< Luke 19 >

1 Jesus and his disciples entered Jericho and were going through the [city].
Che Yesu ŵajinjile ku Yeliko ni ŵaliji nkupita.
2 There was a man [there] named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector, who was rich.
Jwapali mundu jumo liina lyakwe che Sakayo, juŵaliji jwankulu jwa ŵakukumbikanya nsongo, nombe jwaliji jwachipanje.
3 He tried to see Jesus, but he was very short, and there was a big crowd of people [near Jesus]. So he was not able to see him.
Ŵasachile kwawona Che Yesu kuti ŵaliji ŵaani nambo ŵalepele ligongo lya winji wa ŵandu ni pakuŵa ŵaliji jwanjipi.
4 So he ran further ahead [along the road] that Jesus was walking on. He climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Jesus.
Nipele, ŵautuchile mmbujo ni ŵakwesile chitela chachikulungwa cha nkuju kuti akombole kwawona pakuŵa ŵaliji nkupita lyele litala lyo.
5 When Jesus got there, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down quickly, because [God wants] me to go [with you(sg)] to your house and stay there [tonight]”!
Che Yesu paŵaiche peuto po ŵalolite mwinani ni ŵansalile, “Che Sakayo, ntuluche chitema pakuŵa lelo jino ikumajila kulonjela mu nyuumba jenu.”
6 So he came down quickly. [He took Jesus to his house] and welcomed him joyfully.
Che Sakayo ŵajangwiye kutuluka ni ŵapochele kwa kusengwa.
7 The people [who saw Jesus go there] grumbled saying, “He has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner!”
Ŵandu wose paŵaiweni yele, ŵatandite kunyinyita achitiji, “Ajinjile kulonjela kwa mundu jwa sambi.”
8 Then Zacchaeus stood up [while they were eating] and said to the Lord [Jesus], “Lord, I want you [(sg)] to know that I am going to give half of what I own to poor people. And as for the people whom I have cheated, I will pay them back four times the amount [I have gotten from them by cheating].”
Nambo che Sakayo ŵajimi paujo ni ŵaasalile Che Yesu, “Ambuje mumbilikanichisye! Une ching'aŵanye ipanje yangu pambindikati ni chinape ŵandu ŵakulaga ni iŵaga najigele chindu cha mundu jwalijose kwa chigongomalo, chinauchisye kacheche.”
9 Jesus said to him, “Today [God] has forgiven [PRS] [you and the other people in] [MTY] this house, because you [(sg)] also [have shown that you have trusted in God as] your ancestor Abraham [did].
Che Yesu ŵansalile kuti, “Lelo jino ukulupusyo uiche mu nyuumba ji pakuŵa nombejo ali jwauŵelesi u che Iblahimu.
10 Remember this: [I], the one who came from heaven, came to seek and save [people like you(sg)] who have [gone astray from God, just like a shepherd who searches for his] lost [sheep].”
Pakuŵa Mwana jwa Mundu aiche kukwasosa ni kukwakulupusya ŵasochele.”
11 They were coming near to Jerusalem, and the people who were [going with Jesus] who heard him say these things thought that as soon as [he got to Jerusalem] he would become their king.
Ŵandu ŵaliji nkwapilikanila Che Yesu. Ni paŵaliji nkuŵandichila ku Yelusalemu ŵandu ŵaganisyaga kuti Umwenye wa Akunnungu uŵandichile kuoneka. Kwa ligongo lyo ŵatanjile sooni chitagu.
12 [So] he told them this parable: “A prince prepared to go to a distant country in order that [the Emperor] would make him a king. [He intended] to return later.
Ŵatite, “Jwapali mundu jwa lukosyo lwa umwenye juŵajawile kuchilambo cha kutalika kuti akapegwe umwenye ni jwankulu jwa mamwenye ni kuuja.
13 [Before he left], he summoned ten of his servants. He gave each of them a coin worth three months’ wages. He said to them, ‘Do business with these coins until I return!’ [Then he left].
