< Matthew 9 >

1 Jesus and his disciples got into the boat. They skirted around [the lake] and went to [Capernaum, the city where he was living].
Hajóra szállva átkelt, és elment az ő városába.
2 [Some men] brought to him a man who was paralyzed and who was lying on a sleeping pad. When Jesus perceived that they believed [that he could heal the paralyzed man], he said to him, “Young man, be encouraged! I forgive your sins.”
És íme, hoztak hozzá egy ágyban fekvő gutaütött embert. Látva Jézus ezeknek hitét, ezt mondta a gutaütöttnek: „Bízzál, fiam! Megbocsáttattak neked a te bűneid.“
3 Some of the men who taught the [Jewish] laws said among themselves, “[He claims that he can forgive sins! That means that he claims to be equal with God] He is insulting God!”
Némelyek az írástudók közül ezt mondták magukban: „Ez káromlást szól.“
4 Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said, “(You should not think evil [thoughts], [accusing me because I claim that I am God]!/Why do you think evil [thoughts], [saying that it is wrong for me to claim that I am God]?) [RHQ]
Jézus látta a gondolataikat, és ezt mondta: „Miért gondoltok gonoszat a ti szívetekben?
5 It would [not] be risky [for someone] to say [to this man], ‘[I] forgive your sins’, [because no one could see whether or not it really happened]. But [no one, without having the power to heal], would say [to him], ‘[Get] up and walk!’, [because people could easily see whether it happened or not!] [RHQ]
Mert mi könnyebb, ezt mondani: Megbocsáttattak néked a te bűneid! vagy ezt mondani: Kelj föl és járj! –
6 [So I am going to do something] in order that you may know that [God] has authorized [me], the one who came from heaven, to forgive the sins [of people while I am] on the earth, [as well as to heal people].” Then he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, pick up your sleeping pad, and go home!”
Azért, hogy megtudjátok, hogy az Emberfiának van hatalma a földön a bűnöket megbocsátani – mondta a gutaütöttnek: Kelj föl, vedd az ágyadat és eredj haza.“
7 And [immediately] the man got up, [picked up his sleeping pad], and went home!
És az felkelt, és hazament.
8 When the crowds saw this, they were awestruck. They praised God for giving authority to a human being [to do] such [things].
A sokaság pedig ezt látva elálmélkodott, és dicsőítette az Istent, hogy ilyen hatalmat adott az embereknek.
9 As Jesus was going away from there, he saw me, a man named Matthew. I was sitting at a table where I collected taxes [for the Roman government]. He said to me, “Come with me [and become my disciple]!” So I got up and went with him.
Amikor Jézus onnét továbbment, látott egy embert ülni a vámszedő helyen, akinek Máté volt a neve, és ezt mondta neki: „Kövess engem!“És az felkelt, és követte őt.
10 [Then I invited] Jesus and his disciples to my home for a meal. While [they] were sitting and eating in my home, many tax collectors and [other people who were] {whom [the Pharisees]} [considered to be habitual] sinners came unexpectedly to eat with us.
Amikor letelepedtek a házban, sok vámszedő és bűnös jött oda, letelepedtek Jézussal és tanítványaival az asztalhoz.
11 When the Pharisees saw [that, they came] to us disciples and said, “([It is disgusting that] your teacher, [who claims to be righteous], eats [and associates] with tax collectors and [other] sinners!/Why is it that your teacher, [who claims to be righteous], eats [and associates] with tax collectors and [other] sinners?)” [RHQ]
Látva ezt a farizeusok, ezt mondták az ő tanítványainak: „Miért eszik mesteretek a vámszedőkkel és bűnösökkel együtt?“
12 Jesus heard what [they said], so he told them [this parable]: “[It is] people who are sick who need a [doctor] [MET], not people who are well.” [What he meant by that was that it was people who knew that they were sinners who were coming to him in order to be helped spiritually].
Jézus pedig ezt meghallotta, és ezt mondta nekik: „Nem az egészségeseknek van szüksége orvosra, hanem a betegeknek.
13 He continued by saying, “You need to learn what these words that [God said] mean: ‘I want you to [act] mercifully to people and not [just to offer] sacrifices.’ Keep in mind that I came [from heaven, not] to invite [people who think] [IRO] [that they are] righteous [to turn away from their sinful lives and come to me, but to invite people who know they are] sinners [to turn from their sins and come to me].”
