< Luke 2 >

1 About that time the Emperor Augustus commanded that ([his officials must] write down the names/[a census be taken]) of all the people who lived in countries [controlled] by the Roman [government] {that the Roman [government controlled]}, [so that the government could collect taxes from them].
Masuba ayo Agasita, mwami waku Loma walabika mulawo wakwambeti bantu bonse bali mubulelo bwa Loma balembwe.
2 That was the first time that they (wrote down the names/took a census) in Syria [province, which included Judea district]. They did this while Quirinius was the governor of the province.
Uku kwalikuba kulembesha kwakuyamba kwalenshika cindi Kwilinyasi mpwalikuba mwendeleshi wa cishi ca Siliya.
3 Every person had to go to the town where his [most famous ancestor] had lived, so that [the officials] could write down their names.
Lino bonse bantu balaya akulembesha umo ne umo kumunshi kucomwabo.
4 So, because Joseph was a descendant of [King] David, he went up from Nazareth, the town in Galilee [district where he lived], to the town of Bethlehem in Judea [district]. That was the town where [King] David [grew up].
Yosefe neye walanyamuka kufuma ku Nasaleti munshi walikuba mucimpansha ca Galileya kuya kumunshi wa Dafeti, uko kwali kukwiweti Betelehemu, mucishi ca Yudeya, pakwinga walikuba wamulibunda lya Dafeti.
5 Joseph went with Mary, who [was considered] {whom [people considered]} [to be] his wife, who was now pregnant. They went so that they could put his name and Mary’s name [in the record book].
Walaya pamo ne Maliya uyo ngwalikuba wamamikila, kwambeti naboyo baye balembwe. Cindi ico Maliya walikuba wemita.
6 When they arrived [in Bethlehem], there was no place for them to stay in the house where travelers stay. [So they stayed in a cattle shed]. When the time for Mary to give birth arrived, she gave birth to her first son there. She wrapped him in strips of cloth and placed him in a trough where [people] put food for the animals.
Kabacili kopeloko masuba akwambeti Maliya apulukemo alakwana,
walasema mwana wakwiya mutuloba. Walamupetelesha mubikwisa ne kumoneka mucibaya mwali kulyela ng'ombe, pakwinga nkakwalikuba musena mu ng'anda ya bensu.
8 That night, there were [some] shepherds who were taking care of their sheep [as usual] in the fields near [Bethlehem].
Kucishi kopeloko kwalikuba bembeshi balikwembela mbelele shabo mashiku.
9 An angel from God appeared to them. A great light (from the Lord/from God) shone on them and around them. [So] they became very afraid.
Mwakutayeyela, mungelo wa Mwami walabonekela kuli endibo. Kubala kwa bulemeneno bwa Mwami kwalabamunikila tuu! Lino balatina.
10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid! I have come to tell you good news, which will [make you] very happy! This message is for everyone [to hear].
Nomba mungelo walabambileti, “Kamutatina pakwinga ndalete Mulumbe Waina weti ukondweleshe bantu bonse.
11 [The message is that] today a baby has been born in [Bethlehem, the town where King] David grew up. That baby will [eventually] save you [from the guilt of your sins]! He is the Messiah, [your] Lord!
Mashiku alelo mumunshi wa mwami Dafeti mulasemwe Mupulushi wenu wananikwa uyo walaiwa, Klistu endiye Mwami.
12 I will tell you how [you will recognize him] (OR, how you will know [that what I say is true]): [In Bethlehem] you will find a baby who has been wrapped {[whose mother] has wrapped him} in strips of cloth and placed in a trough where [people] put food for the animals.”
Lino cishibisho cakendi nici; Nimuye mucane mwana kateta wafungailwa mubikwisa kaliwona mucibaya mwakulyela ng'ombe.”
13 Suddenly a large group of angels from heaven appeared and joined the other angel. They all praised God, singing/saying,
Mwakutayeyela kwalabonekela likoto lya bangelo bangi ba kwilu pamo ne mungelo usa bali kulumbaisha Lesa kabambeti,
14 “May [all the angels] in the highest heaven praise God! And on the earth may the people to whom God has shown his favor have peace [with him]!”
