoja v nebesih,
90 You will faithfully [continue doing] ([for people who are not yet born/in every generation]) what you have (promised/said that you would do); you have put the earth in its place, and it remains firmly [there].
Od roda do roda zvestoba tvoja; ko si ustanavljal zemljo, stala je ona.
91 To this day, [all things on the earth] remain because you decided that they should remain; everything [on the earth] serves you.
Po sodbah tvojih stoji vse še danes; ker vse ono služi tebi.
92 If I had not been delighted [in obeying] your laws, I would have died because of what I was suffering.
Ako bi ne bil zakon tvoj vse razveseljevanje moje, zdavnaj že bi bil poginil v nadlogi svoji.
93 I will never forget (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), because as a result of [my obeying them] you have enabled me to [continue to] live.
Vekomaj ne pozabim povelj tvojih, ker z njimi hraniš me živega.
94 I belong to you; save/rescue me [from my enemies], because I have tried to obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
Tvoj sem, hrani me, ker povelj tvojih iščem.
95 Wicked [men] are waiting to kill me, but I [will] think about what you have instructed [us to do].
Ko me čakajo krivični, da me pogubé, pregledujem pričanja tvoja.
96 I have learned that there is a limit/end for everything, but what you command (has no limits/never ends).
Sleherne popolnosti vidim da je konec; povelje tvoje pa je obširno silno.
97 I love your laws very much. I (meditate on/think about) them all during the day.
Mem. Kako ljubim zakon tvoj! ves dan je premišljevanje moje.
98 Because I know (your commands/what you have commanded), and because I think about them all the time, I have become wiser than my enemies.
Modrejšega od sovražnikov mojih me dela po poveljih tvojih; ker vekomaj mi je na strani.
99 I understand more than my teachers do, because I (meditate on/think about) (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
Razumnejši postajam od vseh učenikov svojih; ker pričanja tvoja so premišljevanje moje.
100 I understand more than [many] old people do, because I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
Razumnejši sem od starcev, ker hranim povelja tvoja.
101 I have avoided all evil behavior in order that I may obey (your words/what you have told us to do).
Od vsake hudobne steze zadržujem noge svoje, da spolnjujem besedo tvojo.
102 I have not (turned away from/quit) [obeying] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us), because you have taught me [while I have studied them].
Od sodbâ tvojih se ne ganem, ker ti me učiš.
103 [When I read] your words, they are like [MET] sweet things that I taste/eat, [yes], they are even sweeter than honey.
Kako sladki so mojemu grlu govori tvoji! sladkejši od medú ustom mojim.
104 Because [I have learned] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), I am able to understand [many things]; therefore, I hate all evil things [that some people do].
Po poveljih tvojih sem razumen, zatorej sovražim vsako stezo krivičnosti.
105 Your words are [like] [MET] a lamp to guide me; they are [like] a light [MET] to show me the path [that I should walk on].
Nun. Svetilo nogi moji je beseda tvoja, in poti moji luč.
106 I have solemnly promised, and I am solemnly promising it again, that I will [always] obey your (regulations/rules that you have given to us), and they are [all] fair/just.
Prisegel sem, kar bodem držal, da bodem spolnjeval pravične sodbe tvoje.
107 Yahweh, I am suffering very much; cause me to be strong/healthy [again], as you have promised to do.
Ponižan sem silno, Gospod; živega me ohrani, po besedi svoji.
108 Yahweh, when I thank you while I pray, it is [like] [MET] a sacrifice to you; [please] accept it, and teach me your (regulations/rules that you have given to us).
Prostovoljne daritve ust mojih sprejemaj, prosim, Gospod; in pravice svoje me úči.
109 [My enemies are] often trying to kill me [IDM], but I do not forget your laws.
Duša moja je vedno v roki moji; vendar ne zabim tvojega zakona.
110 Wicked [people] have tried to seize me [like a hunter tries to catch an animal] with a trap [MET], but I have not disobeyed (your principles of behavior/what you declared that we should do).
Mogočni krivičniki mi stavijo zanko, vendar od povelj tvojih ne zajdem.
