< Numbers 10 >

1 Yahweh also told Moses/me,
Yehowa gblɔ na Mose be,
2 “[Tell someone to] make two trumpets by hammering each one from [one lump of] silver. Blow the trumpets to summon the people to come together and also to signal that they must move their tents [to a new location].
“Tsɔ klosalo wɔ kpẽ eve hena ameawo yɔyɔ be woaƒo ƒu kple gbeƒãɖeɖe be woaho.
3 If both trumpets are blown, it means that everyone must gather together at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
Ne woku kpẽ eveawo ƒo ƒui la, ameawo anya be, ele be yewoakpe ta le agbadɔ la ƒe mɔnu.
4 If only one trumpet is blown, it means that only the [twelve] leaders of the tribes must gather together.
Ke ne woku kpẽ ɖeka ko la, ekema kplɔlawo kple Israel ƒe toawo ƒe tatɔwo ava ƒo ƒu ɖe ŋkuwòme.
5 If the trumpets are blown loudly, the tribes that are to the east [of the Sacred Tent] should start to travel.
Ne woku kpẽa la, ekema to siwo ƒu asaɖa anyi ɖe ɣedzeƒe la aho.
6 When the trumpets are blown loudly the second time, the tribes that are to the south should start to travel. The loud blasts on the trumpet will signal that they should start to travel.
Ne kpẽa gaɖi zi evelia tu ɖe nu la, to siwo le dziehe lɔƒo la hã adze mɔ. Kpẽa ƒe ɖiɖi nye nyanyanana be woadze mɔ.
7 When you want only to gather the people together, blow the trumpets, but do not blow them as loudly.
Ke ne wodi be dukɔ la katã nakpe ta la, woaku kpẽ la kpuie ko.
8 “The priests who are descended from Aaron are the ones who should blow the trumpets. That is a regulation that will never be changed.
“Aron ƒe viŋutsuwo, ame siwo nye nunɔlawo la koe kpɔ mɔ aku kpẽawo. Esia nye nuɖoanyi na mi tso dzidzime yi dzidzime.
9 When you fight against enemies who attack you in your own land, tell the priests to blow the trumpets loudly. I, Yahweh, your God, will hear that, and I will rescue you from your enemies.
Ne mieyi aʋa kple miaƒe futɔwo, ame siwo le mia tem ɖe anyi le miawo ŋutɔ ƒe anyigba dzi la, ekema miku kpẽawo. Ekema Yehowa, miaƒe Mawu la aɖo ŋku mia dzi, eye wòaɖe mi tso miaƒe futɔwo ƒe asi me.
10 Also tell the priests to blow the trumpets when the people are happy, and at the festivals [each year], and at the times when they celebrate the new moon each month. Tell them to blow the trumpets when the people bring offerings that will be completely burned, and when they bring offerings to maintain fellowship with me. If they do that, it will help you to remember that I, Yahweh your God, [will help you].”
Miku kpẽawo le dzidzɔɣiwo hã. Miku wo le miaƒe ƒe sia ƒe Ŋkekenyuiwo dzi kple dzinu yeye ɖe sia ɖe ƒe Ŋkekenyuiwo dzi. Miku kpẽawo hã ɖe miaƒe numevɔsawo kple ŋutifafavɔsawo hã ŋu, eye woanye ŋkuɖodzi na mi le miaƒe Mawu la ŋkume. Nyee nye Yehowa, miaƒe Mawu.”
11 On the twentieth day of May in the second year [after the/we Israelis left Egypt], the cloud rose up from above the Sacred Tent.
Lilikpo la ho le agbadɔ la tame le Israelviwo ƒe dzodzo le Egipte ƒe ƒe evelia ƒe ɣleti evelia ƒe ŋkeke blaevelia gbe.
12 So we/the Israelis traveled from the Sinai Desert, and we/they continued traveling [north] until the cloud stopped in the Paran Desert.
Ale Israelviwo dzo le Sinai gbegbe la. Wodze lilikpo la yome va se ɖe esime wòtɔ ɖe Paran gbegbe la.
13 That was the first time we/they moved, obeying the instructions that Yahweh had given to Moses/me to tell them.
Esiae nye woƒe mɔzɔzɔ gbãtɔ esi woxɔ Yehowa ƒe se siwo wòde na Mose tso mɔzɔzɔ la ŋuti.
14 The group that went first, carrying their flag/banner, was the group from the tribe of Judah. Nahshon, the son of Amminadab, was their leader.
Yuda ƒe to la dze ŋgɔ, nɔ woƒe aflaga la yome. Woƒe kplɔlae nye Nahson, Aminadab ƒe viŋutsu.
15 The group from the tribe of Issachar [followed them]. Nethanel, the son of Zuar, was their leader.
Isaka ƒe to la kplɔ wo ɖo. Woƒe kplɔlae nye Netanel, Zuar ƒe viŋutsu.
16 The group from the tribe of Zebulun went next. Eliab, the son of Helon, was their leader.
Eliab, Helon ƒe viŋutsu kplɔ Zebulon ƒe to la dze wo yome.
17 Then they dismantled the Sacred Tent, and the descendants of Gershon and Merari carried it, and they went next.
Wokaka Agbadɔ la, eye Gerson kple Merari ƒe viwo tso Levi ƒe viwo dome kplɔ wo ɖo. Wokɔ Agbadɔ la ɖe abɔta.
18 The group from the tribe of Reuben went next, carrying their flag. Elizur, the son of Shedeur, was their leader.
Ruben ƒe to la kple woƒe aflaga dze wo yome le woƒe kplɔla Elizur, Sedeur ƒe viŋutsu ƒe kpɔkplɔ te.
