< Matthew 13 >

1 That same day Jesus, [along with us] disciples, left the house [where he was teaching and went] to [Galilee lake]. He sat down there,
Ngalolosuku uJesu waphuma endlini wayahlala eceleni kwechibi.
2 and a very large crowd gathered around him to [listen to his teaching]. So, [in order that they would not jostle him] (OR, [to speak to the people better]), he got into a boat and sat down [to teach them]. The crowd stood on the shore [and was listening].
Amaxuku abantu aminyezelana kuye waze wangena esikepeni wahlala kuso, abantu bonke bona babemi okhunjini.
3 He was telling them many parables. [One of the parables] that he told them was this: “Listen! A man went out [to his field] to sow [some seeds].
Wasebatshela izinto ezinengi esebenzisa imizekeliso, wathi, “Umlimi waphuma wayahlanyela inhlanyelo yakhe.
4 As he was scattering [them over the soil], some [of the] seeds fell on the path. Then some birds came and ate those seeds.
Kwathi eyihaza inhlanyelo, eyinye yawela endleleni, izinyoni zafika zayidobha yonke.
5 Other [seeds] fell on ground where there was not much soil [on top of the] rock. Those seeds sprouted very soon, [because the sun quickly warmed] the shallow soil.
Eyinye yawela okhetheni lapho okwakungela mhlabathi owaneleyo. Yaphanga yamila ngoba umhlabathi wawungatshoni.
6 But when [the young plants came up], they were scorched by the sun, and they withered because they did not have [deep] roots.
Kodwa kwathi ilanga seliphumile yahanguleka yabuna ngoba yayingelampande.
7 Other seeds fell on [ground that contained roots of] thorny [weeds]. The thorny weeds grew [together with the young plants], and [they] crowded out [the plants].
Eyinye yawela phakathi kwameva, asuka akhula ayiminya inhlanyelo.
8 [But] other seeds fell on good soil, and [the plants grew and] produced [a lot of] grain. Some [plants produced] 100 times [as many seeds as were planted]. Some [plants produced] 60 times [as much]. Some [plants produced] 30 times [as much].
Eyinye inhlanyelo yawela emhlabathini omuhle lapho eyathela khona izithelo eziphindwe okungabalikhulu, kumbe okungamatshumi ayisithupha loba okungamatshumi amathathu ukudlula leyo eyayihlanyelwe.
9 If you want to understand this [MTY], you should consider [carefully what I have just said].”
Lowo olendlebe kezwe.”
10 [We] disciples approached Jesus and asked him, “Why do you use parables when you speak to the crowd?”
Abafundi beza kuye bambuza bathi, “Kungani ukhuluma ebantwini ngemizekeliso na?”
11 He answered [us] saying, “God [EUP/MTY] is revealing to you what he did not reveal before, about [how he wants to] rule [over people’s lives]. But he has not revealed it to others.
Waphendula wathi, “Ulwazi lwemfihlakalo yombuso wezulu luphiwe lina hatshi bona.
12 Those who [think about what I say and] understand [it], God will enable them to understand more. But those who do not [think carefully about what I say] will forget even what they already know.
Lowo olakho, uzaphiwa kwengezelelwe abesesiba lokunengi kakhulu. Lowo ongelakho, lalokho alakho uzakwemukwa.
13 That is why I use parables when I speak to people, because although they see [what I do], they do not perceive [what it means], and although they hear [what I say], they do not really understand [what it means].
Lokhu yikho okungenza ngikhulume kubo ngemizekeliso: Ngoba loba bekhangele kababoni; loba belalele kabezwa njalo kabaqedisisi.
14 What these people do completely fulfills what [God told] the prophet Isaiah [to say long ago to the people who did not] try to understand what he said, You will hear [what I say], but you will not understand it. You will keep seeing [what I do], but you will not understand [what it means] [DOU].
Kubo isiphrofethi sika-Isaya siyagcwaliseka, esokuthi: ‘Lizahlala lisizwa kodwa lingaqedisisi; lizahlala libona kodwa lingabonisisi.
