< Matthew 10 >

1 He told [us] twelve disciples to come to him. Then he gave us the power/authority to expel evil spirits [that controlled people]. He also enabled [us] to heal all people who had diseases or who were sick.
Potom Ježíš svolal svých dvanáct žáků a dal jim moc nad temnými silami, aby je vyháněli a uzdravovali všechny nemoci těla i ducha.
2 [Here is a list of us] twelve [disciples whom he called] apostles ([which means ‘messengers’]): Simon, [to whom he gave the new name] Peter; Andrew, Peter’s [younger] brother; James, the son of Zebedee; John, the [younger] brother of James;
Jména těch dvanácti, které nazval svými vyslanci – apoštoly, jsou: Šimon, zvaný Petr, Ondřej – Petrův bratr, Jakub – syn Zebedeův a jeho bratr Jan,
3 Philip; Bartholomew; Thomas; me, Matthew, the tax collector; James, the [son] of Alpheus; Thaddeus;
Filip, Bartoloměj, Tomáš, Matouš – bývalý celník, Jakub – syn Alfeův, Tadeáš,
4 Simon, a member of the party [that wanted to overthrow the Roman government; ] and Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), who [later] enabled [the Jewish leaders] to seize Jesus.
Šimon Kenaanský a Jidáš Iškariotský, jenž ho nakonec zradil.
5 When Jesus was [about to] send [us] twelve [apostles to tell his message to people in various places], he gave [us] these instructions: “Do not go where the non-Jews live [MTY] or into the towns [where the] Samaritans live, [because they hate you].
Těchto dvanáct Ježíš vyslal a na cestu jim dal pokyny: „Nechoďte nyní mezi pohany a nevcházejte do samařských měst.
6 Instead, go to the people of Israel [SYN] who have [gone away from God like] sheep that have gotten lost [MET].
Raději jděte k těm Izraelcům, kteří se Bohu odcizili, a rozhlašujte, že Boží království je již blízko.
7 When you go [to them], proclaim to them that God [EUP/MTY] will soon begin to rule over people.
8 Heal sick people, cause dead people to become alive, heal people who have leprosy, and cause demons to leave people [who are controlled by them] {[whom demons control]}. Do not charge money [for helping people, because God] did not charge you anything [for helping you].
Uzdravujte nemocné, mrtvé probouzejte k životu, očišťujte malomocné, vyhánějte démony. Co jste zdarma dostali, zdarma rozdávejte.
9 Do not take any money with you [MTY], nor a knapsack. Do not take an extra shirt, nor sandals [in addition to what you are wearing], nor a walking stick. Every worker deserves to get pay [from the people for whom he works], [so you deserve to receive food and a place to stay from the people to whom you go].
Neshánějte žádné peníze,
neberte si na cestu zavazadlo s náhradními šaty či obuví, ani hůl na obranu. Jako dělník dostává mzdu, tak i ti, kterým sloužíte, by se měli o vás postarat.
11 In whatever town or village you enter, find out which person is worthy [that you should stay in his home]. And as you go into that house, [ask God to] bless the people [who live there] [MTY]. Stay in that home until you leave [that town or village].
Kdykoliv vstoupíte do města nebo vesnice, ptejte se po bohabojném člověku a v jeho domě pak zůstaňte, dokud se nevydáte na další cestu.
Když vstoupíte do domu, pozdravte přáním pokoje.
13 If the people who live in [MTY] that house are worthy [of being blessed] {[God blessing them]}, [God] will bless them. If the people who live in that house are not worthy [of being blessed] {[of God blessing them]}, [God] will bless you [instead of blessing them].
Jestliže vaše poselství vděčně přijmou, naplní je pokoj, který přinášíte.
14 If the people [who live in any house or town] do not welcome you [to their home or town], nor listen to your message, leave that house or town. And as you leave, shake off the dust from your feet. [By doing that, you will warn them that God will punish them for rejecting your message].
Odmítnou-li, jejich škoda, vám pokoj zůstane. Opusťte každé město nebo dům, kde by vás ani vaše svědectví nepřijali, a nezdržujte se s nimi.
15 Note this carefully: [At the time when God] judges [all people, he] will punish [the people who lived in] Sodom and Gomorrah [MTY], [the ancient cities which God destroyed because their people were extremely wicked]. But in any town where the people [MTY] refuse to hear your message, God will punish them even more severely.”