111 (Your requirements/What you have instructed us to do) are my possession forever; because of them [PRS], I am joyful.
Pričanja tvoja imam vekomaj, ker so veselje mojemu srcu.
112 I (have decided/am determined) [IDM] to obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do) until the day that I die [MTY].
Srce svoje nagibljem, da spolnjuje postave tvoje, vekomaj, večno!
113 I hate people who are [only] partly committed to you, but I love your laws.
Sameh. Misli druge sovražim, zakon pa tvoj ljubim.
114 You are [like] a place where I can hide [from my enemies], and you are [like] a shield [MET] [behind which I am protected from them], and I trust in your promises.
Zatišje si moje in ščit moj; v besedi tvoji imam nado.
115 You evil people, stay away from me in order than I may obey (my God’s commands/what my God has commanded)!
Umaknite se od mene, hudobni, da hranim ukaze svojega Boga.
116 Enable me to be strong, as you promised/said that you would do, in order that I may [continue to] live. I am confidently expecting [that you will restore me]; (do not disappoint me/do not allow me to be disappointed).
Podpiraj me po govoru svojem, da živim; in ne osramoti me v nadi moji.
117 Hold me up, in order that I will be safe and always (pay attention to/heed) (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
Podpiraj me, da bodem otét, in da gledam vedno na postave tvoje.
118 You reject all those who disobey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do); but what they deceitfully plan to do will be (useless/in vain).
Vse, kateri izgrešujejo postave tvoje, teptaš; ker krivična je njih zvijača.
119 You get rid of all the wicked [people] on the earth like [SIM] [people throw away] trash; therefore I love what you have instructed us to do.
Kakor žlindro odpravljaš vse krivične sè zemlje; zatorej ljubim pričanja tvoja.
120 I [SYN] tremble because I am afraid of you; I am afraid [because you punish those who do not obey] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
Od strahú pred teboj trepeče meso moje; tako me je strah tvojih sodbâ.
121 [But] I have done what is right and fair/just; [so] do not allow people to oppress/mistreat me.
Hajin. Po sodbi delam in pravici; ne izročaj me njim, ki me stiskajo.
122 Promise me that you will do good things for me and do not allow proud [people] to oppress me.
Porok bodi hlapcu svojemu na dobro; da me ne zatirajo prevzetni.
123 My eyes are tired from waiting a long time for you to rescue [me], for you to save [me] like you promised/said that you would.
Oči moje koperné po blaginji tvoji, in po pravičnem govoru tvojem.
124 Do something for me to show that you faithfully love [me], and teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that we should do).
Ravnaj po milosti svoji s hlapcem svojim; in postave svoje me úči.
125 I am one who serves you; enable me to understand [what you want me to know] in order that I will know (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
Hlapec sem tvoj, storí me razumnega, da spoznam pričanja tvoja.
126 Yahweh, now is the time for you to [punish people] because they have disobeyed your laws.
Čas je, da dela Gospod; v nič dévajo zakon tvoj.
127 Truly, I love (your commands/what you have commanded) more than I love gold; I love them more than I love [very] pure gold.
Zatorej bolj ljubim ukaze tvoje, ko zlato in sicer najčistejše.
128 So I conduct my life by (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and I hate all the evil things that [some people do].
Zato spoznavam vse ukaze za prave; vsako stezo krivičnosti sovražim.
129 (Your requirements are/All the things that you have instructed us to do are) wonderful, so I obey them with all my inner being.
Pe. Čudovita so pričanja tvoja; zatorej jih hrani duša moja.
130 When someone explains (your words/what you have said), [it is as though] they are lighting a light; what they say causes [even] people who have not learned your laws to be wise.
Dohod besed tvojih razsvetljuje; z razumnostjo podučuje preproste.
131 I eagerly desire to know (your commands/what you have commanded), like [SIM] a [dog] that pants with its mouth open [wanting to be fed].
Usta svoja raztezam in sopiham; ker želján sem ukazov tvojih.
132 Listen to me and act kindly to me, like you do to [all] those who love you [MTY].
Ozri se v mé in storí mi milost; kakor je prav proti njim, kateri ljubijo ime tvoje.
