< Luke 7 >

1 After Jesus finished saying this to the people, he went [with his disciples] to Capernaum [town].
А кад сврши све речи своје пред народом, дође у Капернаум.
2 There was a Roman army officer there who had a slave whom he thought highly of. This slave was so sick that he was about to die.
У капетана пак једног беше слуга болестан на умору који му беше мио.
3 When the officer heard about Jesus, he [summoned] some Jewish elders. He told them to go to Jesus and ask him to come and heal his slave.
А кад чу за Исуса, посла к Њему старешине јудејске молећи Га да би дошао да му исцели слугу.
4 When they came to where Jesus was, they earnestly asked Jesus [to return with them]. They said, “This officer deserves that you [(sg)] do this [for him],
А они дошавши к Исусу мољаху Га лепо говорећи: Достојан је да му то учиниш;
5 because he loves us [Jewish] people, and he [paid the money to] build a synagogue for us.”
Јер љуби народ наш, и начини нам зборницу.
6 So Jesus went with them. When he was near the [officer’s] house, the officer [decided that it was not necessary for Jesus to come to his house. So he] summoned some friends. He [told them to] go to Jesus and tell him this: “Lord/Sir, do not bother to come. [Because I am a non-Jew], I am not worthy for you [(sg)], [a Jew], to come into my house [MTY] [and associate with me].
А Исус иђаше с њима. И кад већ беху близу куће, посла капетан к Њему пријатеље говорећи Му: Господе! Не труди се, јер нисам достојан да уђеш под моју стреху;
7 I did not feel worthy to come to you, [either]. But [please] command [that] my servant [be healed], and he will become well!
Зато и не држах себе достојног да Ти дођем, него само реци реч, и оздравиће слуга мој.
8 [I believe this] because, as for me, there are people who have authority over me [and I obey them]. I also have soldiers under my [authority]. When I say to one of them, ‘Go!’ he goes. When I say to another ‘Come!’ he comes. When I say to my slave, ‘Do this!’ he does it. [And I believe that you speak with a similar kind of authority].”
Јер и ја сам човек под власти, и имам под собом војнике, па кажем једном: Иди, и иде; и другом: Дођи, и дође; и слузи свом: Учини то, и учини.
9 When [the officer’s friends arrived and] told that to Jesus, he marveled at what [the officer had said]. Then he turned and said to the crowd that was going with him, “I tell you, I have never before found anyone who trusted [in me like this non-Jewish man does]. No one from Israel, [where I would expect people to believe in me], has trusted in me like he has!”
А кад то чу Исус, зачуди му се, и окренувши се народу који иђаше за Њим рече: Кажем вам: ни у Израиљу толике вере не нађох.
10 When those men returned to the officer’s house, they found that the slave was well.
И вративши се послани нађоше болесног слугу здравог.
11 Soon after that, Jesus went to a town called Nain. His disciples and a large crowd [of other people] went with him.
И потом иђаше у град који се зови Наин, и с Њим иђаху многи ученици Његови и мноштво народа.
12 As they approached the town gate, the corpse of a young man who had just died was being carried out [on a stretcher] {[people] were carrying out [on a stretcher] the corpse of a young man who had just died}. His mother was a widow, and he was her only son. A large group of people from the town were accompanying them.
Кад се приближише к вратима градским, и гле, изношаху мртваца, јединца сина матере његове, и она беше удовица и народа из града много иђаше с њом.
13 When the Lord saw her, he pitied her. He said to her, “Do not cry!”
И видевши је Господ сажали Му се за њом, и рече јој: Не плачи.
14 Then, [ignoring the Jewish laws about not coming near a corpse], he came close and touched the stretcher [on which the body was lying]. So the men carrying it stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!”
И приступивши прихвати за сандук; а носиоци стадоше, и рече: Момче! Теби говорим, устани.
15 The man sat up and began to talk! Jesus returned him to his mother [to care for her].
И седе мртвац и стаде говорити; и даде га матери његовој.
16 Then everyone [there] was amazed/awestruck. They praised God, saying, “A great prophet has come among us!” They also said, “God has come to help his people!”
А страх обузе све, и хваљаху Бога говорећи: Велики пророк изиђе међу нама, и Бог походи народ свој.
17 [Then they] reported what Jesus [had done] throughout all of Judea [district] and other nearby areas.
И отиде глас овај о Њему по свој Јудеји и по свој околини.
18 The disciples of John [the Baptizer went to the prison where John was and] told him about those things.
И јавише Јовану ученици његови за све ово.
19 So [one day] John summoned two [of his disciples] and [told them] to go to the Lord and ask him: “Are you [the Messiah who the prophets prophesied would come], or is it someone else that we should expect [to come]?”
И дозвавши Јован два од ученика својих посла их к Исусу говорећи: Јеси ли ти Онај што ће доћи, или другог да чекамо?
