< Mark 15 >

1 Very early in the morning the chief priests met together with [the rest of] the Jewish council, [in order to decide how to accuse Jesus before the Roman governor. Their guards] tied Jesus’ hands [again]. They took him to [the house of] Pilate, [the governor, and they started to accuse him, saying] “[Jesus is claiming that he is a king!]!”
Und alsbald am frühen Morgen hielten die Hohenpriester Rat samt den Ältesten und Schriftgelehrten und das ganze Synedrium, und sie banden Jesum und führten ihn weg und überlieferten ihn dem Pilatus.
2 Pilate asked Jesus, “Do you [claim to be] the king of the Jews?” Jesus answered him, “You yourself have said so.”
Und Pilatus fragte ihn: Bist du der König der Juden? Er aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Du sagst es.
3 Then the chief priests claimed that Jesus had done many bad things.
Und die Hohenpriester klagten ihn vieler Dinge [O. viel, d. h. heftig] an.
4 So Pilate asked him again, “Don’t you have anything to say? Listen to how many bad things they are saying that you [have done]!”
Pilatus aber fragte ihn wiederum und sprach: Antwortest du nichts? Siehe, wie vieles sie wider dich zeugen!
5 But [even though Jesus was not guilty], he did not say anything more. The result was that Pilate was very much surprised.
Jesus aber antwortete gar nichts mehr, so daß Pilatus sich verwunderte.
6 It was the governor’s custom [each year] during the [Passover] celebration to release [one person who was in prison. He customarily released] whichever prisoner the people requested.
Auf das Fest aber gab er ihnen einen Gefangenen los, um welchen sie baten.
7 [At that time] there was a man called Barabbas who had been {whom [the soldiers had]} [put in prison with some other men]. Those men had murdered [some soldiers] when they rebelled [against the Roman government].
Es war aber einer, genannt Barabbas, mit seinen Mitaufrührern gebunden, welche in dem Aufstande einen Mord begangen hatten.
8 A crowd approached [Pilate] and asked him [to release someone], just like he customarily did for them [during the Passover celebration].
Und die Volksmenge erhob ein Geschrei und fing an zu begehren, daß er täte, wie er ihnen allezeit getan.
9 Pilate answered them, “Would you like me to release for you the [man whom you] Jewish [people say is your] king?”
Pilatus aber antwortete ihnen und sprach: Wollt ihr, daß ich euch den König der Juden losgebe?
10 [He asked this] because he realized what the chief priests were wanting to do. They were accusing Jesus because they were jealous of him [because many people were becoming his disciples].
denn er wußte, daß die Hohenpriester ihn aus Neid überliefert hatten.
11 But the chief priests urged the crowd [to request] that Pilate release Barabbas for them instead [of Jesus].
Die Hohenpriester aber wiegelten die Volksmenge auf, daß er ihnen lieber den Barabbas losgebe.
12 Pilate said to them again, “[If I release Barabbas], what do you want me to do with the man whom [some of] you Jews say is [your] king?”
Pilatus aber antwortete und sprach wiederum zu ihnen: Was wollt ihr denn, daß ich mit dem tue, welchen ihr König der Juden nennet?
13 Then they shouted again, “[Command that your soldiers] crucify him!”
Sie aber schrieen wiederum: Kreuzige ihn!
14 Then Pilate said to them, “Why? What crime has he committed?” But they shouted even louder, “[Command your soldiers to] crucify him!”
Pilatus aber sprach zu ihnen: Was hat er denn Böses getan? Sie aber schrieen übermäßig: Kreuzige ihn!
15 So, because Pilate wanted to please the crowd, he released Barabbas for them. Then, after [his soldiers] had whipped Jesus with leather straps into which they had fastened metal pieces, [Pilate told the soldiers to take him away] in order that he would be crucified {they would crucify him}.
Da aber Pilatus der Volksmenge willfahren wollte, gab er ihnen den Barabbas los und überliefere Jesum, nachdem er ihn geißelt hatte, auf daß er gekreuzigt würde.
16 The soldiers took Jesus into the [courtyard of the] palace [where Pilate lived]. That place was the government headquarters. Then they summoned the whole (cohort/group of soldiers) [who were on duty there].
Die Kriegsknechte aber führten ihn in den Hof hinein, das ist das Prätorium; und sie rufen die ganze Schar zusammen.
17 [After the soldiers gathered together], they put a purple robe on Jesus. Then they placed on his head a crown that they made from [branches of] thornbushes. [They did those things in order to ridicule him by pretending that he was a king].
