< Matthew 11 >

1 When Jesus had finished instructing [us] twelve disciples [about what we should do, he sent us to various Israelite towns]. Then he went to teach and preach in [other Israelite] towns [in that area].
Əysa on ikki muhlisiƣa bu ixlarni tapilap bolƣandin keyin, ɵzimu xu yǝrdiki ⱨǝrⱪaysi xǝⱨǝrlǝrdǝ tǝlim berix wǝ [Hudaning kalamini] jakarlax üqün u yǝrdin kǝtti.
2 While John [the Baptizer] was in prison, he heard what [Jesus, the man whom he thought was] the Messiah, was doing. So he sent [some of] his disciples [to him] in order
Zindanƣa solanƣan Yǝⱨya [pǝyƣǝmbǝr] Mǝsiⱨning ⱪilƣan ǝmǝllirini anglap, muhlislirini ǝwǝtip, ular arⱪiliⱪ Əysadin:
3 to ask him, “Are you the [Messiah] who [the prophets prophesied] would come, or is it someone else that we should expect [to come]?”
«Kelixi muⱪǝrrǝr zat ɵzüngmu, yaki baxⱪa birsini kütüximiz kerǝkmu?» — dǝp soridi.
4 [After they asked] Jesus [that question], he answered them, “Go back and report to John what you hear [me telling people] and what you see [me doing].
Əysa ularƣa jawab berip mundaⱪ dedi: — Yǝⱨyaning yeniƣa ⱪaytip berip, ɵz anglawatⱪanliringlarni wǝ kɵrüwatⱪanliringlarni bayan ⱪilip —
5 I [am enabling] blind people to see and lame people to walk. I [am] healing [people] who have leprosy. I [am enabling] deaf people to hear and dead people to become alive again. I [am] telling poor people [God’s] good message.
Korlar kɵrǝlǝydiƣan wǝ tokurlar mangalaydiƣan boldi, mahaw kesili bolƣanlar saⱪaytildi, gaslar angliyalaydiƣan boldi, ɵlgǝnlǝrmu tirildürüldi wǝ kǝmbǝƣǝllǝrgǝ hux hǝwǝr jakarlandi» — dǝp eytinglar
6 [Also tell John that God] is pleased with people who do not stop believing in me [because what I do is not what they expected the Messiah to do].”
wǝ [uningƣa yǝnǝ]: «Mǝndin gumanlanmay putlixip kǝtmigǝn kixi bolsa bǝhtliktur!» dǝp ⱪoyunglar, — dedi.
7 When John’s disciples had gone away, Jesus began to talk to the crowd of people about John. He said to them, “[Think about] what sort of person you went to see in the desolate area [when you went there to see John]. ([You did not go there to listen to a man who constantly changed his message, like] a reed that is blown {blows} back and forth in the wind [MET]!/Did you go there [to listen to a man whose message changes continually like] long grass that is blown {blows} back and forth in the wind [changes its direction]?) [MET, RHQ]
Ular kǝtkǝndǝ, Əysa top-top adǝmlǝrgǝ Yǝⱨya toƣruluⱪ sɵzlǝxkǝ baxlidi: — «Silǝr ǝsli [Yǝⱨyani izdǝp] qɵlgǝ barƣininglarda, zadi nemini kɵrgili bardinglar? Xamalda yǝlpünüp turƣan ⱪomuxnimu?
8 Then what [kind of person] did you go [there] to see [RHQ]? ([You did not go there to see] a man who was wearing expensive clothes.[/Did you go there to see] a man who was wearing expensive clothes?) [RHQ] [No! You know very well that] people who wear beautiful clothes reside in kings’ palaces [and not in desolate areas].
Yaki esil kiyingǝn bir ǝrbabnimu? Mana, esil kiyimlǝrni kiygǝnlǝr han ordiliridin tepiliduƣu!
9 Then what [kind of person] did you go to see [RHQ]? [Did you go there] [RHQ] [to see John because he was] (a prophet/a person who speaks what God tells him to say)? Yes! But I will tell you that [John] is more [important] than an [ordinary] prophet.
Əmdi silǝr nemǝ kɵrgili bardinglar? Bir pǝyƣǝmbǝrnimu? Durus, ǝmma mǝn xuni silǝrgǝ eytip ⱪoyayki, [bu bolsa] pǝyƣǝmbǝrdinmu üstün bir bolƣuqidur.
10 He is the one [to whom God was referring when he said to the Messiah these words] that are written {about whom [the prophet Malachi] wrote} [in the Scriptures: ] Listen! I am going to send my messenger [to go] before you [SYN] to prepare [the people] [MET] for your coming.
Qünki [muⱪǝddǝs yazmilardiki]: — «Mana, yüz aldingƣa ǝlqimni ǝwǝtimǝn; U sening aldingda yolungni tǝyyarlaydu» — dǝp pütülgǝn sɵz dǝl uning toƣrisida pütülgǝndur.
11 Note this: Of all the people who have ever lived, [God does not consider] that any of them are greater than John the Baptizer. However, [God considers that all] those people who have let God rule their lives are greater than [John, even if they are insignificant people].