15 [God also said to Isaiah], These people have become unresponsive [MTY] [to what they see me do and to what they hear me say]. They listen unwillingly [MTY] [to what I say], and they do not pay attention to [MTY] [what I do]. If it were not so, they would perceive [MTY] [what I am doing], they would understand [MTY] [what I say to them], and they would turn [away from their sinful lives] and turn [to me], and I would save them [from being punished for their sins] [MET].
Ngoba inhliziyo zalababantu sezaba lukhuni; kabasezwa ngezindlebe zabo njalo sebawavala amehlo abo. Funa babone ngamehlo abo, bezwe ngezindlebe zabo, baqedisise ngezinhliziyo zabo, baphenduke bese ngibasilisa.’
16 But as for you, God is pleased with you because you [SYN] have seen [what I have done] and because you [SYN] understand [what I say] [DOU].
Kodwa abusisiwe amehlo enu ngoba ayabona lezindlebe zenu ziyezwa.
17 Note this: Many prophets and righteous people [who lived long ago] longed to see what you are seeing [me do], but they did not see it. They longed to hear the things that you have been hearing [me say], but they did not hear [what you hear me say].” [DOU]
Ngoba ngilitshela iqiniso ukuthi abaphrofethi abanengi lamadoda alungileyo balangazela ukukubona lokhu elikubonayo kodwa kabakubonanga, lokuzwa lokhu elikuzwayo kodwa kabakuzwanga.
18 “[Since God wants] you [to understand what I am teaching you], listen as I [explain] the parable about the man who sowed [seeds in various kinds of soil].
Lalelani-ke lizwe ukuthi utshoni umzekeliso womhlanyeli:
19 The people who hear about how God rules over people’s lives and do not understand [what they have heard] are [like] the path where [some of] the seeds fell. [Satan], the Evil One, comes and causes these people to forget [MET] what they have heard [MET].
Nxa umuntu esizwa ilizwi ngombuso kodwa engabambisisi, omubi uyeza ahwithe lokho obekuhlanyelwe enhliziyweni yakhe. Yiyo le inhlanyelo eyahlanyelwa endleleni.
20 [Some people are like the] shallow soil on top of rock. When they hear God’s message, they immediately accept it joyfully.
Inhlanyelo eyawela okhetheni ngumuntu olizwayo ilizwi aphange alamukele ngentokozo.
21 [But because it does not penetrate deeply into their inner beings, they believe it for only] a [short] time. [They are like the plants that] did not have [deep] roots. When they are treated badly and caused to suffer because they believe [God’s message], they soon stop believing [it].
Kodwa ngenxa yokuthi kalampande, nxa okwesikhatshana kuphela. Nxa kufika uhlupho lokuhlukunyezwa ngenxa yelizwi uphanga akhubeke.
22 [Some people are like the soil that had the roots of] thorny [weeds] in it. They hear God’s message, but they desire to be rich, [so they] worry [only] about [MTY, PRS] material things. As a result, they [PRS] forget [God’s] message, and they do not do [IDM] the things that God wants them to do. (aiōn g165)
Inhlanyelo eyawela phakathi kwameva ngumuntu olizwayo ilizwi kodwa lisuke landelwe yizinhlupheko zale impilo lenkohliso yenotho, lingabe lisaba lezithelo. (aiōn g165)
23 But [some people are like the] good soil where [some of the seeds] fell. [Just like the plants that grew in this soil] produced a lot of grain, [these people] hear my message and understand it. [Some of them] do many things [IDM] [that please God, some do] even more [things that please God, and some do] very many [things that please God].”
Kodwa leyonhlanyelo eyawela emhlabathini ovundileyo ngumuntu olizwayo ilizwi alizwisise. Lo nguye othela izithelo ezinengi ngekhulu, ngamatshumi ayisithupha loba ngamatshumi amathathu okudlula lokho okwahlanyelwayo.”
