< Luke 5 >

1 One day while many people were crowding around him to hear the message from God, Jesus was standing on the shore of Gennesaret Lake, [which is also called Lake Galilee].
Es begab sich aber, da sich das Volk zu ihm drängte, zu hören das Wort Gottes, daß er stand am See Genezareth
2 He saw two [fishing] boats at the edge of the lake. The fishermen had gone out of the boats and were washing their [fishing] nets [on the shore]. One of the boats belonged to Simon.
und sah zwei Schiffe am See stehen, die Fischer aber waren ausgetreten und wuschen ihre Netze.
3 Jesus got in that boat and asked Simon to push the boat a little bit away from the shore [so that he could speak to the crowd more easily. Jesus] sat in the boat and taught the people [who were on the shore].
Da trat er in der Schiffe eines, welches Simons war, und bat ihn, daß er's ein wenig vom Lande führte. Und er setzte sich und lehrte das Volk aus dem Schiff.
4 After he finished speaking [to them], he said to Simon, “Push the boat out to where the water is deep. Then let your nets down [into the water] to catch [some fish]!”
Und als er hatte aufgehört zu reden, sprach er zu Simon: Fahre auf die Höhe und werfet eure Netze aus, daß ihr einen Zug tut.
5 Simon replied, “Master, we [(exc)] worked hard all night but we did not catch any [fish]. But because you [(sg)] tell me to do it, I will let down the nets.”
Und Simon antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Meister, wir haben die ganze Nacht gearbeitet und nichts gefangen, aber auf dein Wort will ich das Netz auswerfen.
6 When Peter [and the men with him] had done that, they caught so many fish that their nets were breaking.
Und da sie das taten, beschlossen sie eine große Menge Fische, und ihr Netz zerriß.
7 They motioned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. So they came and filled both the boats [with fish from the net]. The result was that the boats were so full that they began to sink.
Und sie winkten ihren Gesellen, die im andern Schiff waren, daß sie kämen und hülfen ihnen ziehen. Und sie kamen und füllten beide Schiffe voll, also daß sie sanken.
8 Simon and all the men who were with him were amazed at how many fish they had taken. James and John, the two sons of Zebedee, who were Simon’s partners, were among those who were amazed. When Simon, [whose other name was] Peter, saw [the fish, feeling ashamed to be in the presence of someone who obviously had God’s power], he prostrated himself before Jesus and said, “Lord, you should go away from me, because I am a sinful man!”
Da das Simon Petrus sah, fiel er Jesu zu den Knieen und sprach: HERR, gehe von mir hinaus! ich bin ein sündiger Mensch.
Denn es war ihn ein Schrecken angekommen, ihn und alle, die mit ihm waren, über diesen Fischzug, den sie miteinander getan hatten;
10 But Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid! [Up until now you(sg) have been gathering fish] [MET], but from now on you will gather people [to become my disciples].”
desgleichen auch Jakobus und Johannes, die Söhne des Zebedäus, Simons Gesellen. Und Jesus sprach zu Simon: Fürchte dich nicht; denn von nun an wirst du Menschen fangen.
11 So after they brought the boats to the shore, they left their business [HYP] [in the hands of others] and went with Jesus.
Und sie führten die Schiffe zu Lande und verließen alles und folgten ihm nach.
12 While [Jesus] was in one of the cities [there in the district of Galilee], there was a man there who was very severely affected by leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he prostrated himself before him and, [wanting Jesus to heal him], pleaded with him, “Lord/Sir, [please heal me, because] you are able to heal me if you are willing to!”
Und es begab sich, da er in einer Stadt war, siehe, da war ein Mann voll Aussatz. Da der Jesum sah, fiel er auf sein Angesicht und bat ihn und sprach: HERR, willst du, so kannst du mich reinigen.
13 [Then Jesus, disregarding the religious law that forbade people to come close to lepers], reached out his hand and touched the man. He said, “I am willing [to heal you]; and I heal you now!” Immediately the man [was healed]. He was no longer a leper [PRS]!
Und er streckte die Hand aus und rührte ihn an und sprach: Ich will's tun; sei gereinigt! Und alsobald ging der Aussatz von ihm.
14 Then Jesus told him, “Make sure that you do not report [your healing immediately. First, go to a priest in Jerusalem] and show yourself to him [so that he can examine you and verify that you no longer have leprosy]. After the priest tells [the local people], they will know that [you have been healed, and you will be able to associate with them again]. Also take to the priest [the offering] that Moses commanded [that people who have been healed from leprosy should offer].”
