< Matthew 8 >

1 When Jesus went down from the hillside, large crowds followed him.
А кад сиђе с горе, за Њим иђаше народа много.
2 [After he left the crowds], a man who had [the skin disease called] leprosy unexpectedly came and knelt before him. He said [to Jesus], “Lord/Sir, [please heal me, because I know] you are able to heal me if you are willing to.”
И гле, човек губав дође и клањаше Му се говорећи: Господе! Ако хоћеш, можеш ме очистити.
3 Then Jesus, [disregarding the religious law that forbade people to come close to lepers], stretched out his hand and touched the man. He said [to him], “I am willing to [heal you], and I heal you [now]!” Immediately the man was healed from his leprosy {he was no longer a leper}.
И пруживши руку Исус, дохвати га се говорећи: Хоћу, очисти се. И одмах очисти се од губе.
4 Then Jesus said to him, “Go and show yourself to a [nearby] priest [so that he can examine you and verify that you no longer have leprosy]. [Then], after he tells [the local people], they will know [that you no longer have leprosy], [and you will be able to associate with them again]. Make sure that [now] you do not report [about my healing you] to anyone [other than the priest]. Then go [to the Temple in Jerusalem and give the priest] the offering that Moses commanded [that people who have been healed from leprosy should offer] as a sacrifice to God.”
И рече му Исус: Гледај, ником не казуј, него иди и покажи се свештенику, и принеси дар који је заповедио Мојсије ради сведочанства њима.
5 When Jesus went to Capernaum [city], a [Roman] officer who commanded 100 soldiers came to him. He begged Jesus [to help him].
А кад уђе у Капернаум, приступи к Њему капетан молећи Га
6 He said [to him], “Sir, my servant is lying [in bed] at home and is paralyzed, and he has severe pain.”
И говорећи: Господе! Слуга мој лежи дома узет, и мучи се врло.
7 Jesus said [to him], “I will go [to your house] and heal him.”
А Исус му рече: Ја ћу доћи и исцелићу га.
8 But the officer said [to him], “Lord/Sir, [do not bother to go. I am a non-Jew], so I am not worthy for you, [a Jew], to come into my house [MTY] [and associate with me]. Instead, [just] command [that] my servant [be healed], and he will be healed.
И капетан одговори и рече: Господе! Нисам достојан да под кров мој уђеш; него само реци реч, и оздравиће слуга мој.
9 I [believe this] because, as for me, I am a man under the authority of others, and I also have soldiers under my authority. When I say to one of them ‘Go!’ he goes. When I say to another ‘Come!’ he comes. When I say to my slave, ‘Do this!’ he does it. [And I believe that you speak with a similar kind of authority].”
Јер и ја сам човек под власти, и имам под собом војнике, па кажем једном: Иди, и иде; и другом: Дођи, и дође; и слузи свом: Учини то, и учини.
10 When Jesus heard this, he marveled. He said to the crowd that was walking with him, “Listen to this: I have never before found anyone who has as firm a faith [in me as this non-Jewish man has]. Not even in Israel, [where I would expect people to believe in me], have I found anyone who has the kind of faith in me that he has!
А кад чу Исус, удиви се и рече онима што иђаху за Њим: Заиста вам кажем: ни у Израиљу толике вере не нађох.
11 I tell you truly that many [other non-Jewish people] who [will believe in me like this Roman officer] will come from [distant countries, including] those [far] to the east and far to the west [SYN], and they will sit down to eat with [MTY] Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in heaven, where God rules.
И то вам кажем да ће многи од истока и запада доћи и сешће за трпезу с Авраамом и Исаком и Јаковом у царству небеском:
12 But [the Jews] [IDM] [who should have allowed] God to rule over them will be sent to [hell, where there is] total darkness. And as a result, they will weep [because of their suffering] and will grind their teeth [because they will have severe pain] [MTY].” (questioned)
А синови царства изгнаће се у таму најкрајњу; онде ће бити плач и шкргут зуба.
13 Then Jesus said to the officer, “Go [home]. What you believed [would happen], [that I would heal your servant from a distance], will happen.” [Then the officer went home and found out that] his servant became well at the exact time [that Jesus told him that he would heal him].
А капетану рече Исус: Иди, и како си веровао нека ти буде. И оздрави слуга његов у тај час.
14 When Jesus [and some of his disciples] went to the home of Peter, Jesus saw Peter’s mother-in-law. She was lying on a bed because she had a fever.
И дошавши Исус у дом Петров виде ташту његову где лежи и грозница је тресе.
15 He touched her hand, and as a result, [immediately] she no longer had a fever [PRS]. Then she got up and served them [some food].
И прихвати је за руку, и пусти је грозница, и уста, и служаше Му.
16 That evening [when] ([the Sabbath/the Jewish rest day]) [ended and restrictions about traveling ended], many people who were controlled by demons {whom demons controlled} [and people who were sick] [MTY] [were] brought to Jesus. He caused the demons to leave just by speaking to them, and he healed all the people who were sick.