“Alumbwe Lesa wa kwilu wapitapo kayi panshi pabe lumuno pakati pa bantu Lesa mbakondwa nabo.”
15 After the angels left them [and returned] to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem to see this [wonderful] thing that has happened, which (the Lord/God) has told us about!”
Bangelo balabwelela kwilu, lino bembeshi balatatika kwambilaneti, “Katuyani tushikeko ku Betelehemu tuye tubone cilenshiki ico ncalatwambili Mwami.”
16 So they went quickly. They found the [place where] Mary and Joseph [were staying], and [they saw] the baby lying in the trough where [people] put food for the animals.
Lino balaya mwakufwambana, nekucana Maliya ne Yosefu boneka mwana mucibaya mwalikulyela ng'ombe.
17 Then they told [Mary and Joseph and others] what had been told them {what [the angel] had told them} about this child.
Mpobalamubona, bembeshi basa balabamba byonse mbyalabambila mungelo usa pamwana walasemwa.
18 Everyone who heard what was said by the shepherds {what the shepherds said} to them was amazed.
Bonse balanyumfwa makani ayo alambwa ne bembeshi balakankamana.
19 But Mary [did not talk to others about what the angels said]; she just kept thinking very much about it.
Maliya walapitilisha kubyanuka bintu byonse ibi kayi walinkabiyeyapo mumoyo wakendi cindi conse.
20 The shepherds returned [to their sheep]. They kept praising God very much for all the things that they had heard and seen, [because] everything [happened] exactly like [the angels] told them.
Bembeshi basa balabwelela, nkabalemeka nekulumbaisha Lesa pabyonse mbyobalanyufwa nekubona. Calenshika ndendende mbuli mwalabambilila Mungelo.
21 Seven days later, when [the priests] circumcised the baby, [his parents] named him Jesus. That was the name that [they were told by] the angel {the angel [told them]} [to] give him before Mary became pregnant.
Mwana usa mpwalakwanisha masuba asanu ne atatu balamwelula nekumutumba lineti Yesu. Lina ndyalamba mungelo, Yesu nkatana aba mulibunda lyabanyina.
22 It had been written by Moses {Moses had written} [long ago] in a law that God gave him, that when a woman gave birth to her first son, the parents had to take him [to the Temple] in Jerusalem in order that they might dedicate him (to the Lord/to God). So when the time came for them to do those rituals so that [God would consider] them pure again, Mary and Joseph took Jesus there.
Mpocalashika cindi cakwambeti, Yosefe ne maliya bense mwambo wakuswepesha pakukonka Milawo Lesa njalapa Mose, mwanoyo balaya nendi ku Yelusalemu kwambeti bamubenge kuli Mwami.
Pakwinga calembwa mu Milawo Lesa njalapa Mose kwambeti, “Mwana uliyense mutuloba, wakwiya welela kubengwa kuli Lesa.”
24 God had commanded in his laws that if the first child [of a couple] was a boy, his parents should offer as a sacrifice to God two turtledoves or two young pigeons. [So Joseph and Mary gave the priest two birds so he could offer them].
Balaya akubenga mulumbo wa nkulimba shibili nambi bana ba baciba babili kwelana mbuli calembwa mu Milawo ya Lesa njalapa Mose.
25 At that time there was an [old] man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. He habitually did what was pleasing to God and he obeyed God’s laws. The Holy Spirit was [directing] him as he was waiting for [God] [MTY] [to] encourage the Israeli [people by sending the Messiah].
Lino mu Yelusalemu mwalikuba muntu walikukwiweti Simyoni, walikuba muntu walikutina Lesa. kayi Mushimu Uswepa walikuba pali endiye. Walikupembelela cindi cakwambeti Lesa akapulushe Baislaeli.
