< Matthew 25 >

1 [Jesus continued by saying, “I will tell you something else about the time when I return from] heaven as king [MET]. [What will happen to many people who say that they know me will be] like [what happened to] ten virgins who took their lanterns and went to the place where they would meet a bridegroom [and go to his wedding celebration].
Neuze, rouantelezh an neñvoù a vo heñvel ouzh dek gwerc'hez a gemer o lampoù ganto, hag a ya da ziaraogiñ ar pried.
2 Five of the virgins were foolish and five of them were wise.
Pemp anezho a oa diskiant, ha pemp a oa fur.
3 The [virgins] who were foolish took their lanterns, but they did not take any [extra olive] oil [for] the lantern.
Ar re ziskiant, en ur gemer o lampoù, ne gemerjont ket a eoul ganto.
4 But the [virgins] who were wise took oil in their flasks as well as in their lanterns.
Ar re fur a gemeras eoul en o fodoù, gant o lampoù.
5 The bridegroom was delayed, [and it became late at night]. So all the virgins became sleepy and fell asleep.
Evel ma talee ar pried da zont, e voredjont holl hag e kouskjont.
6 In the middle of the night someone [woke them up by] shouting, ‘Hey! The bridegroom [is arriving]! Go outside and meet him!’
Met, war-dro hanternoz, e voe klevet ur griadenn: Setu ar pried a zeu, it en e raok!
7 So all the virgins got up and trimmed their lantern wicks [so that they would burn properly].
Neuze an holl werc'hezed-se a savas hag a fichas o lampoù.
8 The foolish virgins said to the wise ones, ‘Give us some of your [olive] oil, because our lanterns are about to go out!’
Ar re ziskiant a lavaras d'ar re fur: Roit deomp eus hoc'h eoul, rak hol lampoù a ya da vougañ.
9 The wise virgins replied, ‘[No, because] there might not be enough oil for our lanterns and for yours. Go to a store and buy some for yourselves!’
Met ar re fur a respontas: Gant aon n'hor befe ket a-walc'h evidomp hag evidoc'h, it kentoc'h da gavout ar re a werzh, ha prenit evidoc'h.
10 But while [the foolish virgins] were going to buy [some oil], the bridegroom arrived. So the [wise virgins], who were ready, went with the bridegroom to the wedding hall [where the bride was waiting]. Then the door was closed {someone closed the door [of that hall]}.
E-pad ma'z aent da brenañ, e teuas ar pried; ar re a oa prest a zeuas gantañ d'an eured, hag e voe serret an nor.
11 Later, the rest of the virgins came [to the hall] and they called [to the bridegroom], ‘Sir, open [the door] for us!’
Goude-se e teuas ivez ar gwerc'hezed all, hag e lavarjont: Aotrou, aotrou, digor deomp!
12 But he said [to them], ‘The truth is that I do not know you, so I [will not open the door for you]!’”
Met eñ a respontas: Me a lavar deoc'h e gwirionez, n'anavezan ket ac'hanoc'h.
13 [Then Jesus continued by saying], “So, in order that [this will not happen to you], keep expecting [that I will return], because you do not know when [MTY] [it will be].”
Chomit dihun eta, rak n'ouzoc'h nag an deiz nag an eur [ma teuio Mab an den en-dro].
14 “[When I return from heaven as king, I will deal with those who say that they have been serving me like] a man who was about to go on a long journey dealt with his servants. He called them together and gave them each some of his wealth [to invest and gain more money for him].
Rak heñvel eo ouzh un den a yeas en ur vro bell, a c'halvas e servijerien, hag a lakaas e vadoù etre o daouarn.
15 He gave them money according to their ability [to take care of it]. [For example], he gave one servant 5,000 dollars, he gave another servant 2,000 dollars, and he gave another servant 1,000 dollars. Then he left on his journey.
Reiñ a reas pemp talant da unan, daou da unan all, unan da unan all, da bep hini hervez e c'halloud.
16 The servant who had received 5,000 dollars went immediately and used that money to gain 5,000 dollars more.
Neuze, an hini en devoa resevet ar pemp talant, a yeas hag o lakaas da dalvezout, hag a c'hounezas pemp talant all.
17 Similarly, the servant who had [received] 2,000 dollars gained two [thousand dollars] more.
En hevelep doare, an hini en devoa resevet daou dalant, a c'hounezas daou all.
18 But the servant who had received one [thousand dollars] went and dug a hole in the ground and hid the money there [to keep it safe].
Met an hini en devoa resevet unan, a yeas d'ober un toull en douar hag a guzhas arc'hant e aotrou.
19 After a long time the servants’ boss returned. He [called them together to] find out what they had done with his money.
Pell amzer goude, mestr ar servijerien-mañ a zistroas, hag e reas o c'hont ganto.
