< Leviticus 16 >

1 After the two sons of Aaron died because they burned incense to Yahweh [in a manner that was contrary to what Yahweh commanded], Yahweh spoke to Moses/me.
A i korero a Ihowa ki a Mohi i muri i te matenga o nga tama tokorua a Arona, i te mea i whakahere nei raua ki te aroaro o Ihowa, a mate iho;
2 He said to him/me, “Warn your [older] brother Aaron that he must not enter the Very Holy Place inside the curtain that is in the Sacred Tent whenever he wants to, because the cover of the sacred chest is there. That is the place where the priest (makes atonement for/requests me to forgive) sins. I am present in the cloud that is over the cover of the sacred chest. If Aaron goes in that room when it is not the proper time, he will die!
I korero ano a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Korero ki a Arona, ki tou tuakana, kei haere i nga wa katoa ki te wahi tapu, ki roto i te arai, i tera i mua mai o te taupoki o te aaka; kei mate: ka puta atu hoki ahau i roto i te kapua ki runga ki te taupoki.
3 “When Aaron enters the Sacred Tent area, he must bring a bull that [will be killed] to become an offering/sacrifice for sins, and a ram [to be killed] to be an offering that will be completely burned [on the altar].
Ko nga mea tenei hei haerenga mo Arona ki roto ki te wahi tapu: ko te kuao puru hei whakahere hara, me te hipi toa hei tahunga tinana.
4 Then he must bathe his whole body, and put on the linen underwear/undershorts and the linen gown. He must tie the linen sash/waistbands around his waist and wrap the turban around his head. Those are his sacred garments.
Me kakahu e ia te koti rinena tapu; hei tona kikokiko nga tarau rinena, me whitiki ano ki a ia te whitiki rinena, me potae ano te potae rinena: ko nga kakahu tapu enei; mo reira me horoi e ia tona kikokiko ki te wai, ka kakahu ai.
5 The Israeli people must then bring to him two male goats [to be killed] as an offering/sacrifice for sin, and a ram to be [killed and] burned completely [on the altar].
Na ka mau ia ki etahi koati kia rua a te whakaminenga o nga tama a Iharaira hei whakahere hara, kia kotahi hoki te hipi toa hei tahunga tinana.
6 “Aaron must offer the bull [to me] to be a sacrifice in order that (I will forgive his sins and the sins of his family/his sins and the sins of his family will be forgiven).
A ka whakaherea e Arona tana puru mo te whakahere hara, te mea hoki mona, a ka whakamarie mona, mo tona whare hoki.
7 Then he must bring the two male goats to me at the entrance to the Sacred Tent.
Na ka mau ia ki nga koati e rua, ka tapae ki te aroaro o Ihowa ki te whatitoka o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.
8 He must (cast lots/throw down stones that have been marked) to determine which goat will be [sacrificed] to me, and which will be the goat that will be set free.
Na ka maka he rota e Arona mo nga koati e rua, tetahi rota mo ta Ihowa, tetahi rota mo te koati haere noa.
9 Aaron must bring to me the goat that was chosen to be sacrificed. It will be an offering for the people’s sins.
A ka kawea mai e Arona te koati i puta nei ta Ihowa rota ki a ia, a ka whakaherea hei whakahere hara.
10 Aaron must also bring to me the other goat, but it is not to be killed. It will be freed while it is still alive. As a result of Aaron sending it into the desert, the people’s sins will be forgiven.
Ko te koati ia i puta nei te rota ki a ia hei koati haere noa, katapaea oratia ki te aroaro o Ihowa, ki te whakamarie mona, kia tukua ai ki te koraha hei koati haere noa.
11 “Then Aaron must bring the young bull to me, to be an offering/sacrifice for himself and for his family. He must slaughter that bull to be an offering for their sins, [and he must drain the blood into a basin].
A ka kawea e Arona te puru mo te whakahere hara, te mea mona ake, a ka whakamarie mona, mo tona whare hoki, a ka patua te puru mo te whakahere hara, te mea hoki mona ake:
12 Then he must take some burning coals from the [bronze] altar and put them in the incense burner. Then he must fill his hands with fragrant finely-ground incense. Then he must take the incense and the incense burner inside the curtain into the Very Holy Place [of the Sacred Tent].
Na ka mau ki te tahu kakara, ki tonu i nga waro ahi no runga i te aata, i te aroaro o Ihowa; kia ki hoki ona ringa i te whakakakara reka, tuki rawa kia ririki, ka kawe ai ki roto i te arai:
13 There he must put the incense on the burning coals, with the result that a cloud of burning incense will rise up over the lid of the sacred chest. If he obeys these instructions, he will not die [like Korah’s two sons did because of offering incense incorrectly] (OR, [because of being in God’s presence]).