24 Jesus also told the crowd another parable, [by which he tried to explain that although] God [MTY/EUP] is a king, [he will not immediately judge and punish all the wicked people]. Jesus said, “[God] is like a landowner [who sent his servants] to sow good [wheat] seed in his field.
UJesu wabatshela omunye umzekeliso wathi, “Umbuso wezulu unjengomuntu owahlanyela inhlanyelo enhle ensimini yakhe.
25 While those servants were sleeping [and not watching the field], an enemy of the landowner came and scattered weed [seeds] in the midst of the wheat. Then he left.
Kodwa kwathi ngesikhathi wonke umuntu elele, isitha sakhe seza sahlanyela ukhula phakathi kwengqoloyi, sahamba.
26 After [the seeds] sprouted and the green plants [grew], the heads of grain began to form. But the weeds also grew.
Kwathi ingqoloyi isikhahlele yabumba izikhwebu, ukhula lalo lwavela.
27 So the servants of the landowner came and said to him, ‘Sir, you [RHQ] [gave us good seeds and those are the ones we] [RHQ] [planted] in your field. So where did the weeds come from?’
Izinceku zomninisivini zeza kuye zathi, ‘Nkosi, kanti kawuhlanyelanga yini inhlanyelo enhle ensimini yakho na? Pho ukhula luvele ngaphi?’
28 The landowner said to them, ‘[My] enemy did this.’ His servants said to him, ‘So, do you want us to pull up [the weeds and] put them in a pile?’
Waphendula wathi, ‘Kwenziwe yisitha lokhu.’ Zambuza izinceku zathi, ‘Uyafuna yini ukuthi siyelusiphuna na?’
29 He said [to them], ‘No, [do not do that, because] you might pull up [some of] the wheat at the same time.
Waphendula wathi, ‘Hatshi, ngoba lizakuthi lisiphuna ukhula liqabuke selisiphuna amabele kanye lalo.
30 Let the wheat and the weeds grow together until harvest [time].’ At that time I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather the weeds, tie them into bundles to be burned. Then gather the wheat [and put it] into my barns.’”
Kuyekeleni kukhule ndawonye kuze kube yisikhathi sokuvuna. Lapho-ke, ngizakuthi kubavuni, Qalani ngokuqoqa ukhula lilubophe izinyanda ukuba lutshiswe, beseliqoqa amabele liwalethe esiphaleni sami.’”
31 Jesus also told this parable: “The [number of] (OR, [God’s influence in the lives of]) [people whose] lives God rules over [will continue to grow. It is very much] like mustard seeds grow after a man plants them in his field.
Wabatshela omunye umzekeliso wathi, “Umbuso wezulu ufana lentanga yemastadi eyathathwa ngenye indoda yayihlanyela ensimini yayo.
32 Although mustard seeds are among the smallest of all the seeds [that people plant, here in Israel they become large plants. When the plants have fully grown, they are larger than the other garden plants. They become shrubs that are large enough for birds to build nests in their branches.”]
Lanxa incinyane kulentanga yenhlanyelo zonke, kodwa ithi ingakhula ibe yisihlahla esikhulu kulazo zonke, izinyoni zezulu zibuye, zithole ukuphumula ezingatsheni zaso.”
33 Jesus also told this parable: “[The way people who let] God [MTY/EUP] rule their lives [MET] [can influence the world] is like yeast that a woman mixed with about 50 pounds of flour. [That small amount of yeast made] the whole batch of dough swell up.”
Waphinda wabatshela omunye umzekeliso wathi, “Umbuso wezulu ufana lemvubelo eyathathwa ngowesifazane wayixubanisa lempuphu enengi, yabila yagcwala inhlama yonke.”
34 Jesus told the crowd parables [to teach them] all these things. When he spoke [HYP] to them, he habitually used such illustrations.
UJesu wakhuluma zonke lezizinto exukwini labantu ngemizekeliso; kazange akhulume lutho kubo engasebenzisanga umzekeliso.
35 By doing that, [he] fulfilled what [God told one of] the prophets to write [long ago]: I will speak [MTY] in parables; I will tell [parables to teach] what I have kept secret since I created the world.
