< Luke 1 >

1 My noble [friend] Theophilus, many people saw the things that [Jesus] did while he was with us, from the time when he started [MTY] [his ministry]. They served God [by teaching people] the message [about the Lord Jesus]. Many of those who heard what they taught wrote down for us accounts of the things that [Jesus did from the time when] he began [his ministry].
Daar reeds velen ondernomen hebben, een verhaal samen te stellen van de gebeurtenissen, die onder ons zijn geschied,
en zoals ze ons door de eerste ooggetuigen en bedienaars van het Woord zijn overgeleverd,
3 I myself have studied these accounts carefully. So I decided that it would be good for me also to write for you [(sg)] an accurate account of these matters.
kwam het ook mij wenselijk voor, beste Teófilus, na alles, van de aanvang af, nauwkeurig te hebben onderzocht, het ordelijk voor u te beschrijven,
4 I want you to know the truth about what you have been taught {what others have taught you}.
om u de waarachtigheid te doen zien van de leer, waarin ge onderwezen zijt.
5 When King Herod [the Great ruled] Judea [district], there was a [Jewish] priest named Zechariah. He belonged to the [group of priests called] the Abijah group. He and his wife Elizabeth were both descended from the [first priest of Israel], Aaron.
In de dagen van Herodes, koning van Judea, was er een priester Zakarias geheten, uit het priesterlijk geslacht van Abias; zijn vrouw behoorde tot de dochters van Aäron, en heette Elisabet.
6 [God considered that] both of them were righteous, because they constantly completely obeyed everything that God had commanded.
Beiden waren rechtschapen in de ogen van God, en leefden onberispelijk in al de geboden en voorschriften van den Heer.
7 But they had no children, because Elizabeth had been unable to bear children. Furthermore, she and her husband were very old.
Ze hadden geen kinderen; want Elisabet was onvruchtbaar, en beiden waren reeds hoogbejaard.
8 One day [Zechariah’s] group was doing their work [in the Temple in Jerusalem], and he was serving as a priest in God’s presence.
Eens, dat zijn afdeling de beurt had, om de dienst voor God te verrichten,
9 Following their custom, [the other priests] chose him by lot to enter the Lord’s temple and burn incense.
werd hij, zoals dit bij de priesters gebruikelijk was, door het lot aangewezen, om de tempel des Heren binnen te gaan en wierook te offeren.
10 While he was burning the incense, many people were outside [in the courtyard], praying.
En al het volk stond buiten te bidden op het uur van het wierookoffer.
11 Then an angel whom God had [sent] appeared to him. The angel was standing at the right side of the place [where the priests burned] incense.
Daar verscheen hem een engel des Heren, die rechts van het wierookaltaar stond.
12 When Zechariah saw the angel, he was startled and became very afraid.
Zakarias ontstelde bij dit gezicht, en beefde van angst.
13 But the angel said to him, “Zechariah, do not be afraid! When you [(sg)] prayed [asking God for a son] (OR, [that God would send the Messiah]), God heard what you prayed. [So] your wife Elizabeth shall bear a son. You must name him John.
Maar de engel sprak tot hem: Vrees niet, Zakarias, want uw gebed is verhoord; Elisabet, uw vrouw, zal u een zoon schenken, en ge zult hem Johannes noemen.
14 He will cause you to be very happy, and many other people will also be happy because he is born.
Ge zult juichen en jubelen, en velen zullen zich over zijn geboorte verheugen.
15 God will consider him to be very important. He must never drink wine or any other alcoholic drink, [in order that he will be completely dedicated to God]. He will be controlled by the Holy Spirit {The Holy Spirit will control him} from before he is born.
Want hij zal groot zijn voor den Heer; hij zal geen wijn drinken, noch sterke drank; en reeds van de schoot zijner moeder af zal hij worden vervuld van den Heiligen Geest.
