< Nehemiah 12 >

1 [Many] priests and [other] descendants of Levi returned (from Babylonia/to Jerusalem) with Zerubbabel and Jeshua. They included Seraiah, Jeremiah, Ezra,
ואלה הכהנים והלוים אשר עלו עם זרבבל בן שאלתיאל וישוע שריה ירמיה עזרא
2 Amariah, Malluch, Hattush,
אמריה מלוך חטוש
3 Shecaniah, Rehum, Meremoth,
שכניה רחם מרמת
4 Iddo, Ginnethon, Abijah,
עדוא גנתוי אביה
5 Mijamin, Moadiah, Bilgah,
מימין מעדיה בלגה
6 Shemaiah, Joiarib, Jedaiah,
שמעיה ויויריב ידעיה
7 Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, and Jedaiah. All those men were leaders of the priests during the time that Jeshua [was the Supreme Priest].
סלו עמוק חלקיה ידעיה אלה ראשי הכהנים ואחיהם בימי ישוע
8 [Some of the other] descendants of Levi who returned were Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and Mattaniah. They were in charge of singing songs to thank [God].
והלוים ישוע בנוי קדמיאל שרביה--יהודה מתניה על הידות הוא ואחיו
9 Bakbukiah, Unni, and other descendants of Levi formed a choir that stood opposite the other group [and sang in reply to them].
ובקבקיה וענו (ועני) אחיהם לנגדם למשמרות
10 Jeshua [who was the Supreme Priest] was the father of Joiakim, who was the father of Eliashib, who was the father of Joiada,
וישוע הוליד את יויקים ויויקים הוליד את אלישיב ואלישיב את יוידע
11 who was the father of Jonathan, who was the father of Jaddua.
ויוידע הוליד את יונתן ויונתן הוליד את ידוע
12 When Joiakim was the Supreme Priest, these were the leaders of the clans of priests: Meraiah, from [the clan of] Seraiah; Hananiah, from [the clan of] Jeremiah;
ובימי יויקים היו כהנים ראשי האבות לשריה מריה לירמיה חנניה
13 Meshullam, from [the clan of] Ezra; Jehohanan, from [the clan of] Amariah;
לעזרא משלם לאמריה יהוחנן
14 Jonathan, from [the clan of] Malluch; Joseph, from [the clan of] Shecaniah;
למלוכי (למליכו) יונתן לשבניה יוסף
15 Adna, from [the clan of] Harim; Helkai, from [the clan of] Meremoth/Maraioth;
לחרם עדנא למריות חלקי
16 Zechariah, from [the clan of] Iddo; Meshullam, from [the clan of] Ginnethon;
לעדיא (לעדוא) זכריה לגנתון משלם
17 Zicri, from [the clan of] Abijah. There was also a leader from [the clan of] Miniamin; Piltai, from [the clan of] Moadiah;
לאביה זכרי למנימין--למועדיה פלטי
18 Shammua, from [the clan of] Bilgah; Jehonathan, from [the clan of] Shemaiah;
לבלגה שמוע לשמעיה יהונתן
19 Mattenai, from [the clan of] Joiarib; Uzzi, from [the clan of] Jedaiah;
וליויריב מתני לידעיה עזי
20 Kallai, from [the clan of] Sallu/Sallai; Eber, from [the clan of] Amok;
לסלי קלי לעמוק עבר
21 Hashabiah, from [the clan of] Hilkiah; and Nethanel, from [the clan of] Jedaiah.
לחלקיה חשביה לידעיה נתנאל
22 During the years that Eliashib, Joiada, Johanan, and Jaddua [were Supreme Priests], they (wrote/kept a list of) the names of the clans who were descendants of Levi. When Darius was the king of Persia, they stopped writing that list.
הלוים בימי אלישיב יוידע ויוחנן וידוע--כתובים ראשי אבות והכהנים על מלכות דריוש הפרסי
23 They wrote the names of the leaders of the clans who were descendants of Levi in the Book of Events [in Israel], but they stopped writing those names when Eliashib’s grandson Johanan [was the Supreme Priest].
