< Luke 8 >

1 Soon after that, Jesus went, along with his twelve [disciples], through various cities and villages. As they went, he was telling people the good message about how God wants (to have complete control/to rule) [MET] [over their lives].
Bayan wannan sai Yesu ya zazzaga gari da ƙauye, yana wa’azin bisharar mulkin Allah. Sha Biyun nan kuwa suna tare da shi,
2 Some women from whom he had expelled evil spirits and healed of diseases also [went with him]. These included Mary, the woman from Magdala [village], from whom [he had expelled] seven evil spirits;
da kuma waɗansu mata waɗanda aka warkar da su daga cututtukansu, da kuma mugayen ruhohi. Cikinsu akwai Maryamu (wadda ake kira Magdalin) wadda aljanu bakwai suka fito daga cikinta.
3 Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who was one of [King] Herod [Antipas’] officials; Susanna; and many others. They were providing some of their own funds [to help Jesus and his disciples].
Da Yowanna matar Kuza, manajan iyalin Hiridus; da Suzana; da waɗansu mata da yawa. Waɗannan mata suna taimaka musu cikin hidima, daga cikin abin da suke da shi na zaman gari.
4 A large crowd of people came to Jesus from many towns. Then he told them this parable:
Yayinda taron mai girma na taruwa, mutane kuma daga garuruwa dabam-dabam suna zuwa wurin Yesu, sai ya ba da wannan misali ya ce,
5 “A man went out [to his field] to sow [some] seeds. As he was scattering them over the soil, some [of the seeds] fell on the path. Then [people] walked on those seeds, and birds ate them.
“Wani manomi ya fita domin ya shuka irinsa. Da yana watsa irin, sai waɗansu suka fāɗi a kan hanya, aka tattaka su, tsuntsayen sararin sama kuma suka cinye su.
6 Some [of the seeds] fell on rock [on which there was a thin layer of] moist [soil]. As soon as the seeds grew, the plants dried up because they had no moisture.
Waɗansu suka fāɗi a kan dutse, da suka tsira sai suka yanƙwane don babu ruwa a wurin.
7 Some [of the seeds] fell on [ground that contained roots of] thorny [weeds]. The thorny weeds grew [together] with the young plants, and [they] crowded out [those plants].
Waɗansu kuma suka fāɗi a cikin ƙaya. Da suka yi girma tare, sai ƙayan suka shaƙe su.
8 But some of the seeds fell on good soil and grew [well]. [Each seed later] produced 100 [grains].” Then Jesus called out to them, “If you want to understand [MTY] this, you must consider [carefully what I have just said]!”
Waɗansu kuma har yanzu, suka fāɗi a ƙasa mai kyau, suka yi girma, suka ba da amfani riɓi ɗari-ɗari, fiye da abin da aka shuka.” Da faɗin haka sai ya ce, “Duk mai kunnen ji, yă ji.”
9 Jesus’ disciples [later] asked him about the meaning of the parable [he had just told].
Almajiransa suka tambaye shi ma’anar wannan misali.
10 He said, “God is revealing to you what he did not reveal before, about [how he wants to] rule [MET] [over people’s lives]. But when I am telling other people about [these things, I tell them] only in parables. The result will be [like a prophet predicted long ago]: They will see [what I am doing], but will not perceive [what it means]. They will hear [what I am saying], but will not understand [it].
Sai ya ce, “Ku ne aka ba sanin asirin mulkin Allah, amma ga sauran mutane kam, ina magana da misalai, saboda, “‘ko da yake suna kallo, ba za su gani ba, ko da yake suna ji, ba za su gane ba.’
11 So this is the meaning of that parable: The seeds [represent] God’s message.
“Ga ma’anar misalin, irin, shi ne maganar Allah.
12 [Some people are like] the path on which some of [the seeds fell]. When these people hear God’s message, the devil comes and causes them to forget what they have heard. As a result, they do not believe it, and will not be saved {[God] will not save them}.