Ngakho kwagcwaliseka okwakhulunywa ngomphrofethi ukuthi: “Ngizavula umlomo wami ngemizekeliso, ngizakutsho izinto ezifihliweyo selokhu kwadatshulwa umhlaba.”
36 After Jesus dismissed the crowds, he went inside. Then [we] disciples approached him and said, “Explain to us the parable about the weeds [that grew] in the [wheat] field.”
Wasesuka exukwini waya endlini. Abafundi bakhe beza kuye bathi, “Sichazele umzekeliso wokhula ensimini.”
37 He answered, “The one who sows the good seed represents [me], the one who came from heaven.
Waphendula wathi, “Lowo owahlanyela inhlanyelo enhle yiNdodana yoMuntu.
38 The field represents this world [MTY], [where people live]. The seeds [that grew] well represent the people who let God rule their lives [MET]. The weeds represent the people who do what [the devil], the Evil One, [tells them to do].
Insimu ngumhlaba njalo inhlanyelo enhle imele abantu bombuso. Ukhula lungabantu bomubi
39 The enemy who sowed the weed seeds represents the devil. The [time when the reapers will] harvest [the grain] represents the time when the world will end. The reapers represent the angels. (aiōn g165)
njalo isitha esiluhlanyelayo nguSathane. Isivuno siyikuphela kwesikhathi njalo abavuni yizingilosi. (aiōn g165)
40 The weeds are gathered and burned. {The reapers gather the weeds. Then they burn them.} That represents [the judging of people, which God will do] when the world will end. [It will be like this]: (aiōn g165)
Njengalokhu ukhula lusitshunwa lutshiswe emlilweni, kuzakuba njalo ekupheleni kwesikhathi. (aiōn g165)
41 I, the one who came from heaven, will send my angels, and they will gather [from everywhere the people] who cause others to quit believing in me [MET] and all those who disobey [God’s] commands.
Indodana yoMuntu izathuma izingilosi zayo, zikhuphe konke okuyizikhubekiso embusweni wayo, labo bonke abenza ububi.
42 They will throw those people into the fires of [hell]. There those people will weep and grind their teeth [because of the great pain that they are suffering]. (questioned)
Zizabaphosela esihogweni somlilo ovuthayo okuzakuba khona ukukhala lokugedla kwamazinyo. (questioned)
43 [God’s] brightness will shine [on] the people who have lived as he wants them to. It will shine [on them as brightly] as the sun [shines]. It will shine on them in the place where [God], their Father, rules over them. If you want to understand this [MTY], you should think [carefully] about what I have just said.”
Lapho-ke, abalungileyo bazakhazimula njengelanga embusweni kaYise wabo. Lowo olendlebe, kezwe.”
44 “[What people do who begin to allow] God [MTY/EUP] to rule their lives is like [what a certain man did to acquire a treasure]. A treasure was hidden in a field by someone {Someone hid a treasure in a field [and never dug it up again]}. When [another] man found it, he hid it [by burying it again in order that no one else would find it]. Being very happy [that he had found something very valuable, he went and] sold all his possessions [to obtain money to buy the field the treasure was in]. He then went and bought the field, [and so he was able to acquire that treasure].
“Umbuso wezulu unjengenotho efihliweyo esivandeni. Kwathi indoda isiyitholile yayifihla njalo, kwathi ngoba iphakathi kokuthokoza, yahamba yayathengisa konke eyayilakho yayathenga lesosivande.
45 Also, what [people do who begin to allow] God [MTY/EUP] to rule their lives is like [what] a merchant [did who was] looking for good quality pearls [to buy].
Njalo umbuso wezulu ufana lomthengi edinga amaphareli amahle.
46 When he found one very costly pearl [that was for sale], he sold all his possessions [to acquire enough money to buy that pearl]. Then he [went and] bought it.
Kwathi esefumene elinye elalilentengo ephezulu wahamba wayathengisa konke ayelakho walithenga.”
