< Mark 10 >

1 Jesus left (that place/Capernaum) [with his disciples], and they went through Judea district and on across [to the east side of] the Jordan [River]. When crowds gathered around him again, he taught them again, as he customarily did.
И уставши оданде дође у околине јудејске преко Јордана, и стече се опет народ к Њему; и као што обичај имаше, опет их учаше.
2 [While he was teaching them, some] Pharisees approached him and asked him, “Does [our Jewish] law permit a man to divorce his wife?” They asked that in order to be able to criticize him [whether he answered “yes” or “no”].
И приступивши фарисеји упиташе Га кушајући: Може ли човек пустити жену?
3 He answered them, “What did Moses command your [ancestors about a man divorcing his wife]?”
А Он одговарајући рече им: Шта вам заповеда Мојсије?
4 [One of] them replied, “Moses permitted that a man may write on paper [his reason] for divorcing [his wife], [give this paper to her], and then send her away.”
А они рекоше: Мојсије допусти да јој се да распусна књига и да се пусти.
5 Jesus said to them, “It was because your [ancestors] stubbornly wanted just what they desired that Moses wrote that law for [your ancestors], and you [are just like them]!
И одговарајући Исус рече им: По тврђи вашег срца написа вам он заповест ову.
6 [Remember] that he [also wrote that, when God] first created [people], he made [one] man, and [one] woman [to become that man’s wife].
А у почетку створења, мужа и жену, створио их је Бог.
7 That explains why [God said], ‘When a man [and] woman marry, they should no longer live with their fathers and mothers [after they marry].
Зато оставиће човек оца свог и мајку и прилепиће се к жени својој,
8 Instead, the two of them shall [live together, and they shall] become so [closely united] [MET] [that they are like] one person.’ Therefore, although the people [who marry] were two [separate persons] before, [God regards them] as one person now, [so he wants them to remain married].
И буду двоје једно тело. Тако нису више двоје него једно тело.
9 Because that is true, a man must not separate from his [wife] whom God has joined [to him, because God’s plan is for them to remain together]!”
А шта је Бог саставио човек да не раставља.
10 When Jesus and his disciples were alone in a house, they asked him again about this.
И у кући опет запиташе Га за то ученици Његови.
11 He said to them, “[God considers that a marriage lasts until either the husband or the wife dies, so he considers] that any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery, [even] if he divorces his first wife.
И рече им: Који пусти жену и ожени се другом, чини прељубу на њој.
12 [God also considers] a woman who divorces her first husband to be committing adultery if she marries another man.”
И ако жена остави мужа свог и пође за другог, чини прељубу.
13 [One day], some people were bringing children to Jesus in order that he would touch [and bless] them. But the disciples scolded those people [because they thought that Jesus] ([did not want to be bothered spending time with/was not concerned about]) [children].
И доношаху к Њему децу да их се дотакне; а ученици брањаху онима што их доношаху.
14 When Jesus saw that, he became angry. He said to the [disciples], “Allow the children to come to me! Do not forbid them [DOU]! It is people who [are humble and trust as they do] who can experience (God’s rule [in their lives]/God taking care of them) [MET].
А Исус видевши расрди се и рече им: Пустите децу нека долазе к мени, и не браните им; јер је таквих царство Божје.
15 Note this: Those who do not [trustingly] allow God to direct [their lives], as children [do], will not enter the place where God rules.”
Заиста вам кажем: који не прими царство Божје као дете, неће ући у њега.
16 Then he embraced the children. He also put his hands on them [and asked God to] bless them.
И загрливши их метну на њих руке те их благослови.
17 As Jesus was starting to travel [again with his disciples], a [young] man ran up to him. He knelt before Jesus and then he asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to have eternal life/in order to live [with God] eternally?” (aiōnios g166)
И кад изађе на пут, притрча неко, и клекнувши на колена пред Њим питаше Га: Учитељу благи! Шта ми треба чинити да добијем живот вечни? (aiōnios g166)
18 Jesus said to him, “(You should consider carefully [what you are implying] (OR, [that you are implying that I am God]) [by] calling me good, because only God is good!/Do you realize [what you are implying] (OR, [that you are implying that I am God]) [by] calling me good, because only God is good?) [RHQ] No other person is good
А Исус рече му: Што ме зовеш благим? Нико није благ осим једног Бога.
19 [But to answer your question], you know the commandments [of Moses, which will cause you to live eternally if you obey them perfectly]. He commanded [things such as] ‘do not murder anyone, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not (testify falsely/lie), do not cheat anyone, and honor your father and mother’.”
Заповести знаш: не чини прељубе; не убиј; не укради; не сведочи лажно; не чини неправде никоме; поштуј оца свог и матер.