16 He will [persuade] many people in Israel to turn away [from their sins and please] the Lord their God.
En vele kinderen van Israël zal hij bekeren tot den Heer hun God;
17 As [God’s] Spirit enables him [to preach] powerfully as [the prophet] Elijah did, he will precede [the Messiah]. He will cause parents [SYN] to act [peacefully] toward their children [again]. He will cause [many] people who do not obey [God to hear and obey] the wise things that righteous people [tell them]. He will do this in order to help [many] people to be ready when the Lord [comes].”
hij zal voor Hem uitgaan met de geest en de macht van Elias, om de harten der vaders tot de kinderen terug te brengen, en de weerspannigen tot de gezindheid van rechtvaardigen, en den Heer een goedgestemd volk gaan bereiden.
18 Then Zechariah said to the angel, “I am very old, and my wife is also so old [that she cannot bear a child. So] (I cannot [believe] that what you [(sg)] said [will happen]!/how can I [believe] that what you [(sg)] said [will happen]?) [RHQ]”
Maar Zakarias zei tot den engel: Waaraan zal ik dat erkennen? Want ik ben oud, en ook mijn vrouw is reeds op jaren.
19 Then the angel said to him, “I am [God’s chief angel], Gabriel! [I do what God tells me, because] I constantly am in God’s presence! I was sent {[He] sent me} to tell you [(sg)] something good [that is going to happen to you].
De engel antwoordde hem: Ik ben Gábriël; ik sta voor Gods aanschijn, en ben gezonden, om u toe te spreken, en u deze blijde boodschap te brengen.
20 What I have told you will certainly happen at the time [God decides], but you did not believe what I told you. So now [God will make] you will be unable to talk until the day [your son is born]”!
Zie, ge zult stom zijn en niet kunnen spreken, tot de dag waarop dit geschieden zal; omdat ge mijn woorden niet hebt geloofd, die te hunner tijd in vervulling zullen gaan.
21 While [Zechariah and the angel] were talking, the people [in the courtyard] were waiting for Zechariah [to come out]. They wondered, “Why is he staying in the Temple for such a long time?”
Intussen stond het volk op Zakarias te wachten, en verwonderde zich er over, dat hij zolang in de tempel bleef.
22 When Zechariah came out, he was not able to speak to the people. Because he could not talk, he made motions with his hands [to try to convey what had happened]. Then they realized that he had seen (a vision [from God]/something that [God] showed him) while he was in the Temple.
Maar toen hij buiten kwam, en niet tot hen kon spreken, begrepen ze, dat hij in de tempel een verschijning gezien had; wel maakte hij gebaren, maar hij bleef stom.
23 When Zechariah’s time to work [as a priest in the Temple] was finished, he [left Jerusalem and] returned to his home.
Toen zijn diensttijd voorbij was, ging hij naar huis.
24 Some time later his wife Elizabeth became pregnant [EUP]. She did not leave their house for five months, [because she knew that people would laugh at her if she told them that she was pregnant].
Enige tijd later kwam zijn vrouw Elisabet in gezegende omstandigheden; ze verborg zich vijf maanden lang, en sprak:
25 But she thought, “God has enabled me to become pregnant. He has pitied me and I will no longer be ashamed [because I have no children]!”
Dit heeft de Heer voor mij gedaan, toen Hij neerzag, om mijn schande bij de mensen weg te nemen.
26 When Elizabeth had been [pregnant] [EUP] [for almost] six months, the angel Gabriel was sent by God {God sent the angel Gabriel} [again].
In de zesde maand werd de engel Gábriël door God naar een stad van Galilea gezonden, Názaret genaamd,
27 [This time] he went to Nazareth [town] in Galilee [district], to a virgin whose name was Mary. It had been {[Her parents] had} promised that she would marry a man named Joseph, who was descended from [King] David.
tot een maagd, die verloofd was aan een man, die Josef heette, en uit het huis van David was; de naam van de maagd was Maria.
28 The angel greeted her and said, “(The Lord/God) is with you [(sg)] and you will be greatly blessed {[has decided to] greatly bless you}!”
