< Matthew 19 >

1 After Jesus had said that, he [took us] and left Galilee [district] and went to the part of Judea [district that is located] on the [east] side of the Jordan [River].
Yesu mpwalapwisha kwamba, walafumako ku Galileya, walaya mucibela ca Yudeya kutala kwa mulonga wa Yolodani.
2 Large crowds followed him there, and he healed [the sick among] them.
Nomba likoto lya bantu lyalamukonkela, kopeloko walasengula balwashi bangi.
3 [Some] Pharisees approached Jesus and said to him, “Does [our Jewish] law permit [a man] to divorce his wife for any reason whatever?” [They asked that] in order to be able to criticize Jesus, [whether he answered “Yes” or “No].”
Bafalisi nabambi balesa kuli Yesu pakuyanda kumutapa mukanwa pakumwipusheti, “Sena casuminishiwa mu Mulawo, muntu kuleka mukashendi pa cebo ciliconse?”
4 Jesus said [to them], “[Because] you have read [RHQ] [the Scriptures], [you should know] that at the time [God first] created [people], ‘he made [one] man, and he made [one] woman [to be that man’s wife].’
Nendi Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Sena nkamuna mubelengapo kwambeti kumatatikilo, Mulengi walabalenga mutuloba ne mutukashi?”
5 That explains why [God said], ‘[When] a man [and woman marry], they should no longer live with their fathers and mothers. [Instead], the two of them shall live together, and they shall become [so closely united that they are like] one person [MET].’
Neco walambeti, “Ecebo cakendi mutuloba nakashiye baishi ne banyina, ne kuya kupamankana ne mukashendi, neco bantu babili aba nibakabeti mubili umo?”
6 Consequently, [although they functioned as] two [separate people before], they now [become as if they were] one person [MET]. Since that is true, a man must not separate [from his wife] whom God has joined to him, [because it is God’s plan for them to remain together].”
Neco nkabacilipo babili sobwe, nsombi mubili umo, palico Lesa ncalapamankanya pamo kapataba muntu shikupansanya.
7 The Pharisees then said to him, “If that is true, why did Moses command that [a man who wanted to divorce] his wife should give her a paper [stating his reason for] divorcing her, and then send her away?”
Basa Bafalisi balamwipusheti, “Inga Mose walambila cani kwambeti mutuloba welela kupa mukashendi cipepala cakumuleka?”
8 He said to them, “It was because [your ancestors] stubbornly [wanted their own way] that Moses allowed them to divorce their wives, [and you are no different from them]. But when God first [MTY] created a man and a woman, [he did not intend for them to separate].
Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Mose walamusuminisha kuleka ba makashenu, pakwinga kumwiyisha amwe cayuma, nsombi kumatatikilo a cindi, nkacali kubeco sobwe”
9 I am telling you emphatically that [because God considers that a marriage lasts until either the husband or the wife dies, he considers that] any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery, unless [his first wife] has committed adultery.”
Lino ndamwambilishingeti, “Uliyense lalekenga mukashendi pacebo ciliconse, cabula kuba mulandu wabupombo, ne kuya kweba naumbi, ukute mulandu wabupombo.”
10 We disciples said to him, “If that is true, it is better for men never to marry!”
Beshikwiya bakendi balamwambileti, “Anu nacilico pakati pa mulume ne mukashendi, cilicena kwikala bunkonta.”
11 Then he said to us, “Not every man is able to accept this teaching. Only the men whom [God] enables [to accept it are able to do so].
Nendi Yesu walabambileti, “Ciyisho ici nkacelela kutambulwa cena ne bantu bonse sobwe, nsombi abo bonka balapewa.
12 There are men who [do not marry because they are not able to have sexual relations because they] have been sexually defective ever since they were born. There are other men [who do not marry because they are unable to have sexual relations] because they have been castrated {other men have made them that way}. There are other [men who decide not to marry] [MET] in order that they can serve God better [and spend more time telling people about how] God [MTY/EUP] wants to rule people’s lives. You who are able to understand [what I have said about marriage] should accept it [and obey it].”
Pali bintu bingi bikute kupa bantu kuteba batukashi, nabambi encobalasemwa, nabambi nicebo cakulakilwa kakowa pamukombo, pali nabambi balasala bene bonka kuteba kwambeti basebensele cena Lesa. Uyo welela kucikonsha kukonkela ciyisho ici, akonkele.”
13 Then [some] children were brought {[some people] brought their children} to Jesus in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray [for them]. But we disciples scolded the people [for bringing their children to Jesus because we thought that Jesus did not want to take the time to be with children].
Nabambi bantu balaleta bana babo kuli Yesu kwambeti abike makasa akendi palyendibo, ne kubapailila, nomba beshikwiya bakendi balabakalalila.
14 But [when Jesus saw us scolding them], he said to us, “Let the children come to me! Do not stop them! It is people who are [humble and trusting] like they are, who can experience God’s rule [in their lives].”
Nomba Yesu walambeti, “Balekeni bana bese kuli njame, kamutabakanishanga sobwe, pakwinga Bwami bwakwilu ni bwa bantu bali mbuli aba.”
15 Jesus then laid his hands on the children [and asked God to bless them]. Then he left there.
Popelapo walabika makasa palyendibo, panyuma pakendi walafumapo.