Akanaŵe kwaula, ŵaaŵilasile achikapolo ŵao likumi ni ŵapele kila mundu mbiya liunjili limo ni mbiya jimo malinga ni mbote ja miesi jitatu ni kwasalila, ‘Nsumisye malonda mpaka pachiuje.’
14 But [many of] his fellow-citizens hated him. So after he left they sent some messengers to tell [the Emperor], ‘We [(exc)] do not want this man to be our king!’
Nambo achinsyene musi, ŵanchimile ni ŵalajisye ŵantenga ajaule akajile ‘Ngatukunsaka mundu ju atulongosye uwe.’
15 But [the Emperor] made him king anyway. [Later] the [new king] returned. Then he commanded that the servants to whom he had given the coins should be summoned {that someone should summon the servants to whom he had given the coins}. He wanted to know how much they had gained by doing business with the coins.
“Nambo, mundu jo ŵausile sooni kumusi ali amasile kupochela umwenye ni ŵalamwile kuti akaaŵilanjile achikapolo uŵapele mbiya ŵala kuti achimanyilile chachipundile chajinjisye kila mundu.
16 The first man came [to him] and said, ‘Sir, with your one coin [I] have earned ten more [coins]!’
Kapolo jwaandanda jwaiche paujo pao ni ŵatite, ‘Ambuje, mbiya jenu jimwambele jijonjesyeche mbiya likumi.’
17 He said to this man, ‘[You are a] good servant! [You have] done [very] well! Because you have [handled] faithfully a small amount [of money, I will give you] authority [to rule] ten cities.’
Nombewo ŵansalile, ‘Ntesile yambone, mmwejo ndi kapolo jwambone. Pakuŵa mwaliji jwakukulupilichika pa indu yenandi, nkoleje ulamusi pachanya pa misi likumi!’
18 Then the second servant came and said, ‘Sir, with your one coin [I] have earned five more [coins]!’
Kapolo jwaaŵili jwaiche nikuti, ‘Ambuje, mbiya jenu jimwambele jijonjesyeche mbiya sine nsano.’
19 He said to that servant similarly, ‘[Good! I will give you authority to rule] five cities.’
Nombewo ŵansalile jwelejo kuti, ‘Nomwe ŵakwe nkoleje ulamusi pachanya misi nsano.’
20 Then another servant came. He said, ‘Sir, here is your coin. I wrapped it in a napkin and put it away, [so that nothing would happen to it].
“Nipele, kapolo jwine jwaiche achitiji, ‘Ambuje, aji ni mbiya jenu jimwambele jila, nagosile uchenene mu chiguo cha mwana chammakono.
21 I did that [because] I was afraid [of what you would do to me if the business failed. I know] you are a man who does not do foolish things with your money. You [even] take [from others money] that does not really belong to you, [like a farmer who] harvests grain [from another man’s field] where he did not [even] do the planting.’
Ligongo nanjogopaga, pakuŵa mmwe ndi mundu jwakunonopa ntima. Mundu junkuigala yangaŵa yenu ni kugoola yanganimpande.’
22 The king said to that servant, ‘You wicked servant! I will condemn you by the very words [MTY] that you [have just now spoken]. (You know that I do not [do foolish things with my money]./Did you not know that I do not [do foolish things with my money]?) [RHQ] [You said] that I [even] take [from others money] that does not really [belong to me], [like a farmer who] harvests grain [from another man’s field] where he did not [even] do the planting.
Nombewo ŵansalile, ‘Ngunnamula kwaligongo lya intite pakuŵecheta mmwe kapolo jwangalumbana! Ngati mwaamanyilile kuti une ndili mundu jwakunonopa ntima, jungwigala yangaŵa yangu ni jungugowola yanganimbande.
23 So (you should at least have given my money to money lenders!/why did you not [at least] give my money to bankers?) [RHQ] Then [when I returned] I could have collected that amount plus the interest [it would have earned]!’