Říkám vám, že takové město na tom bude v den soudu hůře než Sodoma a Gomora.
16 “Take note: After I send you out, [you will be as defenseless] as sheep [MET] in the midst of [people who are as dangerous as] wolves. So you should wisely [stay away from such people, like you stay away from poisonous] snakes [SIM]. You should be as harmless as doves are [SIM].
Posílám vás jako ovce mezi vlky. Buďte tedy obezřetní jako hadi a bezelstní jako holubice.
17 Also, be on guard against [our religious leaders]. They will arrest you and take you to the members of the religious councils [to put you on trial and punish you because you are my disciples]. You will be whipped {The local leaders will whip you} [in] their meeting places.
Mějte se na pozoru před lidmi, protože vás budou vydávat soudům a budou vás bičovat v synagogách,
18 [And] because [you teach] about me, you will be taken {[the religious leaders] will take you} to governors and kings [in order that they may put you on trial and punish you]. As a result, you will testify to those rulers and to [other] non-Jews [about what I have done].
vláčet vás před vládce a panovníky kvůli mně. To všechno bude příležitost, abyste jim i celému světu vydali svědectví.
19 When [the religious leaders] arrest you, do not be worried about what you will say [to them], because at that very time [the] Holy Spirit will tell you the words that you should say.
Až vás postaví před soud, nedělejte si starosti s tím, jak a co budete mluvit, protože vám budou dána pravá slova v pravý čas.
20 It is not that you [will decide what to] say. Instead, you will say what the Spirit of your [heavenly] Father tells [you to say].
To nebudete mluvit vy, ale Duch vašeho Otce promluví skrze vás.
21 [You will be taken] {[People who do not believe in me will] take you} to the authorities to be killed [because you believe in me. For example], people will betray their brothers, and fathers will betray their children. Children will rebel against their parents and cause [them] to be killed.
Bratr vydá bratra na smrt, otec syna, děti se vzbouří proti rodičům a zabijí je.
22 Many people will hate you [because you believe in me]. Nevertheless, [many people] will keep on believing in me until they die. They are the people whom [God] will take to live with him.
Všichni vás budou nenávidět, protože jste moji. Ale ten, kdo vytrvá až do konce, bude zachráněn pro věčnost.
23 When people in one town cause you to suffer, escape to another town [and tell the people there about me]. Note this: [I], the one who came down from heaven, will certainly return [to earth] before you have finished going from one town to another town throughout Israel [and telling people about me].
Budou-li vás v některém městě pronásledovat, utečte do jiného. Říkám vám, že nestačíte projít všechna izraelská města dříve, než se prokáže, kdo vlastně jsem.
24 A disciple should not [expect to be] greater than his teacher, and servants [are not] superior to their master.
Žák nemůže očekávat víc než učitel, ani služebník Boží víc než jeho pán.
25 You do not [expect that] people will [treat] a disciple better than [they treat] his teacher, or that [they will treat] a servant [better than they treat] his master. [Similarly, because I am your teacher and master, you can expect that people will mistreat you, because they have mistreated me]. The most you can expect is that people [will treat you like they treat me. I am like] the ruler of a household [MET]. But people [have insulted me by] calling [me] Beelzebub, [the ruler of the demons]. So they [will] certainly [insult you more, you who are only like] members of my household [MET]!”
Ať je spokojen s údělem svého učitele a pána. Když mne obvinili, že jsem ve spojení s ďáblem, co si asi vymyslí na vás!
26 “Do not be afraid of [people who insult you and do evil things to you. God wants] everything that is unknown now to be revealed {[God wants you to] reveal everything [that is unknown now]}. [He does] not [want his truth] to remain hidden [MET] and kept secret [DOU].
Ale nebojte se jich. Přijde čas, že pravda vyjde najevo a všechno skryté bude odhaleno.
27 [So, instead of being afraid], what I say to you [secretly as people do] at night [MTY], tell [publicly as people do] during the daytime [MTY]. What I [say to you privately as people do when they] whisper to you [MTY], proclaim publicly [MTY, DOU].
Co vám říkám ve tmě, povězte na světle, a co vám šeptám do ucha, rozhlašujte veřejně!