Waɗanda suka fāɗi a kan hanya su ne mutanen da suka ji, amma Iblis, yakan zo ya ɗauke maganar daga zuciyarsu, don kada su gaskata, su sami ceto.
13 [Some people are like] the [soil with] rock [underneath]. When they hear [God’s] message, they accept it joyfully. [But because it does not penetrate deeply] [MET] [into their inner beings], they believe it for [only] a [short] time. [They are like the plants that] did not have [deep] roots. When difficult things happen to them, they stop believing [God’s message].
Na kan dutse kuwa, su ne da jin maganar, sukan karɓa da murna, amma ba su da saiwa. Sukan gaskata na ɗan lokaci, amma lokacin gwaji, sai su ja da baya.
14 [Some people are like] the [soil that had roots of] thorny [weeds] in it. They are people who accept [God’s message], but later on they worry about things, and try to become rich, and enjoy [things that give them] a lot of pleasure. So they do not become [spiritually] mature.
Irin da suka fāɗi a cikin ƙaya kuwa, su ne mutanen da suka ji, amma a kwana a tashi, tunanin kayan duniya, da neman arziki, da son jin daɗi, sukan hana su ba da’ya’ya.
15 But [some people are like] the good soil. They hear [God’s] message and accept it. They [become] good, honest people, and they continue doing things [that please God] [MET].”
Amma irin da suka fāɗi a ƙasa mai kyau kuwa, su ne mutane masu kyakkyawar zuciya, mai kyau, da suka ji, suka riƙe, suka kuma jimre har suka ba da’ya’ya.”
16 “After people light a lamp, they do not cover it with a basket or put it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a lampstand, so that those who enter [their house] can see [things from] its light [MET]. [Similarly, you must tell God’s truth to others so that they can know what I can do for them].
“Ba mai ƙuna fitila sa’an nan ya ɓoye ta a cikin tulu, ko kuma ya sa ta a ƙarƙashin gado ba. A maimakon haka, yakan sa ta a kan wurin ajiye fitila, saboda mutane masu shigowa su ga haske.
17 [God wants to] make clear all [of his truth] that was not evident previously. [He intends] that all of [the truth] that [he] had not revealed before be told openly {that [his people] openly tell [others] all [of the truth] that [he] has not revealed before}.
Ba abin da yake ɓoye da ba za a fallasa ba. Kuma ba abin da yake rufe, da ba za a sani ba, ko a fitar da shi a fili ba.
18 So listen carefully [to what I tell you], because [God] will enable those who accept [my truth] to [understand even] more. But [God] will cause those who do not accept [my truth] to not understand even [the little] that they think they have [understood].”
Saboda haka, ku yi tunani da kyau yadda kuke saurara. Duk wanda yake da shi, za a ƙara masa, duk wanda ba shi da shi kuma, abin da yake tsammani yana da shi ma, za a karɓe daga gare shi.”
19 [One day Jesus’] mother and his [younger] brothers came to see him, but they could not get near him because there was a large crowd [around him in the house].
Sai uwar Yesu da’yan’uwansa suka zo, domin su gan shi, amma ba su iya zuwa kusa da shi ba, saboda taron.
20 Someone told him, “Your mother and your [younger] brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.”
Sai wani ya faɗa masa cewa, “Ga uwarka da’yan’uwanka suna tsaye a waje suna so su gan ka.”
21 He replied, “Those who hear God’s message and obey it are [as dear to me] [MET] as my mother and my brothers.”
Ya amsa ya ce, “Mahaifiyata da’yan’uwana, su ne waɗanda suke jin maganar Allah, suna kuma aikata ta.”
22 One day Jesus got into a boat with his disciples. He said to them, “Let’s go [around to] the other side of the lake.” So they started to go.
Wata rana Yesu ya ce wa almajiransa, “Mu haye zuwa wancan gefen tafkin.” Sai suka shiga jirgin ruwa suka fara tafiya.
23 As they were sailing, he fell asleep. A big windstorm struck the lake. Soon the boat was filling with water, and they were in danger.