47 What God [MTY/EUP] [will do to people who falsely say that they are letting him] rule their lives is like what certain [fishermen] did [with the fish they caught] in a lake, using a large net. They caught all classes [of fish, both useful and worthless fish].
“Futhi umbuso wezulu ufana lomambule owehliselwa phansi echibini wagola zonke inhlobo zezinhlanzi.
48 When the net was full, the [fishermen] pulled it up onto the shore. Then they sat there and put the useful [fish] into buckets, and threw the worthless ones away.
Wathi usugcwele, abagoli bezinhlanzi bawudonsela okhunjini. Basebehlala phansi, baqoqela ezitsheni zonke inhlanzi ezinhle kodwa ezimbi bazilahla.
49 [What they did in separating the good fish from the bad ones] is like [what will happen to people] when the world ends. The angels will come [to where God is judging people], and will separate the wicked [people] from the righteous [ones]. (aiōn g165)
Lokhu yikho okuzakwenzakala ekupheleni kwesikhathi. Izingilosi zizakuza zehlukanise ababi kwabalungileyo, (aiōn g165)
50 They will throw the wicked people into the fire [in hell]. And those wicked people will weep and gnash their teeth [because of the intense pain they are suffering].” (questioned)
zibaphosele esihogweni somlilo ovuthayo, lapho okuzakuba khona lokukhala kanye lokugedla kwamazinyo.” (questioned)
51 [Then Jesus asked us], “Do you understand all these [parables I have told you]?” We said to him,
UJesu wababuza wathi, “Selizizwisisile zonke lezizinto na?” Bathi, “Yebo.”
52 “Yes, [we understand them].” Then he said to us, “Because [you understand all these parables], [you will understand the following parable: You, along with] all others, will teach people what [you heard me say] about God ruling people’s lives. [You will add that to what you formerly learned. You will be] like a manager of a household who takes both new things and old things out of his storage room.”
Wathi kubo, “Ngakho wonke umfundisi womthetho osephenduke waba ngumfundi wombuso wezulu unjengomnini wendlu okhupha esiphaleni sakhe amagugu amatsha lamadala.”
53 When Jesus had finished [telling] these parables, he took [us] and left that [area].
UJesu eseqedile imizekeliso le wasuka lapho wahamba.
54 We went to [Nazareth, his hometown. (On the Sabbath/On the Jewish rest day]) he began to teach the people in the Jewish worship house. The result was that the people there were astonished. But [some] said, “[This man is just an ordinary person like us. So] how is it that he knows so much and understands so much [RHQ]? And how is it that he is able to do [such] miracles [RHQ]?
Wafika edolobheni lakibo waqalisa ukufundisa abantu esinagogweni labo, bamangala. Babuza bathi, “Indoda le yayithatha ngaphi inhlakanipho le lamandla la ayisimangaliso kangaka?
55 (He is [just] the son of the carpenter!/Isn’t he [just] the son of the carpenter [that lived here]?) [RHQ] His mother is Mary, and his younger brothers are James, Joseph, Simon and Judas [RHQ]!
Kanti lo kayisiyo indodana yombazi na? Ibizo likanina kasuMariya na, labafowabo kakusiJakhobe, uJosefa, uSimoni loJudasi na?
56 (And his sisters [also live] here in our [town]./Do not his sisters [live] in our [town]?) [RHQ] So how is he able to do all these [miracles]?”
Odadewabo kabakho lapha kanye lathi na? Pho indoda le yazizuza ngaphi izinto zonke lezi?”
57 The people were unable to accept [that] he [was the Messiah. So] Jesus said to them, “[People] honor [me and other] prophets [everywhere else we go], but in [our] hometowns [we are] not [honored], and [even] our own families do not [honor us!]”
Bakhubeka ngaye. Kodwa uJesu wathi kubo, “Umphrofethi kaladumo edolobheni lakibo lasendlini yakwabo.”
58 Jesus did not perform many miracles there because the people did not believe [that he was the Messiah].
Kasenzanga izimangaliso ezinengi khona ngenxa yokusilela kwabo ekukholweni.

< Matthew 13 >