19 The group from the tribe of Simeon was next. Shelumiel, the son of Zurishaddai, was their leader.
Simeon ƒe to la kplɔ woawo hã ɖo. Wonɔ woƒe kplɔla Selumiel, Zurisadai ƒe viŋutsu ƒe kpɔkplɔ te.
20 The group from the tribe of Gad was next. Eliasaph, the son of Deuel, was their leader.
To si kplɔ wo ɖo lae nye Gad ƒe to la. Woƒe kplɔlae nye Eliasaf, Deguel ƒe viŋutsu.
21 The group descended from Kohath was next. They carried the sacred items from the Sacred Tent. The Sacred Tent itself was set up at the new location before they arrived there.
Kohat ƒe viwo kplɔ Gad ƒe to la ɖo. Woawoe tsɔa nu kɔkɔeawo. Wotua agbadɔ la ɖe teƒe yeyea hafi wova ɖona.
22 The group from the tribe of Ephraim was next, carrying their flag. Elishama, the son of Ammihud, was their leader.
Efraim ƒe to la kplɔ Kohat ƒe viwo ɖo. Wonɔ woƒe aflaga yome le Elisama, Amihud ƒe viŋutsu ƒe kpɔkplɔ te.
23 The group from the tribe of Manasseh went next. Gamaliel, the son of Pedahzur, was their leader.
Manase ƒe to la nɔ Gamaliel, Pedahzur ƒe viŋutsu ƒe kpɔkplɔ te kplɔ wo ɖo,
24 The group from the tribe of Benjamin, went next. Abidan, the son of Gideoni, was their leader.
eye Benyamin ƒe to la nɔ woƒe kplɔla Abidan, Gideoni ƒe viŋutsu ƒe kpɔkplɔ te kplɔ wo ɖo.
25 The ones who went last were the group from the tribe of Dan, carrying their flag. Ahiezer, the son of Ammishaddai, was their leader.
Ame mamlɛtɔwoe nye Dan ƒe to la. Wonɔ woƒe aflaga yome le woƒe kplɔla, Ahiezer, Amisadai ƒe viŋutsu ƒe kpɔkplɔ te.
26 The group from the tribe of Asher went next. Pagiel, the son of Ocran, was their leader.
Aser ƒe to la, ame siwo Pagiel, Okran ƒe viŋutsu kplɔ,
27 The group from the tribe of Naphtali went last. Ahira, the son of Enan, was their leader.
kple Naftali ƒe to la, ame siwo Ahira, Enan ƒe viŋutsu kplɔ la dze wo yome.
28 That was the order in which the groups of Israeli tribes traveled.
Ɖoɖo sia mee Israelviwo ƒe towo nɔna hezɔa mɔ.
29 One day Moses/I said to his/my brother-in-law Hobab, the son of Reuel from the Midian people-group, “We are on the way to the place that Yahweh promised to give to us. Come with us, and we will take good care of you, because Yahweh has promised [to do] good things for us Israeli people.”
Gbe ɖeka la, Mose gblɔ na srɔ̃a nɔviŋutsu, Hobab si nye Midiantɔ Reuel ƒe viŋutsu be, “Mlɔeba la, míele mɔ dzem ɖo ta Ŋugbedodonyigba la dzi. Na míayi. Míalé be na wò, elabena Yehowa do nu nyui geɖewo ŋugbe na Israel!”
30 But Hobab replied, “No, I will not go with you. I want to return to my own land and to my own family.”
Ke Hobab gblɔ nɛ be, “Ao, ele be matrɔ ayi mía de aɖanɔ nye amewo dome.”
31 But Moses/I said, “Please do not leave us. You know the places where we can set up our tents in this desert, and you can guide us.
Mose ɖe kuku nɛ be, “Nɔ mía gbɔ, elabena ènya teƒe siwo míaƒu asaɖa anyi ɖo, eye ànye ŋku na mí.
32 Come with us. We will share with you all the good things that Yahweh gives to us.”
Ne èkplɔ mí ɖo la, àkpɔ gome le nu nyui siwo katã Yehowa wɔna na mí la me.”
33 [So Hobab agreed to go with them]. The Israelis left Sinai Mountain, [which they called] Yahweh’s Mountain, and they walked for three days. The [men carrying the] sacred chest went in front of the other people for those three days, and they kept looking for a place to set up their tents.
Wozɔ mɔ ŋkeke etɔ̃ tso Sinai to, Yehowa ƒe to la gbɔ. Nubablaɖaka la le wo ŋgɔ be yeatia teƒe si woatɔ ɖo la na wo.
34 The cloud sent by Yahweh was over them every day.
Wodze mɔ le ŋkeke me. Yehowa ƒe lilikpo la nɔ zɔzɔm le ŋgɔ na wo.
35 Each morning when the men who were carrying the sacred chest started to walk, Moses/I said, “Yahweh, arise! Scatter your enemies! Cause those who hate you to run away from you!”
Ne wokɔ nubablaɖaka la dze mɔ la, Mose doa ɣli be, “O! Yehowa, tsi tsitre, eye nàka wò futɔwo hlẽ. Na woasi le ŋgɔwò.”
36 And each time the men [stopped to] set down the sacred chest, Moses/I said, “Yahweh, stay close to the thousands of us Israelis!”
Ne wodro nubablaɖaka la ɖi la, egblɔna be, “Yehowa, trɔ gbɔ va Israelvi akpe akpeawo gbɔ.”

< Numbers 10 >