< Matthew 17 >

1 A week after Jesus [said that], he took Peter, James, and John, the [younger] brother of James, and led them up a high mountain where they were away from other people.
anantaraṁ ṣaḍdinebhyaḥ paraṁ yīśuḥ pitaraṁ yākūbaṁ tatsahajaṁ yohanañca gṛhlan uccādre rviviktasthānam āgatya teṣāṁ samakṣaṁ rūpamanyat dadhāra|
2 [While they were there, the three disciples] saw that Jesus’ appearance was changed. His face shone like the sun, and his clothing [shone and] became as brilliant as light.
tena tadāsyaṁ tejasvi, tadābharaṇam ālokavat pāṇḍaramabhavat|
3 Suddenly Moses and Elijah, [who were important prophets many years ago], appeared and started talking with him.
anyacca tena sākaṁ saṁlapantau mūsā eliyaśca tebhyo darśanaṁ dadatuḥ|
4 Peter [saw them and] said to Jesus, “Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here! If you want [me to], I will make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
tadānīṁ pitaro yīśuṁ jagāda, he prabho sthitiratrāsmākaṁ śubhā, yadi bhavatānumanyate, tarhi bhavadarthamekaṁ mūsārthamekam eliyārthañcaikam iti trīṇi dūṣyāṇi nirmmama|
5 While Peter was speaking, a bright cloud [appeared and] covered them. [They heard God] speaking [about Jesus from] inside the cloud. He said [to them], “This is my Son. I love him. He pleases me very much. [So] you must listen to him!”
etatkathanakāla eka ujjavalaḥ payodasteṣāmupari chāyāṁ kṛtavān, vāridād eṣā nabhasīyā vāg babhūva, mamāyaṁ priyaḥ putraḥ, asmin mama mahāsantoṣa etasya vākyaṁ yūyaṁ niśāmayata|
6 When the three disciples heard [God speaking], they were terrified. [As a result], they fell prostrate on the ground.
kintu vācametāṁ śṛṇvantaeva śiṣyā mṛśaṁ śaṅkamānā nyubjā nyapatan|
7 But Jesus went to them and touched them [and] said [to them], “Stand up! Do not be afraid any more!”
tadā yīśurāgatya teṣāṁ gātrāṇi spṛśan uvāca, uttiṣṭhata, mā bhaiṣṭa|
8 And when they looked up [MTY], they saw that Jesus was the only one [who was still there].
tadānīṁ netrāṇyunmīlya yīśuṁ vinā kamapi na dadṛśuḥ|
9 When they were walking down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, “Do not tell anyone what you saw [on the mountain top] until [God has caused me], the one who has come from heaven, to become alive again after I die.”
tataḥ param adreravarohaṇakāle yīśustān ityādideśa, manujasutasya mṛtānāṁ madhyādutthānaṁ yāvanna jāyate, tāvat yuṣmābhiretaddarśanaṁ kasmaicidapi na kathayitavyaṁ|
10 [Those three disciples had just seen Elijah and he did not do anything to prepare people for the coming of the Messiah], so they asked Jesus, “If [what you say is true], why do the men who teach the [Jewish] laws say that it is necessary for Elijah to come [back to earth] before [the Messiah comes]?”
tadā śiṣyāstaṁ papracchuḥ, prathamam eliya āyāsyatīti kuta upādhyāyairucyate?
11 Jesus answered [them], “It is true that [God promised that] Elijah would come to prepare many [HYP] [people for the Messiah’s coming].
tato yīśuḥ pratyavādīt, eliyaḥ prāgetya sarvvāṇi sādhayiṣyatīti satyaṁ,
12 But note this: Elijah’s [representative] has already come, [and our leaders have seen him], but they did not recognize him [as the one who would come before the Messiah]. Instead, they treated him [badly], just like they desired. And those same rulers will soon treat [me], the one who came from heaven, in the same manner.”
kintvahaṁ yuṣmān vacmi, eliya etya gataḥ, te tamaparicitya tasmin yathecchaṁ vyavajahuḥ; manujasutenāpi teṣāmantike tādṛg duḥkhaṁ bhoktavyaṁ|
13 Then the three disciples understood that [when he was talking about Elijah], he was referring to John the Baptizer.
tadānīṁ sa majjayitāraṁ yohanamadhi kathāmetāṁ vyāhṛtavān, itthaṁ tacchiṣyā bubudhire|
14 When [Jesus and the three disciples] returned to the [rest of us disciples] and to the crowd [that had gathered], a man approached Jesus and knelt before him.
paścāt teṣu jananivahasyāntikamāgateṣu kaścit manujastadantikametya jānūnī pātayitvā kathitavān,
15 He said [to him], “Sir/Lord, have mercy on my son and [heal him]! He has epilepsy and suffers very much. [Because of this illness], he has fallen in the fire and in the water many times.