20 When those two men came to Jesus, they said, “John the Baptizer sent us to ask you [(sg)] this: Are you [the Messiah that] we are expecting [God] to send, or shall we [(exc)] expect someone else?”
Дошавши пак људи к Њему рекоше: Јован крститељ посла нас к теби говорећи: Јеси ли ти Онај што ће доћи, или другог да чекамо?
21 At that very time Jesus was healing many people of their diseases and [other] sicknesses, he was [casting out] evil spirits, and he was causing many blind people to be able to see.
А у тај час исцели многе од болести и од мука и од злих духова, и многима слепима дарова вид.
22 So he answered those two men, “Go back and report to John what you have seen [me doing] and what you have heard [me telling people. I am enabling] blind people to see. [I am enabling] lame people to walk. [I am] healing people who have leprosy. [I am enabling] deaf people to hear. [I am causing] dead people to become alive again, [and I am] telling [God’s] good message to poor people.
И одговарајући Исус рече им: Идите и кажите Јовану шта видесте и чусте: слепи прогледају, хроми ходе, губави чисте се, глуви чују, мртви устају, сиромашнима проповеда се јеванђеље.
23 [Also tell John that God] is pleased with those who do not stop believing in me [because what I do is not what they expect the Messiah to do].”
И благо ономе који се не саблазни о мене.
24 When the men whom John had sent left, Jesus began to talk to the crowd of people about John. He said to them, “[Think about] what sort of person you went to see in the desolate area [when you went there to see John] [RHQ]. [You did not go there to listen to a man who constantly changed the nature of his message] [MET], [like] a reed that is blown back and forth by the wind [RHQ].
А кад отидоше ученици Јованови, поче народу говорити за Јована: Шта сте изишли у пустињи да видите? Трску, коју љуља ветар?
25 Then what kind of man did you go there to see [RHQ]? Was he [RHQ] a man who wore expensive clothes? No! [You know very well that] people who wear beautiful clothes and live in luxury are in kings’ palaces, [not in the desolate areas]!
Шта сте, дакле, изашли да видите? Човека у меке хаљине обучена? Ето, који господске хаљине носе и у сластима живе по царским су дворовима.
26 Then what [kind of person] did you go to see? [Did you] [RHQ] [go there to see John because he was] a prophet? Yes! But I will tell you that [John is] more [important] than an [ordinary] prophet.
Шта сте дакле изишли да видите? Пророка? Да, ја вам кажем, и више од пророка;
27 He is the one about whom [these words] that God said to the Messiah have been written {[the prophet Malachi] wrote [these words]} [in the Scriptures]: ‘Listen! I am going to send my messenger ahead of you [(sg)] [SYN]. He will prepare [people] for your coming.’
Јер је ово онај за кога је писано: Ето ја шаљем анђела свог пред лицем Твојим који ће приправити пут Твој пред Тобом.
28 I tell you that from among all the people who have ever lived, [God considers that] no one is greater than John. However, [God considers] everyone who has let God rule their [lives] [MET] to be greater than [John], [even if they are] insignificant [people].”
Јер вам кажем: Ниједан између рођених од жена није већи пророк од Јована крститеља; а најмањи у царству Божијем већи је од њега.
29 When they heard [what Jesus said] (OR, [what John preached]), all the people, including tax collectors, [whom many people despised], agreed that God’s way was right. By being baptized by John {By [letting] John baptize them}, [they had agreed that what God required people to do in order to be saved was right].
И сви људи који слушаху и цариници оправдаше Бога, и крстише се крштењем Јовановим;
30 But the Pharisees and the men who taught the [Jewish] laws were not baptized by John {did not [let] John baptize them} because they rejected what God wanted them to do.
А фарисеји и књижевници одбацише савет Божји за њих, И не хтеше да их он крсти.
31 [Then Jesus also said], “[Many of] you people have heard what [John and I] have taught. (I will illustrate what you are like./Do you know what [many of] you people who have heard what [John and I] have taught are like?) [RHQ]
А Господ рече: Какви ћу казати да су људи овог рода? И какви су?
32 You are like children who are [playing games] in an open area. [Some of them] are calling to [the others], saying, ‘We [(exc)] played happy music for you on the flute, but you did not dance! Then we sang sad funeral songs for you, but you did not cry!’
Они су као деца која седе по улицама и дозивају једно друго и говоре: Свирасмо вам, и не играсте, жалисмо вам се, и не плакасте.
33 [Similarly, you people are dissatisfied with both John the Baptizer and me]! When John came and [preached to you], he did not eat [ordinary] food [SYN] or drink wine, [like most people do]. But you [rejected him], saying, ‘A demon is controlling him!’
