< Philippians 4 >

1 My fellow believers, I love you, and I long for you. You make me happy [MTY], and I am (proud of/pleased with) you. Dear friends, on the basis [of all that I have told you], continue to believe firmly in the Lord doing what I have just taught you.
Ezért, szerelmes atyámfiai, akik után úgy vágyakozom, ti az én örömöm és koronám vagytok, ekképpen álljatok meg az Úrban, én szerelmeseim!
2 I urge [you(sg)], Euodia, and I urge [you(sg)], Syntyche, to again have a peaceful relationship with each other, [because you both have a relationship with] the Lord.
Evódiát és Szüntükhét is intem, hogy értsenek egyet az Úrban.
3 And, my faithful comrade/partner, I request that you [(sg)] help them [to again have a peaceful relationship with each other], because they have [faithfully proclaimed] the message [about Christ] together with me, [even though many people] have opposed us [(exc)]. They have faithfully proclaimed that message together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names [are] in the book [in which God has written the names of all those people who will] live [forever].
Igen, kérlek téged is, igaz szolgatársam, légy segítségül ezeknek, mint akik az evangélium dolgában együtt viaskodtak velem és Kelemennel és ama többi munkatársaimmal, akiknek nevei föl vannak írva az élet könyvében.
4 [Because you have a relationship with] the Lord, always rejoice! I’m saying it again, rejoice!
Örüljetek az Úrban mindenkor; ismét mondom, örüljetek!
5 [Act in such a way that] everyone can know that you are gentle. The Lord is coming soon.
A ti szelídlelkűségetek ismert legyen minden ember előtt. Az Úr közel!
6 Do not worry about anything. Instead, in every situation, pray [to God], tell him what you need, and ask him [to help you] [DOU]. Also thank [him for what he does for you].
Semmi felől ne aggódjatok, hanem imádságotokban és könyörgésetekben minden alkalommal hálaadással tárjátok fel kívánságaitokat az Isten előtt.
7 As a result, God will enable you not to worry [about anything] [MTY] (OR, God will protect your minds [in every way]) [PRS]. [That is], he will cause you to have [inner] peace [because you have a relationship with] Christ Jesus. You will not be able to understand [PRS] [how you can be so peaceful in such difficult circumstances!]!
És az Istennek békessége, mely minden értelmet felülhalad, meg fogja őrizni szíveiteket és gondolataitokat a Krisztus Jézusban.
8 My fellow believers, there is one more thing I [want you to do]. Whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is right, whatever is morally pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is admirable, whatever is good, whatever [deserves] praise, those are the things that you should continually think about.
Továbbá, atyámfiai, amik csak igazak, amik csak tisztességesek, amik csak igazságosak, amik csak tiszták, amik csak kedvesek, amik csak jó hírűek; ha van valami erény, és ha van valami dicséret, ezekről gondolkodjatok.
9 Those things that I have taught you and that you have learned from me, those things that you have heard me [say] and that you have seen me [do], those are the things that you yourselves should continually do. As a result [of your doing those things], God, the one who [causes us to] have [inner] peace, will (be with/bless) you.
Azt cselekedjétek, amiket tanultatok, elfogadtatok, hallottatok és láttatok is tőlem; és a békesség Istene veletek lesz.
10 I rejoice greatly [and thank] the Lord because now, after some time, [by sending money to me] you have once again shown that you are concerned about me [EUP]. Indeed, you were concerned about me [all the time], but you had no opportunity [to show that you were concerned about me].
Felette igen örültem pedig az Úrban, hogy újból gondoskodhattok rólam, melyre azelőtt is gondoltatok, de nem volt rá alkalmatok.
11 I am saying this not because I [am concerned that I] lack things [that I need]. In fact, I have learned to be content in whatever [situation] I am.
Nem szűkölködésem miatt mondom, mert én megtanultam, hogy megelégedjem azzal, amim van.
12 [Specifically], I know how [to be content when] I do not have what I need, and I know how [to be content when] I have plenty. I have learned how [to be content] in any and every [situation] [DOU]. [Specifically], I have learned how [to be content when] I have enough to eat, and I have learned how [to be content when] I do not have enough to eat. I have learned how [to be content when] I have plenty [DOU] [of what I need], and I have learned [how to be content when] I lack [things].
Tudok megaláztatni és tudok bővölködni is; mindent és mindig ismerek: jóllakást és éhezést, bővölködést és szűkölködést.
13 I am able (to cope with/to handle) every situation because [Christ] gives me the strength to do that.
Mindenre van erőm a Krisztusban, aki engem megerősít.
14 Nevertheless, you did very well by [helping me] (OR, [giving me money]) [EUP] while I have been suffering hardship.
Mindazáltal jól tettétek, hogy nyomorúságomban részesekké lettetek.
15 [My friends there at Philippi], you yourselves know that when I first [proclaimed] the message about Christ [to you], and then left there to go to Macedonia [province], you were the only group of believers [LIT] who [sent me] gifts [EUP] in order that I might [proclaim that message] to others just like I did for you.
Tudjátok pedig ti is, filippibeliek, hogy az evangélium hirdetésének kezdetén, mikor Macedóniából kimentem, egyetlen egyház sem volt részes velem a kölcsönös adásban és vevésben, csak ti egyedül:
16 Even [when I was] in Thessalonica [city], you sent [money] [EUP] to me two different times [IDM] in order to [supply] what I needed.
mert már Thesszalonikában is, egyszer is, másszor is küldtetek nékem szükségemre.
17 I say this, not because I desire that you give me money now. Instead, I desire that [God] will abundantly bless [MET] you as a result of [your helping me].
Nem mintha kívánnám az ajándékot; hanem kívánom azt a gyümölcsöt, mely sokasodik a ti hasznotokra.
18 But I have received a very generous [gift] [EUP] [from you], and [as a result], I have plenty. I have an abundant supply [of what I need because] I have received from Epaphroditus the money [EUP] that you [sent to me]. God considers that your gift is very acceptable, and he is very pleased with it. [Your gift is like] a nice-smelling sacrifice [MET].
Megkaptam pedig mindent, és bővölködöm; beteltem, mióta megkaptam Epafroditosztól, amit küldtetek, mint kedves jó illatot, kellemes, tetsző áldozatot az Istennek.
19 [Moreover], God, [whom] I [serve], has an unlimited supply [of everything that we(inc) need]. And as a result, because of your relationship with Christ Jesus, he will completely supply everything that you need.
Az én Istenem pedig be fogja tölteni minden szükségeteket az ő gazdagsága szerint, dicsőségesen a Krisztus Jézusban.
20 [So], praise God our Father forever and ever! Amen! (aiōn g165)
Az Istennek pedig és a mi Atyánknak dicsőség mindörökkön-örökké. Ámen. (aiōn g165)
21 Greet [for me/us(exc)] all of God’s people [there, that is, all those who have a relationship with] Christ Jesus. The fellow believers who [serve God together] with me here send their greetings to you (OR, say they are thinking fondly of you).
Köszöntsetek minden szentet a Krisztus Jézusban. Köszöntenek titeket az atyafiak, akik velem vannak.
22 All of God’s people [here] send their greetings to you. Especially the [fellow believers who work] in the palace of the emperor send their greetings to you.
Köszöntenek titeket minden szentek, mindeneknek felette pedig a császár udvarából valók.
23 My desire is [that our] Lord Jesus Christ [will continue to] act kindly toward you all [SYN].
A mi Urunk Jézus Krisztusnak kegyelme legyen mindnyájatokkal! Ámen.

< Philippians 4 >