De engel trad bij haar binnen, en sprak: Wees gegroet, vol van genade. De Heer is met u; gij zijt de gezegende onder de vrouwen.
29 But Mary was very confused [when she heard] that. She wondered what [the angel meant] by these words.
Ze verschrok van dit woord, en vroeg zich af, wat die groet kon beduiden.
30 Then the angel said to her, “Mary, God is very pleased with you [(sg)], so do not be afraid.
De engel zeide haar: Vrees niet, Maria, want gij hebt genade gevonden bij God.
31 You will become pregnant and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus.
Zie, gij zult in uw schoot ontvangen, en een Zoon baren; en gij zult Hem Jesus noemen.
32 He will become great. He will be called {[People will] call him} (the Son of God/the man who is also God). God, the Lord, will make him a king [MTY] as his ancestor [King] David was.
Hij zal groot zijn, en Zoon van den Allerhoogste worden genoemd. God de Heer zal Hem de troon van zijn vader David geven;
33 He will be the King of [the] Jews, the descendants [MTY] of [your ancestor] Jacob, forever. He will rule as king forever!” (aiōn g165)
Hij zal koning zijn over het huis van Jakob in eeuwigheid, en aan zijn koningschap zal geen einde komen. (aiōn g165)
34 Then Mary said to the angel, “I am a virgin, so how can I [have a baby]?”
Maria sprak tot den engel: Hoe kan dit geschieden, daar ik geen man beken?
35 The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come to you; the power of God [MTY/EUP] will overshadow you [and enable you to become pregnant]. So the child [you will] bear will be completely set apart {give himself completely} to obey God, and he will be called {[people] will say that he is} (the Son of God/the man who is also God).
De engel antwoordde haar: De Heilige Geest zal op u neerdalen, en de kracht van den Allerhoogste zal u overschaduwen; daarom ook zal wat uit u wordt geboren, heilig zijn, en de Zoon van God worden genoemd.
36 [I also need to tell you something else]. Your cousin Elizabeth is very old, and it was thought {[people] said} that she could not bear any children. But she has been [pregnant] [EUP] [for almost] six months, and will bear a son!
Zie, uw bloedverwant Elisabet heeft ook een zoon ontvangen in haar ouderdom, en zij, die onvruchtbaar heette, is in haar zesde maand;
37 [You should not be surprised at that], because God can do everything!”
want niets is onmogelijk bij God.
38 Then Mary said, “All right, I want to serve (the Lord/God), so may what you [(sg)] have said about me come true!” Then the angel left her.
Nu sprak Maria: Zie de dienstmaagd des Heren; mij geschiede naar uw woord. En de engel ging van haar heen.
39 Very soon after that, Mary got ready and went quickly to a town in the highlands of Judea [district] where Zechariah lived.
In die dagen ging Maria op weg, en spoedde zich het bergland in, naar een stad van Juda.
40 She entered his house and greeted [his wife] Elizabeth.
Ze kwam in het huis van Zakarias, en begroette Elisabet.
41 As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary greet her, the baby moved inside [Elizabeth’s] womb. The Holy Spirit took complete control of Elizabeth,
Toen Elisabet de groet van Maria vernam, sprong het kind op in haar schoot, en werd Elisabet van den Heiligen Geest vervuld.
42 and she said loudly [to Mary], “[God] has blessed you [more than] he has blessed [any other] woman, and [he has] blessed the child you will bear!
Met luider stem hief ze aan: Gij zijt de gezegende onder de vrouwen, en gezegend is de vrucht van uw schoot!
43 (I am not worthy that [God would allow you] to visit me!/Why is [God allowing you] to visit me?) [RHQ] You will be the mother of my Lord!
Wat valt mij te beurt, dat de moeder van mijn Heer naar mij toekomt?
44 [I realize this because] as soon as I heard you greet me, the baby inside my womb moved because he was so happy [that you had come].