20 The man said to him, “Teacher, I have obeyed all those commandments ever since I was young. [So is] ([that enough/there something else that I have not done])?”
А он одговарајући рече Му: Учитељу! Све сам ово сачувао од младости своје.
21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. He said to him, “There is one thing that you have not [yet done]. You must go [home], sell all that you possess, and then give [the money] to poor people. [As a result], you will be spiritually rich in heaven. After [you have done what I have told you], come with me [and be my disciple]!”
А Исус погледавши на њ, омиле му, и рече му: Још ти једно недостаје: иди продај све што имаш и подај сиромасима; и имаћеш благо на небу; и дођи, те хајде за мном узевши крст.
22 The man became disappointed when he heard that. He went away sad, because he was very rich [and he did not want to give away everything].
А он поста зловољан од ове речи, и оде жалостан; јер беше врло богат.
23 Jesus looked around [at the people]. Then he exclaimed to his disciples, “It is very difficult for people who are wealthy to [decide to] let God rule their lives!”
И погледавши Исус рече ученицима својим: Како је тешко богатима ући у царство небеско!
24 The disciples were surprised at what he said. [They thought that God favored the rich people, so if God did not save them, he would not save anyone]. So Jesus replied again to them, “My dear friends, it is very difficult for anyone [to decide] to let God rule his life.
А ученици се уплашише од речи Његових. А Исус опет одговарајући рече им: Децо! Како је тешко онима који се уздају у своје богатство ући у царство Божје!
25 It is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. It is almost as difficult [HYP] for rich people [to decide] to let God rule their [lives].”
Лакше је камили проћи кроз иглене уши неголи богатоме ући у царство Божје.
26 The disciples were very astonished. So they said to each other, “If that is so, (it will be unlikely that anyone will be saved {that God will save anyone}!/will [God] save anyone?) [RHQ]”
А они се врло дивљаху говорећи у себи: Ко се дакле може спасти?
27 Jesus looked at them and then he said, “[Yes], it is impossible for people [to save themselves]! But God certainly can [save them], because God can do anything!”
А Исус погледавши на њих рече: Људима је немогуће, али није Богу: јер је све могуће Богу.
28 Peter exclaimed, “[You know that] we have left behind everything and we have become your disciples. [So], ([what about us/will God (accept us/reward us)])?”
А Петар Му поче говорити: Ето ми смо оставили све, и за Тобом идемо.
29 Jesus replied, “I want you to know this: Those who have left [their] houses, [their] brothers, [their] sisters, [their] father, [their] mother, [their] children, or [their] plots of ground, to [be] my [disciples] and to [proclaim] the good news,
А Исус одговарајући рече: Заиста вам кажем: нема никога који је оставио кућу, или браћу, или сестре, или оца, или матер, или жену, или децу, или земљу, мене ради и јеванђеља ради,
30 will receive in this life 100 times as much [as they left behind. That will include houses and people as dear as] brothers and sisters and mothers and children, and plots of ground. Furthermore, although people will persecute them [here on earth because they believe in me], in the future age [they] will ([have] eternal life/live [with God] eternally). (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
А да неће примити сад у ово време сто пута онолико кућа, и браће, и сестара, и отаца, и матера, и деце, и земље, у прогоњењу, а на оном свету живот вечни. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 But I [warn you all]: Many of you who [now consider yourselves] to be very important will be unimportant [at that future time], and many of you who [now consider yourselves] to be unimportant will be very important [at that future time]!”
Али ће многи први бити последњи, и последњи први.
32 [Some days later as they continued to travel], Jesus and his disciples were walking on the road that leads up to Jerusalem [city]. Jesus was walking ahead of them. [The disciples/apostles] were astonished [that he was going to where there were many people who opposed him], and the other people who were with them were afraid [about what would happen to him in Jerusalem. Along the way he took the twelve disciples to a place by themselves]. Then he began to tell them again about what was going to happen to him, saying,
А кад иђаху путем у Јерусалим, Исус иђаше пред њима, а они се чуђаху, и за Њим иђаху са страхом. И узевши опет дванаесторицу поче им казивати шта ће бити од Њега:
33 “Listen carefully! We are going up to Jerusalem. There the chief priests and the men who teach the Jewish laws will be enabled {someone will help the chief priests and those who teach our [Jewish] laws} to seize me. Then they will declare that I must die, [even though] I am the one who came from heaven. Then they will take me to the Roman [authorities].
Ево идемо у Јерусалим, и Син човечји предаће се главарима свештеничким и књижевницима и осудиће Га на смрт, и предаће Га незнабошцима;
34 Those men will ridicule me. They will spit on me. They will (scourge me/whip me with a leaded whip.) Then they will kill me. But on the third day after that, I will become alive again!”
