< Matthew 19 >

1 After Jesus had said that, he [took us] and left Galilee [district] and went to the part of Judea [district that is located] on the [east] side of the Jordan [River].
И кад сврши Исус речи ове, отиде из Галилеје, и дође у околине јудејске преко Јордана.
2 Large crowds followed him there, and he healed [the sick among] them.
И за Њим идоше људи многи и исцели их онде.
3 [Some] Pharisees approached Jesus and said to him, “Does [our Jewish] law permit [a man] to divorce his wife for any reason whatever?” [They asked that] in order to be able to criticize Jesus, [whether he answered “Yes” or “No].”
И приступише к Њему фарисеји да Га кушају, и рекоше Му: Може ли човек пустити жену своју за сваку кривицу?
4 Jesus said [to them], “[Because] you have read [RHQ] [the Scriptures], [you should know] that at the time [God first] created [people], ‘he made [one] man, and he made [one] woman [to be that man’s wife].’
А Он одговарајући рече им: Нисте ли читали да је Онај који је у почетку створио човека мужа и жену створио их?
5 That explains why [God said], ‘[When] a man [and woman marry], they should no longer live with their fathers and mothers. [Instead], the two of them shall live together, and they shall become [so closely united that they are like] one person [MET].’
И рече: Зато оставиће човек оца свог и матер, и прилепиће се к жени својој, и биће двоје једно тело.
6 Consequently, [although they functioned as] two [separate people before], they now [become as if they were] one person [MET]. Since that is true, a man must not separate [from his wife] whom God has joined to him, [because it is God’s plan for them to remain together].”
Тако нису више двоје, него једно тело; а шта је Бог саставио човек да не раставља.
7 The Pharisees then said to him, “If that is true, why did Moses command that [a man who wanted to divorce] his wife should give her a paper [stating his reason for] divorcing her, and then send her away?”
Рекоше Му: Зашто дакле Мојсије заповеда да се да књига распусна, и да се пусти?
8 He said to them, “It was because [your ancestors] stubbornly [wanted their own way] that Moses allowed them to divorce their wives, [and you are no different from them]. But when God first [MTY] created a man and a woman, [he did not intend for them to separate].
Рече им: Мојсије је вама допустио по тврђи вашег срца пуштати своје жене; а из почетка није било тако.
9 I am telling you emphatically that [because God considers that a marriage lasts until either the husband or the wife dies, he considers that] any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery, unless [his first wife] has committed adultery.”
Него ја вама кажем: Ако ко пусти своју жену, осим за курварство, и ожени се другом, чини прељубу; и који узме пуштеницу чини прељубу.
10 We disciples said to him, “If that is true, it is better for men never to marry!”
Рекоше Му ученици Његови: Ако је тако човеку са женом, није се добро женити.
11 Then he said to us, “Not every man is able to accept this teaching. Only the men whom [God] enables [to accept it are able to do so].
А Он рече им: Не могу сви примити те речи до они којима је дано.
12 There are men who [do not marry because they are not able to have sexual relations because they] have been sexually defective ever since they were born. There are other men [who do not marry because they are unable to have sexual relations] because they have been castrated {other men have made them that way}. There are other [men who decide not to marry] [MET] in order that they can serve God better [and spend more time telling people about how] God [MTY/EUP] wants to rule people’s lives. You who are able to understand [what I have said about marriage] should accept it [and obey it].”
Јер има ушкопљеника који су се тако родили из утробе материне; а има ушкопљеника које су људи ушкопили; а има ушкопљеника који су сами себе ушкопили царства ради небеског. Ко може примити нека прими.
13 Then [some] children were brought {[some people] brought their children} to Jesus in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray [for them]. But we disciples scolded the people [for bringing their children to Jesus because we thought that Jesus did not want to take the time to be with children].
Тада приведоше к Њему децу да метне руке на њих, и да се помоли Богу; а ученици забрањиваху им.
14 But [when Jesus saw us scolding them], he said to us, “Let the children come to me! Do not stop them! It is people who are [humble and trusting] like they are, who can experience God’s rule [in their lives].”
А Исус рече: Оставите децу и не забрањујте им долазити к мени; јер је таквих царство небеско.
15 Jesus then laid his hands on the children [and asked God to bless them]. Then he left there.
И метнувши на њих руке отиде оданде.
