< Luke 15 >

1 Many [HYP] tax collectors and [others whom people considered to be] habitual sinners kept coming to Jesus to listen to him teach.
Or tous les publicains et les pécheurs s'approchaient de lui pour l'entendre,
2 The Pharisees and men who taught the [Jewish] laws [who were there] [SYN] began to grumble, saying, “This man welcomes sinners and he also [defiles himself by eating] with them!”
et les pharisiens et les scribes murmuraient en disant: « Celui-ci accueille des pécheurs et mange avec eux! »
3 So Jesus told them this parable:
Mais il leur adressa cette parabole-ci, en disant:
4 “Suppose that one of you had 100 sheep. If one of them were lost, (you [(sg)] would certainly leave the 99 sheep in the pasture, and go and search for the one lost sheep until you found it./would you not leave the 99 sheep in the pasture, and go and search for the one lost sheep until you found it?) [RHQ]
« Quel est parmi vous l'homme qui, possédant cent brebis, s'il vient à en perdre une, ne laisse les quatre-vingt-dix-neuf autres dans le désert, et n'aille après celle qui est perdue jusques à ce qu'il l'ait retrouvée?
5 When you [(sg)] found it, you would put it on your shoulders and be happy.
Et, quand il l'a retrouvée, il la place tout joyeux sur ses épaules,
6 When you brought it home, you would call together your friends and neighbors and say to them, ‘Be happy with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost!’
et, de retour chez lui, il appelle ses amis et ses voisins, en leur disant: « Réjouissez-vous avec moi, car j'ai retrouvé ma brebis qui était perdue. »
7 I tell you [(pl)] that similarly [God] will be very happy about each and every sinner who turns from doing evil. God is not happy about 99 people who [think that they] are [IRO] righteous and think that they do not need to turn from doing evil.
Je vous déclare que, de même, il y aura plus de joie dans le ciel pour un seul pécheur qui se repent, que pour quatre-vingt-dix-neuf justes qui n'ont pas besoin de repentance.
8 Or, suppose that a woman has ten [very valuable] silver coins. If she loses one of them, (she will certainly light a lamp and sweep the floor and search carefully until she finds it!/will she not light a lamp and sweep the floor and search carefully until she finds it?) [RHQ]
Ou bien, quelle est la femme qui, possédant dix drachmes, si elle vient à en perdre une, n'allume une lampe, et ne balaye sa maison, et ne cherche soigneusement jusques à ce qu'elle la retrouve?
9 When she finds it, she will call together her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Be happy with me, [because] I have found the coin that I lost!’
Et, après l'avoir trouvée, elle appelle ses amies et ses voisines, en disant: « Réjouissez-vous avec moi, car j'ai retrouvé la drachme que j'avais perdue. »
10 I tell you that similarly the angels will be happy about [even just] one sinner who turns from doing evil.”
De même, je vous le déclare, il y a de la joie devant les anges de Dieu pour un seul pécheur qui se repent. »
11 Then [Jesus told them this parable to compare what the Pharisees and teachers of the Jewish law thought about those who turn from their sinful behavior with what God thinks about such people]. He said, “A certain man had two sons.
Or il dit: « Un homme avait deux fils;
12 One day the younger son said to his father, ‘Father, [I do not want to wait until you(sg) die]. Give me now the share of your property that belongs to me!’ So the man divided his property between his two sons.
le plus jeune d'entre eux dit à son père: « Père, donne-moi la part de fortune qui me revient. » Et il leur partagea le bien.
13 A few days later, the younger son [sold his share]. He gathered his money and other things together and went to a country far away. There he spent all his money foolishly in reckless/wild living.
Et, au bout de quelques jours, le plus jeune fils, ayant tout réalisé, partit pour un lointain pays, et là il dissipa sa fortune en vivant dans la débauche.
14 After he had spent all his money, there was a great famine throughout that country. And soon he did not have enough [food to] eat.
Mais quand il eut tout dépensé, une grande famine survint dans ce pays-là, et lui-même commença à se trouver dans le dénuement;
15 So he went to one of the landowners in that area and asked for work. The man sent him to work taking care of the pigs in his field.
et il s'en alla se mettre au service de l'un des citoyens de ce pays-là, et celui-ci l'envoya dans ses champs pour faire paître des pourceaux.
16 [Because he was very hungry], he would have been glad to eat the bean pods that the pigs ate. But no one gave him anything to eat.
Et il désirait se rassasier des gousses que mangeaient les pourceaux, et personne ne lui en donnait.