26 It was [previously] revealed by the Holy Spirit {The Holy Spirit [previously] revealed} to him that he would see God’s [promised] Messiah before he died.
Mushimu Uswepa walamuyubulwila kwambeti nteshi akafwe nkatanabona Klistu mupulushi walaiwa ne Lesa.
27 When Joseph and Mary brought their baby Jesus [to the Temple] in order to perform the rituals that [God had commanded] in his laws, the Spirit led Simeon to enter the Temple [courtyard, and revealed to him that Jesus was the Messiah].
Busuba bumbi Mushimu Uswepa walamwambila simyoni kwambeti ayenga kung'anda ya Lesa. Bamashali ba Yesu balengila mu Ng'anda ya Lesa ne mwana kwambeti bamwinshile mwambo wa Milawo ya Lesa njalapa Mose.
28 So he took Jesus up in his arms and praised God, saying,
Popelapo Simyoni walatambula mwana nekumufukatila mumakasa mwakendi ne kulumbaisha Lesa ne maswi akwambeti,
29 Lord, you promised me that I would see the one [MTY] who would enable you to save people of all people-groups from the guilt of their sins. He will be [MET] like a light that will reveal your truth to non-Jews, and he will cause people to think highly of your people, the Israeli people. Since I [SYN] have now seen this one that you promised to send, now let me die peacefully.
“Mwami, lino ndekeni ame musebenshi wenu, njenga mulumuno, pakwinga mulenshi ncomwalanshomesha.
Pakwinga menso akame alabono lupulusho lwenu,
lupulusho ulo ndomwalabamba, pamenso abantu bonse.
Uyu ni mumuni walambweti nukamunikile bantu ba mishobo naimbi, nekwambeti pakabe bulemeneno pa bantu benu Ba isilayeli.”
33 His parents marveled about what [Simeon] said about [Jesus]. Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary,
Baishi ne banyina balakankamana mpobalanyumfwa maswi ngalamba Simyoni pa mwana uyu.
34 “Note what I say: [God] has determined that because of this child, many Israeli people will [turn away from God], and many others will turn to God [MET]. Although he will be like a sign [MET] [to warn people], [many] people will oppose him.
Lino Simyoni walabaleleka nekwambila Maliya banyina mwana eti, uyu mwana walasalwa ne Lesa, “Kwambeti awishe ne kupundusha bangi pakati pa bantu ba mu Islayeli. Nakabe cishibisho catumwa ne Lesa, ico bantu bangi ncoti bakakane.
35 As a result, the [evil] thoughts of many people will be made evident {he will reveal the [evil] thoughts of many people}. [Furthermore, the cruel things that they will do to him] [MET] [will be like] a sword that will pierce your (soul/inner being).”
Neco miyeyo ili mumyoyo yabantu bangi, nikabonekele patuba. Nenjobe Maliya mapensho nakakwikate ne kuyasa kumuyo eti cibeshi.”
36 There was also [in the Temple courtyard] a very old woman named Anna. She was a prophetess. Her father Phanuel was a member of the tribe of Asher. After she had been married seven years, her husband died.
Kayi kwalikuba mushinshimi mutukashi mukalibingi lina lyakendi ni Ana. Walikuba mwanendi Faniwelo wa mulibunda lya Asha uyo walekala ne baibendi byaka bisanu ne bibili, Lino neye walikuba mucembele.
37 After that, she lived until she was 84 years old, and she was still a widow. She stayed in the Temple [area] all the time, night and day, worshipping God. She often (abstained from food/fasted) as she prayed.
Pacindi co walikuba ne byaka makumi asanu ne atatu kayi ne byaka bina. Cindi conse walikwikala mu Ng'anda ya Lesa. Walikapaila kuli Lesa mashiku ne munshi kayi ni muntu walikulikanisha kulya.
38 [While Joseph and Mary and the baby were] still [in the Temple, Anna came to them. She thanked God for the baby]. Then she spoke about Jesus to many people who were expecting [God to send the Messiah] [MTY] to set [the people of] [MTY] Jerusalem free [from their enemies].