Und er gebot ihm, daß er's niemand sagen sollte; sondern “gehe hin und zeige dich dem Priester und opfere für deine Reinigung, wie Mose geboten, ihnen zum Zeugnis”.
15 But many people heard the man’s report of what [Jesus had done]. The result was that large crowds came to Jesus to hear his [message] and to be healed of their sicknesses {so that he would heal their sicknesses}.
Es kam aber die Sage von ihm immer weiter aus, und kam viel Volks zusammen, daß sie ihn hörten und durch ihn gesund würden von ihren Krankheiten.
16 But he often would go away from them to the desolate area and pray.
Er aber entwich in die Wüste und betete.
17 One day when [Jesus] was teaching, some men from the Pharisee [sect] were sitting there. Some of them were men who taught the [Jewish] laws. They had come from many [HYP] villages in Galilee [district] and also from Jerusalem and from [other] villages in Judea [district]. [At that time while] God was giving Jesus power to heal people,
Und es begab sich auf einen Tag, daß er lehrte; und es saßen da die Pharisäer und Schriftgelehrten, die da gekommen waren aus allen Märkten in Galiläa und Judäa und von Jerusalem. Und die Kraft des HERRN ging von ihm, und er half jedermann.
18 several men brought on a sleeping pad a man who was paralyzed. They wanted to bring him into [the house] and lay him in front of Jesus.
Und, siehe, etliche Männer brachten einen Menschen auf seinem Bette, der war gichtbrüchig; und sie suchten, wie sie ihn hineinbrächten und vor ihn legten.
19 But there was no way to do that because of the large crowd of people, so they went up [the steps] onto the roof. They tied ropes onto the sleeping pad and, after [removing some of] the tiles on the roof, they lowered the man [on] the sleeping pad. They lowered him through the opening into the midst of the crowd in front of Jesus.
Und da sie vor dem Volk nicht fanden, an welchen Ort sie ihn hineinbrächten, stiegen sie auf das Dach und ließen ihn durch die Ziegel hernieder mit dem Bettlein mitten unter sie, vor Jesum.
20 When Jesus perceived that they believed that [he could heal the man], he said to him, “My friend, [I] forgive your sins!”
Und da er ihren Glauben sah, sprach er zu ihm: Mensch, deine Sünden sind dir vergeben.
21 The men who taught the [Jewish] laws and the rest of the Pharisees began to think within themselves, “Who does this man [think he is, saying] that? He is insulting God! (Nobody can forgive sins!/What person can forgive sins?) [RHQ] Only God can do that!”
Und die Schriftgelehrten und Pharisäer fingen an, zu denken und sprachen: Wer ist der, daß er Gotteslästerungen redet? Wer kann Sünden vergeben denn allein Gott?
22 Jesus perceived what they were thinking. So he said to them, “(You should not think that way [about what I said]!/Why do you question within yourselves [about what I said]?) [RHQ] [Consider this]:
Da aber Jesus ihre Gedanken merkte, antwortete er und sprach zu ihnen: Was denket ihr in euren Herzen?
23 It would [not] be risky [for someone] to say [to this man], ‘[I] forgive your sins,’ [because no one could see whether or not his sins were really forgiven. But no one] [RHQ], [without having the power to heal], would say to [him], ‘Get up and walk!’ [because people could easily see whether he was healed or not].
Welches ist leichter: zu sagen: Dir sind deine Sünden vergeben, oder zu sagen: Stehe auf und wandle?
24 But [as a result of my healing this man] you [(pl)] will know that [God] has authorized [me], the one who came from heaven, to forgive the sins [of people while I am on] the earth, [as well as to heal people].” Then he said to the man who was paralyzed, “To you I say, ‘Get up, pick up your sleeping pad, and go home!’”
Auf das ihr aber wisset, daß des Menschen Sohn Macht hat, auf Erden Sünden zu vergeben, (sprach er zu dem Gichtbrüchigen): Ich sage dir stehe auf und hebe dein Bettlein auf und gehe heim!
25 Immediately the man [was healed]. He stood up in front of them. He picked up the [sleeping pad] on which he had been lying, and went home, praising God.
Und alsbald stand er auf vor ihren Augen und hob das Bettlein auf, darauf er gelegen hatte, und ging heim und pries Gott.
26 All the people [there] were amazed! They praised God and were completely awestruck. They kept saying, “We [(inc)] have seen wonderful things today!”
Und sie entsetzten sich alle und priesen Gott und wurden voll Furcht und sprachen: Wir haben heute seltsame Dinge gesehen.
