< Mark 9 >

1 He also said to [his disciples], “Listen carefully! Some of you who are here now will see God ruling powerfully in [many ways]. You will see it before you die!”
Azután mondta nékik: „Bizony mondom néktek, hogy vannak némelyek az itt állók között, a kik nem kóstolnak addig halált, amíg meg nem látják, hogy az Isten országa eljött hatalommal.“
2 A week later Jesus took Peter, James and [James’ younger brother] John and led them up a high mountain. [While they were] alone up there, he appeared very different to them.
És hat nap múlva magához vette Jézus Pétert, Jakabot és Jánost, és felvitte csupán őket magukban egy magas hegyre. És elváltozott előttük.
3 His clothes became dazzling white. They were whiter than anyone on earth could make them by bleaching them.
Ruhája fényes lett, és olyan fehér, mint a hó, amihez hasonlót a ruhafestő e földön nem fehéríthet.
4 [Two prophets who had lived long ago], Moses and Elijah, appeared to them. Then the two of them began talking with Jesus.
És megjelent nekik Mózes Illéssel együtt, és beszéltek Jézussal.
5 [After a short time], Peter [interrupted by] exclaiming, “Teacher, it is wonderful to be here! So allow us to make three shelters. One [will be] for you, one [will be] for Moses, and one [will be] for Elijah!”
Péter pedig megszólalt, és ezt mondta Jézusnak: „Mester, jó nékünk itt lenni, csináljunk azért három hajlékot, neked egyet, Mózesnek is egyet, Illésnek is egyet.“
6 [He said this] because [he wanted to say something, but] he did not know what to say, because he and the other [two disciples] were very awestruck.
De nem tudta mit beszél, mivel megrémültek,
7 Then a [shining] cloud appeared that covered them. [God] [EUP] spoke to them from the cloud saying, “This is my Son. I love him. [Therefore], listen to him!”
és felhő támadt, mely beárnyékolta őket, és a felhőből szózat jött: „Ez az én szeretett Fiam, őt hallgassátok.“
8 When [the three disciples] looked around, they saw that suddenly Jesus was alone with them, and that there was no longer anyone [else] there.
És mikor nagyon hirtelen körültekintettek, senkit sem láttak maguk körül, egyedül Jézust.
9 While they were coming down the mountain, Jesus told them that they should not tell anyone [yet] what had just happened to him. He said, “You may tell them after I, the one who came from heaven, (rise from the dead/become alive again) after I die.”
Mikor pedig a hegyről leszálltak, megparancsolta nékik, hogy senkinek se beszéljék el, amit láttak, csak amikor az Emberfia a halálból feltámad.
10 So they did not tell others about it [for a long time]. But they discussed among themselves what it meant when he said that he would (rise from the dead/become alive again) after he died.
És ezt a parancsot megtartották magukban, tanakodva egymás között: mit jelent a halálból feltámadni?
11 [The three disciples had just seen Elijah, but Elijah had not done anything to prepare people to accept Jesus. So] they asked Jesus, “The men who teach the [Jewish] laws say that Elijah must come back to the earth before [the Messiah comes to earth. But you have been here a long time and Elijah came just today. So is what they are teaching wrong?]”
És megkérdezték tőle: „Miért mondják az írástudók, hogy előbb Illésnek kell eljönnie?“
12 [Jesus wanted them to know that John the Baptizer was the one who represented Elijah. So] he answered them, “It is true that [God promised to send Elijah to come] first [so that people would be ready when I came]. Elijah’s representative has already come, and our leaders treated him very badly, just like they wanted to do, just like it was prophesied {[the prophets] prophesied} long ago. But, (I also want you to consider what is written {what [the prophets] wrote} in the Scriptures about me, the one who came from heaven./why have you not thought about what is written {what [the prophets] wrote} about me, the one who came from heaven?) [RHQ] It is written {They wrote} that I would suffer much and that I would be rejected {that [many people] would reject me}.”
Ő pedig ezt felelte nekik: „Illés ugyan előbb eljön, és helyreállít mindent; de hogyan van az Emberfiáról megírva, hogy sokat kell szenvednie és megvettetnie?
De mondom nektek, hogy Illés is eljött, és azt cselekedték vele, amit akartak, amint meg van írva róla.“
14 [Jesus and those three disciples] returned to where the [other] disciples were. They saw a large crowd around the other disciples and [some] men who taught the [Jewish] laws arguing with them.
Amikor a tanítványokhoz odament, nagy sokaságot látott körülöttük, és írástudókat, akik azokkal vitatkoztak.
15 As soon as the crowd saw Jesus, they were very surprised [to see him come]. So they ran to him and greeted him.
Amikor az egész sokaság meglátta őt, azonnal elálmélkodott, és hozzásietve köszöntötte őt.
16 He asked them, “What are you arguing about?”
Ő pedig megkérdezte az írástudókat: „Miről vitatkoztok ezekkel?“
17 A man in the crowd answered him, “Teacher, I brought my son [here in order that] you [would heal him]. There is an evil spirit in him [that makes him] unable to talk.
A sokaságból valaki így felelt neki: „Mester, idehoztam hozzád a fiamat, akiben néma lélek van.
