< Mark 7 >

1 [One day some] Pharisees and some men who teach the [Jewish] laws gathered around Jesus. They had come from Jerusalem [to investigate him].
И скупише се око Њега фарисеји и неки од књижевника који беху дошли из Јерусалима
2 The Pharisees and all of the [other] Jews [strictly] observe the traditions that their ancestors [taught. For example, they refuse to] eat until they first wash their hands [with a special ritual], especially after they [return] from [buying things in] the marketplace. [They think that God will be angry with them if they do not do that, because some person or thing unacceptable to God might have touched] ([them/the things they bought]). There are many other such [traditions] that they accept and try to obey. Specifically, they wash [in a special way] their cups, pots, kettles, containers, and beds [in order that using these things will not make God reject them].
И видевши неке од ученика Његових да нечистим, то јест, неумивеним рукама једу хлеб, укорише их.
Јер фарисеји и сви Јевреји, не једу док не умију руке до лаката, држећи се оног што им је остало од старих;
И кад дођу с пазара, не једу док се не умију; и још много има што су примили те држе: перу чаше и жбанове и котлове и клупе.
5 That day, those Pharisees and men who taught the [Jewish] laws saw that some of his disciples were eating food with hands that they had not washed [using the special ritual]. So they questioned Jesus, saying, “[Your] disciples disobey the traditions of our ancestors! (You should not [let them] eat food if they have not washed their hands [using our special ritual]!/Why do you [let them] eat food if they have not washed their hands [using our special ritual]?) [RHQ]”
А потом питаху Га фарисеји и књижевници: Зашто ученици твоји не живе као што нам је остало од старих, него једу хлеб неумивеним рукама?
6 Jesus said to them, “Isaiah [rebuked your ancestors], and his words describe very well you people who only pretend to be good! He wrote these words [that God said]: These people speak [as if they] honor me, but they [SYN] really do not think about honoring me at all.
А Он одговарајући рече им: Добро је пророковао Исаија за вас лицемере, као што је писано: Ови људи уснама ме поштују, а срце њихово далеко стоји од мене.
7 It is useless for them to worship me, because they teach only what people have commanded [as if I myself had commanded them].
Но залуду ме поштују учећи наукама, заповестима људским.
8 You, [like your ancestors], refuse [to do] what God has commanded. Instead, you follow only the traditions that (others/your ancestors) have [taught].”
Јер остависте заповести Божје, а држите обичаје људске, прање жбанова и чаша; и друга многа таква чините.
9 Jesus also said to them, “[You think] [IRO] that you are clever in refusing to do what God commanded just so that you can obey your own traditions!
И рече им: Добро укидате заповест Божју да свој обичај сачувате.
10 [For example, our ancestor] Moses [wrote God’s] command, ‘Honor your fathers and your mothers’. He also wrote, ‘[The authorities must] execute a person who speaks evil about his father or mother.’
Јер Мојсије рече: Поштуј оца свог и матер своју; и: Који опсује оца или матер смрћу да умре.
11 But you [teach people that it is all right that people no longer must help their parents. You teach people that it is all right if people] give their things to God [instead of giving them to their parents]. You allow them to say to their parents, ‘What I was going to give to you [to provide for you, I have now promised to] give to God. So I [cannot any longer help you]!’ As a result, you are [actually telling people] that they no longer have to help their parents!
А ви кажете: Ако каже човек оцу или матери: Корван, то јесте: прилог је чим бих ти ја могао помоћи.
И тако не дате му ништа учинити, оцу свом или матери својој,
13 And, by doing that, you disregard what God commanded! You teach your own traditions to others [and tell them strongly that they should obey them] And you do many other things like that.”
Укидајући реч Божју својим обичајем који сте поставили; и овако много којешта чините.
14 Then Jesus again summoned the crowd [to come closer. Then] he said to them [figuratively], “All of you people listen to me! [Try to] understand [DOU] [what I am about to tell you].
И дозвавши сав народ рече им: Послушајте мене сви, и разумите.
15 Nothing that people eat causes [God to] consider them to be unacceptable. On the contrary, it is that which comes from people’s (inner beings/hearts) that causes God to reject them.”
Ништа нема што би човека могло опоганити да уђе споља у њега, него што излази из њега оно је што погани човека.
Ако ко има уши да чује нека чује.
17 After Jesus had left the crowd and then entered a house with the disciples, they asked him about the parable [that he had just spoken].
И кад дође од народа у кућу питаху Га ученици Његови за причу.
18 He replied, “([I am disappointed that] you also do not understand [what it means]!/Why can you not understand [what it means]?) [RHQ] (You ought to understand that nothing that [enters us from] outside can cause [God to] consider us unacceptable to him./Can you not understand that nothing that [enters us from] outside of us can cause [God to] consider us unacceptable to him?) [RHQ]
И рече им: Зар сте и ви тако неразумни? Не разумете ли да шта год у човека споља улази не може га опоганити?