20 The servant who had received 5,000 dollars brought two [bags, each containing] 5,000 dollars. He said, ‘Boss, you gave me 5,000 dollars to take care of. Look, I have gained 5,000 more!’
An hini en devoa resevet pemp talant, a zeuas hag a zegasas pemp talant all, en ur lavarout: Aotrou, pemp talant ac'h eus roet din, setu pemp talant all am eus gounezet ouzhpenn.
21 His boss replied, ‘[You are a very] good and faithful servant! [You have] done [very] well! You have faithfully handled a small [amount of money], so I will put you in charge of a lot of things. Come and be happy with me!’
E vestr a lavaras dezhañ: Mat eo, servijer mat ha leal; dre ma'z out bet leal war nebeut a dra, da lakaat a rin war galz; kae e-barzh levenez da aotrou.
22 The servant who had [received] 2,000 dollars also came and said, ‘Boss, you gave me 2,000 dollars to take care of. Look, I have gained 2,000 more!’
An hini en devoa resevet daou dalant a zeuas ivez hag a lavaras: Aotrou, daou dalant ac'h eus roet din, setu daou dalant all am eus gounezet ouzhpenn.
23 His boss replied, ‘You are a [very] good and faithful servant! You have done very well! You have faithfully handled a small [amount of money], so I will put you in charge of a lot of things. Come and be happy with me!’
E vestr a lavaras dezhañ: Mat eo, servijer mat ha leal; dre ma'z out bet leal war nebeut a dra, da lakaat a rin war galz; kae e-barzh levenez da aotrou.
24 Then the servant who had received 1,000 dollars came. He said, ‘Boss, I [was afraid of you]. I knew that you are a man who does not do foolish things with his money. [You even] take [from others money] that does not really belong to you, [like a farmer who] harvests [grain from another man’s field] where he did not even plant [the seeds].
An hini n'en devoa resevet nemet un talant, a zeuas ivez hag a lavaras: Aotrou, gouzout a ran penaos out un den didruez, penaos e vedez e-lec'h na'c'h eus ket hadet, hag e tastumez e-lec'h na'c'h eus ket strewet;
25 So because I was afraid [of what you would do to me if I did not make a profit from my business], I went out and hid your 1,000 dollars in the ground [to keep it safe]. Here, this is [the money] that belongs to you!’
hag e teuas aon din, hag on aet da guzhat da dalant en douar; setu, e roan dit ar pezh a zo dit.
26 His boss replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant! (You knew that I take [from others money] that does not really belong to me, [like a farmer who] harvests [grain from another man’s field] where I did not even plant [the seeds]!/Did you not know that I [take from others money that does not really belong to me, like a farmer] who harvests [grain from another man’s field] where I did not even plant [the seeds]?) [RHQ]
Met e aotrou a respontas dezhañ: Servijer fall ha diegus, gouzout a ouies penaos e vedan e-lec'h na'm eus ket hadet, hag e tastuman e-lec'h na'm eus ket strewet;
27 So then, you should have put my money [on deposit] in a bank, so that when I returned I would get it back with the interest [it earned]!’
dleout a rajes eta reiñ va arc'hant d'ar vankerien, ha pa vijen deuet en-dro, em bije tennet va arc'hant gant ar c'hampi.
28 [Then the boss said to his other servants], ‘Take the 1,000 dollars from him, and give it to [the servant] who has the 10,000 dollars!
Lamit eta e dalant digantañ, hag roit eñ d'an hini en deus dek talant.
29 To those who [use well what] they have [received, God] will give more, and they will have plenty. But from those who [do] not [use well what they have received], even what they [already] have will be taken away.
Rak roet e vo d'an neb en deus, hag en devo a fonn; met an hini n'en deus ket, e vo lamet digantañ memes ar pezh en deus.
30 Furthermore, throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where he will be [with those who are] wailing and gnashing their teeth [because they are in much pain].’”
Ha taolit ar servijer didalvoud-se en deñvalijenn a-ziavaez, e-lec'h ma vo goueladegoù ha grigoñsadegoù-dent.
31 “When I, the one who came from heaven, come again, I will be very radiant and [bring] all my angels with me. Then I will sit as a king on my wonderful throne [to judge people].
Pa zeuio Mab an den en e c'hloar, gant an holl aeled, ec'h azezo war dron e c'hloar.
32 People from all nations [MTY] will be gathered in front of me {[The angels] will gather in front of me people from all nations}. Then I will separate them, one from another, as a shepherd separates his sheep from his goats.
An holl bobloù a vo dastumet dirazañ, hag e tispartio an eil diouzh egile, evel ma tisparti ar mesaer an deñved diouzh ar bouc'hed.
33 I will put [the righteous people] on my right and [the unrighteous ones on my left, as a] shepherd puts sheep [on one side] and goats [on the other side].