Nendi mpwalashikako copeleco cindi, walatatika kulumbaisha Lesa, kambila bantu bonse sha mwana uyo ngobalikupembelela cindi Lesa mposhi akapulushe Yelusalemu.
39 After Joseph and Mary had finished performing the rituals that (the Lord/God) required [the parents of a first son] to perform, they returned to their own town, Nazareth, in Galilee [district].
Yosefe ne Maliya mpobalapwisha kwinsa byonse kwelana ne Milawo Lesa njalapa Mose, balabwelela kucomwabo ku Nasaleti mucishi ca Galileya.
40 As Jesus grew up, he became strong and very wise, and God was very pleased with him.
Mwana usa walakula nekuba ne ngofu kayi walaba ne mano. Neco Lesa walamuleleka.
41 Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem to [celebrate] the Passover festival.
Bashali ba Yesu balikuya lyonse ku Yelusalemu mwaka ne mwaka akusekelela Pasika.
42 So when Jesus was twelve years old, they went up [to Jerusalem] as they always did.
Yesu mpwalaba ne myaka likumi ne ibili, balaya kopeloko mbuli cinga cabo.
43 When the celebration ended, his parents started to return home, but Jesus stayed in Jerusalem. [His parents] did not realize that [Jesus stayed there].
Mpobalapwisha kusekelela bala bwelela kucomwabo, Yesu walashala ku Yelusalemu, bashali bakendi nkabalenshiba.
44 They thought that he was with the other people who were traveling with them. They walked all day. Then they started to look for him among their relatives and friends.
Balo bashali bakendi bali kabayeyeti uli mulikoto lya bantu mbobali kuyanabo munshila, balenda musuma wa busuba bumo. Lino balatatika kumuyandaula kubamakwabo ne kubanabo.
45 They did not find him, so they returned to Jerusalem to search for him.
Mpobalacaneti kuliyawa, balabwelela ku Yelusalemu kabaya akumulangola.
46 Two days later, they found him. He was in the Temple [courtyard], sitting with the [Jewish] religious teachers. He was listening to what they said, and he was asking them questions.
Balamucana mpopalapita masuba atatu mu Ng'anda ya Lesa, nkali ekala pakati pa beshikwiyisha, nkanyumfwila maswi abo kayi nkabepusha mipusho.
47 Everyone who heard what he [said] was amazed at how much he understood and [how well] he answered [the questions that the teachers asked].
Bantu bonse balakankamana mpobalanyufwa mbuli mwalikubakumbulila ne mano.
48 When his parents saw him, they were very surprised. His mother said to him, “My son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been very worried as we [(exc)] have been searching for you!”
Bashali bakendi mpobalamubona balakankamana. Lino banyina balamwipusheti, “Mwana obe, ulatwinshili cani cisa? Bona ame ne baiso tulashupiki kukuyandola.”
49 He said to them, [speaking about the Temple being God his Father’s house], “(I am surprised that you [(dl)] did [not know] where to find me!/Why did you [not know] where to find me?) [RHQ] (You [(dl)] should have known that it was necessary for me to be in my Father’s house!/Did you not know that it was necessary for me to be in my Father’s house?) [RHQ]”
Yesu walakumbuleti, “Nomba nkamundangwela cani, sena nkamucishi kwambeti ndelela kuba mung'anda ya Bata?”
50 But they did not understand [the meaning of] what he said to them.
Balo baliya kunyufwishisha ncalabakumbula.
51 Then he returned with them down to Nazareth. He always obeyed them. But his mother kept thinking about all those things.
Lino Yesu walanyamuka nekuya nabo kucomwabo ku Nasaleti pakwinga walikunyumfwila banyina. Maliya walasunga bintu ibi byonse mumoyo wakendi.
52 [As the years passed], Jesus continued to become wiser and he grew taller. God and people continued to approve of him more and more.
Yesu walakula necimo ca mano kayi walaba mwana weshi kukondwelesha Lesa nebantu bonse.

< Luke 2 >