16 [As Jesus was walking along, a young] man approached him and said [to him], “Teacher, what good [deeds] must I do in order to live [with God] eternally?” (aiōnios g166)
Mutuloba naumbi walesa kuli Yesu ne kumwipusheti, “Bashikwiyisha, ni cipeyo cintu caina ncondelela kwinsa kwambeti nkacane buyumi butapu?” (aiōnios g166)
17 Jesus said to him, “(Consider [what you are implying about who I am when] you ask me about what is good./Do you realize [what you are implying about who I am when] you ask me about that which is good?) [RHQ] Only one being is good and [really knows what is good. That being is God. But in order to answer your question] about [desiring to] live [with God eternally], I [will say to you], ‘Keep the commandments [that God gave Moses’].”
Nendi Yesu walamukumbuleti, “Inga ulanjipushilinga cani sha cintu caina pakwinga pali umowa Waina? Na usuni kucana buyumi butapu, konkela Milawo.”
18 The man asked Jesus, “Which [commandments must I keep]?” Jesus answered [him], “Do not murder [anyone], do not commit adultery, do not steal things, do not testify falsely,
Nendi walepusheti, “Milawo cini?” Yesu walakumbuleti, “Kotashina, kotapombola, kotaiba, kotapa bukamboni bwabwepeshi,
19 honor your father and your mother, and love people you come in contact with as [much as you love] yourself.”
lemekesha baiso ne banyoko, kayi suna munobe mbuli ncolisuni omwine.”
20 [Thinking that he might not be able to live with God eternally even though he had kept those commandments], the young man said to Jesus, “I have always obeyed all those commandments. What else must I do [in order to live with God eternally]?”
Usa muntu walambeti, “Milawo yonseyi ndalatatika kwikonkela kufuma kaindi, inga ncondicili ndabulilwa nicani kayi?”
21 Jesus said to him, “If you desire to be all that God intends you to be, go [home], sell everything that you have and give [the money] to poor people. [The result will be that] you will have [spiritual] riches in heaven. Then come and be my disciple!”
Yesu walamwambileti, “Na ulayandanga kuba muntu walulama, koya ulishe bintu byonse mbyokute. Mali ngoshucanemo uyabile bapenshi, buboni bwakobe nukabucane kwilu, wapwisha kwinseco, wise unkonke.”
22 When the young man heard those words, he went away feeling sad, because he was very rich [and did not want to give away everything he owned].
Usa muntu mpwalanyumfwa maswi awo walafumapo kali wongumana mumoyo, pakwinga walikuba mubile cikamba.
23 Then Jesus said to [us] disciples, “Keep this in mind: It is very difficult for rich people [to decide] to let God [MTY/EUP] rule their [lives].
Yesu walambila beshikwiya bakendi, “Cakubinga ndamwambilishingeti, nicapatali ku muntu mubile kwingila mu Bwami bwakwilu.”
24 Note this also: It is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. It is [almost] as difficult [HYP] for rich people [to decide] to let God rule their [lives].”
Kayi ndambangeti, “Nicapafupi munyama munene ukute kukwiweti ngamila kupita mukamulyango ka nyeleti, kupita muntu mubile kwingila mu Bwami bwa Lesa.”
25 When [we] disciples heard this, we were astounded. [We thought that rich people were the ones whom God blesses the most. So we said to him], “(If that is so, it does not seem likely that anyone will be saved!/Who then will God will save?)” [RHQ]
Beshikwiya mpobalanyumfweco, balakankamana ne kwambeti, “Anu na cilico, nomba niyani wela kupuluka?”
26 [When Jesus heard us say that], he looked intently at us, and [then] he said to us, “[Yes], it is impossible for people [to save themselves]. But [God can save them, because] God is able to do [anything]!”
Yesu walabalangishisha walambeti, “Ibi nkabikonsheke ne bantu sobwe, nsombi bintu byonse bikute kukonsheka ne Lesa.”
27 Then Peter said to him, “You know that we [(exc)] have left everything behind and we have become your disciples. So what benefit will we get [for doing that]?”
Popelapo Petulo walakumbulapo, “Afwe twalashiya bintu byonse ne kumukonkela, nomba afwe lino ni tukatambulepo cani?”
28 Jesus said to us, “Keep this in mind: [You will get many benefits]. When [God] makes [the] new [earth] and when [I], the one who came from heaven, sit on my magnificent throne, those of you who have accompanied me will each sit on a throne, and you will judge [the people of] the twelve tribes of Israel.
Nendi Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Cakubinga ndamwambilishingeti, Lesa akabibambulula cena bintu byonse, Mwana Muntu nakekale pa Cipuna cakendi ca Bulemeneno ca Bwami, ne njamwe omulankonkelenga ni mukekale pa bipuna likumi ne bibili bya Bwami, kamombolosha mikowa likumi ne ibili ya Baislayeli.
29 [God will reward] those who, because of being my [disciples], have left [behind] a house or plot of ground, [their] brothers, [their] sisters, their father, their mother, their children, [or any other family] [MTY] [members]. [God] will give them 100 times [as many benefits as they have given up]. And they will live [with God] eternally. (aiōnios g166)
Neco uliyense walashiya ng'anda, bakwabo batuloba, nambi nkashi, nambi baishi, nambi banyina, nambi banabendi, nambi mabala pacebo cakame, uyo nendi nakatambule bingi byapita tunkanda mwanda, panyuma pakendi kayi nakapewe buyumi butapu. (aiōnios g166)
30 But many [people who consider themselves to] be important [now] will be unimportant [at that future time], and many [people who consider themselves to be] unimportant [now will be] important [at that future time].”
Nomba abo pa cino cindi bali kuntangu nibakabe kunyuma, kayi abo bali kunyuma pacino cindi, nibakabe kuntangu.”

< Matthew 19 >