Menjetek el, és tanuljátok meg, mit jelent ez: »Irgalmasságot akarok és nem áldozatot.« Mert nem az igazakat jöttem hívogatni, hanem a bűnösöket a megtérésre.“
14 Later, the disciples of John [the Baptizer] came to Jesus and asked him, “We [(exc)] and the Pharisees [often] abstain from food [to show that we want to please God], but your disciples do not do that. Why [do they not]?”
Akkor János tanítványai jöttek hozzá, és ezt mondták: „Miért van az, hogy mi és a farizeusok sokat böjtölünk, a te tanítványaid pedig nem böjtölnek?“
15 [Jesus wanted to show them and the Pharisees that it was not appropriate for his disciples to abstain from food and mourn while he was still with them]. So he [gave them this illustration]: “When a bridegroom is with [his friends at the time of the wedding], (his friends certainly do not mourn, do they?/do his friends mourn?) [RHQ] [No, they do not mourn, because they are not sad at that time. But when] the bridegroom is taken {[someone] takes the [/his enemies] take the bridegroom} from them, they will abstain from food, [because then they will be sad].”
Ezt mondta nekik Jézus: „Vajon szomorkodhat-e a násznép, amíg velük van a vőlegény? De eljönnek a napok, mikor elvétetik tőlük a vőlegény, és akkor böjtölni fognak.
16 [Jesus wanted to show them that people who desire to live in accordance with his new message should not try to continue to obey the old religious traditions like] ([abstaining from food/fasting]) [MET]. [So he said to them], “People do not sew a patch of unshrunken cloth on an old garment [to mend a hole]. If they did that, [when they washed the garment], the patch would [shrink] and tear the garment, and the hole would become bigger.
Senki sem rak új posztóból foltot az ócska ruhára, mert ami azt kitoldaná, még tovább szakít a ruhából, és még nagyobb szakadás támad.
17 Neither does anyone pour freshly-[squeezed] grape juice into old skin bags [to store it]. If anyone did that, those skin bags would tear [because they would not stretch when the grape juice ferments and expands. They] would be ruined, and the wine would be spilled {spill} [on the ground]. Instead, [people] put new wine into new skin bags, [and the bags will stretch when the wine ferments]. As a result, both [the wine and the bags] are preserved.”
Új bort sem töltenek régi tömlőkbe, mert akkor a tömlők szétszakadoznak, és a bor kiömlik, a tömlők is elvesznek; hanem az új bort új tömlőkbe töltik, és mindkettő megmarad.“
18 While Jesus was saying that, a leader of the Jewish meeting place came and bowed down before him [to show respect]. Then he said, “My daughter just died! But if you come and lay your hand on her, she will live [again]!”
Mikor ezeket mondta, odajött egy főember, leborult előtte, és ezt mondta: „Az én lányom éppen most halt meg, de gyere, tedd rá kezedet, és megelevenedik.“
19 So Jesus got up, and he and [we] disciples went with the man.
Jézus felkelt, és követte őt tanítványaival együtt.
20 Then a woman who [had been suffering constant vaginal] bleeding for twelve years came near Jesus. She was saying to herself, “[I want Jesus to heal me without anyone finding out that I have this problem of bleeding]. So if I [touch him] or even if I just touch his garment, I will be healed [without anyone finding out about it].” So she came behind him and touched the tassel of his garment.
És íme, egy asszony, aki tizenkét éve vérfolyásban szenvedett, hozzáférkőzve hátulról, megérintette ruhájának szegélyét,
mert azt mondta magában: „Ha csak ruháját érintem is, meggyógyulok.“
22 Then Jesus turned around [to see who had touched him]. And when he saw the woman, he said to her, “Be encouraged, dear woman. Because you believed [PRS] [that I could heal you, I] have healed you.” The woman was healed at that very moment.
Jézus pedig megfordult, rátekintett, és ezt mondta: „Bízzál, leányom, a hited megtartott téged.“És meggyógyult az asszony, abban az órában.
23 Then Jesus [and some of us disciples] came to the Jewish leader’s house. Jesus heard the flute players [playing funeral music] and the crowd [that had gathered] wailing loudly [because the girl had died].
