< Luke 22 >

1 It was now almost time to celebrate the festival of Unleavened Bread, which [began with] the Passover festival.
Приближаваше се пак празник пријесних хлебова који се зове пасха.
2 The chief priests and the men who taught the [Jewish] laws were seeking a way to kill Jesus. [But they wanted to do it secretly], because they were afraid that if [they did not do] it secretly, the people [might riot].
И гледаху главари свештенички и књижевници како би Га убили; али се бојаху народа.
3 Then [even though] Judas, who was called [the man from] Kerioth [village], was one of the twelve [disciples], Satan entered him.
А сотона уђе у Јуду, који се зваше Искариот, и који беше један од дванаесторице.
4 Judas went and conferred with the chief priests and the officers of the Temple guards. He discussed with them how he could enable them to seize [Jesus].
И отишавши говори с главарима свештеничким и са старешинама како ће им Га издати.
5 They were pleased [that he wanted to do that]. They offered to give him money [for doing it].
И они се обрадоваше, и уговорише да му даду новце.
6 So he agreed, [and they gave him the money]. Then he tried to find an opportunity to enable them to seize [Jesus] when there was no crowd around him.
И он се обрече, и тражаше згодно време да им Га преда тајно од народа.
7 Then the day during the [first part of the week-long festival] of Unleavened Bread came, [the day] when [the] lambs [for the] Passover [celebration] had to be killed.
А дође дан пресних хлебова у који требаше клати пасху;
8 So Jesus said to Peter and John, “Go and prepare the meal for the Passover [celebration].”
И посла Петра и Јована рекавши: Идите уготовите нам пасху да једемо.
9 They replied to him, “Where do you [(sg)] want us to prepare it?”
А ови Му рекоше: Где хоћеш да уготовимо?
10 He said to the [two of] them, “Listen carefully. When you [two] enter the city, a man who is carrying a [large] jar of water will meet you. Follow him. [When] he enters [a house],
А Он им рече: Ето кад уђете у град, срешће вас човек који носи воду у крчагу; идите за њим у кућу у коју он уђе,
11 tell the owner of the house, ‘[Our] teacher says [that we(exc) should] ask [you(sg) to please] show [us] the room that [he arranged with you] where he can eat the Passover [meal] with [us], his disciples [RHQ].’
И кажите домаћину: Учитељ вели: где је гостионица где ћу јести пасху с ученицима својим?
12 He will show you a large room that is on the upper [floor of the house]. It will be all set up [for a meal]. Prepare the meal for us there.”
И он ће вам показати велику собу прострту; онде уготовите.
13 So [the two disciples] went [into the city]. They found everything to be just like [Jesus] had told them. So they prepared [the meal for] the Passover [celebration there].
А они отидоше и нађоше као што им каза; и уготовише пасху.
14 When it was time [MTY] [to eat the Passover meal], Jesus [came and] sat down with the [twelve] apostles.
И кад дође час, седе за трпезу, и дванаест апостола с Њим.
15 He said to them, “I have greatly desired to eat this Passover [meal] with you before I suffer [and die].
И рече им: Врло сам желео да ову пасху једем с вама пре него пострадам;
16 I want you to know that I will not eat [the Passover meal] again until all those whose lives God rules completely realize [what it represents].”
Јер вам кажем да је одселе нећу јести док се не сврши у царству Божијем.
17 Then he took a cup [of wine] and thanked [God for it]. Then he said, “Take this, and each of you drink some of it.
И узевши чашу даде хвалу, и рече: Узмите је и разделите међу собом;
18 I want you to know that [from now on] I will not drink wine until God makes me king.”
Јер вам кажем да нећу пити од рода виноградског док не дође царство Божије.
19 Then he took some bread and thanked God for it. He broke it [into pieces] and gave it to them [to eat]. He said, “This [bread represents] my body, which [I] am about to sacrifice for you. Keep on [eating bread] this way [regularly] to remember what I [have done for you].”
И узевши хлеб даде хвалу, и преломивши га даде им говорећи: Ово је тело моје које се даје за вас; ово чините за мој спомен.
20 Similarly, after [they had eaten] the meal, he took [another] cup [of wine]. He said, “[The wine in] [MTY] this cup [represents] my blood, which will soon flow [from my body when I die]. [With] this blood [I will sign] the new agreement [that God is making with] you.