Јер дође Јован крститељ који ни једе хлеб ни пије вино, а ви кажете: Ђаво је у њему;
34 In [contrast], [I], the one who came from heaven, eat [the same food] and drink [wine as others do]. But you [reject me], saying, ‘Look! [This man] eats too much food and drinks too much wine, and he associates with tax collectors and [other] sinners!’
Дође Син човечији који и једе и пије, а ви кажете: Гле човека изелице и пијанице, друга цариницима и грешницима.
35 But those who are [truly God’s] children [PRS] realize that [what John and I do is truly] wise.”
И оправдаше премудрост сва деца њена.
36 [One day] one of the Pharisees [named Simon] invited Jesus to eat a meal with him. So Jesus went to the man’s house and reclined [to eat].
Мољаше Га пак један од фарисеја да би обедовао у њега; и ушавши у кућу фарисејеву седе за трпезу:
37 There was a woman in that city [who many people knew had been] a prostitute [EUP]. She heard that Jesus was eating in the Pharisee’s house. So she went there, taking a stone jar that contained perfume.
И гле, жена у граду која беше грешница дознавши да је Исус за трпезом у кући фарисејевој, донесе скленицу мира;
38 [As the people there were reclining to eat], the woman stood behind [Jesus, at his] feet. As she was crying [because she was sorry for her sins, her tears fell on Jesus’ feet]. Then she wiped his feet with her hair, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the perfume.
И ставши састраг код ногу Његових плакаше, и стаде прати ноге Његове сузама, и косом од своје главе отираше, и целиваше ноге Његове, и мазаше миром.
39 When the Pharisee who had invited [Jesus] saw that, he thought, “[Prophets know about other people’s lives], [so] if Jesus were a prophet, he would have known who this woman is who is touching him, and what kind of a person she is. He would have known that she is a prostitute! [EUP]”
А кад виде фарисеј који Га је дозвао, рече у себи говорећи: Да је он пророк, знао би ко и каква га се жена дотиче: јер је грешница.
40 Jesus said to him, “Simon, there is something I want to tell you [(sg)].” He replied, “Teacher, what is it?”
И одговарајући Исус рече му: Симоне! Имам ти нешто казати. А он рече: Учитељу! Кажи.
41 Jesus replied, “Two people owed some money to a man who [earned money by] lending [it to others]. One owed him 500 silver coins, and the other owed him 50 silver coins.
А Исус рече: Двојица беху дужни једном дужнику, један беше дужан пет стотина динара, а други педесет.
42 Neither of them was able to pay back [what he owed], so the man [very kindly] said that they did not have to pay back anything. So, which of those two men will love that man more?”
А кад они не имадоше да му врате, поклони обојици. Кажи који ће га од њих двојице већма љубити.
43 Simon replied, “I think that the one who owed the most money and did not have to pay it back [will love him more].” Jesus said to him, “That is correct.”
А Симон одговарајући рече: Мислим онај коме највише поклони. А Он му рече: Право си судио.
44 Then he turned toward the woman, and said to Simon, “(Think about [what] this woman [has done]!/Do you [(sg)] see [what] this woman [has done]?) [RHQ] When I entered your house, you [did not follow our custom of welcoming guests by] giving me any water [to wash] my feet, but this woman has wet my feet with her tears and then wiped them with her hair!
И окренувши се к жени рече Симону: Видиш ли ову жену? Ја уђох у твоју кућу, ни воде ми на ноге ниси дао; а она сузама обли ми ноге, и косом од главе своје отре.
45 You did not [follow our custom of greeting by] kissing me, but since I came in, this woman has not stopped kissing my feet!
Целива ми ниси дао; а она откако уђох не преста целивати ми ногу.
46 You did not [follow our custom of welcoming guests by] anointing my head with [olive] oil, but she has anointed my feet with fragrant perfume.
Уљем ниси помазао главе моје; а она миром помаза ми ноге.
47 So I will tell you that even though this woman has sinned very much, she has been forgiven {[I] have forgiven her}. [By what she has done she has shown that] she loves [me] very much. But a person who has [sinned] just a little bit, but whom [I] have forgiven, will love [me just a little bit].”
Зато кажем ти: опраштају јој се греси многи, јер је велику љубав имала; а коме се мало опрашта има малу љубав.
48 Then he said to the woman, “You have been forgiven {[I have] forgiven [you]} [for] your sins.”
А њој рече: Опраштају ти се греси.
49 Then those who were eating with him said among themselves, “(This man must [think that he is God]!/Who does this man [think that he] is [RHQ]), saying that he can forgive [people for] their sins?”
И стадоше у себи говорити они што сеђаху с Њим за трпезом: Ко је Овај што и грехе опрашта?
50 But Jesus said to the woman, “Because you have trusted [PRS] [in me, God] has saved you [from the guilt of your sins]. May [God] give you inner peace as you go!”
А жени рече: Вера твоја поможе ти; иди с миром.

< Luke 7 >