Ligongo chi nganinjausya mbiya jangu kwa ŵakutyosya yakoonjecheka, kuti une pachiuje nyaule ngajigale ni yakupunda yakwe?’
24 Then [the king] said to those who were standing near, ‘Take the coin from him and give it to [the servant] who has ten coins!’
“Pelepo ŵaasalile uŵajimi pepala ŵala, ‘Munsumule mbiya jo, nkaape jwakwete mbiya likumi jula.’
25 They protested, ‘But Sir, he already has ten [coins]!’
Ŵanyawo ŵansalile, ‘Ambuje, nambo jwelejo akwete chile mbiya likumi!’
26 [But the king said], ‘I tell you this: To the people who [use well what] they have [received], more will be given {[I] will give more}. But from the people who [do] not [use well what they have received], even what they [already] have will be taken away {[I] will take away even what they already have}.
Nombewo ŵajanjile kuti, ‘Ngunsalila, kwa jwalijose jwakwete chindu chachipegwa ni kujonjechekwa. Nambo kwa jwanganakola chindu atamuno chamwana chakwete cho chichijigalikwe.
27 Now, [as for] those enemies of mine who did not want me to rule over them, bring them here and execute them while I am watching!’”
Nambo, yankati aŵaŵa ŵammagongo ŵangu uŵakanile kuti ninaalongosye, mwaichisye apano ni kwasikita paujo pangu.’”
28 After [Jesus] said those things, he [continued on the road] up to Jerusalem, going ahead of his disciples.
Che Yesu paŵaŵechete gelego, ŵajendelechele ni ulendo paujo pao wa ku Yelusalemu.
29 When they got near Bethphage and Bethany [villages], near the hill that is called {that they call} Olive [Tree] Hill,
Paŵaŵandichile ku Besefage ni ku Besania, chiŵandi ni chikwesya chachigumbele itela ya Miseituni, ŵalajisye ŵaŵili mwa ŵakulijiganya ŵao.
30 he said to two of [his] disciples, “Go to the village just ahead [of you]. As you [two] enter [it], you will see a young animal that no one has ever ridden, that has been {someone has} tied up. Untie it and bring it [to me].
Ŵasalile kuti, “Njaule pa nsinda wauli mmbujo mwenu. Pachinkajinjile mu nsinda mo, chinkansimane mwanambunda jwataŵikwe jwanganakwelekwe ni mundu. Nkangopole ni kunnyikanawo apano.
31 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say [to him], ‘The Lord needs it.’”
Sooni iŵaga chakammusye mundu kuti, ligongo chi nkungopola? Nkajile, ‘Ambuje akunsaka.’”
32 [So] the [two disciples] went [to the village] and found the [animal], just like he had told them.
Nipele, uŵalajisye ŵala ŵajawile ni ŵaisimene mpela iŵatite pakusalilwa ni Che Yesu.
33 As they were untying it, its owners said to them, “Why are you two untying that young animal?”
Paŵaliji nkungopola mwanambunda jula, achinsyene ni ŵausisye, “Ana ligongo chi nkungopola mwanambunda ju?”
34 They replied, “The Lord needs it.” [So the owners said that they could take it].
Ŵajanjile, “Ambuje akunsaka.”
35 The [two disciples] brought [the animal] to Jesus. They threw their cloaks on the animal’s back [for him to sit on] and helped Jesus get on it.
Ŵanjigele mwanambunda jula ni kwapelechela Che Yesu. Ŵatandiche iwalo yao pachanya pa mwanambunda jo ni ŵankwesisye Che Yesu pachanya pakwe.
36 Then as he rode along, [others] spread their cloaks on the road [to honor him].
Paŵajendelechelelaga ni ulendo ŵandu ŵatandiche iwalo yao mwitala.
37 As they came near [to Jerusalem], on the road that descends from Olive [Tree] Hill, the whole crowd of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God loudly for all the great miracles that they had seen [Jesus do].