18 Whenever the spirit attacks him, it throws him down. He foams at the mouth, he grinds his teeth together, and he becomes stiff. I asked your disciples to expel the spirit, but they were not able to do it.”
És amikor csak megragadja, szaggatja őt, ő pedig tajtékzik, fogát csikorgatja, és megmerevedik. Mondtam hát tanítványaidnak, hogy űzzék ki azt, de nem tudták.“
19 Jesus replied by saying to those people, “(I am very disappointed that [although you] have observed how I help people, you do not believe [that you are able to do anything]!/Why is it that [although you] have observed how I help people, you do not believe [that you are able to do anything]?) [RHQ] (I have been with you a long time, [and you still cannot do what I do]!/How long do I have to be with you [before you can do what I do]?) [RHQ] Bring the boy to me!”
Ő pedig így felelt neki: „Ó, hitetlen nemzetség, meddig leszek még veletek? Meddig szenvedlek még titeket? Hozzátok őt hozzám.“
20 So they brought the boy to Jesus. As soon as the evil spirit saw Jesus, it shook the boy severely, and [the boy] fell on the ground. He rolled around, and he foamed at the mouth.
És odavitték hozzá, és mihelyt meglátta őt, a lélek azonnal megrázta azt, és leesve a földre, tajtékozott és fetrengett.
21 Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” He replied, “[This started to happen] when he was a child.
És megkérdezte az atyját: „Mennyi ideje, hogy ez van rajta?“Az pedig mondta: „Gyermeksége óta.
22 [The spirit does not only do this], but he also often throws him into the fire or into the water in order to kill him. But, pity us and help us, if you can!”
És gyakran vetette tűzbe is, vízbe is, hogy elveszítse őt, de ha valamit tehetsz, légy segítségül nekünk, megkönyörülvén rajtunk.“
23 Jesus exclaimed to him, “[Do not say] [RHQ] ‘If you can’, for [God/I] can do anything for people who believe [in him/me]!”
Jézus pedig ezt mondta neki: „Ha hiheted azt, minden lehetséges a hívőnek.“
24 Immediately the child’s father shouted, “I believe [that you can help me, but I do not believe strongly]. Help me to believe more strongly!”
A gyermek atyja pedig azonnal kiáltott, és könnyhullatással mondta: „Hiszek, Uram! Légy segítségül az én hitetlenségemnek.“
25 Because [Jesus wanted to heal the boy before] the crowd got bigger, he rebuked the evil spirit, saying, “You evil spirit, you who are [causing this boy to be] deaf and unable to talk! I command you to come out of him and never enter him again!”
Jézus pedig mikor látta, hogy a sokaság még inkább összetódul, megdorgálta a tisztátalan lelket, ezt mondva neki: „Te néma és siket lélek, én parancsolom neked, menj ki belőle, és többé belé ne menj!“
26 The evil spirit shouted, it shook the boy violently, and then it left the boy. The boy did not move. He seemed like a dead body. So many of the people there said, “He is dead!”
És kiáltás és erős szaggatás között kiment belőle. A fiú pedig olyan lett, mint egy halott, annyira, hogy sokan azt mondták, hogy meghalt.
27 However, Jesus took him by the hand and helped him get up. Then the boy stood up. [He was healed]!
Jézus pedig megfogta a kezét, fölemelte, és az fölkelt.
28 Later, when Jesus and his disciples were alone in a house, one of them asked him, “Why were we not able to expel [the evil spirit]?”
Mikor pedig bement a házba, tanítványai megkérdezték őt külön: „Mi miért nem űzhettük ki azt?“
29 He said to them, “You can expel this kind [of evil spirit] only by your praying [that God will give you the power to do it]. There is no other way that you can expel them.”
Ő pedig ezt mondta nekik: „Ez a fajta semmivel sem űzhető ki, csupán könyörgéssel és böjtöléssel.“
30 After [Jesus and his disciples] left that [district], they traveled through Galilee [district]. Jesus did not want anyone [else] to know [that he was in their area]; he did not want
És onnan kimenve, Galileán mentek át, és nem akarták, hogy valaki megtudja.
31 [anyone to interrupt him] as he taught his disciples. He was telling them, “[Some day my enemies] [SYN] will seize [MTY] me, the one who came from heaven, and I will be handed over [to other] men. Those men will kill me. But on the third day after I am killed {after they kill me}, I will become alive again!”
Mert tanította tanítványait, és ezt mondta nekik: „Az Emberfia az emberek kezébe adatik, és megölik őt, de ha megölték, harmadnapra föltámad.“
32 But they did not understand what he was telling them. Also, they were afraid to ask him about what he had said.
De ők nem értették ezt a beszédet, és féltek megkérdezni őt.
33 Jesus and his disciples returned to Capernaum [town]. When they were in the house, he asked them, “What were you discussing [while we were traveling] on the road?”
És elment Kapernaumba. És odahaza megkérdezték őket: „Miről vitatkoztatok egymással az úton?“
34 But they did not reply. [They were ashamed to reply] because, [while they were traveling], they had been arguing with each other about which one of them [would be] the most important [when Jesus became king].