Na ka maka i te whakakakara ki te ahi ki te aroaro o Ihowa, kia ngaro ai i te kapua whakakakara te taupoki i runga i te whakaaturanga, kei mate hoki ia:
14 Then he must dip his finger into [the basin] and sprinkle some blood on the lid of the sacred chest, and also sprinkle some blood seven times against the front of the chest.
Na ka tango i tetahi wahi o te toto o te puru, a ka tauhiuhia e tona maihao ki te taupoki ki te taha ki te rawhiti: kia whitu nga tauhiuhinga a tona maihao i te toto ki te taha ki mua o te taupoki:
15 [“Aaron must then go outside the Sacred Tent] and slaughter the goat to be an offering for the sins of the people. Then he must bring its blood into the Very Holy Place behind the curtain. There he must sprinkle [some of] that blood on the lid of the sacred chest and against the front of the chest, like he did with the bull’s blood.
Katahi ka patua e ia te koati o te whakahere hara, te mea mo te iwi, a ka kawea ona toto ki roto i te arai, a ka pera tana meatanga ki taua toto, me tana ki te toto o te puru, a ka tauhiuhia e ia ki te taupoki, ki mua hoki o te taupoki.
16 By doing that, he will purify the Very Holy Place. And he must sprinkle more of the blood on the Sacred Tent, because the tent is in the midst of the camp of the Israeli people who have become unacceptable to me [because of their sins].
A ka whakamarie mo te wahi tapu, mo te poke o nga tama a Iharaira, mo a ratou mahi tutu i o ratou haranga katoa: kia pera hoki tana meatanga mo te tapenakara o te whakaminenga e tu ana i roto i a ratou i waenganui o to ratou poke.
17 When Aaron goes into the Very Holy Place [in the Sacred Tent] to purify it, no one else is permitted to enter [the other part of] the Sacred Tent. Only after Aaron has performed rituals to enable me to forgive him and his family, and all the Israeli people, is any priest permitted to enter the Sacred Tent.
Kaua ano hoki he tangata mo roto i te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, ina haere ia ki te whakamarie i roto i te wahi tapu, a puta noa mai ki waho, kia oti ra ano te whakamarie mona, mo tona whare, mo te whakaminenga katoa ano hoki o Iharaira.
18 “Then Aaron must go outside the tent to purify my altar. He must do this by smearing some of the blood from the bull and some of the blood from the goat on each of the projections at the corners of the altar.
Na ka puta ia ki te aata, ki tera i te aroaro o Ihowa, mea ai i to reira whakamarie; ka tongo hoki i tetahi wahi o te toto o te puru, o te toto hoki o te koati, ka pani ai ki nga haona o te aata a tawhio noa.
19 Then Aaron must dip his finger into the [basin of] blood and sprinkle some of the blood over the altar seven times. By doing that, he will cleanse it from being unholy [because of the sins] of the Israeli people, and it will become holy again.
Kia whitu hoki nga tauhiuhinga a tona maihao i te toto, a ka purea, ka whakatapua, kia ma ai i te poke o nga tama a Iharaira.
20 “When Aaron has finished purifying the Very Holy Place [inside the Sacred Tent] and all of the Sacred Tent and the altar, he must bring the goat that was chosen to be set free.
A ka oti tana whakamarie mo te wahi tapu, mo te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, mo te aata, na, me kawe mai e ia te koati ora:
21 He must put both of his hands on the head of the goat and confess all the sins [DOU] of the Israeli people. By doing that, he will put [the guilt of] their sins on the head of the goat. Then he must give the goat to a man who is chosen, and that man will send the goat out into the desert.
Na ka pokipoki nga ringa e rua o Arona ki te matenga o te koati ora, ka whaki ai i nga kino katoa o nga tama a Iharaira ki runga i a ia, i a ratou mahi tutu katoa, me o ratou hara katoa; me uta hoki ki runga ki te matenga o te koati, ka tuku ai kia kawea ki te koraha e tetahi tangata e noho rite ana:
22 [It is as though] the goat will carry away into the desert [the guilt for] the sins of all the people.
Na ka mauria e te koati o ratou kino katoa i runga i a ia ki tetahi whenua mokemoke: a ka tukua atu te koati ki te koraha.
