< Luke 23 >

1 Then the whole group got up and took Jesus to Pilate, [the Roman governor].
Andin [kengǝxmidikilǝrning] ⱨǝmmisi ornidin turuxup, uni [waliy] Pilatusning aldiƣa elip berixti.
2 They began to accuse Jesus, saying, “We [(exc)] have determined that this fellow has caused political trouble in our country. He has been [telling people that they should] not pay taxes to the Roman government [MTY]. Also, he says that he is the Messiah, a king!”
U yǝrdǝ ular uning üstidin xikayǝt ⱪilip: — Ɵzini Mǝsiⱨ, yǝni padixaⱨ dǝp atiwelip, hǝlⱪimizni azdurup wǝ ⱪutritip, Ⱪǝysǝrgǝ baj-seliⱪ tapxuruxni tosⱪan bu adǝmni bayⱪap uni tuttuⱪ, — deyixti.
3 Pilate asked him, “Do you [(sg) claim that you are] the King of the Jews?” He replied, “[It is] as you have [just] now said.”
Pilatus uningdin: — Sǝn Yǝⱨudiylarning padixaⱨimusǝn? — dǝp soridi. U: — Eytⱪiningdǝk, — dǝp jawab bǝrdi.
4 Pilate said to the chief priests and [the rest of] the crowd, “I do not conclude that this man is guilty of any crime.”
Andin Pilatus bax kaⱨinlar bilǝn kɵpqilikkǝ: — Bu adǝmdin birǝr xikayǝt ⱪilƣudǝk ixni tapalmidim, — dedi.
5 But they kept insisting, “He is inciting the people [to riot]! He has been teaching his [ideas] throughout all of Judea [district]. He started [doing it] in Galilee [district] and now he is doing it here!”
Lekin ular tehimu ⱪǝt’iy ⱨalda: — U Galiliyǝdin tartip taki bu yǝrgiqǝ, pütkül Yǝⱨudiyǝdimu tǝlim berix bilǝn hǝlⱪni ⱪutritidu.
6 When Pilate heard that, he asked, “Is this man from Galilee [district]?”
Pilatus «Galiliyǝ» degǝn sɵzni anglap: — Bu kixi Galiliyǝlikmu? — dǝp soridi
7 When they told him that Jesus was [from Galilee, which was the district] that Herod [Antipas] ruled, [he told them] to take Jesus to Herod [Antipas], because Herod was in Jerusalem at that time.
wǝ uning Ⱨerod [hanning] idarǝ kilƣan ɵlkidin kǝlgǝnlikidin hǝwǝr tepip, uni Ⱨerodⱪa yollap bǝrdi (u künlǝrdǝ Ⱨerodmu Yerusalemda idi).
8 [So they did]. When Herod saw Jesus, he was very happy. He [had heard about Jesus], and he had been hoping for a long time that he could see Jesus perform a miracle.
Ⱨerod Əysani kɵrgǝndǝ intayin huxal boldi. Qünki u uzundin beri uningƣa dair kɵp ixlarni anglap, uningdin bir mɵjizǝ kɵrüx ümididǝ bolup, uni kɵrüx pursitini izdǝwatatti.
9 So he asked Jesus many questions, but Jesus did not reply [to any of them].
U Əysadin kɵp soallarni soridi, lekin u Ⱨerodⱪa bir eƣizmu jawab bǝrmidi.
10 The chief priests and men who taught the [Jewish] laws stood near Jesus, accusing him very strongly.
Bax kaⱨinlar wǝ Tǝwrat ustazliri yeⱪin turup uning üstidin ⱨǝ dǝp ǝrz-xikayǝt ⱪiliwatatti.
11 Then Herod and his soldiers (made fun of/ridiculed) [Jesus]. They put gorgeous clothes on him [to mock him as being a king]. Then Herod sent him back to Pilate.
Ⱨerod han wǝ uning lǝxkǝrliri uni harlap mǝshirǝ ⱪilixip, uningƣa xaⱨanǝ ton-kiyim kiydürüp, uni yǝnǝ Pilatusning aldiƣa ⱪayturup yollidi.
12 Until that time Herod and Pilate had been very hostile to each other, but that very day they became friends.
Mana xu kündin baxlap, Pilatus bilǝn Ⱨerod dost bolup ⱪaldi; qünki ilgiri ular arisida adawǝt bolƣanidi.