Und sie legen ihm einen Purpur an und flechten eine Dornenkrone und setzen sie ihm auf;
18 Then they greeted him [like they would greet a king, in order to ridicule him], saying, “Hooray for the King [who rules] the Jews!”
und sie fingen an, ihn zu grüßen: Sei gegrüßt, König der Juden!
19 They repeatedly struck his head with a reed and spat on him. By kneeling down, they [pretended to honor] him.
Und sie schlugen ihn mit einem Rohr auf das Haupt und spieen ihn an, und sie beugten die Knie und huldigten ihm.
20 When they had finished ridiculing him, they pulled off the purple robe. They put his own clothes on him, and then they led him outside [of the city] in order to nail him to a cross.
Und als sie ihn verspottet hatten, zogen sie ihm den Purpur aus und zogen ihm seine eigenen Kleider an; und sie führten ihn hinaus, auf daß sie ihn kreuzigten.
21 [After Jesus carried his cross a short distance], a man named Simon from Cyrene [city came along]. He was the father of Alexander and Rufus. He was passing by while he was returning [home] from outside [the city. The soldiers] compelled Simon to carry the cross [for Jesus].
Und sie zwingen einen Vorübergehenden, einen gewissen Simon von Kyrene, der vom Felde kam, den Vater Alexanders und Rufus, daß er sein Kreuz trüge.
22 They brought them both to a place that they [call] Golgotha. That name means, ‘a place [like] a skull’.
Und sie bringen ihn nach der Stätte Golgatha, was verdolmetscht ist Schädelstätte.
23 Then they tried to give Jesus wine that was {that they} mixed with [medicine called] myrrh. [They wanted him to drink it so that he would not feel so much pain when they crucified him]. But he did not drink it.
Und sie gaben ihm Wein, mit Myrrhen vermischt, zu trinken er aber nahm es nicht.
24 [Some] of the [soldiers took his clothes]. Then they nailed him to a cross. Afterwards, they divided his clothes among themselves by gambling with [something like] dice. They did this [in order to determine] which [piece of clothing] each one would get.
Und als sie ihn gekreuzigt hatten, verteilen sie seine Kleider, indem sie das Los über dieselben warfen, was jeder bekommen sollte.
25 It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him.
Es war aber die dritte Stunde, und sie kreuzigten ihn.
26 They [attached to the cross above Jesus’ head] a sign on which it had been written {someone had written} the reason why [they were nailing him to the cross]. [But all] that it said was, “The King of the Jews.”
Und die Überschrift seiner Beschuldigung war oben über geschrieben: Der König der Juden.
27 They also nailed to crosses two men who were bandits. They nailed one to a cross at the right side [of Jesus] and one to a cross at the left side [of Jesus].
Und mit ihm kreuzigen sie zwei Räuber, einen zu seiner Rechten und einen zu seiner Linken.
Und die Schrift wurde erfüllt, welche sagt: "Und er ist unter die Gesetzlosen gerechnet worden". [Jes. 53,12]
29 The people who were passing by insulted him by shaking their heads as [if here were an evil man]. They said, “Aha! You said that you would destroy the Temple and then you would build it again within three days.
Und die Vorübergehenden lästerten ihn, indem sie ihre Köpfe schüttelten und sagten: Ha! Der du den Tempel [das Heiligtum] abbrichst und in drei Tagen aufbaust,
30 [If you could do that, then] rescue yourself by coming down from the cross!”
rette dich selbst und steige herab vom Kreuze.
31 The chief priests, along with the men who taught the [Jewish] laws, also [wanted to] make fun of Jesus. So they said to each other, “He [claims to have] saved others [from their sicknesses] [IRO] but he cannot save himself!
Gleicherweise spotteten auch die Hohenpriester samt den Schriftgelehrten untereinander und sprachen: Andere hat er gerettet, sich selbst kann er nicht retten.
32 He said, ‘I am the Messiah, I am the King who [rules the people of] Israel.’ [If his words are true], he should come down now from the cross! Then we will believe [him]!” The [two] men who were crucified beside him also insulted him.
Der Christus, der König Israels, steige jetzt herab vom Kreuze, auf daß wir sehen und glauben. Auch die mit ihm gekreuzigt waren, schmähten ihn.
33 At noon the whole land became dark, [and it stayed dark] until three o’clock in the afternoon.
Als es aber die sechste Stunde war, kam eine Finsternis über das ganze Land [O. die ganze Erde] bis zur neunten Stunde;
34 At three o’clock Jesus shouted loudly, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” That means, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?”
und zur neunten Stunde schrie Jesus mit lauter Stimme und sagte: Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? was verdolmetscht ist: Mein Gott, mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?