Want zie, zodra de klank van uw groet mij in de oren klonk, sprong het kind van vreugde op in mijn schoot.
45 [God] is pleased with you [because] you believed that what (the Lord/God) told you would come true.”
Zalig zij, die geloofd heeft; want wat haar namens den Heer is gezegd, zal worden vervuld.
46 Then Mary [praised God by] saying/singing: “, how I [SYN] praise (the Lord/God)!
Maria sprak: Mijn ziel prijst groot den Heer, Mijn geest jubelt van vreugde
47 I am happy because God is the one who saves me.
In God, mijn Redder;
48 I was only his lowly servant girl, but he did not forget me. So from now on, everyone will say that God was pleased with me,
Want Hij ziet op de geringheid neer van zijn dienstmaagd. Zie, van nu af prijzen mij zalig Alle geslachten;
49 because they will hear about the things that God [MTY], the mighty one, has done for me. He [MTY] is awesome!
Want de Machtige heeft aan mij grote dingen gedaan: Zijn Naam is heilig!
50 He acts mercifully toward all those who respect him.
Zijn barmhartigheid reikt van geslacht tot geslacht Over hen, die Hem vrezen;
51 He shows people that he [MTY] is very powerful. He scatters those who think proudly.
Hij toont de kracht van zijn arm, En slaat de trotsen van harte uiteen.
52 He does not let mighty kings rule [MTY] any more, but he honors people who are oppressed (OR, humble).
De machtigen haalt Hij neer van de troon, Maar Hij verheft de geringen;
53 He gives good things to eat to those who are hungry, but he sends away the rich people without giving them anything.
Behoeftigen overlaadt Hij met gaven, En rijken zendt Hij ledig heen.
54 And now he has remembered what he promised. So he has helped me and all the other people of [MTY] Israel who serve him.
Hij heeft Zich over Israël, zijn dienaar, ontfermd; Zijn barmhartigheid indachtig:
55 He promised to Abraham and all our other ancestors who descended from him that he would act mercifully toward them forever.” (aiōn g165)
Zoals Hij tot onze vaderen sprak: Aan Abraham en zijn zaad voor altijd. (aiōn g165)
56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months. Then she returned to her home.
Maria bleef ongeveer drie maanden bij haar; toen keerde ze terug naar huis.
57 When it was time for Elizabeth to give birth to her child, she bore a son.
Zo kwam voor Elisabet de tijd van haar moederschap, en ze baarde een zoon.
58 Her neighbors and relatives heard how (the Lord/God) had greatly blessed her [by enabling her to bear a child], so they were happy along with [Elizabeth].
Haar buren en familie hoorden, dat de Heer haar grote barmhartigheid had betoond, en ze deelden in haar vreugde.
59 Seven days later they gathered together for the [ceremony for] circumcising the baby [to show that he belonged to God]. They wanted to give the baby the same name as his father, Zechariah.
Op de achtste dag kwam men het kind besnijden, en men wilde het Zakarias noemen, naar de naam van zijn vader.
60 But his mother said, “No, [his name will not be Zechariah]. His name will be John!”
Maar zijn moeder nam het woord en sprak: Neen, Johannes zal hij heten.
61 [So] they said to her, “[John] is not the name of any of your [(dl)] relatives, [so you(dl) should not give him that name]!”
Ze zeiden haar: Er is niemand in uw familie, die deze naam heeft.
62 Then they made motions with their hands to Zechariah, [for him] to indicate what name [he] wanted to be given {to give} to his son.
Nu gaven ze zijn vader een teken, hoe hij hem wilde noemen.
63 [So] he signaled that they [should give him] a tablet [to write on. When they gave him one], he wrote [on it], “His name is John.” All those [who were there] were surprised!
Hij vroeg een schrijfbordje, en schreef: Zijn naam is Johannes. Allen waren er over verwonderd.
64 Immediately Zechariah was able to speak again [MTY], and he praised God.
Maar op hetzelfde ogenblik ging zijn mond en tong los; hij sprak, en zegende God.