13 Pilate then gathered together the chief priests and other [Jewish] leaders and the crowd [that was still there].
Waliy Pilatus bax kaⱨinlarni, [Yǝⱨudiy] ⱨɵkümdarlarni wǝ halayiⱪni yiƣip,
14 He said to them, “You brought this man to me, saying that he had caused trouble among the people. But [I want you to know that] after having examined him while you were listening, I do not conclude that he is guilty of any of the things that you are accusing him about.
ularƣa: — Silǝr bu adǝmning üstidin «Hǝlⱪni azduridu wǝ ⱪutritidu» dǝp xikayǝt ⱪilip uni aldimƣa tartip kǝldinglar. Mana, mǝn silǝrning aldinglarda uni soraⱪ ⱪilƣinim bilǝn, uningdin silǝr xikayǝt ⱪilƣan jinayǝtlǝrdin birinimu tapalmidim.
15 [Obviously] Herod did not [conclude that] either, because he sent him back to me [without punishing him]. [So it] is clear that this man has not done anything for which we [(inc)] should kill him.
Ⱨerodmu tapmidi; qünki mǝn silǝrni uning aldiƣa ǝwǝttim. Mana, uningda ɵlümgǝ layiⱪ ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ jinayǝt yoⱪ ikǝn.
16 So I will [have my soldiers] flog him and then release him.”
Xunga mǝn uni jazalap, andin ⱪoyup berimǝn, — dedi
(uning ⱨǝr ⱪetimliⱪ [ɵtüp ketix] ⱨeytida, [Yǝⱨudiy] [mǝⱨbuslardin] birini ularƣa ⱪoyup berix mǝjburiyiti bar idi).
18 But the whole crowd shouted, “Execute this man! Release Barrabas for us [(exc)]!”
Lekin kɵpqilik tǝngla quⱪan selixip: — Buni yoⱪiting! Bizgǝ Barabbasni ⱪoyup bering! — deyixti
19 Barrabas was a man who had tried to persuade people in the city to rebel [against the Roman government. While doing that], he had murdered [someone]. So he had been put {they had put him} in prison, [where he was waiting to be executed].
(Barabbas bolsa xǝⱨǝrdǝ topilang kɵtürgǝnliki wǝ ⱪatilliⱪ ⱪilƣanliⱪi üqün zindanƣa taxlanƣan mǝⱨbus idi).
20 Because Pilate wanted to release Jesus, he tried to persuade the crowd again.
Xuning bilǝn Pilatus Əysani ⱪoyup berixni halap, kɵpqilikkǝ yǝnǝ sɵz ⱪilƣili turdi.
21 But they kept shouting, “[Command your soldiers to] kill him by nailing him to a cross!/Have him crucified!”
Lekin ular jawabǝn yǝnǝ quⱪan selixip: — Krestligin, uni krestligin! — dǝp warⱪiraxti.
22 He [spoke to them] a third time and asked them, “Why? What crime has he committed? I have concluded that he has done nothing for which he deserves to die. So I will [have my soldiers] flog him and then release him.”
[Pilatus] üqinqi ⱪetim ularƣa: — Nemixⱪa? U zadi nemǝ yamanliⱪ ⱪilƣan? Mǝn uningdin ɵlümgǝ layiⱪ ⱨeq jinayǝt tapalmidim. Xuning üqün mǝn uni jazalap, ⱪoyup berimǝn, — dedi.
23 But they kept insisting. They shouted loudly that [Jesus] should be nailed {that [Pilate] should [have his soldiers] nail [Jesus]} to a cross. Finally, because they continued to shout [PRS] [so loudly],
Biraⱪ ular yǝnila ⱨǝ dǝp quⱪan selixip: «U krestlǝnsun!» dǝp tǝlǝp ⱪilip qing turuwaldi. Ularning ⱨǝmdǝ bax kaⱨinlarning quⱪanliri ahir küqlük kǝldi.
24 Pilate decided to do what the crowd requested.
Pilatus ularning tǝlipi boyiqǝ ada ⱪilinsun dǝp ⱨɵküm qiⱪardi.
25 The man who had been {whom they had} put in prison because he had rebelled [against the government] and who had murdered [someone], he released! That was the man whom the crowd had asked him [to release]. He handed Jesus over [to the soldiers], to do what [the crowd] wanted.