19 Instead of entering [and ruining] our minds/souls, it goes into our stomachs, and afterwards the refuse passes out [of our bodies].” By saying this, Jesus was declaring that people [can eat] any food without causing [God] to reject them.
Јер му не улази у срце него у трбух; и излази напоље чистећи сва јела.
20 He also said, “It is the [thoughts and actions] that come from within people that cause [God] to consider them unacceptable to him.
Још рече: Шта излази из човека оно погани човека;
21 Specifically, it is people’s innermost being [that causes them to] think things that are evil; they act immorally, they steal [things], they commit murder.
Јер изнутра, из срца људског, излазе мисли зле, прељубе, курварства, убиства,
22 They [commit] adultery, they are greedy, they [act] maliciously, they deceive [people]. They [act] indecently, they envy [people], they speak evil about others, they are proud, and they [act] foolishly.
Крађе, лакомства, пакости, злоће, лукавство, срамоте, зло око, хуљење на Бога, понос, безумље.
23 People think [these thoughts] and then they do these evil actions, and that is what causes [God to] consider them unacceptable to him.”
Сва ова зла изнутра излазе, и погане човека.
24 After Jesus [and his disciples] left [Galilee district], they went to the region around Tyre. While he stayed at a certain house, he desired that no one know [it], but people soon found out [that he was there].
И уставши оданде оде у крајеве тирске и сидонске, и ушавши у кућу хтеде да нико не чује за Њ; и не може се сакрити.
25 A certain woman, whose daughter had an evil spirit [within her], heard about Jesus. At once she came to him and prostrated herself at his feet.
Јер чувши за Њ жена што у њеној кћери беше дух нечисти, дође и паде к ногама Његовим.
26 This woman [was not a Jew. Her ancestors came] from Greece [country], but she was born in [the region around] Phoenicia [town] in Syria district. She pleaded with Jesus that he expel the evil spirit from her daughter.
А жена та беше Гркиња родом Сирофиничанка, и мољаше Га да истера ђавола из кћери њене.
27 But he [wanted to see how strongly she believed in him. So, suggesting that he should help the Jews first and not the non-Jews whom some Jews called dogs] [MET], [he] spoke to her saying, “First let the children eat all they want, because it is not good for someone to take the food [the mother has prepared] for the children and then throw it to the [little] dogs.”
А Исус рече јој: Стани да се најпре деца нахране; јер није право узети хлеб од деце и бацити псима.
28 But [to show that she believed that non-Jews could also receive help from God] [MET], she replied to him, “Sir, [what you say is] correct, but even the [little] dogs, which lie under the table, eat the crumbs that the children [drop].”
А она одговарајући рече Му: Да, Господе; али и пси под трпезом једу од мрва детињих.
29 [Jesus] said to her, “Because of what you have said, [you have shown me that you believe in what I can do for you]. So I will help you. Now you may go [home, because I have caused] the evil spirit to leave your daughter.”
И рече јој: За ту реч иди; изађе ђаво из кћери твоје.
30 The woman returned to her house and saw that her child was lying [quietly] on the bed and that the evil spirit had left.
И дошавши кући нађе да је ђаво изашао, и кћи лежаше на одру.
31 Jesus [and his disciples] left the region around Tyre [city] and went [north] through Sidon [city], then [toward the east] through the district of the Ten Towns, and then [south] to [the towns near] Lake Galilee.
И опет изађе Исус из крајева тирских и сидонских и дође на море галилејско у крајеве десетоградске.
32 [There], people brought to him a man who was deaf and who could hardly talk. They begged [Jesus] to lay his hands on him [in order to heal him].
И доведоше к Њему глувог и мутавог, и мољаху Га да метне на њ руку.
33 [So Jesus] took him away from the crowd [in order that the two of them could be] alone. Then he put [one of] his fingers into [each of] the man’s ears. After he spat [on his fingers], he touched the man’s tongue [with his fingers].
И узевши га из народа насамо метну прсте своје у уши његове, и пљунувши дохвати се језика његовог;
34 Then he looked up toward heaven, he sighed [because he was concerned for the man], and then [in his own language] he said to the man’s [ears], “Ephphatha”, which means, “Be opened {Open up}!”.
И погледавши на небо уздахну, и рече му: Ефата, то јесте: Отвори се.
35 At once the man could hear plainly [MTY]. He also began to speak clearly because [what was causing him to be unable to speak] was healed {Jesus healed [what was causing him to be unable to speak]}.
И одмах му се отворише уши, и разреши се свеза језика његовог и говораше лепо.
36 Jesus told ([the people/his friends]) not to tell anyone [what he had done]. But, although he ordered them [and others] repeatedly [not to tell anyone about it], they kept talking about it very much.
И запрети им да никоме не казују; али што им више Он забрањиваше они још више разглашаваху.
37 [People who heard about it] were utterly amazed and were saying [enthusiastically], “Everything he has done is wonderful! [Besides doing other amazing things], he enables deaf people to hear! And he enables those who cannot speak to speak!”
И врло се дивљаху говорећи: Све добро чини; и глуве чини да чују и неме да говоре.

< Mark 7 >