А тако и чашу по вечери, говорећи: Ова је чаша нови завет мојом крви која се за вас пролива.
21 But [note that] the one [SYN] who will enable my enemies to seize me is eating right here with me!
Али ево рука издајника мог са мном је на трпези.
22 [It is certain that I], the one who came from heaven, will die, because that is what [God] has planned. But there will be terrible punishment for the man who will (betray me/enable my enemies to seize me)!”
И Син човечији, дакле, иде као што је уређено; али тешко човеку ономе који Га издаје!
23 Then they began to ask one another, “Which of us would do such a thing?”
И они сташе тражити међу собом који би, дакле, од њих био који ће то учинити.
24 [The apostles] began to argue among themselves, saying, “Which one of us [will be] the greatest [when Jesus becomes king]?”
А поста и препирање међу њима који би се држао међу њима да је највећи.
25 So Jesus said to them, “The kings of the non-Jews [enjoy] showing that they are powerful. [Yet] they give [themselves] the title, ‘ones who help the people.’
А Он им рече: Цареви народни владају народом, а који њиме управљају, зову се добротвори.
26 But you should not be like them! Instead, those who [want God to consider them] the greatest should [act as though they] were the youngest, [since the youngest are expected to serve the older ones]. Whoever is a leader should be one who serves [the others].
Али ви немојте тако; него који је највећи међу вама нека буде као најмањи, и који је старешина нека буде као слуга.
27 Keep in mind who is the most important one [RHQ]. It is certainly the one who [just sits] at the table, not [RHQ] those who serve [the meal]. But I, [your leader], have been [an example for you] by serving you [while I have been] among you.
Јер који је већи, који седи за трпезом или који служи? Није ли онај који седи за трпезом? А ја сам међу вама као слуга.
28 You are the ones who have stayed with me during all my troubles.
А ви сте они који сте се одржали са мном у мојим напастима.
29 So now, just like my Father has appointed me to rule as a king, I am appointing you
И ја остављам вама царство као што је Отац мој мени оставио:
30 so that you can sit and eat [and rule] [MET] with me when I become king. You will sit on thrones to judge the people of the twelve tribes of Israel.”
Да једете и пијете за трпезом мојом у царству мом, и да седите на престолима и судите над дванаест кољена Израиљевих.
31 “Simon, Simon, listen! Satan has asked [God to let him test you, and God has permitted him to do it. Satan wants to cause you to suffer distress] (OR, [distress you]) [so that you will not believe/trust in me any more/longer. He wants to shake you, just like a man shakes wheat in a sieve to sift it] [MET].
Рече пак Господ: Симоне! Симоне! Ево вас иште сотона да би вас чинио као пшеницу.
32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that you will not completely stop believing in me. So when you [(sg)] restore your relationship with me, help your fellow apostles [to trust in me more]!”
А ја се молих за тебе да твоја вера не престане; и ти кад год обративши се утврди браћу своју.
33 Peter said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you [(sg)] if they put you in prison, or even to die with you!”
А он Му рече: Господе! С Тобом готов сам и у тамницу и на смрт ићи.
34 Jesus replied, “Peter, I want you [(sg)] to know that tonight, before the rooster crows, you will say three times that you do not know me!”
А Он рече: Кажем ти, Петре! Данас неће запевати петао док се трипут не одрекнеш да ме познајеш.
35 Then [Jesus] asked all of them, “After I sent you out [to other villages, and you went] without taking any money or a [traveling] bag or [extra] sandals, you did not lack anything, did you?” They replied, “[That’s right], [we(exc) did] not [lack] anything.”
И рече им: Кад вас послах без кесе и без торбе и без обуће, еда вам шта недостаде? А они рекоше: Ништа.
36 Then, [to show them that now many people would oppose them], (OR, [to show them that they needed to be prepared to protect themselves], ) he said to them, “Now [things will be different. So] whoever among you has some money should take it with him. Likewise, he should take a carrying bag. Whoever does not have a sword should sell his coat and buy a sword.
А Он им рече: Али сад који има кесу нека је узме, тако и торбу; а који нема нека прода хаљину своју и купи нож.
