< Micah 6 >

1 Pay attention to what Yahweh says [to you Israeli people]: “Stand up [in court] and state what you are accusing [me] about. And allow the hills and mountains to hear what you will say.
Слушајте шта говори Господ: Устани, суди се с горама, и нека чују хумови глас твој.
2 [But then] you mountains must [also] listen [carefully] [DOU] to what I, Yahweh, am complaining [about my people]. I have something to say about what [DOU] my Israeli people are doing that displeases me.
Слушајте, горе и тврди темељи земаљски, парбу Господњу, јер Господ има парбу с народом својим, и с Израиљем се суди.
3 My people, what have I done to [cause trouble for] you [RHQ]? What have I done to cause you to experience difficulties? Answer me!
Народе мој, шта сам ти учинио? И чим сам ти досадио? Одговори ми.
4 I [did great things for your ancestors]; I brought them out of Egypt; I rescued them from that land where they were slaves. I sent Moses to [lead] them, and [his older brother] Aaron and [his older sister] Miriam.
Јер те изведох из земље мисирске и искупих из куће ропске и послах пред тобом Мојсија, Арона и Марију.
5 My people, think about when Balak, the king of Moab, requested Beor’s son Balaam [to curse your ancestors], and think about what Balaam replied. Think about [how your ancestors crossed the Jordan River miraculously while] they were traveling from Acacia to Gilgal. [Think about those things in order] that you may know that [I], Yahweh, do what is right.”
Народе мој, опомени се шта науми Валак цар моавски и шта му одговори Валам, син Веоров, од Ситима до Галгала шта би, да познаш правду Господњу.
6 [The Israeli people ask, ] “What shall we bring to Yahweh [who lives in] heaven when we come to him and bow down before him? Should we bring calves that are a year-old that will be offerings that will be [killed and] completely burned [on the altar]?
Са чим ћу доћи пред Господа да се поклоним Богу Вишњем? Хоћу ли доћи преда Њ са жртвама паљеницама? С теоцима од године?
7 Will Yahweh be pleased [if we offer to him] 1,000 rams and 10,000 streams of [olive] oil? Should we offer our firstborn children [to be sacrifices] to pay for the sins that we have committed [DOU]?”
Хоће ли Господу бити миле хиљаде овнова? Десетине хиљада потока уља? Хоћу ли дати првенца свог за преступ свој? Плод утробе своје за грех душе своје?
8 [No, because] he has shown each of us what is good [to do]; he has shown [RHQ] us what he requires each of us [to do]: He wants us to do what is just/fair and to love and to be merciful [to others], and [he wants us] to live humbly [while we fellowship] with him, our God.
Показао ти је, човече, шта је добро; и шта Господ иште од тебе осим да чиниш што је право и да љубиш милост и да ходиш смерно с Богом својим?
9 “I am Yahweh, so if you are wise, you should revere me. I am calling out to [you people of] Jerusalem, ‘The armies [MET] that will destroy your city are coming, so pay careful attention to me, the one who is causing them to punish you with my rod.
Глас Господњи виче граду, и ко је мудар види име твоје; слушајте прут и Оног који га је одредио.
10 Do you think that [RHQ] I should forget that you wicked people filled your homes with valuable things that you acquired by cheating [others]? Do you think that [RHQ] I should forget that you used false measures [when you bought and sold things]? Those are things that I hate.
Није ли јоште у кући безбожниковој благо неправо? И ефа крња, гадна?
11 [Do you think] that [RHQ] I should say nothing about people who use scales that do not weigh correctly, and who use weights that are not accurate?
Хоће ли ми бити чист у кога су мерила лажна и у тобоцу преварно камење?
12 The rich people among you always act violently [to get money from poor people]. All of the people [in Jerusalem] are liars, and they [SYN] always deceive people.
Јер су богатуни његови пуни неправде, и становници говоре лаж, и у устима им је језик преваран.
13 Therefore, I have [already] begun to get rid of you, to ruin you because of the sins that you have committed.
Зато ћу те и ја бити да оболиш, пустошићу те за грехе твоје.
14 [Soon] you will eat food, but you will not have enough to satisfy you; your stomachs will [still feel as though they are] empty. You will try to save up [money], but you will not be able to save anything, because I will send your enemies to take it from you in wars [MTY].
Ти ћеш јести, али се нећеш наситити, и падање твоје биће усред тебе; и склањаћеш, али нећеш избавити, и што избавиш предаћу мачу.
15 You will plant [seeds], but you will not harvest [anything]. You will press olives, but [others], not you, will use the [olive] oil. You will trample on grapes [and make wine from the juice], but [others], not you, will drink the wine.
Ти ћеш сејати, али нећеш жети; ти ћеш цедити маслине, али се нећеш намазати уљем, и маст, али нећеш пити вино.
16 [Those things will happen to you because] you obey [only] the wicked laws of [King] Omri, and [you do the terrible things that wicked King] Ahab and his descendants commanded. So, I will destroy your [country], and I will cause your people to be despised; people [of other nations] will insult you.’”
Јер се држе уредбе Амријеве и сва дела дома Ахавовог, и ходите по саветима њиховим, да те предам у погибао, и становнике његове у подсмех, и носићете срамоту народа мог.

< Micah 6 >