Paŵaŵandichile ku Yelusalemu, palitala lyalikutuluchila kuchikwesya chachigumbele itela ya Miseituni, mpingo wose wa ŵandu ni ŵakulijiganya ŵao ŵatandite kuchina ni kwatogolela Akunnungu achinyanyisyaga ligongo lya yakusimonjeka yose iŵaiweni
38 They were saying things like, “May the Lord [God] bless our king who comes representing [MTY] him!” “May there be peace [between God] in heaven [and us his people]!” “May [everyone] praise God!”
ŵatite “Akole upile Mwenye jwakwika mu liina lya Ambuje. Chitendewele kwinani ni ukulu kwa Akumanani.”
39 Some of the Pharisees who were in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples [for saying things like that]!”
Mafalisayo ŵampepe ŵaŵaliji mu mpingo wa ŵandu mula ŵansalile Che Yesu kuti, “Jŵakwiganya, mwakalipile ŵakulijiganya ŵenu!”
40 He replied, “I tell you this: If these people would be silent, the stones themselves would shout [to praise me]!”
Che Yesu ŵajanjile kuti, “Ngunsalila ŵanyamwe, naga chamyalale ŵanyaŵa, maganga chigatande kunyokonya.”
41 When [Jesus] came near [to] Jerusalem and saw the city, he cried about [its people].
Paŵaŵandichile ni kuulola musi wa ku Yelusalemu, Che Yesu ŵalisile ligongo lya musi wo
42 He said, “[My disciples know what they need to do] to have peace [with God]; I wish that even today [the rest of] you people knew it. But now you are unable to know [MTY] it.
achitiji, “Ikaliji mbaya nkaimanyilile lelo jino, indu yaikwikanawo chitendewele! Nambo sambano isisiche pa meeso genu.
43 I want you to know this: Soon [your enemies] will come and will set up a barricade around your [city]. They will surround [the city] and attack [it] on all sides.
Pakuŵa moŵa chigannyichile mmwe ni ŵammagongo ŵenu chansyunguchisye likumba ni chachinsyungula ni kummijikanya kosekose.
44 They will [break through] the walls [and] destroy everything. They will smash you and your people/children. [When they finish destroying everything], there will not be one stone left on top of another. [All this will happen] because you did not recognize the time when God sent his [Messiah] to [save] you!”
Chankasanye mmwe ni ŵaali nkati likumba lya musi wose ngapagwa liganga lichilisigale palijakwe, ligongo nganinkamanyilila katema paŵannyichile Akunnungu kukunkulupusya.”
45 [Jesus entered Jerusalem and] went into the Temple [courtyard]. He saw the people who were selling [things there],
Nipele, Che Yesu ŵajinjile pa Nyuumba ja Akunnungu ni ŵatandite kwaŵinjila paasa ŵaŵasumisyaga malonda,
46 and he began to chase them out. He said to them, “It has been written {[A prophet] wrote} [in the Scriptures that God said], ‘[I want] my house to be a place where people pray’; but you bandits have made it a cave where you can [hide]!”
achitiji, “Ilembekwe yati, ‘Nyuumba jangu chijiŵe nyuumba ja kupopela’, nambo ŵanyamwe njitesile peuto pakulisisila ŵawiyi.”
47 Each day [during that week Jesus] was teaching people in the Temple [courtyard]. The chief priests and the men who taught the [Jewish] laws and [other Jewish] leaders tried to find a way to kill him.
Che Yesu ŵaliji nkwiganya pa Nyuumba ja Akunnungu lyuŵa ni lyuŵa. Nambo achakulu ŵambopesi ni ŵakwiganya Malajisyo ga che Musa ni ilongola ya ŵandu ŵasosile litala lya kwaulaga,
48 But they did not find any way to do it, because all the people there listened eagerly to him [and would have resisted them if they had tried to hurt him].
nambo nganamanyilila ichajile pakupanganya, pakuŵa ŵandu wose ŵaliji nkwapilikanichisya uchenene.

< Luke 19 >