А увече доведоше к Њему бесних много, и изгна духове речју, и све болеснике исцели:
17 By doing this he fulfilled the words that had been said by the prophet Isaiah {that the prophet Isaiah had said} [about the Messiah]: “He healed people who had sicknesses and he cured them of their diseases.” [DOU]
Да се збуде шта је казао Исаија пророк говорећи: Он немоћи наше узе и болести понесе.
18 Jesus saw the crowd around him, but [he needed to rest]. So he told [his disciples to take him by boat] to the other side [of the lake].
А кад виде Исус много народа око себе, заповеди ученицима својим да иду на оне стране.
19 [As they were walking toward the boat], a man who taught the [Jewish] laws came to him and said, “Teacher, I will go with you wherever you go.”
И приступивши један књижевник рече Му: Учитељу! Ја идем за Тобом куд год Ти пођеш.
20 [In order that the man might know what he could expect if he went with him], Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes [in the ground in which to live], and birds have nests, but [even though I] am the one who came from heaven, I do not have a home where I can sleep [MTY].”
Рече њему Исус: Лисице имају јаме и птице небеске гнезда; а Син човечији нема где главе заклонити.
21 Another man who was one of Jesus’ disciples said to him, “Sir/Lord, permit me first to go [home. After] my father [dies I will] bury him, [and then I will come with you].”
А други од ученика Његових рече Му: Господе! Допусти ми најпре да идем да укопам оца свог.
22 But Jesus said to him, “Come with me [now]. [God considers that people who do not have eternal life are] dead [MET]. Let those people [do the work of] burying people who die.”
А Исус рече њему: Хајде за мном, а остави нека мртви укопавају своје мртваце.
23 Then Jesus got into the boat. The disciples also got [in, and] they [started sailing close to the shoreline around Lake Galilee].
И кад уђе у лађу, за Њим уђоше ученици Његови.
24 Suddenly strong winds blew on the lake, and very high waves were splashing into the boat and filling it. But Jesus was sleeping.
И гле, олуја велика постаде на мору да се лађа покри валовима; а Он спаваше.
25 They went and woke him up, and said [to him], “Sir/Lord, rescue [us!] We are about to drown!”
И прикучивши се ученици Његови пробудише Га говорећи: Господе! Избави нас, изгибосмо.
26 He said [to them], “(You should not be terrified!/Why are you terrified?) [RHQ] I [am disappointed that in spite of all you have seen me do], (you do not believe very much [that I can rescue you./] you not believe [that I can rescue you]?) [RHQ]” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and told the waves to calm down. And [the wind stopped blowing and the lake] became calm.
И рече им: Зашто сте страшљиви, маловерни? Тада уставши запрети ветровима и мору, и постаде тишина велика.
27 [As a result], they were amazed, and they said [to one another], “This man is certainly an [extraordinary] person [RHQ]! [All things are under his control!] Even the winds and the waves obey him [PRS]!”
А људи чудише се говорећи: Ко је Овај да Га слушају и ветрови и море?
28 When they came to the [east] side [of the lake], they arrived in the region where the Gadarenes [lived]. [Jesus got out of the boat and began walking on the road. Then] two men who were controlled by demons {whom demons controlled} came out of the burial caves [where they were living]. Because they were extremely violent [and attacked people], no one dared to travel on the road [near where they were living].
А кад дође на оне стране у земљу гергесинску, сретоше Га два бесна, који излазе из гробова, тако зла да не могаше нико проћи путем оним.
29 Suddenly they shouted [to Jesus], “You are the Son of God! [Because] you have nothing in common with us [IDM, RHQ], [leave us alone] Have you come here [RHQ] to torture us before the time [MTY] [God has appointed to punish us]?”
И гле, повикаше: Шта је Теби до нас, Исусе, Сине Божји? Зар си дошао амо пре времена да мучиш нас?
30 There was a large herd of pigs not far away, digging for food with their noses.
А далеко од њих пасаше велико крдо свиња.
31 So the demons begged Jesus, saying, “You are going to cast us out of the men, so send us into the herd of pigs!”
И ђаволи мољаху Га говорећи: Ако нас изгониш, пошљи нас да идемо у крдо свиња.
32 Jesus said [to them], “[If that is what you want], go!” So the demons left [the men] and entered the pigs. Suddenly the whole herd [of pigs] rushed down the steep bank into the lake and drowned.
И рече им: Идите. И они изишавши отидоше у свиње. И гле, навали сво крдо с брега у море, и потопише се у води.
33 The men who were tending the pigs [became afraid and] ran into the town and reported everything [that had happened], including what had happened to the two men who had been controlled by demons {whom demons had controlled}.
А свињари побегоше; и дошавши у град казаше све, и за бесне.
34 Then [it seemed as if] all [the people] [HYP] [who lived in] that town [MTY] went to meet Jesus. When they saw him [and the two men who had been controlled by the demons], they begged Jesus to leave their region [because they thought that he would destroy more things than just the pigs] (OR, [because they realized he must be very powerful]).
И гле, сав град изиђе на сусрет Исусу; и видевши Га молише да би отишао из њиховог краја.

< Matthew 8 >