Jézus a főember házához érve meglátta a sípolókat és a sokaságot,
24 [Knowing that he would cause her to live again], he said [to them], “Go away [and stop the funeral music and wailing], because the girl is not dead! She is [just] sleeping!” [The people laughed at him, because they knew that she was dead].
és ezt mondta nekik: „Menjetek innen, mert a lány nem halt meg, csak alszik.“Azok kinevették őt.
25 But Jesus told them to get out of the house. Then he went into [the room where the girl was lying]. He took hold of her hand and she [became alive again and] got up.
Mikor pedig a sokaságot eltávolították, bement, megfogta a kezét, és a lány felkelt.
26 And the [people of that] whole region heard [PRS] about it.
Ez a hír elterjedt az egész tartományban.
27 As Jesus went away from there, two blind men followed him and shouted, “Have mercy on us [and heal our eyes, you who are the Messiah], the Descendant of [King] David!”
Mikor Jézus továbbment onnan, két vak követte őt, kiáltoztak, és ezt mondták: „Könyörülj rajtunk, Dávidnak fia!“
28 Jesus went into the house, where he [was staying], and then the blind men went in, too. Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able [to heal your eyes]?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord!”
Amikor bement a házba, odamentek a vakok, és ezt mondta nekik Jézus: „Hiszitek-e, hogy én ezt megcselekedhetem?“Ezt mondták neki: „Igen, Uram.“
29 Then he touched their eyes and he said [to them], “Because you believe [that I can heal your eyes], I am healing them [right now]!”
Akkor megérintette szemeiket, és ezt mondta: „Legyen nektek a ti hitetek szerint.“
30 And they were able to see [IDM]! Then Jesus told them sternly, “Be sure [IDM] that you do not tell anybody [what I did for you]!”
És megnyíltak szemeik, Jézus pedig rájuk parancsolt, és ezt mondta: „Vigyázzatok, senki meg ne tudja!“
31 But they went out and reported it throughout that whole region.
Azok pedig kimentek, és elterjesztették hírét az egész tartományban.
32 When [Jesus and we disciples] left [the house], some people brought to Jesus a man who was unable to speak because he was controlled by a demon {a demon controlled him}.
Mikor pedig elmentek, egy ördöngös néma embert hoztak oda hozzá.
33 After Jesus had expelled the demon, the man who had been unable to speak began to speak! The crowd [who saw this] marveled. They said, “Never before have [we seen] anything as [marvelous] as this happen in Israel!”
Az ördögöt kiűzte, és megszólalt a néma, a sokaság pedig csodálkozva mondta: „Soha nem láttak ilyet Izraelben!“
34 But the Pharisees said, “It is [Satan], who rules the demons, who [enables this man to] expel demons [from people].”
A farizeusok pedig ezt mondták: „Az ördögök fejedelme által űzi ki az ördögöket.“
35 Then [we] went [with] Jesus through many of [HYP] the cities and towns [in Galilee district. He was teaching (in the synagogues/in the Jewish meeting places)], and preaching the good message about how God rules [over people’s lives]. He also was healing the [people who had] various diseases and illnesses.
Körüljárta Jézus a városokat és a falvakat mind, tanított a zsinagógáikban, és hirdette az Isten országának evangéliumát, gyógyított mindenféle betegséget és mindenféle erőtlenséget a nép között.
36 When he saw the crowd of people, he pitied them because they were harassed and dejected. [They were] like sheep that do not have a shepherd [SIM].
Mikor látta a sokaságot, könyörületességre indult rajtuk, mert elgyötörtek és elesettek voltak, mint a pásztor nélküli juhok.
37 Then he gave [this illustration] to us disciples: “[The people who are ready to receive my message are like a] field that is ready to be harvested {for people to harvest}. But there are only a few [of you who are teaching people my message].
Ekkor ezt mondta tanítványainak: „Az aratnivaló sok, de a munkás kevés.
38 So pray and ask the Lord [God] to send [more] workers [who will gather people together and teach them my message, just like a landowner sends workers] into his [field to gather] the [MET] harvest.”
Kérjétek azért az aratás Urát, hogy küldjön munkásokat az ő aratásába.“

< Matthew 9 >