Wǝ ularning tiliginini, yǝni topilang kɵtürüx wǝ ⱪatilliⱪ üqün zindanƣa taxlanƣanni ⱪoyup berip, Əysani ularning haⱨixiƣa tapxurup bǝrdi.
26 As the soldiers were taking [Jesus] away, they seized a man named Simon, [who was] from Cyrene [city in Africa]. He was returning [to Jerusalem] from out in the countryside. They [took from Jesus the cross that he had been carrying. Then] they put it on Simon’s shoulders, and [told him to] carry it behind Jesus.
Wǝ ular uni elip ketiwatⱪanda, yolda Kurini xǝⱨirilik Simon isimlik bir kixi sǝⱨradin keliwatatti; ular uni tutuwelip, krestni uningƣa kɵtürgüzüp, Əysaning kǝynidin mangdurdi.
27 A large crowd followed Jesus. The crowd included many women who were beating their breasts [to show how sad they were], and wailing for him.
Əysaning kǝynidǝ zor bir top hǝlⱪ, xundaⱪla uningƣa eqinip yiƣa-zar kɵtürüxiwatⱪan ayallarmu ǝgixip keliwatatti.
28 But Jesus turned to them and said, “You women of Jerusalem, do not cry for me! Instead, cry because of [what is going to happen to] yourselves and your children!
Lekin Əysa kǝynigǝ burulup ularƣa: — Əy Yerusalemning ⱪizliri! Mǝn üqün yiƣlimanglar, bǝlki ɵzünglar wǝ baliliringlar üqün yiƣlanglar!
29 I want you to know that there will soon be a time when people will say, ‘Women [SYN] who have never borne children or nursed babies are fortunate!’
Qünki silǝrgǝ xundaⱪ eƣir künlǝr keliduki, kixilǝr: «Tuƣmaslar, bala kɵtürmigǝn ⱪorsaⱪlar wǝ emitmigǝn ǝmqǝklǝr bǝhtliktur!» — deyixidu.
30 Then, [in order that they will not have to suffer greatly when their enemies destroy this city], people who are left in the city will say to the mountains, ‘Fall down on us!’ And people will say to the hills, ‘Cover us!’
Xu qaƣda kixilǝr taƣlarƣa: «Üstimizgǝ ɵrül!», dɵnglüklǝrgǝ: «üstimizni yap!» dǝp nida ⱪilixidu.
31 [I am innocent] [MET]. [I am like] a living tree [that people do not try to burn. But the people of Jerusalem deserve that their enemies punish them. They are like] dry wood that is ready to [burn]. So if they [nail me to the cross], ([their enemies] will certainly do much worse things to them!/what worse things will happen to them?) [RHQ]”
Qünki adǝmlǝr yapyexil dǝrǝhkǝ xundaⱪ ixlarni ⱪilƣan yǝrdǝ, ⱪurup kǝtkǝn dǝrǝhkǝ nemǝ ixlar bolar?! — dedi.
32 Two other men who were criminals were also being led away {[The soldiers] also led away two other men who were criminals}. They were going to be executed {[The soldiers] were going to execute them} [with Jesus].
Ikki jinayǝtqimu ɵlümgǝ mǝⱨkum ⱪilinƣili uning bilǝn tǝng elip kelingǝnidi.
33 When they came to the place which is called ‘The Skull’, they nailed [Jesus] to a cross [after removing his clothes]. They did the same thing to the two criminals. They crucified one at the right [side of Jesus] and one at his left [side].
Wǝ ular «bax sɵngǝk» dǝp atalƣan jayƣa kǝlgǝndǝ, u yǝrdǝ uni wǝ yǝnǝ ikki jinayǝtqini, birini uning ong yenida wǝ yǝnǝ birini sol yenida krestkǝ tartti.
34 Jesus prayed, “[My] Father, forgive them, because they do not realize [whom] they are doing [this to]!” Then [the soldiers] divided Jesus’ clothing by gambling with something like dice, [to decide which piece of clothing each one would get].
Əysa: — I Ata, ularni kǝqürgin, qünki ular ɵzining nemǝ ⱪiliwatⱪanliⱪini bilmǝydu, — dedi. [Lǝxkǝrlǝr] qǝk taxlap, uning kiyimlirini bɵlüxüwaldi.