27 Then [Jesus] left [the town] and saw a man who collected taxes [for the Roman government]. His name was Levi. He was sitting in the booth where he collected the taxes. Jesus said to him, “Come with me [and become my disciple]!”
Und darnach ging er aus und sah einen Zöllner mit Namen Levi am Zoll sitzen und sprach zu ihm: Folge mir nach!
28 So Levi left his work [HYP] and went with Jesus.
Und er verließ alles, stand auf und folgte ihm nach.
29 Afterwards, Levi prepared a big feast in his own house [for Jesus and his disciples]. There was a large group of tax collectors and others eating together with them.
Und Levi richtete ihm ein großes Mahl zu in seinem Hause, und viele Zöllner und andere saßen mit ihm zu Tisch.
30 The men who were there who taught the [Jewish] laws, ones who belonged to the Pharisee [sect], complained to Jesus’ disciples, saying, “([It is disgusting that] you are eating with tax collectors and [others who we(exc) consider to be] sinners!/Why are you eating with tax collectors [and others who we(exc) consider to be] sinners?)” [RHQ]
Und die Schriftgelehrten und Pharisäer murrten wider seine Jünger und sprachen: Warum esset und trinket ihr mit den Zöllnern und Sündern?
31 Then, [to indicate that it was those who knew that they had sinned who were coming to him for help], Jesus said to them, “[It is] people who are sick who need a doctor, not those who are well [MET].
Und Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihnen: Die Gesunden bedürfen des Arztes nicht, sondern die Kranken.
32 [Similarly], I did not come [from heaven] to invite [those who think they are] righteous [to come to me]. On the contrary, [I came to invite those who know that they are] sinners to turn from their sinful behavior [and come to me].”
Ich bin gekommen zu rufen die Sünder zur Buße, und nicht die Gerechten.
33 [Those Jewish leaders] said to Jesus, “The disciples of John [the Baptizer] often abstain from food [to show that they want to please God], and the disciples of the Pharisees do that, too. But your disciples keep on eating and drinking! [Why do not they fast like the others]?”
Und sie sprachen zu ihm: Warum fasten des Johannes Jünger so oft und beten so viel, desgleichen der Pharisäer Jünger; aber deine Jünger essen und trinken?
34 [To show them that it was not appropriate for his disciples to be sad and abstain from food while he was still with them] [MET], Jesus said to them, “When (the bridegroom/man who is getting married) is with [his friends at the time of the wedding], you certainly do not make his friends abstain from food, do you [RHQ]? [No, you do not do that].
Er sprach aber zu ihnen: Ihr könnt die Hochzeitleute nicht zu fasten treiben, solange der Bräutigam bei ihnen ist.
35 [But] some day he will be taken away {[his enemies] will take him away} from them. Then, at that time, his friends will abstain from food, [because they will be sad].”
Es wird aber die Zeit kommen, daß der Bräutigam von ihnen genommen wird; dann werden sie fasten.
36 Then Jesus told them two parables [to show them that those who desire to live according to God’s new message should not be forced to obey the old religious traditions like] ([fasting/abstaining from food]), [and that those who know only the old traditions are not eager to accept new ones] [MET]. He said, “People never tear a piece of cloth from a new garment and attach it to an old garment [to mend it]. If they did that, not only would they be ruining the new garment by tearing it, but the new piece of cloth would not match the old garment.
Und er sagte zu ihnen ein Gleichnis: Niemand flickt einen Lappen von einem neuen Kleid auf ein altes Kleid; sonst zerreißt er das neue, und der Lappen vom neuen reimt sich nicht auf das alte.
37 Neither does anyone put freshly-[squeezed] grape juice into old skin bags [to store it]. If anyone did that, the grape juice would burst the skin bags [because they would not stretch when the] new [wine ferments and expands. Then] the skin bags would be ruined, and [the wine] would [also] be spilled.
Und niemand faßt Most in alte Schläuche; sonst zerreißt der Most die Schläuche und wird verschüttet, und die Schläuche kommen um.
38 On the contrary, new wine must be put into new wineskins.
Sondern den Most soll man in neue Schläuche fassen, so werden sie beide erhalten.
39 Furthermore, those who have drunk [only] old wine [are content with that]. They do not want to drink the new wine, because they say, ‘The old wine is [MET] fine!’”
Und niemand ist, der vom alten trinkt und wolle bald den neuen; denn er spricht: Der alte ist milder.

< Luke 5 >