37 Because, I now tell you, [something must happen to me to fulfill these words that a prophet] wrote: ‘He was treated {They treated him} as [though he were] a criminal.’ Do not forget that everything that is {that they have} written about me [in the Scriptures] must be fulfilled.”
Јер вам кажем да још и ово треба на мени да се изврши што стоји у писму: И међу злочинце метнуше Га. Јер шта је писано за мене, свршује се.
38 [One of] the disciples said, “Lord, look! We [(exc)] have two swords!” [Realizing that they did not understand the meaning of what he said], he replied to them, “That is enough [talk about swords]”!
А они рекоше: Господе! Ево овде два ножа. А Он им рече: Доста је.
39 As [Jesus] left [the city], he went, as he usually did, to Olive [Tree] Hill. His disciples went with him.
И изишавши отиде по обичају на гору Маслинску; а за Њим отидоше ученици Његови.
40 When he came to the place [where he often spent the night], he said to them, “Pray that [God will help you] whenever something tempts you.”
А кад дође на место рече им: Молите се Богу да не паднете у напаст.
41 Then he went from them a distance of about 30 meters/yards. (OR, as far as someone can throw a stone.) He knelt and prayed,
И сам одступи од њих како се може каменом добацити, и клекнувши на колена мољаше се Богу
42 “[My] Father, if you are willing [to do it], force me [to have to undergo] these terrible things that [are about to happen to me] [MTY]. But do not do what I want. Instead, do what you want.”
Говорећи: Оче! Кад би хтео да пронесеш ову чашу мимо мене! Али не моја воља него Твоја да буде.
43 Then an angel from heaven appeared to Jesus and caused him to become stronger.
А анђео Му се јави с неба, и крепи Га.
44 He was greatly distressed. So he prayed more earnestly. His sweat fell down on the ground as though it was large drops of blood.
И будући у борењу, мољаше се боље; зној пак Његов беше као капље крви које капаху на земљу.
45 When he got up from praying, he returned to his disciples. He found that they were sleeping. They were exhausted because they were very sorrowful.
И уставши од молитве дође к ученицима својим, и нађе их, а они спавају од жалости,
46 He [woke them and] said to them, “(I am disappointed that you are sleeping!/Why are you sleeping?) [RHQ] Get up! Pray that [God will help you] whenever you are tempted {when something [like this] tempts you}!”
И рече им: Што спавате? Устаните, молите се Богу да не паднете у напаст.
47 While [Jesus] was still speaking, a crowd [came to him]. Judas, [even though he was] one of the twelve [disciples], was leading them. He came close to Jesus and kissed him [on the cheek as if to greet him, but was really a signal to those with him which one was Jesus].
Док Он још пак говораше, гле, народ и један од дванаесторице, који се зваше Јуда, иђаше пред њима, и приступи к Исусу да Га целива. Јер им он беше дао знак: Кога целивам онај је.
48 Jesus said to him, “Judas, (I am disappointed that it is by kissing me that you are enabling [my enemies] to seize [me], the one who came from heaven!/is it by kissing me [as though you loved me] that you are enabling [my enemies] to seize [me], the one who came from heaven?) [RHQ]”
А Исус му рече: Јуда! Зар целивом издајеш Сина човечијег?
49 When the [disciples] who were around Jesus realized what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, shall we [(exc)] strike [them] with our swords?”
А кад они што беху с Њим видеше шта ће бити, рекоше Му: Господе, да бијемо ножем?
50 One of his [drew his sword and] struck the servant of the high priest [to kill him, but only] cut off his right ear.
И удари један од њих слугу поглавара свештеничког, и одсече му десно ухо.
51 But Jesus said, “Do not [do] any more of that!” He touched the [servant’s] ear and healed him.
А Исус одговарајући рече: Оставите то. И дохвативши се до уха његовог исцели га.
52 Then Jesus said to the chief priests, the officers of the Temple guards, and the [Jewish] elders who had come to [seize] him, “(It is ridiculous that you have come [here] with swords and clubs to capture [MTY] me, as [if I were] a bandit!/Why have you come here with swords and clubs to capture [MTY] me, as if I were a bandit?) [RHQ] Day after day [I was with you] in the Temple [courtyard], [and] you did not seize me! But this is the time [MTY] when [God is allowing] you [to do what you want]. It is also the time [MTY] when God is allowing [Satan, who rules] [MTY] [in] the darkness, [to do what he wants].”
