< Malachi 3 >

1 The Commander of the armies of angels says [this]: “Listen! I [am about to] send my messenger who will prepare [the people to receive me] when I come. [You claim that] [IRO] you are wanting to see me, and I will suddenly come to my temple. The messenger [who will tell you about a new] agreement, the one whom you are eagerly [SAR] awaiting, is certainly going to come [to you].”
He aquí que yo envío mi mensajero, el cual barrerá el camino delante de mí; y luego vendrá a su templo el Señor a quien vosotros buscáis; y el mensajero del concierto a quien vosotros deseáis: He aquí que viene, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos.
2 But will anyone [RHQ] be able to survive when he comes? Will anyone [RHQ] be able to [remain] standing in front of him? [Certainly not, ] because he will be like [SIM] a blazing fire that refines/purifies [metal/gold]. He will be like [SIM] a very strong soap [that bleaches clothes].
¿Y quién podrá sufrir el tiempo de su venida? ¿o, quién podrá estar cuando él se mostrará? Porque él será como fuego purgante, y como jabón de lavadores.
3 [He will be like a worker who] sits [in front of his work] to cause silver to become pure by burning all the impurities. Like [a worker refines] silver and gold, he will cause the (descendants of Levi/priests) to become pure, [in order that they will again become acceptable to] offer sacrifices that will be acceptable to him.
Y asentarse ha para afinar y limpiar la plata; porque limpiará los hijos de Leví: afinarlos ha como a oro, y como a plata, y ofrecerán a Jehová presente con justicia.
4 When that happens, Yahweh will [again] accept the offerings brought to him by [the people of] Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah, as [he did] previously.
Y será suave a Jehová el presente de Judá y de Jerusalem como en los días pasados, y como en los años antiguos.
5 [This is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says: “At that time, I will come to you to judge you. I will quickly testify against [all] those who practice sorcery/witchcraft, [all] who have committed adultery, and [all] liars. [I will testify] against those who have not given their workers the pay/wages that they promised, those who (oppress/treat cruelly) widows and orphans, and those who do not allow foreigners who live among you to be treated fairly. [I will testify that all] the people who do those things do not revere me.”
Y llegarme he a vosotros a juicio, y seré testigo apresurado contra los hechiceros, y adúlteros; y contra los que juran mentira y los que detienen el salario del jornalero, de la viuda, y del huérfano; y los que hacen agravio al extranjero, no teniendo temor de mí, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos.
6 “I am Yahweh, and I never change. And although you [deceive people like] your ancestor Jacob did, I have not [yet] gotten rid of you.
Porque yo soy Jehová, no me he mudado; y vosotros, hijos de Jacob, no habéis sido consumidos.
7 You and your ancestors have ignored my commands and you have not obeyed them. [Now] return to me; and when that happens, I will (return/do good) to you. [That is what I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, say.” But you ask, “[We have never gone away from you, so] how can we return [to you]?”
Desde los días de vuestros padres os habéis apartado de mis leyes, y nunca las guardasteis: Tornáos a mí, y yo me tornaré a vosotros, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos. Y dijisteis: ¿En qué hemos de tornar?
8 [I reply, ] “People should certainly not [RHQ] cheat God; but you people have cheated me!” You ask, “In what way did we cheat you?” [I reply, ] “[You have cheated me by not bringing to me each year] (the tithes/one tenth of [all] your crops and animals) and [other] offerings [that you are required to give to me].
¿Robará el hombre a Dios? Porque vosotros me habéis robado. Y dijisteis: ¿En qué te hemos robado? En los diezmos y las ofrendas.
9 All that you do is cursed, because all you people in this country have been cheating me.
Malditos sois de maldición, que vosotros me habéis robado: toda la nación.
10 [Now] bring all the tithes to the storage rooms [in the temple], in order that there will be [enough] food [for the people who serve me] there. If you do that, I, the Commander of the armies of angels, promise that I will open the windows of heaven, and pour out [from them] blessings on you. [If you bring your tithes to the temple, the blessings will be] very great, with the result that you will not have enough space to store all of them. So test me [to see if I am telling the truth].
Traed todos los diezmos al alfolí, y haya alimento en mi casa; y probádme ahora en esto, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos, y veréis si yo no os abriré las ventanas de los cielos, y vaciaré sobre vosotros bendición, hasta que no os quepa.
11 You will have abundant crops [to harvest], because I will protect them in order that they will not be harmed by locusts/insects. Your grapes will not fall from the vines [before they are ripe].
Y amenazaré por vosotros al tragador, y no os corromperá el fruto de la tierra: ni la vid en el campo os abortará, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos.
12 When that happens, [the people of] all nations will say that [I] have blessed you, because your country will be delightful. [That is what I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, say.
Y todas las naciones os dirán: Bienaventurados; porque seréis tierra deseable, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos.
13 [I, ] Yahweh, [have something else] to say [to you]. You have said terrible things about me.” But you reply, “What terrible things have we said about you?”
Vuestras palabras han prevalecido contra mí, dijo Jehová. Y dijisteis: ¿Qué hemos hablado contra ti?
14 [I reply], “You have said, ‘It is useless [for us] to serve God. We have gained nothing [RHQ] by obeying the commands that he gave [to us] and by trying to show the Commander of the armies of angels that we are sorry [for the sins that we have committed].
Habéis dicho: Por demás es servir a Dios: ¿y qué aprovecha, que guardemos su ley, y que andemos tristes delante de Jehová de los ejércitos?
15 From now on, we will say/consider that those who are proud are [the ones whom God has] blessed. [We will say that because it seems that it is] those who do evil who become rich, and [that it is] those who try to find out how many evil things they can do without God punishing them who are not punished.’”
Decimos pues ahora, que bienaventurados los soberbios; y aun, que los que hacen impiedad son los prosperados; y más, los que tentaron a Dios escaparon.
16 After [the people heard my message], those who revered Yahweh discussed [those things] with each other, and Yahweh listened to what they said. While Yahweh was watching, they wrote on a scroll the things that would remind them [about what they promised], and they wrote on that scroll the names of those who revered Yahweh and who [said that they] always wanted to honor him [MTY].
Entonces los que temen a Jehová hablaron cada uno a su compañero. Y Jehová escuchó, y oyó, y fue escrito libro de memoria delante de él para los que temen a Jehová, y para los que piensan en su nombre.
17 The Commander of the armies of angels says this [about those people]: “They will be my people. At the time that I judge people, [they will be like] [MET] a special treasure to me. I will be kind to them, like [SIM] fathers are kind to their sons who obey them.
Y serán míos, dijo Jehová de los ejércitos, en el día que yo tengo de hacer tesoro, y perdonarles he, como el hombre que perdona a su hijo que le sirve.
18 When that happens, you will again see that [the manner in which I treat] righteous people is different from [the manner in which I treat] wicked people. [You will see that the manner in which I act toward] those who serve me is different from [the manner in which I act toward] those who do not.”
Y convertiros heis, y haréis diferencia entre el justo y el malo, entre el que sirve a Dios, y el que no le sirvió.

< Malachi 3 >