< Psalms 105 >

1 Give thanks to Yahweh, and tell others that he is very great! Tell everyone in the world what he has done!
Alabád a Jehová, invocád su nombre: hacéd notorias sus obras en los pueblos.
2 Sing to him; praise him as you sing to him; tell others about his wonderful miracles.
Cantád a él, decíd salmos a él: hablád de todas sus maravillas.
3 Be happy because [you know that] he [MTY] is holy! You people who worship Yahweh, rejoice!
Gloriáos en su nombre santo: alégrese el corazón de los que buscan a Jehová.
4 Ask Yahweh to help you and give you his strength, and continue to ask him!
Buscád a Jehová, y a su fortaleza: buscád su rostro siempre.
5 You people who are descendants of God’s servant Abraham, you descendants of Jacob, the man God chose, think about [all] the wonderful things that he has done: He performed miracles, and he punished [all our enemies].
Acordáos de sus maravillas, que hizo: de sus prodigios, y de los juicios de su boca,
Simiente de Abraham su siervo: hijos de Jacob sus escogidos.
7 He is Yahweh, our God. He rules and judges [people] throughout the earth.
El es Jehová nuestro Dios: en toda la tierra están sus juicios.
8 He never forgets the agreement that he made; he made a promise that will last for 1,000 generations;
Acordóse para siempre de su alianza: de la palabra que mandó para mil generaciones:
9 that is the agreement that he made with Abraham, and he repeated that agreement with Isaac.
La cual concertó con Abraham, y de su juramento a Isaac.
10 [Later] he confirmed it [again] to Jacob as an agreement for the Israeli [people] that would last forever.
Y establecióla a Jacob por decreto, a Israel por concierto eterno,
11 What he said was, “I will give you the Canaan region; it will belong to you [and your descendants forever].”
Diciendo: A ti daré la tierra de Canaán, por cordel de vuestra heredad.
12 [He said that to them] when there were only a few of them, a tiny group of people who were living in that land like strangers.
Siendo ellos pocos hombres en número, y extranjeros en ella.
13 They continued to wander from one place to another, from one kingdom to another.
Y anduvieron de gente en gente: de un reino a otro pueblo.
14 But he did not allow others to oppress them. He warned those kings by saying to them,
No consintió que hombre los agraviase: y por causa de ellos castigó a los reyes.
15 “Do not do harm the [people] whom I have chosen! Do not harm my prophets!”
No toquéis en mis ungidos: ni hagáis mal a mis profetas.
16 He sent a famine to Canaan, and [as a result all the people] had no food to eat.
Y llamó a la hambre sobre la tierra: y toda fuerza de pan quebrantó.
17 So his people went to Egypt, but first he sent someone there. He sent Joseph, who had been sold to be a slave.
Envió un varón delante de ellos: por siervo fue vendido José.
18 [Later, while Joseph was in prison in Egypt], they put his legs in shackles that bruised his feet, and they put an iron collar around his neck.
Afligieron sus pies con grillos: en hierro entró su persona,
19 There, Yahweh (refined Joseph’s character/tested Joseph to see if Joseph would continue to trust him), until what Joseph predicted would happen (came true/happened).
Hasta la hora que llegó su palabra: el dicho de Jehová le purificó.
20 The king [of Egypt] summoned him, and he set Joseph free; this ruler of many people-groups released Joseph [from prison].
Envió el rey, y soltóle: el señor de los pueblos, y le desató.
21 [Then] he appointed him to take care of everything in the king’s household, to take care of everything that the king possessed.
Púsole por señor de su casa: y por enseñoreador en toda su posesión.
22 (Joseph was permitted/He permitted Joseph) to command the king’s servants to do anything that Joseph wanted them to do, and [even] to tell the king’s advisors the things that they should do [for the people of Egypt].
Para echar presos sus príncipes, como él quisiese; y enseñó sabiduría a sus viejos.
23 Later, [Joseph’s father] Jacob arrived in Egypt. He lived like a foreigner in the land that belonged to the descendants of Ham.
Y entró Israel en Egipto: y Jacob fue extranjero en la tierra de Cam.
24 And [years later] Yahweh caused the descendants of Jacob to become very numerous. [As a result], their enemies, [the Egyptians], considered that the Israelis were too strong.