Da suna cikin tafiya, sai barci ya kwashe shi. Sai wata babban iska ta taso kan tafkin, har ruwa ya fara shiga cikin jirgin. Suka shiga babban hatsari.
24 Jesus’ disciples woke him up. They said [to him], “Master! Master! We [(inc)] are going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and told the waves to be calm. The wind [immediately] stopped blowing and the waves calmed down. [The lake] became calm.
Almajiran suka je suka tashe shi daga barci, suka ce, “Ubangiji, Ubangiji, za mu nutse!” Ya tashi ya kwaɓe iskar da kuma haukar ruwan. Sai ruwan da iskar suka natsu. Kome ya yi tsit.
25 He said to them, “(I [am disappointed that] you did not trust me [to help you]!/Why did you not trust me [to help you]?)” [RHQ] They were afraid. They were also amazed. They said to each other, “(What kind of man is this?/This man is not like ordinary men!) [RHQ] He [not only commands people, but] when he commands the wind and the water, they also obey him!”
Sai ya tambayi almajiransa, “Ina bangaskiyarku?” A cikin tsoro da mamaki, suka ce wa junansu, “Wane ne wannan? Yana ba da umarni ga iska da ruwa ma, kuma suna biyayya da shi?”
26 Jesus and his disciples arrived at the region near Gerasa, a [town] which [was on the eastern] side of Lake [Galilee].
Suka shiga jirgin ruwa zuwa yankin Gerasenawa da yake a hayin tafkin, daga wajen Galili.
27 [There was] a man [in that region] in whom demons lived. [He was] from the town [of Gerasa]. (OR, [In that area there was] a man [from that town] whom demons controlled.) For a long time he had not worn clothes. He did not live in a house. Instead, he lived in burial caves.
Da Yesu ya sauka daga jirgin, sai ga wani mutum mai aljanu daga garin. Mutumin ya daɗe bai sa tufafi ba, kuma ba ya zama a gida. Yana zama a cikin kaburbura.
28 Many times [demons] attacked him. He was guarded {[People] tried to guard him} [so that he would not injure others]. Chains were fastened {They fastened chains} on his hands and shackles on his feet, but he would break the chains and shackles. Then he would be sent away by the demons {the demons would send him away} to some desolate area. When Jesus stepped out of the boat onto the shore, the man saw him. He [ran to Jesus] and prostrated himself before him. Then Jesus commanded, “You evil spirit, come out of that man!” But it [did not leave immediately. Instead, it] caused the man to shout very loudly, “Jesus, Son of the great God in heaven, since we [(inc)] have nothing in common, [leave me alone] [RHQ]! I beg you, do not torture me [now]!”
Da ya ga Yesu, sai mutumin ya ɗaga murya da ƙarfi, ya fāɗi a gabansa, yana ihu cewa, “Ina ruwanka da ni, Yesu, Ɗan Allah Mafi Ɗaukaka? Ina roƙonka, kada ka ba ni wahala!”
Gama Yesu ya riga ya umarci mugun ruhun ya fita daga mutumin. Sau da yawa mugun ruhun ya sha kamunsa. Ko da yake akan daure shi hannu da ƙafa, da sarƙa, a kuma yi gadinsa, amma yakan tsinke sarƙoƙinsa, aljanun kuma su kore shi zuwa wuraren kaɗaici, inda ba kowa.
30 [In order to expel the demon more easily], Jesus asked [the demon], “What is your [(sg)] name?” He replied, “My name is Crowd/Mob.” [He said that] because many demons had entered that man.
Yesu ya tambaye shi, “Mene ne sunanka?” Sai ya amsa, “Tuli,” gama aljanu masu ɗumbun yawa ne suna cikinsa.
31 [The demons] kept begging [Jesus] that he would not command them to go into the deep place [where God punishes demons]. (Abyssos g12)
Suka yi ta roƙonsa kada yă umarce su su shiga ramin Abis. (Abyssos g12)
32 There was a large herd of pigs (grazing/rooting for food) on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus that he allow them to enter the pigs. So he did.