35 Many people stood nearby, watching. And the [Jewish] leaders (made fun of/ridiculed) [Jesus], saying, “He [said] [IRO] [that he] saved other people! If he is the Messiah, the one God has chosen, he should save himself!”
Halayiⱪ ⱪarap turatti, Yǝⱨudiy ⱨɵkümdarlarmu yenida turup uningƣa dimiƣini ⱪeⱪip mǝshirǝ ⱪilip: Baxⱪilarni ⱪutⱪuzuptikǝn! Əgǝr u rasttin Hudaning Mǝsiⱨi, Uning talliwalƣini bolsa, ɵzini ⱪutⱪuzup baⱪsun! — deyixti.
36 The soldiers also ridiculed him because he [claimed to be a king]. They came up to him and offered him some sour wine.
Lǝxkǝrlǝrmu uni mǝshirǝ ⱪilixip, yeniƣa berip uningƣa sirkǝ tǝnglǝp:
37 They said to him, “If you [(sg)] are the King of the Jews, save yourself!”
— Əgǝr sǝn Yǝⱨudiylarning Padixaⱨi bolsang, ɵzüngni ⱪutⱪuzup baⱪ! — deyixti.
38 [They] also [fastened on the cross] a sign [that stated] why [they] were nailing him to the cross. [But all it said was], ‘This is the King of the Jews’.
Uning üstidiki [tahtayƣa] grekqǝ, latinqǝ wǝ ibraniyqǝ ⱨǝrplǝr bilǝn: «Bu kixi Yǝⱨudiylarning Padixaⱨidur» dǝp yezip ⱪoyulƣanidi.
39 One of the criminals who was hanging [on a cross] began to insult Jesus, saying, “You [(sg) said that you] are the Messiah, so [you must be powerful]! So save yourself, and save us, too!”
Uning bilǝn billǝ krestkǝ tartilƣan ikki jinayǝtqining biri uni ⱨaⱪarǝtlǝp: — Sǝn Mǝsiⱨ ǝmǝsmiding? Əmdi ɵzüngnimu, biznimu ⱪutⱪuzǝ! — dedi.
40 But the other [criminal] rebuked him, saying, “(You [(sg)] should be afraid of God [punishing you]!/Are you not afraid of God [punishing you]?) [RHQ] They are punishing him [and us] similarly.
Biraⱪ yǝnǝ biri uning gepigǝ tǝnbiⱨ berip: Sǝn ɵzüng ohxax ⱨɵkümning tegidǝ turup Hudadin ⱪorⱪmamsǝn?
41 They have justly decided that we [(inc) two] must die. They are punishing us as we deserve [for the evil things that we did]. But this man has done nothing wrong!”
Bizning jazaliniximiz ⱨǝⱪliⱪ, qünki ɵz ⱪilmixlirimizning tegixlik jazasini tarttuⱪ; lekin bu kixi ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ natoƣra ix ⱪilmiƣanƣu! — dǝp jawab bǝrdi.
42 Then he said, “Jesus, [please] remember me [and take care of me] when you become king!”
Andin, u Əysaƣa: — I Rǝb, padixaⱨliⱪing bilǝn kǝlginingdǝ, meni yad ⱪilƣin, — dedi.
43 Jesus replied, “I want you [(sg)] to know that today you [(sg)] will be with me in the place where everyone is happy!” (OR, that today you will be with me in Paradise!)
Əysa uningƣa: — Bǝrⱨǝⱪ, mǝn sanga eytayki, bügün sǝn mǝn bilǝn billǝ jǝnnǝttǝ bolisǝn, — dedi.
44 [Then it] was about noontime. It became dark over the whole land, [and it stayed dark] until three o’clock in the afternoon.
Ⱨazir altinqi saǝt bolup, pütün zeminni toⱪⱪuzinqi saǝtkiqǝ ⱪarangƣuluⱪ basti.
45 There was no light from the sun. Then the [thick] curtain [that closed off the most holy place] in the Temple split into two pieces. [That signified that ordinary people could now go into the presence of God].
Ⱪuyax nurini bǝrmidi wǝ ibadǝthanining pǝrdisi tosattin otturisidin yirtilip ikki parqǝ bolup kǝtti.
46 [As that happened], Jesus shouted loudly, “Father, I put my spirit into your care [MTY]!” When he said that, he [EUP] died.