E hizo crecer su pueblo en gran manera: e hízole fuerte más que sus enemigos.
25 [So] Yahweh caused the rulers of Egypt to (turn against/hate) the Israeli people, and they planned ways to get rid of his people.
Volvió el corazón de ellos, para que aborreciesen a su pueblo: para que pensasen mal contra sus siervos.
26 [But then] Yahweh sent his servant Moses along with [Moses’ older brother] Aaron, whom Yahweh had [also] chosen [to be his servant].
Envió a su siervo Moisés: a Aarón, al cual escogió.
27 Those two performed amazing miracles among the people of Egypt, in that land where the descendants of Ham lived.
Pusieron en ellos las palabras de sus señales, y sus prodigios en la tierra de Cam.
28 Yahweh sent darkness, so that the people of Egypt could not see anything [DOU], but the rulers of Egypt refused [RHQ] to obey when [Moses and Aaron] commanded [them to let the Israeli people leave Egypt].
Echó tinieblas, e hizo oscuridad, y no fueron rebeldes a su palabra.
29 Yahweh caused [all] the water in Egypt to become (blood/[red like] blood), and [his doing that] caused all the fish to die.
Volvió sus aguas en sangre, y mató sus pescados.
30 [Then he caused] the land to become full of frogs; the king and his officials even had frogs in their bedrooms.
Engendró ranas su tierra en las camas de sus reyes.
31 [Then] Yahweh commanded that flies come, and swarms of them descended [on the people of Egypt], and gnats [also] swarmed across the whole country.
Dijo, y vino una mezcla de diversas moscas, piojos en todo su término.
32 Instead of sending rain, Yahweh sent [terrible] hail, and lightning flashed throughout the land.
Volvió sus lluvias en granizo: en fuego de llamas en su tierra.
33 The hail ruined their grapevines and fig trees and shattered all the [other] trees.
E hirió sus viñas, y sus higueras; y quebró los árboles de su término.
34 He commanded locusts to come, and swarms of them came; [so many that] they could not be counted.
Dijo, y vino langosta, y pulgón sin número;
35 The locusts ate every green plant in the land, ruining all the crops.
Y comió toda la yerba de su tierra, y comió el fruto de su tierra.
36 [Then] Yahweh killed the oldest son in every house [of the people of Egypt] [DOU].
E hirió a todos los primogénitos en su tierra, el principio de toda su fuerza.
37 Then he brought the Israeli [people] out [from Egypt]; they were carrying loads of [jewelry made of] silver and gold [that the women of Egypt had given to them]. No one was left behind because of being sick.
Y sacólos con plata y oro; y no hubo en sus tribus enfermo.
38 [The people of] Egypt were glad when the Israeli people left, because they had become very afraid of the Israelis.
Egipto se alegró en su salida; porque había caído sobre ellos el terror de ellos.
39 [Then] Yahweh spread a cloud to cover the Israelis; and [at night it became] a big fire [in the sky] to give them light.
Extendió una nube por cubierta, y fuego para alumbrar la noche.
40 [Later] the Israelis asked for [meat to eat], and Yahweh sent [flocks of] quail to them, and he gave them plenty of manna [food] from the sky [each morning].
Pidieron, e hizo venir codornices; y de pan del cielo les hartó.
41 [One day] he caused a rock to open up and water poured out [for them to drink]; it was like a river flowing in that desert.
Abrió la peña, y corrieron aguas; fueron por las securas como un río.
42 [He did that] because he kept thinking about the sacred promise [that he had given] to his servant, Abraham.
Porque se acordó de su santa palabra con Abraham su siervo.
43 So his people were joyful as he brought them out from Egypt; those people whom he had chosen were shouting joyfully as they went.
Y sacó a su pueblo con gozo; con júbilo a sus escogidos.
44 He gave to them the land that belonged to the people-groups [that lived there in Canaan], and the Israelis harvested crops that [other] people had planted.
Y dióles las tierras de los Gentiles: y los trabajos de las naciones heredaron:
45 [Yahweh did all these things] in order that his people would do all the things that he had commanded them to do [DOU]. Praise Yahweh!
Para que guardasen sus estatutos; y conservasen sus leyes. Alelu- Jah.

< Psalms 105 >