he prabho, matputraṁ prati kṛpāṁ vidadhātu, sopasmārāmayena bhṛśaṁ vyathitaḥ san punaḥ puna rvahnau muhu rjalamadhye patati|
16 I brought him to your disciples [in order that they might heal him], but they were not able to heal him.”
tasmād bhavataḥ śiṣyāṇāṁ samīpe tamānayaṁ kintu te taṁ svāsthaṁ karttuṁ na śaktāḥ|
17 Jesus responded [by saying to everyone who had gathered there], “[You who have seen how I help people] do not believe [that you can do anything! Your minds] are distorted! How long do I have to be with you [before you] are [able to do what I do] [RHQ]? How long [do] I have to endure your [not believing] [RHQ]? Bring the boy here to me!”
tadā yīśuḥ kathitavān re aviśvāsinaḥ, re vipathagāminaḥ, punaḥ katikālān ahaṁ yuṣmākaṁ sannidhau sthāsyāmi? katikālān vā yuṣmān sahiṣye? tamatra mamāntikamānayata|
18 When [they brought the boy to Jesus], Jesus rebuked the demon [that was causing the epilepsy]. [As a result], the demon came out of the boy, and right then the boy was healed.
paścād yīśunā tarjataeva sa bhūtastaṁ vihāya gatavān, taddaṇḍaeva sa bālako nirāmayo'bhūt|
19 [Later, some of us] disciples approached Jesus. We asked him privately, “Why were we [(exc)] not able to expel the demon?”
tataḥ śiṣyā guptaṁ yīśumupāgatya babhāṣire, kuto vayaṁ taṁ bhūtaṁ tyājayituṁ na śaktāḥ?
20 He answered us, “It is because you did not believe very much [in God’s power]. Think about this: Mustard seeds [are very small, but in this area they grow and produce large] [MET] [plants]. [Similarly], if your faith grows until you truly believe [that God will do what you ask him to], you will be able to do anything [LIT]! You [could even] say to this hill, ‘Move from here to there!’ and it would go [where you told it to go].”
yīśunā te proktāḥ, yuṣmākamapratyayāt;
yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vacmi yadi yuṣmākaṁ sarṣapaikamātropi viśvāso jāyate, tarhi yuṣmābhirasmin śaile tvamitaḥ sthānāt tat sthānaṁ yāhīti brūte sa tadaiva caliṣyati, yuṣmākaṁ kimapyasādhyañca karmma na sthāsyāti| kintu prārthanopavāsau vinaitādṛśo bhūto na tyājyeta|
22 When [we disciples] had gathered together in Galilee [district], Jesus said to us, “[I], the one who came from heaven, will soon be handed over {[Someone] will soon hand me, the one who came from heaven, over} to the authorities [SYN].
aparaṁ teṣāṁ gālīlpradeśe bhramaṇakāle yīśunā te gaditāḥ, manujasuto janānāṁ kareṣu samarpayiṣyate tai rhaniṣyate ca,
23 They will kill me. But [God] will cause me to become alive again on the third day [after I am killed].” [When we heard that], we became very sad.
kintu tṛtīye'hina ma utthāpiṣyate, tena te bhṛśaṁ duḥkhitā babhūvaḥ|
24 When we came to Capernaum [city], the men who collect taxes [for the Temple approached Peter and said to him], “Your teacher pays the [Temple tax], does he not?”
tadanantaraṁ teṣu kapharnāhūmnagaramāgateṣu karasaṁgrāhiṇaḥ pitarāntikamāgatya papracchuḥ, yuṣmākaṁ guruḥ kiṁ mandirārthaṁ karaṁ na dadāti? tataḥ pitaraḥ kathitavān dadāti|
25 He answered [them], “Yes, [he does pay it].” When we came into the house [where Jesus was saying], [before Peter began to talk about paying taxes], Jesus said [to him], “Simon, from whom do you think rulers collect revenue or taxes? [Do they collect taxes] from the citizens of their own [country], or from citizens of countries [they have conquered]?”
tatastasmin gṛhamadhyamāgate tasya kathākathanāt pūrvvameva yīśuruvāca, he śimon, medinyā rājānaḥ svasvāpatyebhyaḥ kiṁ videśibhyaḥ kebhyaḥ karaṁ gṛhlanti? atra tvaṁ kiṁ budhyase? tataḥ pitara uktavān, videśibhyaḥ|
26 Peter answered [him], “From [citizens of] other [countries].” Then Jesus said to him, “So citizens of their own [country] do not need to [pay taxes].
tadā yīśuruktavān, tarhi santānā muktāḥ santi|
27 But [even though the Temple is mine, pay the tax for us so that the Temple tax collectors will not become angry with us. In order to get the money to pay it], go to the lake. Cast your [fish line and] hook, and take the first fish that you catch. When you open its mouth, you will find a silver coin [that is worth enough to pay the tax] for you and me. Take that coin and give [it] to the Temple tax collectors.”
tathāpi yathāsmābhisteṣāmantarāyo na janyate, tatkṛte jaladhestīraṁ gatvā vaḍiśaṁ kṣipa, tenādau yo mīna utthāsyati, taṁ ghṛtvā tanmukhe mocite tolakaikaṁ rūpyaṁ prāpsyasi, tad gṛhītvā tava mama ca kṛte tebhyo dehi|

< Matthew 17 >