< Psalms 1 >

1 [God] is pleased with those who do not do what [MET] wicked people advise them to do, and who do not imitate the behavior of [MET] sinful people, and who do not join in with people who (ridicule/sneer at) [God].
Autuas se mies, joka ei vaella jumalattomain neuvossa eikä astu syntisten teitä eikä istu, kussa pilkkaajat istuvat,
2 Those whom God is pleased with delight in doing the things that he has instructed/taught us to do. They read and think about Yahweh’s requirements, day and night.
vaan rakastaa Herran lakia ja tutkistelee hänen lakiansa päivät ja yöt!
3 They [constantly produce/do things that please God] just like fruit trees that have been planted along the banks of a stream produce fruit at the right time every year. [Like] trees that never wither, they succeed in everything that they do.
Hän on niinkuin istutettu puu vesiojain tykönä, joka antaa hedelmänsä ajallaan ja jonka lehti ei lakastu; ja kaikki, mitä hän tekee, menestyy.
4 But wicked people are not like that! Wicked people are [as worthless as] chaff that is blown away by the wind.
Niin eivät jumalattomat! Vaan he ovat kuin akanat, joita tuuli ajaa.
5 Therefore, wicked people (will not be acquitted/will be condemned) [LIT] when [God] judges people, and furthermore, sinful people will not even be present when [God] gathers righteous people together,
Sentähden eivät jumalattomat kestä tuomiolla eivätkä syntiset vanhurskasten seurakunnassa.
6 because he guides and protects righteous people, but the path that the wicked walk on leads them to where they will be destroyed/punished [by God forever].
Sillä Herra tuntee vanhurskasten tien, mutta jumalattomain tie hukkuu.

< Psalms 1 >