< Leviticus 9 >

1 Eight days later, Moses/I summoned the elders of Israel.
Ja kahdeksantena päivänä Mooses kutsui Aaronin ja hänen poikansa ja Israelin vanhimmat
2 Then he/I said to Aaron, “Take a young bull for the offering to enable you leaders to be forgiven for the sins you have committed, and a ram to be completely burned [on the altar], both of them without any defects, and offer them to Yahweh.
ja sanoi Aaronille: "Ota itsellesi härkävasikka syntiuhriksi ja oinas polttouhriksi, molemmat virheettömiä, ja tuo ne Herran eteen.
3 Then say to the Israeli people, ‘Take one male goat for the offering to enable you all to be forgiven for the sins you have committed. Also take a calf and a lamb that have no defects, to be an offering completely burned [on the altar].
Ja puhu israelilaisille ja sano: 'Ottakaa kauris syntiuhriksi ja vasikka ja karitsa, molemmat vuoden vanhoja ja virheettömiä, polttouhriksi
4 Also take an ox and a ram to be an offering to maintain fellowship [with Yahweh], along with an offering of flour mixed with olive oil. Do this because today Yahweh is going to appear to you.’”
ja härkä ja oinas yhteysuhriksi, uhrattaviksi Herran edessä, ynnä ruokauhri, johon on öljyä sekoitettu, sillä tänä päivänä ilmestyy teille Herra'."
5 [After Moses/I told this to the Israeli people, some of them] took the things that Moses/I had commanded them to take, and went to the courtyard in front of the Sacred Tent. Then all the people came near and stood in front of Yahweh.
Ja he toivat, mitä Mooses oli käskenyt, ilmestysmajan edustalle, ja koko seurakunta astui esiin ja asettui Herran eteen.
6 Then Moses/I said, “This is what Yahweh has commanded you to do, in order that his glory will appear to you.”
Ja Mooses sanoi: "Näin Herra on käskenyt teidän tehdä, että Herran kirkkaus ilmestyisi teille".
7 Then Moses/I said to Aaron, “Come to the altar and sacrifice the animal that is your offering to enable you to be forgiven for the sins you have committed, and the animal that will be completely burned there. Because of those offerings, God will forgive you and the people for the sins that you have committed [DOU]. Do those things that Yahweh has commanded.”
Ja Mooses sanoi Aaronille: "Astu alttarin ääreen ja uhraa syntiuhrisi ja polttouhrisi ja toimita itsellesi ja kansalle sovitus ja uhraa sitten kansan uhrilahja ja toimita heille sovitus, niinkuin Herra on käskenyt".
8 So Aaron came close to the altar and slaughtered the calf to be an offering for his sins.
Niin Aaron astui alttarin ääreen ja teurasti oman syntiuhrivasikkansa.
9 His sons brought its blood to him [in a bowl]. He dipped his finger into the blood and put some of it on the projections at the corners of the altar. He poured out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
Ja Aaronin pojat toivat hänelle veren, ja hän kastoi sormensa vereen ja siveli sitä alttarin sarviin, mutta muun veren hän vuodatti alttarin juurelle.
10 He/I burned the fat, including that which covered the kidneys and the liver, as Yahweh had commanded him/me.
Mutta syntiuhriteuraan rasvan ja munuaiset ja maksanlisäkkeen hän poltti alttarilla, niinkuin Herra oli Moosekselle käskyn antanut.
11 Then Aaron burned [the rest of] the meat and the hide/skin outside the camp.
Ja lihan ja nahan hän poltti tulessa leirin ulkopuolella.
12 Then Aaron slaughtered the animal that would be completely burned [on the altar]. His sons handed him [the bowl containing] its blood, and he sprinkled the blood on all sides of the altar.
Sitten hän teurasti polttouhrin, ja Aaronin pojat ojensivat hänelle veren, ja hän vihmoi sen alttarille ympärinsä.
13 Then they handed him the head and the pieces of the animal that would be burned, and he burned them on the altar.
Ja he ojensivat hänelle polttouhrin kappaleittain ynnä pään, ja hän poltti ne alttarilla.
14 He washed the inner parts and the legs of the animal, and burned them on the altar, on top of the other pieces of the animal.
Ja hän pesi sisälmykset ja jalat ja poltti ne polttouhrin päällä alttarilla.
15 Then Aaron brought the animals that would be sacrifices for the Israeli people. He took the goat and slaughtered it to be an offering to enable them to be forgiven for the sins they had committed, like he had done with the goat for his own offering.
Sitten hän toi kansan uhrilahjan ja otti kansan syntiuhrikauriin, teurasti sen ja uhrasi sen syntiuhrina samalla tavalla kuin edellisen.
16 Then he brought the animal for the offering to be completely burned. He slaughtered it and offered it in the way that Yahweh had commanded him to do.
Ja hän toi myös polttouhrin ja uhrasi sen säädetyllä tavalla.
17 He also brought the offering of grain. He took a handful of it and burned it on the altar, like he had done for the animal that he had slaughtered and completely burned [on the altar] in the morning.
Ja hän toi ruokauhrin ja otti siitä kouransa täyden ja poltti sen alttarilla aamu-polttouhrin lisäksi.
18 Then he slaughtered the ox and the ram, to be an offering for the Israeli people to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. His sons handed him [the bowl containing] the blood, and he sprinkled the blood against all sides of the altar.
Sitten hän teurasti härän ja oinaan kansan yhteysuhriksi, ja Aaronin pojat ojensivat hänelle veren, ja hän vihmoi sen alttarille ympärinsä.
19 But he took the fat from the ox and the ram, including their fat tails that were cut close to the backbone, and all the fat that covered the livers and the kidneys.
Mutta härän ja oinaan rasvat, rasvahännän, rasvakalvon, munuaiset ja maksanlisäkkeen,
20 He put them on top of the breasts of those animals and carried them to the altar to be burned.
nämä rasvat he panivat rintalihojen päälle, ja hän poltti rasvat alttarilla.
21 Then, doing what Moses/I had commanded, he lifted up in front of Yahweh the breast and the right thigh of those animals, to signify that those two animals completely belonged to Yahweh.
Mutta rintalihain ja oikean reiden heilutuksen Aaron toimitti Herran edessä, niinkuin Mooses oli käskenyt.
22 Then Aaron lifted his arms toward the people and [asked Yahweh to] bless them. Then having finished making all those offerings, he stepped down [from the place where the altar was].
Ja Aaron kohotti kätensä kansaa kohti ja siunasi heidät, ja kun hän oli toimittanut syntiuhrin, polttouhrin ja yhteysuhrin, astui hän alas.
23 Then Aaron and Moses/I entered the Sacred Tent. When they/we later came out, they/we [asked Yahweh to] bless the people. And suddenly the glory/brightness of Yahweh appeared to all the people.
Ja Mooses ja Aaron menivät ilmestysmajaan, ja kun he tulivat sieltä ulos, siunasivat he kansan. Silloin Herran kirkkaus ilmestyi kaikelle kansalle.
24 A fire from Yahweh appeared and burned up the offering that was to be completely burned and the fat that was on the altar. And when all the people saw that, they shouted joyfully and prostrated themselves on the ground [to worship Yahweh].
Ja tuli lähti Herran tyköä ja kulutti polttouhrin ja rasvat alttarilta. Ja kaikki kansa näki sen, ja he riemuitsivat ja lankesivat kasvoillensa.

< Leviticus 9 >