A wurin kuwa, akwai babban garken aladu da suke kiwo a gefen tudu. Aljanun suka roƙi Yesu ya bar su, su shiga cikin aladun, ya kuwa yardar musu.
33 The demons left the man and entered the pigs. Then the herd [of pigs] rushed down the steep bank into the lake and drowned.
Da aljanun suka fita daga cikin mutumin, sai suka shiga cikin aladun. Garken kuma ya gangara daga kan tudun zuwa cikin tafkin, kuma suka nutse.
34 When the men who were taking care of the pigs saw what happened, they ran! They told people inside the town and outside the town what had happened.
Da masu kiwon aladun suka ga abin da ya faru, sai suka ruga da gudu zuwa garin da kewaye suka kai labari.
35 So people went out to see what had happened. When they came to where Jesus was, they saw that the man from whom Jesus had [expelled] the demons was sitting at the feet of Jesus, [listening to him]. He had clothes on, and his mind was normal again. Then those people became afraid [because they thought that Jesus would destroy more of their property] (OR, [because they realized that he must be very powerful]).
Mutanen kuma suka fito don su ga abin da ya faru. Da suka iso wurin Yesu, sai suka tarar da mutumin da aljanun suka fita daga cikinsa, yana zaune kusa da Yesu sanye da tufafi, kuma cikin hankalinsa, sai tsoro ya kama su.
36 The people who had seen what happened told those [who had just arrived] how [Jesus] had healed the man whom demons were controlling [before].
Waɗanda suka ga abin da faru, suka gaya wa mutanen yadda aka warkar da mai aljanun.
37 Then [those people and] many other people [HYP] from the area near Gerasa asked Jesus to leave their area. They were very afraid of [what else Jesus would do to them]. So [Jesus and the disciples] got into the boat to go back across the lake.
Sai dukan mutanen yankin Gerasenawa suka roƙi Yesu ya bar su, don sun tsorata sosai. Sai Yesu ya shiga jirgin ruwa ya tafi.
38 The man from whom he had [expelled] the demons begged him saying, “[Please], let me go with you!” But [Jesus refused. Instead], he said to him,
Mutumin da aka fitar da aljanun daga cikinsa, ya roƙi Yesu don yă tafi tare da shi, amma Yesu ya sallame shi ya ce,
39 “[No], go home and tell people how much God has done for you!” Then he sent him away. So the man went away and told people throughout the nearby town how much Jesus had done for him.
“Koma gida, ka shaida babban alherin da Allah ya yi maka.” Sai mutumin ya tafi yana faɗin abin da Yesu ya yi masa a duk garin.
40 When [Jesus and the disciples] returned [to Capernaum], a crowd of people who had been waiting for him welcomed him.
Da Yesu ya koma, taron suka marabce shi, don dā ma duk suna jiransa.
41 Just then a man named Jairus, who was one of the leaders (of the synagogue/of the Jewish meeting place) [there], came near and prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet. He pleaded with Jesus, “Please come to my house [and heal my daughter],
Sai wani mutum mai suna Yayirus, wani mai mulkin majami’a, ya zo ya fāɗi a gaban Yesu, yana roƙonsa ya zo gidansa,
42 my only daughter, who is about twelve years old, because she is dying!” As Jesus went with him, many people crowded close to Jesus.
domin diyarsa ɗaya tak, wadda ta kai shekara goma sha biyu, tana bakin mutuwa. Da Yesu yake kan hanyarsa, taron mutane masu yawa suka yi ta matsa shi a kowane gefe.
43 Then a woman came near. She had been suffering from constant [vaginal] [EUP] bleeding for twelve years, but she could not be healed by anyone {no one could heal her}.
A wurin kuwa, akwai wata mace wadda tana da ciwon zubar da jini, har na shekara goma sha biyu, amma babu wanda ya iya warkar da ita.