Lakaat a raio an deñved a-zehou dezhañ, hag ar bouc'hed a-gleiz.
34 Then I will say to those on my right, ‘You people who have been blessed by my Father {whom my Father has blessed}, come! From the time he created the world, he has been preparing to allow you to [receive the blessings that he will give to all those] who let him rule their lives. [Now is the time for] you to receive [those blessings]
Neuze ar Roue a lavaro d'ar re a vo a-zehou dezhañ: Deuit, c'hwi a zo benniget gant va Zad, bezit perc'henn war ar rouantelezh a zo bet kempennet evidoc'h adalek krouidigezh ar bed;
35 [They belong to you], because you gave me something to eat when I was hungry. (OR, [They belong to you]. It is as though you gave me something to eat when I was hungry.) You gave me something to drink when I was thirsty. When I was a stranger [in your town], you invited me [to stay] in [your houses].
rak naon am eus bet, ha roet hoc'h eus din da zebriñ; sec'hed am eus bet, ha roet hoc'h eus din da evañ; diavaeziad on bet, ha va degemeret hoc'h eus;
36 When I needed clothes [MTY], you gave me some. When I was sick, you took care of me. When I was in prison, you came to visit me.’
en noazh e oan, ha va gwisket hoc'h eus; klañv e oan, ha deuet oc'h da'm gwelout; er prizon e oan, ha deuet oc'h da'm c'havout.
37 Then the righteous people will reply, ‘Lord, when were you hungry and we saw you and gave you something to eat? When were you thirsty and we gave you something to drink?
Neuze ar re reizh a responto dezhañ, o lavarout: Aotrou, pegoulz hon eus da welet o kaout naon hag hon eus roet dit da zebriñ, pe o kaout sec'hed hag hon eus roet dit da evañ?
38 When were you a stranger [in our town] and we invited you [to stay] in [our houses]? When did you need clothes and we gave you some?
Pegoulz hon eus da welet diavaeziad hag hon eus da zegemeret, pe en noazh hag hon eus da wisket?
39 When were you sick or in prison and we went to visit you?’ [We do not remember doing any of these things for you].
Pegoulz hon eus da welet klañv, pe er prizon, hag hon eus deuet da'z kavout?
40 I will reply, ‘The truth is that whatever you did for any one of your fellow believers, even an unimportant one, [it was as though] you did it for me.’
Hag ar Roue a responto dezho: Me a lavar deoc'h e gwirionez, bep gwech ma hoc'h eus graet kement-se e-keñver unan eus ar re zisterañ eus va breudeur, hoc'h eus graet an dra-se din.
41 Then I will say to those on my left, ‘You people who have been cursed [by God] {whom God has cursed}, leave me! Go into the eternal fire that God has prepared for (the devil/Satan) and his angels! (aiōnios g166)
Neuze e lavaro d'ar re a vo a-gleiz dezhañ: Tec'hit diouzhin, tud villiget, it en tan peurbadus a zo bet kempennet evit an diaoul hag e aeled; (aiōnios g166)
42 [It is right for you to go there], because you did not give me anything to eat when I was hungry. You did not give me anything to drink when I was thirsty.
rak naon am eus bet, ha n'hoc'h eus ket roet din da zebriñ; sec'hed am eus bet, ha n'hoc'h eus ket roet din da evañ;
43 You did not invite me into [your homes] when I was a stranger [in your town]. You did not give me any clothes when I needed them [MTY]. You did not take care of me when I was sick or in prison.’
diavaeziad on bet, ha n'hoc'h eus ket va degemeret; en noazh e oan, ha n'hoc'h eus ket va gwisket; klañv hag er prizon e oan, ha n'oc'h ket deuet da'm gwelout.
44 They will answer, ‘Lord, when were you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and we did not help you?’
Neuze int a responto dezhañ, o lavarout: Aotrou, pegoulz hon eus da welet o kaout naon, pe sec'hed, diavaeziad, pe en noazh, klañv, pe er prizon, ha n'hon eus ket da sikouret?
45 I will reply, ‘The truth is that whenever you did not do anything to help any one of [my people], [even if they were] unimportant people, [it was as though] you did not do anything [to help] me.’
Hag e responto dezho: Me a lavar deoc'h e gwirionez, bep gwech ma n'hoc'h eus ket graet kement-se e-keñver unan eus ar re zisterañ-se, n'hoc'h eus ket graet an dra-se em c'heñver.
46 Then those people [on my left] will go away to the place where [they] will be punished {[God] will punish them} eternally, but the righteous people will go to where they will live forever [with God].” (aiōnios g166)
Hag ar re-mañ a yelo er c'hastiz peurbadus, met ar re reizh er vuhez peurbadus. (aiōnios g166)

< Matthew 25 >