А главарима свештеничким и војводама црквеним и старешинама који беху дошли на Њ рече Исус: Зар као на хајдука изиђосте с ножевима и кољем да ме ухватите?
Сваки дан био сам с вама у цркви и не дигосте руку на мене; али је сад ваш час и област таме.
54 They seized [Jesus] and led him away. They brought him to the high priest’s house. Peter followed [them] at a distance.
А кад Га ухватише, одведоше Га и уведоше у двор поглавара свештеничког. А Петар иђаше за Њим издалека.
55 They kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat down together. Peter sat among them.
А кад они наложише огањ насред двора и сеђаху заједно, и Петар сеђаше међу њима.
56 As the light [from the fire] shone [on his face, a] female servant saw him and looked intently at him. She said, “This man was also with [the man whom they have arrested]!”
Видевши га, пак, једна слушкиња где седи код огња, и погледавши на њ рече: и овај беше с њим.
57 But Peter denied it, saying, “Woman, I do not know him!”
А он Га се одрече говорећи: Жено! Не познајем га.
58 A little later someone else saw Peter and said, “You [(sg)] also are one of those who [were with] the man [they arrested]!” But Peter said, “Man, I am not [one of them]!”
И мало затим, виде га други и рече: и ти си од њих. А Петар рече: Човече! Нисам.
59 About an hour later someone else said emphatically [about Peter], “[The way] that this man [speaks shows that he] is from Galilee [district]. Certainly this man was also with the man whom [they arrested, who is from Galilee]!”
И пошто прође око једног сахата, други неко потврђиваше говорећи: Заиста и овај беше с њим; јер је Галилејац.
60 But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you [(sg)] are talking about!” Immediately, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed.
А Петар рече: Човече! Не знам шта говориш. И одмах док он још говораше запева петао.
61 The Lord [Jesus] turned around and looked right at Peter. Then Peter remembered what the Lord had said to him, “This night, before the rooster crows, you [(sg)] will deny three times [that you know] me.”
И обазревши се Господ погледа на Петра, и Петар се опомену речи Господње како му рече: Пре него петао запева одрећи ћеш ме се трипут.
62 And Peter went out [of the courtyard] and cried very sorrowfully.
И изишавши напоље плака горко.
63 The men who were guarding Jesus made fun of him and beat him.
А људи који држаху Исуса ругаху Му се, и бијаху Га.
64 They put a blindfold on him and [beat him again. Then] they said to him, “[Because you(sg) say] [IRO] that you are a prophet, [prove it by] telling us who it was that struck you!”
И покривши Га, бијаху Га по образу и питаху Га говорећи: Прореци ко Те удари?
65 They said many other evil things about him, insulting him.
И друге многе хуле говораху на Њ.
66 At dawn [the next morning], many of the [Jewish] leaders gathered together. The group included the chief priests and the men who taught the [Jewish] laws. They took Jesus to the Jewish Council. There the men of the Council said to him,
И кад свану, сабраше се старешине народне и главари свештенички и књижевници, и одведоше Га у свој суд
67 “If you [(sg)] are the Messiah, tell us!” But he replied, “If I tell you that, you will not believe me.
Говорећи: Јеси ли ти Христос? Кажи нам. А Он им рече: Ако вам и кажем, нећете веровати.
68 If I ask you [what you think about the Messiah], you will not answer me.
А ако вас и запитам, нећете ми одговорити, нити ћете ме пустити.
69 But some day you will see [me], the one who came from heaven, sitting next to almighty God and ruling [MTY]!”
Одселе ће Син човечији седити с десне стране силе Божије.
70 Then they all said, “If that is so, are [you(sg) saying that] you are (the Son of God/the Man who is also God)?” He said to them, “[Yes], it is just like you say [MTY].”
Сви пак рекоше: Ти ли си дакле син Божји? А Он им рече: Ви кажете да сам ја.
71 Then they said [to each other], “(We [(inc)] certainly do not need anyone else to testify [against him]!/Why should we ask for any more people to testify [against him]?) [RHQ]” We ourselves have heard him say [MTY] [that he is equal with God]!
А они рекоше: Шта нам требају више сведочанства? Јер сами чусмо из уста његових.

< Luke 22 >