23 “When Aaron approaches the Sacred Tent, he must take off the linen clothes that he wore when he [previously] entered the Very Holy Place, and he must leave those clothes there.
Na ka haere a Arona ki roto ki te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, a ka unuhia atu nga kakahu rinena i kakahuria e ia i tona haerenga ki roto ki te wahi tapu, ka waiho hoki ki reira:
24 Then he must bathe in a sacred place, put on his regular/ordinary clothes, and sacrifice the animals that will be burned completely on the altar for his own sins and for the sins of the Israeli people. By doing that he will enable me to forgive him and them.
Me horoi ano e ia tona kikokiko ki te wai ki te wahi tapu, ka kakahu ai i ona kakahu, a ka puta mai ia ki waho, ka mea hoki i tana tahunga tinana, i te tahunga tinana hoki a te iwi, hei whakamarie mona, mo te iwi.
25 He must also burn on the altar all the fat of the bull and the goat that were sacrificed.
Me tahu ano e ia te ngako o te whakahere hara ki runga ki te aata.
26 “The man who was chosen to send the other goat into the desert and free it there must afterwards wash his clothes and bathe. Then he may return to the camp.
Ko te kaituku hoki o te koati hei koati haere noa, me horoi e ia ona kakahu, me horoi ano tona kikokiko ki te wai, a muri iho, ka haere mai ki te puni.
27 The carcasses of the bull and the goat that were slaughtered to be an offering/sacrifice for the people’s sins, whose blood was taken inside the Very Holy Place to enable Yahweh to forgive the Israeli people, must be carried outside the camp and burned. The hides/skins of the animals, the inner organs, and the dung must also be burned.
A ko te puru mo te whakahere hara, me te koati mo te whakahere hara, no raua nei nga toto i kawea ki roto ki te wahi tapu hei whakamarie, me mau ki waho o te puni; a ka tahuna ki te ahi o raua hiako, o raua kikokiko, me to raua paru.
28 The man who burns those things must then wash his clothes and bathe before he returns to the camp.
Na, ko te kaitahu, me horoi ona kakahu, me horoi ano tona kikokiko ki te wai, a muri iho, ka haere mai ki te puni.
29 “On (October/the month after the dry season ends), on the day that I have appointed, you all must (fast/abstain from eating food) and not do any work. This is a rule/law that will never end. It must be obeyed by you people who have been Israelis all your lives, and also by foreigners who are living among you.
Hei tikanga pumau ano tenei ma koutou: i te whitu o nga marama, i te tekau o nga ra o te marama, me whakapouri o koutou wairua, kaua rawa tetahi mahi e mahia, e te tangata whenua, e te manene ranei i roto i a koutou:
30 On that day, Aaron will perform rituals to enable me to forgive you all, and then I will cleanse/free you all from [the guilt of] all your sins and you will become acceptable to me.
Ko a taua rangi hoki te tohunga whakamarie ai mo koutou, hei pure i a koutou i o koutou hara katoa, kia ma ai koutou i te aroaro o Ihowa.
31 That will be a day for you to rest and not do any work, like the Sabbath days, and you must (fast/abstain from eating food) all that day. That is a permanent command/law for you all to obey.
Hei hapati okiokinga taua ra ki a koutou, me whakapouri o koutou wairua: hei tikanga pumau.
32 In future years, [after Aaron has died], this ritual/ceremony to enable me to forgive you all [DOU] will be performed by the Supreme Priest who is anointed [with olive oil] and appointed to serve instead of his ancestor Aaron. He must put on the sacred clothes made of linen
Me whakamarie ano te tohunga e whakawahia nei ia, e whakatohungatia hoki hei tohunga i muri i tona papa, me kakahu ano nga kakahu rinena, nga kakahu tapu:
33 and offer sacrifices to purify the Very Holy Place, all of the Sacred Tent, the altar, the priests, and all the Israel people [like Aaron did].
Me whakamarie ia mo te wahi tapu, me whakamarie ano mo te tapenakara o te whakaminenga, mo te aata hoki; me whakamarie ano mo nga tohunga, mo nga tangata katoa hoki o te whakaminenga.
34 This will be a permanent command/law for you to obey once every year, to enable me to forgive you Israeli people for the sins that you have committed.” Moses/I obeyed all those instructions/commands that Yahweh had given to him/me.
Hei tikanga pumau tenei ki a koutou, kia whakamarie mo nga tama a Iharaira, mo o ratou hara katoa: kia kotahi meatanga i te tau. Na ka meinga e ia ta Ihowa i whakahau ai ki a Mohi.

< Leviticus 16 >