17 Finally he thought clearly about what he had done. He said to himself, ‘All of my father’s hired servants have plenty of food! They have more [SYN] than they can eat, but here I am dying because I do not have anything to eat [HYP]!
Mais rentrant en lui-même il dit: Combien de mercenaires de mon père ont plus de pain qu'il ne leur en faut, tandis que moi je meurs ici de faim;
18 So I will leave here and go back to my father. I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against God [MTY, EUP] and against you [(sg)].
je m'en irai vers mon père et je lui dirai: « Père, j'ai péché contre le ciel et devant toi,
19 I am no longer worthy to be called {of [you] calling me} your son. Just hire me to be like one of the other hired servants.”’
je ne suis plus digne d'être appelé ton fils; traite-moi comme l'un de tes mercenaires. » Et il s'en alla vers son père.
20 So he left there and went back to his father’s house. But while he was still some distance from the house, his father saw him. He pitied him. He ran to his son and embraced him and kissed him [on the cheek].
Or, comme il était encore à distance, son père l'aperçut et fut touché de compassion, et étant accouru il se jeta à son col et lui donna un tendre baiser.
21 His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against God [MTY/EUP] and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called {of [you] calling me} your son.’
Mais le fils lui dit: « Père, j'ai péché contre le ciel et devant toi, je ne suis plus digne d'être appelé ton fils; traite-moi comme l'un de tes mercenaires. »
22 But his father said to his servants, ‘Go quickly and bring to me the best robe [in the house]! Then put it on my son. Put a ring on his finger [to show that I am honoring him again as my son]! Put sandals on his feet [to show that I do not consider him to be a slave]!
Mais le père dit à ses esclaves: « Apportez vite une robe, la plus belle, et revêtez-le, et mettez un anneau à sa main, et des sandales à ses pieds,
23 Then bring the fat calf and kill it [and cook it]. We [(inc)] must eat and celebrate,
et amenez le veau gras; tuez-le, et que nous nous réjouissions en le mangeant,
24 because my son has returned! [It is as though] [MET] he was dead and is alive again! [It is as though] he was lost and now has been found!’ So they did that, and they all began to celebrate.
car mon fils que voici était mort et il a vécu; il était perdu et il a été retrouvé. »
25 While all that was happening, the man’s older son was out [working] in the field. When he came near to the house, he heard [people playing] music and dancing.
Et ils se mirent à se réjouir. Or son fils aîné était aux champs, et lorsqu'à son retour il approcha de la maison, il entendit de la musique et des danses,
26 He called one of the servants and asked what was happening.
et ayant appelé un des serviteurs il s'informait de ce que c'était.
27 The servant said to him, ‘Your [younger] brother has come [home] Your father has [told us to] kill the fat calf [to celebrate] because your brother has returned safe and healthy.’
L'autre lui dit: « Ton frère est arrivé, et ton père a fait tuer le veau gras, parce qu'il l'a retrouvé en bonne santé. »
28 [But] the older brother was angry. He refused to enter [the house]. So his father came out and pleaded with him [to come in].
Mais il se mit en colère et ne voulait pas entrer. Cependant son père étant sorti le sollicitait;
29 But he replied to his father, ‘Listen to me! For many years I have worked for you like a slave. I always obeyed everything you told me to do. But you never even gave me a young goat, so that I could [kill it and cook it and] celebrate with my friends.
mais il répliqua à son père: « Voici, il y a un si grand nombre d'années que je te sers, et je n'ai jamais transgressé aucun de tes ordres, et tu ne m'as jamais donné un chevreau, pour que je me réjouisse avec mes amis;
30 But this son of yours spent all the [money he got from] what you gave him. He spent it [to pay for sleeping with] prostitutes! Yes, now he has returned home, [but it is not fair that] you have told your [servants] to kill the fat calf [and cook it] for him!’
mais quand ton fils que voici, qui a mangé ton bien avec des courtisanes, est arrivé, tu as fait tuer pour lui le veau gras! »
31 But his father said to him, ‘My son, you have always been with me, and all my property [that I did not give to your brother] has been yours.
Mais il lui dit: « Mon enfant, tu es toujours avec moi, et tout ce qui est à moi t'appartient;
32 But [it is as though] [MET] your brother was dead and is alive again! [It is as though] he was lost and now he has been found! So it is appropriate for us to be happy and celebrate!’”
mais il fallait se réjouir et s'égayer, parce que ton frère que voici était mort et il a vécu, il était perdu et il a été retrouvé. »

< Luke 15 >