44 She came behind [Jesus] and touched the edge of his robe [in order to be healed]. At once her bleeding stopped.
Sai ta zo ta bayansa, ta taɓa bakin rigarsa. Nan da nan, zubar da jininta ya tsaya.
45 Jesus said, “Who touched me?” When everyone said that they had not touched him, Peter said, “Lord, there is a large crowd of people around you [(sg)] and crowding against you, [so any one of them might have touched you]!”
Yesu ya yi tambaya, “Wa ya taɓa ni?” Bayan kowa ya yi musu, sai Bitrus ya ce, “Ubangiji, ai, mutane da yawa suna matsinka ta kowane gefe.”
46 But Jesus said, “[I know that] someone [deliberately] touched me, [because] my power has healed someone [who touched me].”
Amma Yesu ya ce, “Wani ya taɓa ni, na san cewa iko ya fita daga wurina.”
47 When the woman realized that she could not prevent [Jesus] (OR, [people]) from knowing that [she was healed], her body began to shake. [She was afraid that because she had disobeyed the law that a woman with such a condition should not touch others, Jesus might scold her for doing that]. She prostrated herself before Jesus. As the other people were listening, she told why she had touched him and how she had been healed immediately.
Sai macen, da ta ga ba halin ɓoyewa, sai ta fita, jikinta na rawa, ta fāɗi a gabansa. A gaban dukan mutanen, ta faɗi dalilin da ya sa ta taɓa shi, da yadda ta warke nan take.
48 [Jesus] said to her, “(Ma’am/My dear woman), because you believed [PRS] [that I could heal you, I] have healed you. Go [from here, and may you experience God’s] peace [within you].”
Sai Yesu ya ce mata, “Diyata, bangaskiyarki ta warkar da ke. Ki sauka lafiya.”
49 While he was still talking [to her], a man from Jairus’ house came and said to Jairus, “Your daughter has died. So (it is useless that you bother the teacher any longer [by urging him to go to your house]!/why do you bother the teacher any longer [by urging him to go to your house]?) [RHQ]”
Yayinda Yesu na cikin magana har yanzu, sai ga wani daga gidan Yayirus, mai mulkin majami’ar ya ce, “Kada ka ƙara damun malam, diyarka ta rasu.”
50 But when Jesus heard that, he said to Jairus, “Do not think that there is nothing more that can be done. Just believe that [I can help her. If you(sg) do that], she will live again.”
Da Yesu ya ji wannan, sai ya ce wa Yayirus, “Kada ka ji tsoro, ka gaskata, za a kuma warkar da ita.”
51 When they arrived outside Jairus’ house, Jesus allowed only Peter, John, James, and the girl’s mother and father to go in Jairus’ house with him.
Da ya iso gidan Yayirus, sai ya hana kowa yă bi shi cikin ɗakin, sai dai Bitrus, da Yohanna, da Yaƙub, da kuma mahaifin da mahaifiyar.
52 All the people [there] were crying and beating their chests [to show that they were sad]. But, [knowing that he would cause the girl to live again], he said to them, “Stop crying! She is not dead! She is [just] sleeping [MET]!”
Ana cikin haka, dukan mutanen kuma sai kuka da makoki suke ta yi, domin yarinyar. Sai Yesu ya ce, “Ka daina yin kuka, ba tă mutu ba, tana barci ne.”
53 The people laughed at him, because they knew that [the girl] was dead.
Sai suka yi masa dariya, da yake sun san cewa, ta mutu.
54 But [Jesus] took hold of her hand and called to her, saying, “Child, get up!”
Amma Yesu ya kama ta a hannu ya ce, “Diyata, tashi.”
55 At once her spirit returned [to her body] and she got up. Jesus immediately said, “Give her something to eat!”
Ruhunta ya dawo, kuma ta tashi, nan take. Yesu ya ce musu, su ba ta wani abu tă ci.
56 Her parents were amazed, but Jesus told them not to tell anyone [else yet] what had happened.
Iyayenta suka yi mamaki, amma ya ba su umarni kada su faɗa wa kowa abin da ya faru.

< Luke 8 >