בני לוי ראשי האבות כתובים על ספר דברי הימים--ועד ימי יוחנן בן אלישיב
24 These are the leaders of the clans [who are] descendants of Levi: Hashabiah, Sherebiah, Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel and others who were divided into two groups. The two groups faced each other, one group replying to the other, during the time that they praised and thanked God. They did that just as King David, the man who served God well, had instructed.
וראשי הלוים חשביה שרביה וישוע בן קדמיאל ואחיהם לנגדם להלל להודות במצות דויד איש האלהים--משמר לעמת משמר
25 These singers included Mattaniah, Bakbukiah, and Obadiah. The men who guarded the storerooms close to the gates [of the temple] were Meshullam, Talmon, and Akkub.
מתניה ובקבקיה עבדיה משלם טלמון עקוב--שמרים שוערים משמר באספי השערים
26 They did that work during the time that Joiakim, who was the son of Jeshua and the grandson of Jehozadak, [was the Supreme Priest, ] and I was the governor, and Ezra was the priest who knew the Jewish laws very well.
אלה בימי יויקים בן ישוע בן יוצדק ובימי נחמיה הפחה ועזרא הכהן הסופר
27 When we dedicated the wall around Jerusalem, we summoned the descendants of Levi [who help the priests] from the nearby places where they [were living]. We asked them to [join with us to] celebrate when we dedicated the wall. We wanted them to sing songs to thank [Yahweh] and make music by playing cymbals and harps and other stringed instruments.
ובחנכת חומת ירושלם בקשו את הלוים מכל מקומתם להביאם לירושלם--לעשת חנכה ושמחה ובתודות ובשיר מצלתים נבלים ובכנרות
28 We summoned the descendants of Levi who habitually sang together. They came to Jerusalem from nearby areas [where they had settled], and from places around Netophah [town southeast of Jerusalem],
ויאספו בני המשררים ומן הככר סביבות ירושלם ומן חצרי נטפתי
29 and from three places [northeast of Jerusalem]—Beth Gilgal [city] and the areas around Geba and Azmaveth. Those singers had built villages to live in near Jerusalem.
ומבית הגלגל ומשדות גבע ועזמות כי חצרים בנו להם המשררים סביבות ירושלם
30 [When they came to Jerusalem], the priests and [other] descendants of Levi [who help the priests] performed rituals to cause themselves to be acceptable to God, and then they performed similar rituals to purify the [other] people, the gates, and the wall.
ויטהרו הכהנים והלוים ויטהרו את העם ואת השערים ואת החומה
31 Then I gathered together the leaders of Judah on top of the wall, and I appointed them to lead two large groups to march around the city [on top of the wall], thanking God. [As they faced the city, ] one group walked to the right toward the Dung Gate.
ואעלה את שרי יהודה מעל לחומה ואעמידה שתי תודת גדולת ותהלכת לימין מעל לחומה לשער האשפת
32 Behind their leaders marched Hoshaiah and half of the leaders of Judah.
וילך אחריהם הושעיה וחצי שרי יהודה
33 Behind them marched a group of priests who were blowing trumpets. They were Azariah, Ezra, Meshullam, Judah, Benjamin, Shemaiah, and Jeremiah. Next came Zechariah, the son of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Micaiah, the son of Zaccur, a descendant of Asaph.
ועזריה עזרא ומשלם
יהודה ובנימן ושמעיה וירמיה
ומבני הכהנים בחצצרות--זכריה בן יונתן בן שמעיה בן מתניה בן מיכיה בן זכור בן אסף
36 Behind them marched other members of Zechariah’s clan: Shemaiah, Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, Judah, and Hanani. They all were playing the same kinds of musical instruments that King David had played [many years previously]. Ezra, the man who knew the Jewish laws very well, marched in front of this group.