133 Guide me as you promised/said that you would do and help me not to fall/sin; do not allow evil [people] to control what I do.
Noge moje utrdi v govoru svojem, in ne daj da gospoduje kaka krivica z menoj.
134 Rescue/Save me from those who oppress me in order that I may obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
Otmi me zatiranja ljudî, da spolnjujem postave tvoje.
135 Be kind to me and teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
Daj, da sveti tvoje obličje pred hlapcem tvojim; in úči me postave svoje.
136 I cry very much because [many] people do not obey your laws.
Potoki vodâ tekó iz mojih oči, zaradi njih, ki ne spolnjujejo tvojega zakona.
137 Yahweh, you are righteous and (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) are just/fair.
Sade. Pravičen si, Gospod, in raven v sodbah svojih.
138 (Your requirements/All the things that you have instructed us to do) are true and are all very right and fair.
Ukazal si pravična pričanja svoja, in silno zvesta.
139 I am (furious/very angry) because my enemies disregard (your words/what you have told us to do).
Od gorečnosti svoje ginem, ker besede tvoje zabijo sovražniki moji.
140 (Your promises are/All the things that you have said that you will do are) dependable and I love them.
Čist je govor tvoj močno; zatorej ga ljubi hlapec tvoj.
141 I am not important and people despise me, but I do not forget (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
Majhen sem jaz in zaničevan; povelj tvojih ne zabim,
142 You are righteous and you will be righteous forever, and your laws will never be changed.
Pravice tvoje, vedne pravice, in postave tvoje resnične.
143 I [constantly] have troubles/difficulties and I am worried, but (your commands cause/what you have commanded causes) me to be happy.
Zatiranje in stiska me obhajati; ukazi tvoji so razveseljevanje moje.
144 (Your requirements are/All the things that you have instructed us to do are) always fair; help me to understand them in order that I may [continue to] live.
Pravica pričanj tvojih je vekomaj; razumnega me naredi, da živim.
145 Yahweh, with all my inner being I call out to you; answer me and I will obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
Kof. Ko te kličem iz vsega srca, usliši me, Gospod, da hranim postave tvoje.
146 I call out to you; save/rescue me in order that I [can continue to] obey [all] (your requirements/the things that you have instructed us to do).
Ko te kličem, reši me, da spolnjujem pričanja tvoja.
147 [Each morning] I arise before dawn and call to you to help me; I confidently expect you to do what you have (promised/said that you will do).
Préd te pridem v somraku, da vpijem; v besedo tvojo imam upanje.
148 All during the night I am awake, and I (meditate on/think about) what you have (promised/said that you would do).
Oči moje prehitujejo straže, premišljat govor tvoj.
149 Yahweh, because you faithfully love me, listen to me [while I pray], and keep me safe because of [my obeying] (your regulations/what you have told us to do).
Glas moj poslušaj po milosti svoji, Gospod; po sodbah svojih ohrani me živega,
150 Those evil people who oppress/persecute me are coming closer to me; they do not pay any attention to your laws.
Ko se bližajo pregrehe učenci, ki so daleč od zakona tvojega,
151 But Yahweh, you are near to me, and [I know that] (your commands/what you command) will never be changed.
Blizu si, Gospod; in vsi ukazi tvoji so resnica.
152 Long ago I found out about (your requirements/all the things that you have instructed us to do), and [I know that] you intended them to last forever.
Zdavnaj vem o pričanjih tvojih, da si jih ustanovil vekomaj.
153 Look at me and see that I am suffering [very much], and heal me, because I do not forget your laws.
Reš. Ozri se v nadlogo mojo, in reši me; ker zakona tvojega ne zabim.
154 Defend me [when others accuse me], and rescue me [from them]; allow me to [continue to] live, as you promised/said that you would.
Prevzemi pravdo mojo in reši me; po govoru svojem ohrani me živega.
155 Wicked [people] do not obey (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do), so you will certainly not save them.
Daleč od krivičnih bodi blaginja, ker ne iščejo postav tvojih.