Mǝn silǝrgǝ xuni bǝrⱨǝⱪ eytip ⱪoyayki, ayallardin tuƣulƣanlar arisida qɵmüldürgüqi Yǝⱨyadinmu uluƣi turƣuzulƣini yoⱪ; ǝmma ǝrx padixaⱨliⱪidiki ǝng kiqik bolƣinimu uningdin uluƣ turidu.
12 From the time that John the Baptizer [preached] until now, [other people] have violently attacked the people who have [allowed] God [MTY/EUP] to rule their lives, and they have suffered (OR, people have very eagerly been asking God to take control of their lives, OR, Israelite people [who have thought that I would become their king] have been extremely eager to be included in my kingdom) (OR, have been violently attacked and made to suffer).
Əmma qɵmüldürgüqi Yǝⱨya otturiƣa qiⱪⱪan künlǝrdin bügünki küngiqǝ, ǝrx padixaⱨliⱪiƣa kirix yoli xiddǝt bilǝn eqildi wǝ kixilǝr uni xiddǝt bilǝn tutuwalidu.
13 [All this that I am saying about John is confirmed by the fact that] all the men who wrote the Scriptures [MTY, SYN] foretold [about God ruling people’s lives], until John [the Baptizer came].
Qünki barliⱪ pǝyƣǝmbǝrlǝrning bexarǝt berix hizmiti, xundaⱪla Tǝwrattiki yazmilar arⱪiliⱪ bexarǝt yǝtküzülüx hizmiti Yǝⱨya bilǝn ahirlixidu.
14 [Even though most of you are unwilling to believe what I am saying, I will tell this truth to] anyone who is willing to believe [it]: John is [the man who is like] Elijah [MET]. He is the one who [one of the prophets said] would come [in order to prepare the people to welcome the Messiah].
Wǝ ǝgǝr xu sɵzni ⱪobul ⱪilalisanglar, «[ⱪaytip] kelixi muⱪǝrrǝr bolƣan Ilyas [pǝyƣǝmbǝr]» bolsa, [Yǝⱨyaning] ɵzidur.
15 If you want to understand this, you must think [carefully] [MTY] [about what I have just said] [MTY].”
Angliƣudǝk ⱪuliⱪi barlar buni anglisun!
16 “(I will illustrate what [you] people who have heard what John [the Baptizer] and I have taught are like./Do you know what [you] people who have heard what John and I have taught are like?) [RHQ] You are like children who are [playing games] in an open area. [Some of the children] are calling to the others, saying,
Lekin bu dǝwrdiki kixilǝrni zadi kimlǝrgǝ ohxitay? Ular huddi rǝstǝ-bazarlarda olturwelip, bir-birigǝ:
17 ‘We played [happy music] on the flute for you, but you did not dance! Then we sang sad funeral songs for you, but you did not cry [MET]!’
«Biz silǝrgǝ sunay qelip bǝrsǝkmu, ussul oynimidinglar», «Matǝm pǝdisigǝ qelip bǝrsǝkmu, yiƣa-zar ⱪilmidinglar» dǝp [ⱪaⱪxaydiƣan tuturuⱪsiz] balilarƣa ohxaydu.
18 [Similarly, you are dissatisfied with both John and me]! When John came [and preached to you], he did not eat [good food] and did not drink [wine, like most people do]. But you [rejected him] saying, ‘A demon is controlling him!’
Qünki Yǝⱨya kelip ziyapǝttǝ olturmaytti, [xarab] iqmǝytti. Xuning bilǝn, ular: «Uningƣa jin qaplixiptu» deyixidu.
19 [In contrast], [I], the one who came from heaven, eat [the same] food and drink [wine as other people do]. But you [reject me], saying, ‘Look! [This man] eats too much food and drinks too much wine, and he associates with tax collectors and [other] sinners!’ But people [who really think about] what [John] and I have done will realize that what we do is truly wise [MET, PRS].”
Insan’oƣli bolsa kelip ⱨǝm yǝydu ⱨǝm iqidu wǝ mana, ular: «Taza bir toymas wǝ bir mǝyhor ikǝn. U bajgirlar wǝ gunaⱨkarlarning dosti» deyixidu. Lekin danaliⱪ bolsa ɵz pǝrzǝntliri arⱪiliⱪ durus dǝp tonulidu».
20 [The people who lived in] the towns [MTY] [in the area where Jesus was saw him] perform many miracles. But they did not turn away from their sinful behavior. So Jesus began to reproach them [by saying to them],
Andin u ɵzi kɵp mɵjizilǝrni kɵrsǝtkǝn xǝⱨǝrlǝrdǝ turuwatⱪanlarni towa ⱪilmiƣanliⱪi üqün ǝyiblǝp, mundaⱪ dedi: —
21 “You [people who live in] Chorazin [city] [MTY] and you [people who live in] Bethsaida [city] [MTY] will suffer terribly in hell! [I] did great miracles in your [cities, but you did not turn from your sinful behavior]. If the miracles that I performed in your [cities] had been done in [the ancient cities of] Tyre and Sidon, the [wicked people who lived there] long ago would have sat in ashes, wearing coarse cloth [to show that they were sorry for their sins]. (questioned)
Ⱨalinglarƣa way, ǝy Ⱪorazinliⱪlar! Ⱨalinglarƣa way, ǝy Bǝyt-Saidaliⱪlar! Qünki silǝrdǝ kɵrsitilgǝn mɵjizilǝr Tur wǝ Zidon xǝⱨǝrliridǝ kɵrsitilgǝn bolsa, u yǝrlǝrdikilǝr heli burunla bɵz kiyimigǝ yɵginip, külgǝ milinip towa ⱪilƣan bolatti.