65 All their neighbors were amazed/awestruck! They told other people who lived all over the highlands of Judea about what had happened.
Al hun buren werden met ontzag vervuld, en in heel het bergland van Judea werden al deze dingen besproken.
66 Everyone who heard about it kept thinking about it. They were saying, “We wonder what will this child do [for God when] he [grows up] [RHQ]!” They wondered that because [from what had happened they were sure that] God would be helping that child [SYN] [in a powerful way].
Allen, die het hoorden, dachten er over na, en zeiden: Wat zal er toch worden van dat kind? Waarachtig, de hand des Heren was met hem!
67 [After] Zechariah’s [son was born], Zechariah was completely directed by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit completely directed Zechariah} as he spoke these words that came from God:
En zijn vader Zakarias, vervuld van den Heiligen Geest, profeteerde en sprak:
68 “Praise the Lord, the God whom we(inc) people of Israel worship, because he has come to set us, his people, free from our enemies.
Geloofd zij de Heer, Israëls God! Want Hij heeft zijn volk bezocht en verlost,
69 He is sending us someone who will powerfully [MTY] save us, someone who is descended from [MTY] King David, who served God well.
En ons een hoorn van redding verwekt In het huis van David, zijn dienaar.
70 Long ago God caused his prophets to say that he would do that. (aiōn g165)
Zoals Hij eeuwen geleden beloofd had Door de mond zijner heilige profeten: (aiōn g165)
71 He will rescue us from our enemies, and he will save us from the power of all those who hate us.
Om ons redding te brengen van onze vijanden, En uit de hand van al, die ons haten.
72 He will do this because he has not forgotten what he promised our ancestors; he made an agreement that he would act mercifully to us, their descendants.
Om Zich te ontfermen over onze vaderen, En zijn heilig Verbond te gedenken,
73 That is what he strongly promised our ancestor Abraham that he would do.
De eed, die Hij zwoer, Aan Abraham, onzen vader.
74 God told him that we would be rescued {he would rescue us} from the power of our enemies, that he would enable us to serve him without being afraid,
Om ons te vergunnen, om zonder vrees, Uit de hand onzer vijanden verlost,
75 that he would cause us to be completely dedicated to him, and enable us to live righteously all of our lives.”
Hem te dienen, vroom en rechtschapen, Voor zijn aanschijn al onze dagen.
76 [Then Zechariah said this to] his little son: “My child, you will be called {people will say that you are} a prophet whom God [MTY/EUP] has sent; you will begin your work before (the Lord/Messiah) comes; you will prepare people so that they will be ready for him. (OR, you will begin your work before the Messiah comes).
En Gij nu, kleine knaap, Zult profeet van den Allerhoogste worden genoemd; Want ge zult uitgaan voor den Heer, Om zijn wegen te bereiden.
77 You will tell God’s people how he will forgive them and save them from being punished for their sins.
Om zijn volk het heil te doen kennen In de vergiffenis zijner zonden,
78 Our God will do that because he is very kind to us. Just like a new day begins when the sun rises [MET], God will do that new thing for us when the Messiah comes to us from heaven.
Door de tedere ontferming van onzen God, Die ons de Dageraad uit den hoge zal brengen.
79 People who do not know God [MET] are like those who sit in the darkness. They are afraid [MTY] that they will soon die. But when the Messiah tells us God’s message, it will be like causing such people to see a bright light. He will guide us [SYN] so that we will be living peacefully.”
Om te verlichten, die in duisternis zijn, En in de schaduw van de dood zijn gezeten; Om onze schreden te richten Naar de weg van de vrede.
80 [Later], Zechariah’s son grew up and became spiritually strong. Then he lived in a desolate region until he began to preach to the Israeli people.
En de knaap groeide op, en kreeg een krachtige geest. Hij bleef in de woestijn tot de dag, dat hij voor Israël zou optreden.

< Luke 1 >