35 When some of the people who were standing there heard [the word ‘Eloi’, misunderstanding it], they said, “Listen! He is calling for [the prophet] Elijah!”
Und als etliche der Dabeistehenden es hörten, sagten sie: Siehe, er ruft den Elias.
36 One of them ran and filled a sponge with sour wine. He placed it on [the tip of] a reed, and then he [held it] up for [Jesus] to suck out [the wine that was in] it. [While he was doing that, someone] said, “Wait! Let’s see whether Elijah will come to take him down [from the cross]!”
Es lief aber einer und füllte einen Schwamm mit Essig und steckte ihn auf ein Rohr und tränkte ihn und sprach: Halt, laßt uns sehen, ob Elias kommt, ihn herabzunehmen.
37 And then, after Jesus shouted loudly, he stopped breathing [and died].
Jesus aber gab einen lauten Schrei von sich und verschied.
38 [At that moment] the [heavy thick] curtain that closed off [the most holy place in] the Temple split into two pieces from top to bottom. [That showed that ordinary people could now go into the presence of God].
Und der Vorhang des Tempels [das Heiligtum] zerriß in zwei Stücke, von oben bis unten.
39 The officer who supervised the soldiers [who nailed Jesus to the cross] was standing in front of Jesus. When he saw how Jesus died, he exclaimed, “Truly, this man was the man who was also God!”
Als aber der Hauptmann, der ihm gegenüber dabeistand, sah, daß er also schrie und verschied, sprach er: Wahrhaftig, dieser Mensch war Gottes Sohn!
40 There were also some women there, watching these events from a distance. They had accompanied Jesus when he was in Galilee [district], and they had provided what he needed. They had come with him to Jerusalem. Among those women was Mary from Magdala [town]. There was [another] Mary, who was the mother of the younger James and of Joses. There was also Salome.
Es waren aber auch Weiber, die von ferne zusahen, unter welchen auch Maria Magdalene [d. i. von Magdala; so auch nachher] war und Maria, Jakobus des Kleinen und Joses Mutter, und Salome,
welche auch, als er in Galiläa war, ihm nachfolgten und ihm dienten; und viele andere, die mit ihm nach Jerusalem hinaufgekommen waren.
42 When evening was near, [a man named] Joseph from Arimathea [town came there]. He was a member of the [Jewish] council, one whom everyone respected. He was also one of those who had been waiting expectantly for the [time when] God [would send] his king to begin to rule. [He knew that, according to Jewish law, people’s bodies had to be buried] {[someone had to bury people’s bodies]} [on the day they died. He also realized that] it was the day when [people] prepared [things for] ([the Jewish day of rest/the Sabbath]), [and that the Sabbath would start when the sun set]. So he became courageous and went to Pilate and asked Pilate [to permit him to take] the body of Jesus [down from the cross and bury it immediately].
Und als es schon Abend geworden, [dieweil es Rüsttag war, welches der Vorsabbath ist]
kam Joseph von Arimathia, ein ehrbarer Ratsherr, der auch selbst das Reich Gottes erwartete, und ging kühn zu Pilatus hinein und bat um den Leib Jesu.
44 Pilate was surprised [when he heard that] Jesus was already dead. So he summoned the officer who was in charge of the soldiers [who crucified Jesus], and he asked him if [Jesus] had already died.
Pilatus aber wunderte sich, daß [Eig. ob] er schon gestorben sei; und er rief den Hauptmann herzu und fragte ihn, ob er schon lange gestorben sei.
45 When the officer told [Pilate that Jesus was dead], Pilate allowed Joseph [to take away] the body.
Und als er es von dem Hauptmann erfuhr, schenkte er dem Joseph den Leib.
46 After Joseph bought a linen cloth, he [and others] took [Jesus’ body down from the cross]. They wrapped it in the linen cloth and laid it in a tomb that [previously] had been dug out of the rock [cliff]. Then they rolled a [huge flat] stone in front of the entrance to the tomb.
Und er kaufte feine Leinwand, nahm ihn herab und wickelte ihn in die feine Leinwand und legte ihn in eine Gruft, die aus einem Felsen gehauen war; und er wälzte einen Stein an die Tür der Gruft.
47 Mary [from] Magdala and Mary the mother of Joses were watching where Jesus’ [body] was placed {where they placed Jesus’ [body]}.
Aber Maria Magdalene und Maria, Joses Mutter, sahen zu, wo er hingelegt wurde.

< Mark 15 >