De ők hallgattak, mert egymás között azon vitatkoztak az úton, hogy ki a nagyobb.
35 He sat down, he summoned the twelve disciples [to come close to him], and then he said to them, “If anyone wants [God to consider him] to be the most important person of all, he must [consider himself] to be the least important person of all, and he must serve everyone [else].”
És leülve Jézus, odaszólította a tizenkettőt, és mondta nékik: „Ha valaki első akar lenni, legyen mindenki között utolsó, és mindenkinek szolgája.“
36 Then he took a child and placed him among them. He took the child in his arms and then he said to them,
És kézenfogva egy gyermeket, közéjük állította, ölébe vette, és azt mondta nekik:
37 “Those who, [because they love] me, welcome a child like this one, [God considers that] they are welcoming me. So [it is as though] they are also welcoming [God], who sent me.”
„Aki az ilyen gyermekek közül egyet befogad az én nevemben, engem fogad be, és aki engem befogad, nem engem fogad be, hanem azt, aki engem elküldött.“
38 John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone who was expelling demons, ([claiming he had] authority from you [to do that/while telling people] that you [have told him to do it]). So we told him to stop doing it because he was not one of us [disciples].”
János pedig így felelt neki: „Mester, láttunk valakit, aki a te neveddel ördögöket űz, aki nem követ minket, és eltiltottuk őt, mivel nem követ minket.“
39 Jesus said, “Do not tell him [not to do that]! For no one will speak evilly about me just after he performs a miracle while saying that I [have told him to do it].
Jézus pedig ezt mondta: „Ne tiltsátok el őt, mert senki sincs, aki csodát tesz az én nevemben, és ugyanakkor gonoszul szólhatna felőlem.
40 Furthermore, those who are not opposing us are trying to [achieve the same goals that] we are.
Mert aki nincs ellenünk, mellettünk van.
41 Also think about this: Those [who belong to me who help you in any way, even] if they [just] give you a cup of water to drink because you follow [me], the Messiah, will certainly be rewarded [by God]!”
Aki inni ad egy pohár vizet az én nevemben, mivel a Krisztuséi vagytok, bizony mondom néktek, el nem veszti a jutalmát.
42 [Jesus also said], “But if you cause someone who believes in me to sin, [God will severely punish you], even if that person is [socially unimportant like] this little child. If someone tied a heavy stone around your neck and you were thrown {and threw you} into the sea, [you would consider that was a severe punishment. But God will punish you more severely] than that [if you cause a person who believes in me to sin].
„Aki pedig megbotránkoztat egyet ama kicsinyek közül, akik én bennem hisznek, jobb annak, ha malomkövet kötnek a nyakára, és a tengerbe vetik.
43 [So], if you are [wanting to use one of] [MTY, PRS] [your hands to sin, stop using your hand! Even if you have to] cut your hand off and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good that you not sin and that you live eternally, [even though you lack one of] your hands [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and as a result God throws your whole body into hell. There the fires never go out! (Geenna g1067)
És ha megbotránkoztat téged a te kezed, vágd le, mert jobb neked csonkán bemenned az életre, mint két kézzel menned a gyehennára, az olthatatlan tűzre, (Geenna g1067)
ahol férgük nem pusztul el, és tüzük nem alszik el.
45 If you are [wanting to use] one of [PRS] your feet to sin, [stop using your foot! Even if you have to] cut off your foot [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good that you not sin and live eternally, [even though] you lack one of your feet [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and go to hell. (Geenna g1067)
És ha a te lábad botránkoztat meg téged, vágd le azt, mert jobb neked sántán bemenned az életre, mint két lábbal vettetned a gyehennára, az olthatatlan tűzre, (Geenna g1067)
ahol férgük nem pusztul el, és tüzük nem alszik el.
47 If because of what you see [MTY, PRS] you are tempted to sin, [stop looking at those things]! Even if you have to gouge out your eye and throw it away [HYP] [to avoid sinning, do it! It is good that you not sin and live eternally, even though you lack one of] your eyes [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and, as a result, God puts your whole body in hell. (Geenna g1067)
És ha a te szemed botránkoztat meg téged, vájd ki azt, mert jobb neked félszemmel bemenned az Isten országába, mint két szemmel vettetned a tüzes gyehennára, (Geenna g1067)
48 In that place people suffer forever and the fires are never put out {never go out}.”
ahol férgük nem pusztul el, és tüzük nem alszik el.
49 “[You must endure difficulties in order that God will be pleased with you. Your difficulties are like] a fire [that makes things pure] [MET]. [Your enduring is also like] [MET] salt being put [on] {people putting salt on their} [sacrifices to make them pure].
„Mert mindenki tűzzel sózatik meg, és minden áldozat sóval sózatik meg.
50 Salt is useful [to put on food], but you cannot [RHQ] make salt to taste salty again if it becomes flavorless [MET]. Similarly, you must remain useful to God, [because no one can make you useful to God again if you become useless]. You must also live peacefully with each other.”
Jó a só, de ha a só ízét veszti, mivel adtok ízt neki? Legyen bennetek só, és legyetek békében egymással.“

< Mark 9 >