ואחיו שמעיה ועזראל מללי גללי מעי נתנאל ויהודה חנני בכלי שיר דויד איש האלהים ועזרא הסופר לפניהם
37 When they reached the Fountain Gate, they went up the steps to David’s City, past his palace, and then to the wall at the Water Gate, on the east side [of the city].
ועל שער העין ונגדם עלו על מעלות עיר דויד במעלה לחומה מעל לבית דויד ועד שער המים מזרח
38 The other group of those who were thanking [Yahweh] marched to the left on top of the wall. I followed them with half of the people. [We marched] past the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall.
והתודה השנית ההולכת למואל ואני אחריה וחצי העם מעל להחומה מעל למגדל התנורים ועד החומה הרחבה
39 [From there we marched] past Ephraim Gate, Jeshanah Gate, the Fish Gate, the Tower of Hananel, the Tower of the Hundred Soldiers, to the Sheep Gate. We finished marching near the gate into the temple.
ומעל לשער אפרים ועל שער הישנה ועל שער הדגים ומגדל חננאל ומגדל המאה ועד שער הצאן ועמדו בשער המטרה
40 Both the groups reached the temple while they were thanking God. They stood in their places there. The leaders who were with me [also stood with me in our places].
ותעמדנה שתי התודת בבית האלהים ואני וחצי הסגנים עמי
41 My group included these priests who were [all blowing] trumpets: Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin, Micaiah, Elioenai, Zechariah, Hananiah,
והכהנים אליקים מעשיה מנימין מיכיה אליועיני זכריה חנניה--בחצצרות
42 [another] Maaseiah, Shemaiah, Eleazar, Uzzi, Jehohanan, Malchijah, Elam, and Ezer. The singers, whose leader was Jezrahiah, sang loudly.
ומעשיה ושמעיה ואלעזר ועזי ויהוחנן ומלכיה--ועילם ועזר וישמיעו המשררים ויזרחיה הפקיד
43 [After we went outside the temple, ] we offered many sacrifices. We men all rejoiced because God had caused us to be very happy. The women and the children also rejoiced. People far away could hear the noise that we made there in Jerusalem.
ויזבחו ביום ההוא זבחים גדולים וישמחו כי האלהים שמחם שמחה גדולה וגם הנשים והילדים שמחו ותשמע שמחת ירושלם מרחוק
44 On that day, men were appointed {they appointed men} to be in charge of the storerooms where they kept the money that people contributed [for the temple]. They also kept there [the other things that the people contributed—] the tithes and the first part of the grain and fruit that was harvested each year. Those men collected those things from the fields/farms near the cities, and [took them to Jerusalem and] gave them to the priests and the [other] descendants of Levi, as [Moses had said in his] laws that they should do. All the Israeli people were happy about the work that the priests and the descendants of Levi did,
ויפקדו ביום ההוא אנשים על הנשכות לאוצרות לתרומות לראשית ולמעשרות--לכנוס בהם לשדי הערים מנאות התורה לכהנים וללוים כי שמחת יהודה על הכהנים ועל הלוים העמדים
45 because they performed the rituals to purify things, and the other rituals that God had commanded. The musicians in the temple also did their work as King David and his son Solomon had declared that they should do.
וישמרו משמרת אלהיהם ומשמרת הטהרה והמשררים והשערים--כמצות דויד שלמה בנו
46 Ever since the time that David had been the king and Asaph had been his chief musician, the musicians had led the people while they sang songs to praise and thank God.
כי בימי דויד ואסף מקדם--ראש (ראשי) המשררים ושיר תהלה והדות לאלהים
47 During the years that Zerubbabel and I governed the Israeli people, they all contributed the food that the singers and temple gatekeepers needed each day. They gave (a tithe/10%) of their crops to the descendants of Levi [who helped the priests], and those descendants of Levi gave (a tithe/10%) of that to [the priests, who were] descendants of Aaron [the first Supreme Priest].
וכל ישראל בימי זרבבל ובימי נחמיה נתנים מניות המשררים והשערים--דבר יום ביומו ומקדשים ללוים והלוים מקדשים לבני אהרן

< Nehemiah 12 >