Əysa ⱪattiⱪ awaz bilǝn nida ⱪilƣandin keyin: — I Ata! Roⱨimni ⱪolungƣa tapxurdum, — dedi-dǝ, tiniⱪi tohtap, jan üzdi.
47 When the officer [who supervised the soldiers who were executing Jesus] saw what happened, he praised God [for the way Jesus died], saying, “[I am] sure that this man had done nothing wrong!”
U yǝrdǝ turƣan yüzbexi yüz bǝrgǝn ixlarni kɵrüp: — Bu adǝm ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtǝn durus adǝm ikǝn! — dǝp Hudani uluƣlidi.
48 When the crowd of people who had gathered to see those events saw what happened, they returned [to their homes], beating their chests [to show that they were sorrowful].
Wǝ bu mǝnzirini kɵrüxkǝ yiƣilƣan barliⱪ hǝlⱪ yüz bǝrgǝn ixlarni kɵrüp kɵkrǝklirigǝ urup ɵylirigǝ ⱪaytixti.
49 All of Jesus’ friends, including the women who had come with him from Galilee [district], stood at a distance and saw everything that happened.
Wǝ uni tonuydiƣan barliⱪ kixilǝr wǝ Galiliyǝdin uningƣa ǝgixip kǝlgǝn ayallar yiraⱪta turup, bu wǝⱪǝlǝrgǝ ⱪarap turdi.
50 There was a man named Joseph who [came there]. He was from the town of Arimathea in Judea. He was a good and a righteous man, and he was a member of the [Jewish] Council.
Wǝ mana xu yǝrdǝ kengǝxmidikilǝrdin Yüsüp isimlik biri bar idi. U ɵzi aⱪkɵngül wǝ adil adǝm bolup, ularning mǝsliⱨǝtigǝ wǝ ⱪilƣiniƣa ⱪoxulmiƣanidi. Ɵzi Yǝⱨudiyǝ ɵlkisidiki Arimatiya degǝn bir xǝⱨǝrdin bolup, Hudaning padixaⱨliⱪini tǝlmürüp kütǝtti.
51 But he had not agreed with the other Council [members] when they decided [to kill Jesus] and when they [planned how to] do it. He was waiting expectantly for [the time when] God [would send] his king to begin to rule.
52 He went to Pilate and asked [Pilate to permit him] to [take] Jesus’ body [and bury it. After Pilate allowed him to do that],
U ɵzi Pilatusning aldiƣa berip Əysaning jǝsitini berixni tǝlǝp ⱪildi;
53 he [and some others] took [Jesus’ body] down [from the cross]. They wrapped it in a linen cloth. Then they put his body in a tomb that he had [hired others to] dig out of a rock [cliff]. No one had ever put a body in it before.
Wǝ uni kresttin qüxürüp kanap bilǝn kepǝnlǝp, ⱪoram taxtin oyup yasalƣan, ⱨeqkim ⱪoyulmiƣan bir ⱪǝbrigǝ dǝpnǝ ⱪildi.
54 [They had to do it quickly because] that was [Friday], the day when [people] prepared [things for the Jewish day of rest]. (The Sabbath/The day of rest) was about to start [at sunset, so they had to finish burying Jesus’ body before sunset].
Bu «tǝyyarliⱪ küni» bolup, xabat küni yeⱪinlixip ⱪalƣanidi.
55 The women who had come with [Jesus] from Galilee [district] followed [Joseph and the men who were with him]. They saw the tomb, and they saw how the men laid [Jesus’] body [inside it, and saw the men roll a huge stone across the entrance].
Wǝ uning bilǝn Galiliyǝdin kǝlgǝn ayallar [Yüsüpkǝ] ǝgixip, ⱪǝbrini wǝ uning jǝsǝtining ⱪandaⱪ ⱪoyulƣinini kɵrdi.
56 Then the women returned to the houses [where they were staying. That evening] they prepared spices and ointments to put [on Jesus’ body], but (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day) they rested, according to what [Moses] had commanded.
Andin yenip berip ǝtirlǝr wǝ hux puraⱪliⱪ buyumlarni tǝyyar ⱪildi wǝ [Tǝwrattiki] ǝmr boyiqǝ xabat küni aram elixti.

< Luke 23 >