28 Do not be afraid of people who [are able to] kill your body [SYN] but are not able to destroy your soul. Instead, fear [God because] he is able to destroy both a [person’s] body and a [person’s] soul in hell. (Geenna g1067)
A nebojte se těch, kteří zabíjejí tělo; věčný život vzít nemohou. Spíše mějte strach z toho, který vás může navěky zahubit. (Geenna g1067)
29 [Think about the] sparrows. [They have so little value] that [you] can buy cares two of them for [only] one small coin [RHQ]. But when [any] sparrow falls to the ground [and dies] [LIT], [God], your [heavenly] Father, knows it, [because he cares about everything].
Jakoupak cenu má vrabec? A přece ani jeden nespadne na zem bez vědomí vašeho Otce.
30 [He cares about you, too]. He even knows how many hairs you have on your head!
31 [God] values you much more than he values sparrows [LIT]. So, do not be afraid [of people who threaten to kill you]
Tak nemějte strach – jste daleko cennější než celé hejno vrabců. Otci záleží na každém vašem vlásku.
32 If people, [without being afraid, are willing to] tell others [that they are my disciples], I will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven [that they are my disciples].
Kdo se ke mně přizná před lidmi, k tomu se i já budu hlásit před svým Otcem v nebi.
33 But if they are afraid to say in front of others that they are my [disciples], I will tell my Father, who is in heaven, [that] they are not [my disciples].”
Kdo mne však před lidmi zapře, toho se zřeknu před svým nebeským Otcem.
34 “Do not think that I came to earth to cause [people] to live together harmoniously. The result of my coming is that [some of those who follow me] [MTY] will be killed.
Nemyslete si, že můj příchod přinese světu bezprostřední pokoj; můj příchod způsobí i boj a násilí.
35 Because I came [to earth, people who do not believe in me] will oppose [those who do believe in me. For example], some sons will oppose their fathers, some daughters will oppose their mothers, and some daughters-in-law will oppose their mothers-in-law.
Víra ve mne může rozdělit syna a otce, dceru a matku, snachu a tchyni.
36 [This shows that sometimes] a person’s enemies will be members of his own household.
Nepochopení a zloba vlastní rodiny bývají nejhlubší.
37 People who love their fathers or mothers more than [they love] me are not worthy to [have a relationship with me]. And people who love their sons or daughters more than [they love] me are not worthy [to belong to] me.
Kdo má ve svém srdci na prvním místě otce nebo matku, syna nebo dceru, a ne mne, není mne hoden.
38 [People who are ready to execute a prisoner force him to] carry a cross [to the place where they will nail him to it] [MET]. Those who are not [willing to allow other people to hurt and disgrace them like that because of being my disciples] are not worthy to belong to me.
Kdo by chtěl za mnou jít a nevzal by na sebe tyto těžkosti jako kříž, není mne hoden.
39 People who [deny that they believe in me in order to escape being killed] will not live [with God eternally] [MET], but people who [confess that they believe in] me and, [as a result are] killed, will live [with God eternally] [MET].”
Kdo lpí na svém životě, ztratí ho, kdo však je ochoten pro mne všechno obětovat, ten teprve pravý život získá.
40 “[God considers that] everyone who welcomes you, welcomes me [SIM], and [he considers that] everyone who welcomes me welcomes [him], the one who sent me [SIM].
Kdo přijímá vás, přijímá mne, a kdo přijímá mne, ten přijímá toho, který mne poslal.
41 Those who welcome [someone because] [MTY] [they know] that person is a prophet they will receive the [same] reward that prophets [receive from God. Likewise], those who welcome a person [because] [MTY] [they know] that person is righteous will receive the reward righteous people [receive from God].
Přijme-li někdo mého svědka s vědomím, že Bůh ho posílá, dostane stejnou odměnu jako on. Kdo se ujme věřícího pro jeho víru ve mne, dostane stejnou odměnu jako ten věřící.
42 [Note this: ] people [see that you are thirsty] [MTY] [and] give you a drink of cold water because they know that [MTY] you are one of my disciples. [God] will certainly reward people who do that. [They might consider that what they did] is insignificant, [but God will consider it very significant]” [LIT].
A kdo by podal třeba jen sklenici studené vody jednomu z nepatrných, protože je můj učedník, ten bude určitě odměněn.“

< Matthew 10 >