16 [As Jesus was walking along, a young] man approached him and said [to him], “Teacher, what good [deeds] must I do in order to live [with God] eternally?” (aiōnios g166)
И гле, неко приступивши рече Му: Учитељу благи! Какво ћу добро да учиним да имам живот вечни? (aiōnios g166)
17 Jesus said to him, “(Consider [what you are implying about who I am when] you ask me about what is good./Do you realize [what you are implying about who I am when] you ask me about that which is good?) [RHQ] Only one being is good and [really knows what is good. That being is God. But in order to answer your question] about [desiring to] live [with God eternally], I [will say to you], ‘Keep the commandments [that God gave Moses’].”
А Он рече му: Што ме зовеш благим? Нико није благ осим једног Бога. А ако желиш ући у живот, држи заповести.
18 The man asked Jesus, “Which [commandments must I keep]?” Jesus answered [him], “Do not murder [anyone], do not commit adultery, do not steal things, do not testify falsely,
Рече Му: Које? А Исус рече: Да не убијеш; не чиниш прељубе; не украдеш; не сведочиш лажно;
19 honor your father and your mother, and love people you come in contact with as [much as you love] yourself.”
Поштуј оца и матер; и љуби ближњег свог као самог себе.
20 [Thinking that he might not be able to live with God eternally even though he had kept those commandments], the young man said to Jesus, “I have always obeyed all those commandments. What else must I do [in order to live with God eternally]?”
Рече Му младић: Све сам ово сачувао од младости своје; шта ми још треба?
21 Jesus said to him, “If you desire to be all that God intends you to be, go [home], sell everything that you have and give [the money] to poor people. [The result will be that] you will have [spiritual] riches in heaven. Then come and be my disciple!”
Рече му Исус: Ако хоћеш савршен да будеш, иди и продај све што имаш и подај сиромасима; и имаћеш благо на небу; па хајде за мном.
22 When the young man heard those words, he went away feeling sad, because he was very rich [and did not want to give away everything he owned].
А кад чу младић реч, отиде жалостан; јер беше врло богат.
23 Then Jesus said to [us] disciples, “Keep this in mind: It is very difficult for rich people [to decide] to let God [MTY/EUP] rule their [lives].
А Исус рече ученицима својим: Заиста вам кажем да је тешко богатоме ући у царство небеско.
24 Note this also: It is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. It is [almost] as difficult [HYP] for rich people [to decide] to let God rule their [lives].”
И још вам кажем: Лакше је камили проћи кроз иглене уши него ли богатоме ући у царство Божије.
25 When [we] disciples heard this, we were astounded. [We thought that rich people were the ones whom God blesses the most. So we said to him], “(If that is so, it does not seem likely that anyone will be saved!/Who then will God will save?)” [RHQ]
А кад то чуше ученици, дивљаху се врло говорећи: Ко се дакле може спасити?
26 [When Jesus heard us say that], he looked intently at us, and [then] he said to us, “[Yes], it is impossible for people [to save themselves]. But [God can save them, because] God is able to do [anything]!”
А Исус погледавши на њих рече им: Људима је ово немогуће, а Богу је све могуће.
27 Then Peter said to him, “You know that we [(exc)] have left everything behind and we have become your disciples. So what benefit will we get [for doing that]?”
Тада одговори Петар и рече Му: Ето ми смо оставили све и за Тобом идемо; шта ће дакле бити нама?
28 Jesus said to us, “Keep this in mind: [You will get many benefits]. When [God] makes [the] new [earth] and when [I], the one who came from heaven, sit on my magnificent throne, those of you who have accompanied me will each sit on a throne, and you will judge [the people of] the twelve tribes of Israel.
А Исус рече им: Заиста вам кажем да ћете ви који идете за мном, у другом рођењу, кад седе Син човечији на престолу славе своје, сешћете и ви на дванаест престола и судити над дванаест колена Израиљевих.
29 [God will reward] those who, because of being my [disciples], have left [behind] a house or plot of ground, [their] brothers, [their] sisters, their father, their mother, their children, [or any other family] [MTY] [members]. [God] will give them 100 times [as many benefits as they have given up]. And they will live [with God] eternally. (aiōnios g166)
И сваки, који остави куће, или браћу, или сестре, или оца, или матер, или жену, или децу, или земљу, имена мог ради, примиће сто пута онолико, и добиће живот вечни. (aiōnios g166)
30 But many [people who consider themselves to] be important [now] will be unimportant [at that future time], and many [people who consider themselves to be] unimportant [now will be] important [at that future time].”
Али ће многи први бити последњи и последњи први.

< Matthew 19 >