И наругаће Му се, и биће Га, и попљуваће Га, и убиће Га, и трећи дан устаће.
35 [Along the way], James and John, [who were] the two sons of Zebedee, approached Jesus and they said to him, “Teacher, please do for us what we will ask you to do!”
И пред Њега дођоше Јаков и Јован, синови Зеведејеви, говорећи: Учитељу! Хоћемо да нам учиниш за шта ћемо Те молити.
36 He said to them, “What do you want me to do for you?”
А Он рече: Шта хоћете да вам учиним?
37 They said to him, “When you [rule] gloriously, [let us rule with you]. Let one of us [sit] at your right side and one sit at your left side.”
А они Му рекоше: Дај нам да седнемо један с десне стране Теби, а други с леве, у слави Твојој.
38 But Jesus said to them, “You do not understand what you are asking for.” Then he asked them, “Can you endure suffering [MTY] like I am about to suffer? Can you endure being killed [MTY] as I will be killed {people killing you as they will kill me}?”
А Исус им рече: Не знате шта иштете: можете ли пити чашу коју ја пијем, и крстити се крштењем којим се ја крштавам?
39 They said to him, “[Yes], we are able [to do that]!” Then Jesus said to them, “[It is true that] you will endure suffering [MTY] like I will suffer, and you will endure being killed as I will be killed {people killing you as they will kill me}.
А они Му рекоше: Можемо. А Исус рече им: Чашу, дакле, коју ја пијем испићете; и крштењем којим се ја крштавам крстићете се;
40 But I am not the one who chooses the ones who will sit next to me [and rule with me. God will give] those places to the ones he appoints.”
Али да седнете с десне стране мени и с леве, не могу ја дати него којима је уготовљено.
41 The [other] ten [disciples later] heard about what James and John [had requested]. As a result, they were angry with them [because they also wanted to rule with Jesus in the highest positions].
И чувши то десеторица почеше се срдити на Јакова и на Јована.
42 Then, after Jesus called them all together, he said to them, “You know that those who rule the non-Jews [enjoy] showing that they are powerful. You also know that officials enjoy commanding others.
А Исус дозвавши их рече им: Знате да кнезови народни владају народом и поглавари његови управљају њим.
43 But do not be like them! On the contrary, all those among you who want [God to consider them] great must become [like] servants to [the rest of] you.
Али међу вама да не буде тако; него који хоће да буде већи међу вама, да вам служи.
44 Furthermore, if anyone among you wants [God to consider him] to be the most important, he must [act like] a servant for the rest of you.
И који хоће први међу вама да буде, да буде свима слуга.
45 [You should imitate me]. Even though I am the one who has come from heaven, I did not come to be served {for others to serve me}. On the contrary, I came in order to serve others and to allow others to kill me, in order that my dying for people would be like a payment to rescue [many people from being punished] {[God punishing them]} [for their sins].”
Јер Син човечји није дошао да Му служе него да служи, и да да душу своју у откуп за многе.
46 [On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus and the disciples came to Jericho town]. Afterwards, while they were leaving Jericho along with a great crowd, a blind man who habitually begged [for money] was sitting beside the road. His name was Bartimaeus and his father’s name was Timaeus.
И дођоше у Јерихон. И кад излажаше из Јерихона, Он и ученици Његови и народ многи, син Тимејев, Вартимеј слепи, сеђаше крај пута и прошаше.
47 When he heard people say that Jesus from Nazareth [was passing by], he shouted, “Jesus! [You who are the Messiah] descended from [King] David, (be merciful to/help) me!”
И чувши да је то Исус Назарећанин стаде викати и говорити: Сине Давидов, Исусе! Помилуј ме!
48 Many people rebuked him and told him that he should be quiet. But he shouted even more, “[You who are the Messiah] descended from [King David], (be merciful to/help) me!”
И прећаху му многи да ућути, а он још више викаше: Сине Давидов! Помилуј ме!
49 Jesus stopped and said, “Call him [to come over here]!” They summoned the blind man, saying, “Jesus is calling you! So cheer up and get up [and come]!”
И ставши Исус рече да га зовну. И зовнуше слепца говорећи му: Не бој се, устани, зове те.
50 He threw aside his cloak as he jumped up, and he came to Jesus.
А он збацивши са себе хаљине своје, устаде и дође к Исусу.
51 Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man said to him, “Sir, I [want to be able] to see again!”
И одговарајући рече му Исус: Шта хоћеш да ти учиним? А слепи рече Му: Равуни! Да прогледам.
52 Jesus said to him, “[I am] healing you [because] you believed [in me]. So you may go [home]!” He could see immediately. And he went with Jesus along the road.
А Исус рече му: Иди, вера твоја поможе ти. И одмах прогледа, и оде путем за Исусом.

< Mark 10 >