22 So note this: [God will punish the wicked people who lived in the cities of] Tyre and Sidon [MTY], but he will punish you even more severely on the final day when he judges [all people].
Mǝn silǝrgǝ xuni eytip ⱪoyayki, ⱪiyamǝt künidǝ Tur wǝ Zidondikilǝrning kɵridiƣini silǝrningkidin yenik bolidu.
23 [also have something to say to] you [people who live in] Capernaum [city] [MTY]. (Do not [think that] you will be honored {that [God] will honor you} in heaven!/Do you think that you will be honored {that [God] will honor you} in heaven?) [RHQ] [That will not happen! On the contrary, after you die, you will be sent] {[God] will send you} down into the place where [sinful people] will be punished {he will punish sinful people} [forever. God destroyed the ancient city of] Sodom [because the people who lived in that city were extremely wicked]. If I had performed in [Sodom the miracles that I performed in your city, the people there would have turned away from their wicked behavior and] their [city] [MET] would still exist now [MTY]. But you, [although I did miracles in your city, you did not turn from your wicked behavior]. (Hadēs g86)
Əy ǝrxkǝ kɵtürülgǝn Kǝpǝrnaⱨumluⱪlar! Silǝr tǝⱨtisaraƣa qüxürülisilǝr. Qünki aranglarda yaritilƣan mɵjizilǝr Sodomda yaritilƣan bolsa, u xǝⱨǝr bügüngiqǝ ⱨalak bolmiƣan bolatti. (Hadēs g86)
24 So note this: [God] will punish [the people who lived in] Sodom [city] [MTY], but he will punish you [even] more severely on the final day when [he] judges [all people].”
Əmma mǝn silǝrgǝ xuni eytip ⱪoyayki, ⱪiyamǝt künidǝ Sodom zeminidikilǝrning kɵridiƣini silǝrningkidinmu yenik bolidu.
25 At that time Jesus prayed, “Father, you rule over [everything in] heaven and [on] the earth. I thank you that you have prevented [people who think that they] are wise [IRO] because they are well-educated, from [knowing] these things. [Instead], you have revealed them to [people who accept your truth as readily as] little children [MET] [do].
Xu waⱪitlarda, Əysa bu ixlarƣa ⱪarap mundaⱪ dedi: — Asman-zemin Igisi i Ata! Sǝn bu [ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtlǝrni] danixmǝn wǝ ǝⱪilliⱪlardin yoxurup, sǝbiy balilarƣa axkariliƣanliⱪing üqün Sanga mǝdⱨiyilǝr oⱪuymǝn!
26 Yes, Father, [you have done that] because it seemed good to you [to do] so.”
Bǝrⱨǝⱪ, i Ata, nǝziringdǝ bundaⱪ ⱪilix rawa idi.
27 [Then Jesus said to the people there who wanted him to teach them], “[God], my Father, has revealed to me all the things [that I need to know in order to do my work]. Only my Father knows [who] I [really am]. Furthermore, only I and those [people] to whom I wish to reveal him know [what God] my Father [is like].
Ⱨǝmmǝ manga Atamdin tǝⱪdim ⱪilindi; Oƣulni Atidin baxⱪa ⱨeqkim tonumaydu, wǝ Atinimu Oƣul wǝ Oƣul axkarilaxni layiⱪ kɵrgǝn kixilǝrdin baxⱪa ⱨeqkim tonumaydu.
28 Come to me, all you people who are very weary [of trying to obey all the many laws that your religious teachers tell you to obey] [MET]. I will enable you to quit [trying to obey all those laws].
Əy japakǝxlǝr wǝ eƣir yük yüklǝngǝn ⱨǝmminglar! Mening yenimƣa kelinglar, mǝn silǝrgǝ aramliⱪ berǝy.
29 Let me [help] you [carry those loads, just like two oxen who have] a yoke [on their necks] [MET, DOU] [help each other pull a heavy load]. It will not be difficult for you to do the things that I ask you to do for me [DOU]. Because I am gentle and humble [DOU], accept what I teach [about what God wants you to do]. [And as a result, you will quit worrying about obeying all the religious laws, and] your spirits will be at peace.”
Mening boyunturuⱪumni kiyip, mǝndin ɵgininglar; qünki mǝn mɵmin wǝ kǝmtǝrmǝn; xundaⱪ ⱪilƣanda, kɵnglünglar aram tapidu.
Qünki mening boyunturuⱪumda bolux asan, mening artidiƣan yüküm yeniktur.

< Matthew 11 >