< Proverbs 24 >

1 Do not envy evil people; do not desire to associate with them,
No tengas envidia de los hombres malos: ni desees estar con ellos.
2 because they are [constantly] thinking about acting violently, and whenever they speak [MTY], they talk about (causing trouble/hurting someone).
Porque su corazón piensa en robar; e iniquidad hablan sus labios.
3 People make good houses (OR, families) by doing what is wise, and they make their houses (OR, families) strong by [heeding] good advice.
Con sabiduría se edificará la casa; y con prudencia se afirmará.
4 By using good sense, [they are able to buy] valuable and beautiful things and put them in the rooms of their houses.
Y con ciencia las cámaras se henchirán de todas riquezas preciosas y hermosas.
5 Being wise is better than being strong/powerful; those who know [many things can accomplish more] than those who are [very] strong.
El hombre sabio es fuerte; y el hombre entendido es valiente de fuerza.
6 Leaders can fight battles if they have wise advisors, and they win those battles if they have many good advisors.
Porque con industrias harás la guerra; y la salud está en la multitud de los consejeros.
7 Foolish people cannot understand wise sayings/talk; at public meetings they are not [able to] say anything [that is useful].
Alta está para el insensato la sabiduría: en la puerta no abrirá su boca.
8 Those who are [always] planning to do evil things will be called troublemakers.
Al que piensa mal hacer, al tal, hombre de malos pensamientos le llamarán.
9 It is sinful to plan to do foolish things, and people hate those who make fun of [everything that is good].
El mal pensamiento del insensato es pecado; y abominación a los hombres el burlador.
10 If you [act as though] you are helpless when you have troubles, you are [truly very] weak.
Si fueres flojo en el día de trabajo, tu fuerza será angosta.
11 [If it is unjustly decided] that someone must be executed, [try hard to] rescue them [DOU].
¿Detenerte has de escapar los que son tomados para la muerte, y los que son llevados al degolladero?
12 If you say, “I did not know anything about it, [so (it is not my concern/I did not try to help him)],” remember that God knows what we have done, and he knows what we were thinking [IDM, RHQ], and he will certainly [RHQ] repay us as we deserve for what we have done or for not doing what we should have done.
Si dijeres: Ciertamente no lo supimos: ¿el que pesa los corazones no lo entenderá? El que mira por tu alma él lo conocerá, el cual dará al hombre según sus obras.
13 My child/son, eat honey, because it is good [for you]; the honey that drips from honeycombs tastes [very] sweet.
Come, hijo mío, de la miel, porque es buena; y del panal dulce a tu paladar:
14 Similarly, being wise is good for your soul; if you become wise, you will be [happy in] the future, and [God] will certainly [do for you what you are] confidently expecting him to do [LIT].
Tal será el conocimiento de la sabiduría a tu alma, si la hallares; y al fin tu esperanza no será cortada.
15 Do not be like wicked people who [hide and] wait to break into the houses of righteous/good [people] and rob/steal things.
O! impío, no aseches a la tienda del justo: no saquees su acostadero:
16 [Even if] good people fall down seven/many times, they [always] stand/get up again, but when a disaster happens to wicked [people], it ruins/destroys them.
Porque siete veces cae el justo, y se torna a levantar: mas los impíos caerán en el mal.
17 Do not be happy when something bad happens to one of your enemies; do not rejoice when he stumbles and falls,
Cuando cayere tu enemigo, no te huelgues; y cuando tropezare, no se alegre tu corazón:
18 because Yahweh will know what you are thinking, and he will not like it, and [as a result] he will not punish that enemy of yours.
Porque Jehová no lo mire, y le desagrade; y aparte de sobre él su enojo.
19 Do not become angry/upset about those who do what is evil, and do not [SYN] envy them,
No te entremetas con los malignos, ni tengas envidia de los impíos:
20 because [nothing good] will happen to wicked people; they are [like] a lamp that will soon be extinguished [MET].
Porque para el malo no habrá buen fin; y la candela de los impíos será apagada.
21 My child/son, revere Yahweh and [also] honor the king, and do not associate with people who want to rebel against either of them,
Teme a Jehová, hijo mío, y al rey: no te entremetas con los inmutadores:
22 because those people will suddenly experience disasters; and no one knows [RHQ] what great disasters that God or the king can cause to happen to them.
Porque su quebrantamiento se levantará de repente: ¿y el quebrantamiento de ambos quién lo comprenderá?
23 Here are more things that wise [people] have said: It is wrong for judges to decide matters unfairly [IDM].
También estas cosas pertenecen a los sabios. Tener respeto a personas en el juicio, no es bueno.
24 If they say to people who are guilty, “You (are innocent/have not done something that is wrong),” [even] people in other nations will curse and despise them,
El que dijere al malo, justo eres: los pueblos le maldecirán, y las naciones le detestarán:
25 but if judges say that guilty people must be punished, things will go well for those judges, and (they will receive blessings/God will bless them).
Mas los que le reprenden, serán agradables; y sobre ellos vendrá bendición de bien.
26 Those who answer others honestly show that they are truly their friends [IDM].
Los labios serán besados, del que responde palabras rectas.
27 First, do the work [that needs to be done] outside [your house], and prepare your fields, [and then plant things], and after you finish doing that, build your house.
Apareja de fuera tu obra, y dispónela en tu heredad; y después edificarás tu casa.
28 [In the courtroom] do not testify against someone when you have no reason to do that, and do not [try to] deceive [people] by what you say [MTY].
No seas testigo sin causa contra tu prójimo; y no lisonjees con tus labios.
29 Do not say, “I will do to him what he did to me; I will pay him back for [the bad things that] he did to me.”
No digas: Como me hizo, así le haré: daré el pago al varón según su obra.
30 One day I walked by the vineyards of a lazy man, a man who did not have good sense.
Pasé junto a la heredad del hombre perezoso, y junto a la viña del hombre falto de entendimiento.
31 I was surprised to see that the fields were full of all kinds of thorny bushes, and the stone wall [around the garden] had (collapsed/fallen down).
Y he aquí que por toda ella habían ya crecido espinas, ortigas habían ya cubierto su superficie, y su cerca de piedra estaba ya destruida.
32 When I saw that, I thought about it, and I learned this:
Y yo miré, y púse lo en mi corazón: lo ví, y recibí enseñanza.
33 [If you spend a lot of time] sleeping and napping and folding your hands while you rest,
Tomando un poco de sueño, cabeceando otro poco, poniendo mano sobre mano otro poco para volver a dormir:
34 [soon] you will become poor; [it will be as though] [PRS, SIM] a bandit who had a weapon in his hand [attacked you and stole all that you had].
Vendrá como caminante, tu necesidad; y tu pobreza como hombre de escudo.

< Proverbs 24 >