< Proverbs 26 >

1 Just [like] [SIM] [it is not appropriate for] snow [to fall] in summer time, or rain [to fall] at harvest time, it is not appropriate to praise/honor foolish people.
Menm jan moun pa bezwen tann pou fè gwo fredi nan sezon chalè, ni pou lapli tonbe nan sezon rekòt, konsa tou, moun san konprann pa bezwen tann pou yo fè lwanj li.
2 Like [SIM] birds that fly by [and do not alight/land on anything], if someone curses you, it cannot hurt you if you (do not deserve them/have not done to him what is wrong).
Madichon pa ka fè ou anyen si ou pa antò. Se tankou ti zwezo k'ap vòltije sou branch bwa, ziwondèl k'ap vole nan syèl la yo ye.
3 It is necessary to whip a horse and to put a bridle on a donkey [to force them to go where we want them to go], and similarly [SIM] [it is often necessary to strike] foolish people with a stick [to cause them to do what is right].
Fwèt pou chwal, baboukèt pou bourik, baton pou do moun ki san konprann.
4 If a foolish person asks a foolish question, [do not answer him], because [if you answer his question], you are just as foolish as he is.
Pa reponn moun sòt yo menm jan yo pale a, pou ou pa parèt sòt menm jan ak yo.
5 If you give a foolish answer to someone who asks a foolish question, he will realize that he is (not very wise/foolish).
Reponn moun sòt yo dapre jan yo pale a, w'a fè yo wè se moun sòt yo ye.
6 Anyone who asks a foolish person to take a message to someone [is himself doing something as foolish as] cutting off his own feet or drinking poison.
Yon moun ki voye yon moun sòt fè komisyon, se tankou si li te koupe janm li. Se traka l'ap chache bay tèt li.
7 A lame man cannot use his legs, and similarly [SIM] [it is useless for] a foolish person to speak [MTY] (proverbs/wise sayings).
Yon moun ki san konprann sèvi ak yon pwovèb menm jan yon moun bwete sèvi ak move janm lan.
8 Tying a stone in a sling [so that it cannot be thrown at a target] is [as foolish as] [SIM] honoring a foolish person.
Fè lwanj yon moun ki san konprann, se tankou si ou te mare wòch la anvan ou tire fistibal la.
9 If a drunk person waves some thorns/brambles with his hand, [he is not able to accomplish anything useful by doing that] (OR, [he does not feel it when a thorn sticks in his hand]); similarly, if foolish people speak [MTY] proverbs, [they do not help anyone who hears them].
Yon moun san konprann k'ap bay yon pwovèb, se tankou yon moun sou k'ap chache wete yon pikan nan dwèt li.
10 A man who shoots arrows [to try] to wound everybody who is near [is foolish]; similarly, anyone who hires a foolish person [who passes by is very foolish].
Patwon ki pran nenpòt moun san konprann osinon nenpòt moun k'ap pase nan lari pou travay pou li, se yon danje pou tout moun.
11 A foolish person will foolishly do something stupid a second time; it is [like] [SIM] a dog returning to [eat] what it has vomited.
Menm jan yon chen tounen vin manje sa li vonmi, se konsa moun san konprann yo ap toujou fè sa y'ap fè a.
12 [God] can help/bless foolish people more easily than he can help/bless people who are not wise [RHQ], but think that they are wise.
Gen plis espwa pou yon moun ki san konprann pase pou yon moun ki mete nan tèt li li konprann.
13 Lazy people [just stay inside their houses and do nothing]; [they keep] saying “[I think] there is a lion in the street!”
Parese a di: Gen bèt nan bwa sou wout la. Gen yon lyon nan lari a.
14 A door [continually] swings back and forth on its hinges [and does not go anywhere]; similarly [SIM], lazy people [just continually turn over] in their beds [and never do anything].
Parese a ap vire adwat agoch nan kabann li, menm jan yon pòt ap vire louvri fèmen sou gon li yo.
15 Some people are extremely lazy; they put their hand in a dish [to get some food] but do not [even] lift the food up to their mouths.
Parese a pran kiyè l' nan men l'. Men, pou l' leve l' mete nan bouch li, se yon pakèt afè.
16 Lazy people think that they are wiser than seven/several people who can answer [others’ questions] with good sense.
Parese mete nan tèt li li gen plis konprann pase sèt moun lespri ki konn sa y'ap di.
17 Anyone who (meddles/involves himself) in a quarrel that does not concern him is [as foolish as] [SIM] someone who tries to grab a passing dog by its ears.
Moun k'ap foure bouch nan koze ki pa gade l', se tankou moun k'ap rale ke chen li jwenn sou gran chemen.
18 Crazy people who shoot burning arrows to kill people
-(we vèsè pwochen)
19 are as foolish as those who deceive someone else and [then] say, “I was only joking.”
Moun k'ap mache twonpe moun, apre sa pou li di: Aa monchè! Se jwe mwen t'ap jwe, moun konsa tankou moun fou k'ap voye bwa dife ak wòch pou touye moun.
20 If there is no [more] firewood [to put on the fire], the fire will go out; similarly [SIM], if there are no people who (gossip/tell people things that are not true), quarreling will end.
Kote ki pa gen bwa, pa gen dife. Kote ki pa gen tripòt, pa gen kont.
21 [Putting] charcoal on burning coals or [putting] wood on a fire [causes the fire to keep burning]; similarly, people who like to quarrel cause people to keep arguing.
Chabon kenbe recho a limen. Bwa pa kite dife a mouri. Konsa tou, moun ki renmen chache kont toujou ap pouse dife.
22 People [enjoy listening to what gossips say about others just like] [SIM] they enjoy tasty food; they [enjoy listening to what gossips tell them like] they enjoy swallowing tasty food.
Tripotay dous nan zòrèy moun ki vle tande yo. Sa mache nan san yo.
23 People who say nice things when they are thinking about doing evil things are like a nice glaze/covering on a [cheap] clay pot.
Yon moun ki gen bèl pawòl nan bouch li men ki gen move kè, se tankou bèl penti sou bwa pouri.
24 Those who hate someone and are saying [MTY] something very different from what they are thinking are hypocrites; they are only planning [to harm that person].
Ipokrit ki rayi moun toujou ap bay bèl pawòl. Men, nan kè l', se twonpe l'ap twonpe moun.
25 When they say nice things, do not believe them, because in their inner beings are many things that [Yahweh] hates.
Lè l'ap pale konsa, ou pa bezwen kwè l', paske nan fon kè l', se mechanste ase ki genyen.
26 They try to deceive people to cause them to think that they do not hate [that person], but in a public meeting, the people will find out the evil things [that they have done].
Li te mèt kache sa, tout moun gen pou wè mechanste l'ap fè yo.
27 Those who dig a deep pit [for other people to fall into] will fall into it themselves; rocks will roll down on those who start to cause rocks to roll down [to crush someone].
Moun k'ap tann pèlen pou lòt se yo menm k'ap pran ladan li. Moun ki konmanse woule wòch la, se li menm ankò wòch la ap kraze.
28 Those [MTY] who tell lies to others [really] hate them, and those who deceive [others] ruin them.
Fòk ou rayi yon moun vre pou fè manti sou li. Lè w'ap flate moun, se tèt ou w'ap fè tò.

< Proverbs 26 >