156 Yahweh, you are very merciful; allow me to [continue to] live because of [my obeying] (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us).
Usmiljenje tvoje je obilo, Gospod; po sodbah tvojih, ohrani me živega.
157 Many [people] are my enemies and [many people] (cause me to suffer/persecute me), but I (do not turn aside from/have not stopped obeying) [LIT] (your requirements/what you have instructed us to do).
Dasì je mnogo preganjalcev mojih in sovražnikov mojih, od pričanj tvojih ne krenem.
158 When I look at those who are not faithful to you, I am disgusted because they do not obey (your requirements/what you have instructed [us] to do).
Kakor hitro vidim izdajalce, mučim z gnjusom samega sebe, ker se ne držé govora tvojega.
159 [Yahweh], notice that I love (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do); because you faithfully love [me], allow me to [continue to] live.
Glej, da ljubim povelja tvoja, Gospod; po milosti svoji ohrani me živega.
160 All that you have said is truth, and all (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us) will endure forever.
Preblaga beseda tvoja je sama resnica; in vekomaj je vsaka pravična sodba tvoja.
161 Rulers persecute me for no reason, but in my inner being I revere (your words/what you have said).
Šin. Ko me preganjajo po nedolžnem prvaki; boji se besede tvoje moje srce.
162 I am happy about (your words/what you have promised [to do for me)], as happy as someone who has found a great treasure.
Veselim se govora tvojega; kakor kdor je našel plen obilen.
163 I thoroughly hate [DOU] [all] lies but I love your laws.
Krivičnost sovražim in studim, zakon tvoj ljubim.
164 Seven/Many times each day I thank you for (your regulations/the rules that you have given to us), and they are [all] just/fair.
Sedemkrat te hvalim na dán za pravične sodbe tvoje.
165 Things go well for those who love your laws; there is nothing adverse/bad that will happen to them.
Velik mir imajo, kateri ljubijo zakon tvoj, in ní jim izpotike.
166 Yahweh, I confidently expect that you will rescue me [from my troubles], and I obey (your commands/what you have commanded us).
Blaginje tvoje čakam, Gospod; in ukaze tvoje spolnjujem.
167 I obey (what you require/what you have instructed) us to do; I love it [all] very much.
Duša moja spolnjuje pričanja tvoja, in ljubim jih močno.
168 I obey (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do), and you see everything that I do.
Povelja tvoja spolnjujem in pričanja tvoja, ker vsa pota moja so pred teboj.
169 Yahweh, listen while I pray [for you to help me]; help me to understand [(your words/what you have told us to do)].
Tav. Vpitje moje se bližaj tvojemu obličju, Gospod; po besedi svoji naredi me umnega.
170 Hear me while I pray and rescue/save me as you promised/said that you would.
Molitev moja pridi pred obličje tvoje; po govoru svojem otmi me.
171 I [MTY] will always praise you because you teach me (your statutes/what you have decreed that [we] should do).
Hvala bodo vrela z ustnic mojih, ko me bodeš učil postave svoje.
172 I will sing about (your words/what you have promised to do) because (all your commands are/everything that you have commanded is) just/fair.
Jezik moj bode prepeval govor tvoj, da so prepravične vse zapovedi tvoje.
173 I ask you [SYN] to [always] be ready to help me because I have chosen [to obey] (your principles of behavior/what you have declared that we should do).
V pomoč mi bodi na strani roka tvoja; ker volim povelja tvoja.
174 Yahweh, I eagerly desire for you to rescue/save me [from my enemies]; I am delighted with your laws.
Po blaginji tvoji hrepenim, Gospod; in zakon tvoj je vse razveseljevanje moje.
175 Allow me to [continue to] live in order that I can [continue to] praise you, and that your regulations/rules [that you have given to us] will continue to help me.
Živi duša moja, da hvali tebe; in sodbe tvoje naj pomagajo meni.
176 I have [wandered away from you] like [SIM] a sheep that has become lost; search for me, because I have not forgotten (your commands/what you have commanded us).
Potikam se kakor ovca izgubljena, išči svojega hlapca; ker povelj tvojih ne zabim.

< Psalms 119 >